01/20/2004-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, Jill UARY 20, 2004 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA January 5, 2003 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Fallmeadows, Phase III. Property is Located within the City of Sanger's E.T.J. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Sidewalks. 6. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more Athe above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter Will'bo� made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. , n, s Rosalie Chavez, City: retary pa �n Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair acce#ssible°OOii• accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 5, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, City Engineer Mark Owens, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Kim Hall, Charles Freeman, Dorothy Nubine, Rhonda Eakman, Erroll Perdue, Kathy Perdue, Margaret Ware, Ruby Davis, Peggy Haskins, Bonnie Logan, Reginald Logan, Chanse Slater, Rachel Green, Arlene Thomas, Taisey Jones, Sam Jones Sr., Donald Jones, Mae Jones, Georgia Royal, Shannon Haskins, Franklin Haskins, Ashley Haskins, Faye Roberson, Stephanie Roberson, J.P. Haskins, Bea Chambers, Angela McDade, Gail Goodner, Lurline Freeman 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Pastor Reginald Logan led the Invocation, and Councilman Evans led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 15, 2003 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Change from Old Single Family 3 (SF3) to Industrial 1( I-1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. Rhonda Eakman, 600 Houston St., indicated they need a place to store a couple of pickups each night, and a place for them to operate out of. They will put brick, landscape, sod and anything they would require. They will not be retail. Very seldom will there be any more than 3 trucks come to the property. They will be pulling at trailer so she did not feel speed would be an issue. Faye Roberson, spoke in opposition, she felt that Sanger has storage facilities, and in the best interest of the neighborhood, she felt it would be best to leave the area residential. Gail Goodner, 103 N. 6th Street, indicated she was against any building, once the property is zoned, it will open the door for that property to be used as industrial. It is residential and she would like for it to stay residential. Dorothy TqNubine, 301 Willow St., indicated she would like for it to stay residential. There is already a mess down there and they don't want to see more. Beatrice Chambers, 32(ailroad Avenue, prefer it stay residential. When she built her home it was residential. Peggy Haskins, 305 E. Willow, spoke in opposition of the request, would like their neighborhood to grow as a residential area. They would like homes next to them, not businesses. Reginald Logan, pastor of Galilee Baptist, indicated it is currently residential, they would like to see it stay residential. Homes mean possible increased membership for his church. Industrial property, would be an obstacle for hi wom. Charles Freeman, 7204 Coacll te, Dallas, TX., owner of the property, asked for the Council to consider the zoning change. His property was previously zoned as light industrial and was changed without his knowledge. His property has been up for sale for a year and a half. All interested for residential purpose were no longer interested when they saw it was so close to the railroad. There are four vacant lots, where homes used to be, the property directly across the street is being used for the same purpose - storage. The homes that have been demolished have not been rebuilt. He felt the lot should be used for some purpose, and this would generate revenue Donald Jones, Railroad Ave., spoke in opposition of the request. Margaret Ware, 511 N 2"d, indicted she felt it should stay residential because if the land is sold, then anything could be put there. Angela McDade, 216 Railroad Ave, spoke in opposition of the change, indicated they cannot get home improvement loans if the property is zoned industrial. The tax revenues of homes will bring revenue to the City. Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Change from Old Single Family 3 (SF3) to Industrial 1(I-1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 325. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. City Manager indicated the Planning and Zoning Commission denied the zoning change with a 5 to 1 vote. Councilman Evans moved to deny the request. Councilman Ervin second. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary and a Final Plat for Slater Addition. Property is Located within the City of Sanger's E.T.J. City Manager indicated the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved the plat. 0000 Councilman James moved to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat for Slater Addition. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Solid Waste Collection Rate Increase from I.E.S.I. and Ordinance #01-01-04 - Amending the Code of Ordinances to Include the Increase. Discussed this was a consumer price increase. Councilman Evans moved to accept the increase, and to adopt Ordinance #02-01-04. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #01-02-04 -Annexing the Following Properties. METZ ESTATES, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-b, AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TEXAS. TRACT b5A (1), BEING 1.4132 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TRACT 67, BEING 0.057 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TRACT $, BEING 242.275 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TRACT 330, BEING 390.387 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY Councilman Higgs moved to adopt Ordinance # O1-02-04. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection Services and/or Ambulance Services Between the City of Sanger and Denton County. Councilman James moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement for Fire Protection. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #01-03-04 -Amending the Metal Building Ordinance. Councilman James indicated they have come a long way from metal buildings. The Council chose to modify the ordinance to make business put brick across the front. Now if its on the side, the front and side have to be bricked, he would like to see it be bricked on all 4 sides. Councilman Evans indicated if they did that, it would not be a metal building. Councilman James indicated he called Curves, and asked them that if ordinance was more rigid would they have still come to Sanger, he said yes he would. Mr. James indicated that he felt the City Council owes it to the community to make Sanger a nice place. When someone drives down the highway, he would like them to see nice buildings. He did not feel an investor or business owner would be driven away because they have to brick the building. Discussion. Councilman James indicated they need to decide what they want the town to look like, and indicated that he would like the ordinance to be applicable to I4 and I-2 if the building faces the Interstate. MPA systems building looks really nice. Councilman Higgs suggested they have some input on it and bring it back for consideration at a later date. Councilman James asked the Planning and Zoning members if they had any input. Shelley Ruland indicated that she had a problem requiring industrial buildings to have brick on the front. She felt it would be difficult to make large industrial buildings have an exterior masonry facade, and if you don't make them you can't make the small buildings do it. Polly Dwyer indicated the highway needed to be aesthetically pleasing. If she did not know Sanger, she would not stop in Sanger. The growth will come, and they will brick their buildings. She felt they should definitely go with at least 3 sides. The businesses will come in and do as little as possible. Councilman Evans, indicated he did not feel that there should be any houses along the highway, he felt they should be planning long term for the rest of the land along the highway, and felt that was more important than changing this ordinance at this time. Councilman Higgs indicated he felt they should table it. Mayor tabled for next meeting and a workshop. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance 44111-04-04 -Regarding Sign Variance Procedures. City Manager indicated that the City Attorney recommended they put sign variances before the Board of Adjustments and not to the City Council. Discussion. Mayor indicated he did not like to give more authority to the Board of Adjustments than they had to. Councilman Evans indicated he would Like to see it put on the agenda to find out how the error happened at Ranger Creek. Councilman James asked if this was just to change the variances to go before the Board of Adjustments. City Secretary indicated it was and that she had advised them at the last meeting this would come before them. Councilman Ervin moved to deny Ordinance #O1-04-04. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1. Councilman James voted no. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Parks Board. City Manager had indicated Paul Edelman had also expressed interest in serving. Councilman James moved to appoint Georgia Royal, Shannon Willoughby and Nathan Ervin. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Ervin indicated that he felt they need some younger people on the boards. Councilman Garza moved to appoint Georgia Royal, Nathan Ervin and Paul Edleman to the Parks Board and Katharine Wordell to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried. Councilman Ervin abstained. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Progress of Street Construction Project. City Engineer indicated when they started it wasn't the intention to put in curb and gutter. The water flows from the south west to the north east, by the time they got to Oak and Willow they were going to have to put in very significant drainage culverts to handle the water. When they get closer to completion, they will come back and look at putting in a drainage system along Willow and get rid of the ditches. Mayor asked when it will be finished. City Engineer indicated the cost is a lot less to do a section all at once, instead of one street at a time. The rain and weather conditions have been a factor. In retrospect they should have done some things differently. They will not start the next phase until everything else is complete. City Manager indicated the cost to clean ditches, etc. was so great they chose to go with curb and gutter. Mark explained all of the obstacles they have faced with some of the outside companies. Councilman Ervin felt they should asphalt all of the streets, do what they need to do, and then come back in and do the final two inches. 0600 � Councilman Evans indicated he has had many complaints about doing curb and gutter on the West side and not on the East side. Councilman Evans asked what the plan was for Diane Street. Mark Owens indicated they could pulverize the street and relay it. Councilman Evans indicated there were a lot of other streets that need to be fixed before this one. Mark Owens indicated they would overlay it. Councilman Evans asked if they were going to repair the East end of Church street. City Engineer indicated they were not. Councilman Evans indicated that he felt the City Engineer should tell them. Councilman Ervin asked if they were going to put in sidewalks. N City►anager indicated many people have very small front yards, and if you put in 4 foot sidewalks you will take a good portion of the yards and a lot of trees. Councilman Ervin indicated he just wanted it clarified as to whether or not they would be putting in sidewalks. City Manager indicated they will try to put sidewalks in some areas of town. Councilman James indicated the biggest amount of calls he had received is because of the curbs on the West side and not on the East. He has explained that the drainage is an issue. Discussion. Councilman Evans indicated he felt they should fix the end of Church street. Discussion. Dorothy Nubine indicated the creek between Railroad Avenue and Sims gets water standing in it during a rain. Mayor indicated staff is researching who owns the street at the end of Church. Councilman Ervin asked what the deadline was on the streets. City Engineer indicated the pavers will be coming in on Wednesday, they are hoping to have it completed in a month. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #01-01-04 - Authorizing, and Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearing on Systemwide Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvement Plan for the Designated Water/Wastewater Service Areas Under Which and Impact Fee May be Imposed. Councilman Evans moved to approve Resolution #Ol-Ol-04. seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 15. Meeting Adjourned. Councilman Ervin 1/1612004 616 P[T1 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND A 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL REGULAR DER�ARTMENT PnYMENT REGISTER "AGE r 1 VE't NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION UIECKT-i AMOUNT 99-11GGO COVER ONE I-7962 OOHO-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 50 MATTE COVERS 000000 aS, 25 DEAARTMENT f� MAYOR CITY COUNCIL TOTAL; 1/16/200A 3.16 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGEz c VENDOR SETS 99 FUND a 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARIMEMT: 15 ADMINISTRATION UE1' NAME ITEM +t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01310� JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-508461 001-15-5355 R & M VEHICLE COIL ASM 000000 16.80 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA 1®41587 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES 000000 303n37 99-02480 SPRINT 1-41588 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 000000 62A86 99-02490 SPRINT _ CENTEL 1-41618 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT ® CENTEL 000000 261.62 99-06490 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE I�41496 001-15-5440 MEDICAL SERVI PRE—EMPLY PHYSICALS & DRUG SCR 000000 122®50 DEi=ARTMENT 15 ADMINISiRATIC�N TOTALS 76715 1/16/E004 3;i6 PH REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND a 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. SO POLICE VET" NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME. DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-209816 G 1—GG—;S10 OFFICE SUPPLI POLICE DEPT LETTERHEAD ENVEL 000000 97,88 99—�G79O COUNTY BUILDING CENTER S—iGBG4433 OO1 GO-53iG REF°AIR MASH PIPE FITTINGS GO BOG 8.53 99—GL48+� SPRINT 99—G;349A 5F°RINT —CENTEL 99-1�3O1G NEBB AUTO PARTS 99—G751O MGTGRGLA 99-08430 VALVOLINE COMPANY 99-11170 GAVIN I-4i588 I-41618 GAi—SA-55fO TELEF'HGNE SER SPRINT GGGGB� 55.14 GA1�20-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT _ CENTEL 000000 13100 I`2383 I-41311 001—E0-5311 I-91940103 001-20-5325 5-41302 001-20401E R � N MOTOR V OILpASR�FUEL FILTERS,NIPERS R M EQUIPME 11 REPLACEMENT ANTENNA R & M MOiGR i t�OTGR GSL COMPUTER E�?US CGP�` MACHIPdE LEASE ttEPARiMENT RG F'GLICE OBGBOA kiG"�GGG GSn�O�O GGGGBG TOTAL: SG.44 GG6.49 34. G3 168. CG i39.71 1/16/2004 3sIG PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 4 VENDOR SETn 99 FUND e 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT% 22 ANIMAL CONTROL VET' NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK* AMOUNT 99-03010 WEDD AUTO PARTS I�2383 4001-22-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS,WIPERS 000000 20.44 99-0843O VALVOLINE COMPANY I-91940103 001-22-5325 R & M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL O0GGGO 34=23 DEPARTMENT R2 ANIMAL COPdTROL TOTAL. 54n67 Gt�� ZO 1/16/2004 3116 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACE; 5 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND e 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT VEP' NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-41426 001�24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MAKERS 000000 100000 991,0790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10004164 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME 2 DRILL HITS 000000 2a98 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10004176 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME BOLTS,NUTS,SCREWS,WASHERS,PVC 000000 30,76 99--00960 FIREFICHTER'S PENSION C Ip4i603 001-24-5145 PENSION FUND FIREFIGHTER'S PENSION GOM 000000 1,655,00 99-02190 RITE —WELD 1�155547 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME MEDICAL OXYGEN 00000, 45,00 99-02480 SPRINT I-41569 00.1-24 5510 TELEPHONE SER 'SPRINT 000000 12a56 99-02490 SPRINT — CENTEL 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS '' 99-06600 EMP 99-07750 HOME DEF'OT!GECF 99—GB430 VALVOLINE COMPANY I-416i8 001-24m5510 I-23B3 001-24-5325 I-520164 OGi-24-5375 141444 001�24-5375 I-91940103 001-24-5325 99-12010 FERRARA FIRE AF'PARAiUS I-47396 001-24-5375 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT — CENTEL 00,01000 43,51 R M MOTOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS,WIPERS 000000 2& 44 MINOR EQUIPME AWARDS FOR ANNUAL BANQUET 000000 194265 i4INOR EQUIPME NEW RESCUE TRUCK TOOLS 000000 1,207e33 R � M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL 000000 34.23 iIPdOR EQUIPME STRETCHER 000000 307s00 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEA'AR I MEPdT TOTAL: u�, 654, 46 1/16/5004 3%16 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 VENDOR SETo 99 FUND a a 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTe C6 MUNICIPAL COURT VE! NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATABUSINESSFORMS INC I-209817 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI ENVELOPES,LETTERHEAD,,IACF,ETS 000000 550070 99—O2'4P0 SPRINT I '+f5D6 OG1-F6-551G TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 000000 5e56 99-0E49O SP°RINT —CENTRE 141618 001E —5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT — CEiTEL OOOiOOO L60 99-11210 SAK'KO & BURROUGHS, LLP I-41337 001-26-3425 LEGAL SERVICE DEC COURT 000000 500000 DEPARTMENT 56 MUNICIP'AL COURT TOTALa 1,O8F'053 1/16/2004 3:16 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGEM 7 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND : 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS VEP NAME ITEM D G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-00390 BILL —UTTER �FORD, —INC. � I-189198 001-30-53E5 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE LINE 000000 28UGE 9910640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES 1-41426 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKERS 000000 3133 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-508488 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V FILTERS 000000 2109 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPP I-26836 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS 50 CAPS & CROSSES 000000 7 100 99�03010 !EBB AUTO PARTS I—c383 001-30-53;�5 99-08E`30 RELIABLE OFFICE SUF'PLIE I-40600 001-30--5�'10 99--08430 VALVOLINE COMPANY 1-91940103 001-30—�5325 99-08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-435813 001-30-5325 99-11040 U & D ENTERPRISES, INC. I-701G 001-30-5355 R � M MOTOR V O=L,AtR,FUEL FiLiERS,NIF'�.RS 00�000 EOa4�m OFFICE SUPPLI INK,TAPE CART,FOLDERS,MISC 00000{0 2185s69 R & M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL 000000 34:23 R M MOTOR V TAIL LIGHTS 000000 1I.58 BEARING APPAR GLOVES 000000 060.00 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTALa 1,363a98 OC�C�3 1/16/2004 3;16 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER CAGE: n VENDOR SE`, 99 FUND : 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. 32 PARKS VET'" NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00930 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY 1�408010 001-32-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE 68 GALLONS 000000 95.20 99-12000 D & D LANDSCAPE SERVICE 1-15313 001-32-5343 BALL FIELD MA 4 PALLETS OF GRASS 000000 305500 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTALn 400x20 1/16/2004 3*16 PM VENDOR SET* 99 FUND * 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT* 34 POOL REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER 'JE' NAME 'ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02490� SPRINT- CENTEL I-41619 001-34-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT - CENTEL 000000 90.51 DEF'ART�iENT 34 Pt�OL TOTAL* 90.c1 1/16/2004 3s16 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGEe f0 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND a 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VE' NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-005I10 CINTAS COPR. #492 1-49243072 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP SHOP TOWELS 00,0000 50,17 99-00790 COUNT' pUILDING CENTER I-10004369 001 36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP 1000436G 000%I00 6.911 99-01310 IIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 99�08430 VALVOLINE COMPANY 99-11670 CHEM—SERVq INC I-50848G 001--36-5325 12383 001-36-5325 I®91940103 001—,K.5 25 I-040301 001-36 265 R � M MOTOR V FILTERS R M MOTOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS,WIPERS R M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL CLEANING SUPP DISINFECTANT & SPRAYER DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTEP�ANCE 000000 12,55 000000 10,23 000000 17.12 000000 50,90 TOTAL. f47,95 1/16/2004 3a16 PM VENDOR SET: 99 FUND a OOi DEPARTMENT. 40 GENERAL FUND SULLIVAN CENTER REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE a I 1 VEi NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK,; AMO{JNT 99-02490 SPRINT — CENTEL 1-41615 001—W5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT — CENTEL 000000 42,03 99-0841� CHAfi�PION CARPET CLEANIN I-414G3 GO1-4O-6Gc:G DLDGe IMPP,OVE vR CENTER CARPET CLEANING DEPARTMEPdT 4G SiJLLIVAN CENTER TOTAL: �360 0J R78BG 1/16/2004 3:1G PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPART MEN T : 42 Library y Vc` NAME ITEM 99�00690 DALLAS MORNING NEWS I-414G1 99-01410 KIDS DISCO'dER I-414G3 99-Oc4B0 SPRINT I-4f5BB 99�Oc490 SPRINT - CENTEL I-41G1B 9904330 BETTER HOMES & GARDENS I-41512 99-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC. I-4c418 99-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC, I-44815 F'AGE: 12 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CNECK# ANnUNi 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES d S SUBSCRIPTION 000000 1$0a00 001-4c-5cc5 MAGAZINES & S SUBSCRIPTIONS 000000 1195 001-4c-55i0 00I-4c-5510 001�-4c-5cc5 001-4c-G050 001-4c-G050 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT - CENTEL MAGAZINES & S SUBSCRIPTION BnnKn BnnKn BOOKS BOOK 000000 0��ti�00 000 99-097Br? MIDWEST TAPE I--7c9�13 ��Oi-4c-GOSO BOOi'S DVD GOPO�?G 99-09780 MIDWESI TAPE 1-731771 001-42-6030 BOOKS MOVIES 000000 99-09780 MIDWEST TAPE I-734172 001-424050 BOOKS DVD 000000 9910760 BRODART CO I-619379 00142-6050 BOOKS 24 BOOKS 000000 99-10760 BRODART CO I�G42600 001-42--6050 BOOKS BOOKS 000000 99-10760 BRODART CO I-G2730 001-42-6050 BOOKS 34 BOOKS 000000 99-11130 LANDMARK AUDIOBOOKS I-153642 00i-42-6050 BOOKS 7 AUDIO TAPES 000000 DEF'ARTMEPdT 4c Litrar�y TOTAL: L�lfi 74.53 cc, 00 39.BB v9a42 17,84 37Ga rB cG. 93 578.c7 140, 00 1 � G00, G8 1/16/2004 3#1G PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET# 99 FUND # 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT# 44 Community Center VE' NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECH AMOUNT 99-OVOG4O COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-414EG 001�W53iO R & M DUILDIN ICE MAKERS OOE#O l�U.00 99-0tIJ0 HOME DEPOT/GECF I�3G71533 vvjl- 4-531G R M DUILDIN HOT HATER NEATER SR CENTER 159.CO DEPARTMENT 44 Coonunity Center TOTAL# 259.GO 1/16/2004 3.I6 PM VENDOR SET: 99 FUND : 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 70 DEDT SERVICE VF' NAME REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER TEN fF G/L ACCOUNT NHHL 99—t0740 UPION FEDERAL SAVINGS I-41586 0�+1-7G-7G09 RAGE: 14 DESCRIPTION CFECI{f� ApiGUNT LEASE PAYMENT ACCH 175600066 000000 E',I05a45 DE�'ARTMENT 70 DEDT SERVICE VENDOR SET 031 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: c4�iP95al-:5 TOTAL : %j4p 577a iL 1/16/2004 QmIG PM VENDOR SET: SS FUND F 008 DEPARTMENIa 10 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RESISTER ENTERPRISE FUND Mayan and City Council PPGE= 15 UEI NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEW AMOUNT 99-11GGO COVER ONE I-796L 00G-10 Se10 OFFICE SUPPLI 50 MATTE COVERS 000000 3C'.25 DEPARTMENT 10 Mayar and City Ca�sncil TOTALo 1f1612004 3a16 PH REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 VENDOR SETa 99 FUND a 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEP'ARTMENTa 15 ADninistrat ion VF ? NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CWECKAMOUNT 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET I-508461 OW15-53E5 R & M VEHICLE COIL ASH 000000 16.80 99-0i9�:0 NICHOLS, ,IACKSO�dg DILLA I-�+1587 008--15--5481 LE�3AL SERVICE GENrRAL LE�3AL SERVICES 00000�i u03.37 99-00480 SPRINT I-41588 008�15-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 000000 6L.86 99--02490 SPRINT CENTEL 1-41618 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT - CENTEL 000000 c61.61 99-06490 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE I-4i496 008-15-5440 MEDICAL SERVI P°RE-EMPI_`( PHYSICALS &DRUG SCR 00CaaJ00 1 RC'. 50 DLP'ARTNEtdT 15 Atl�ini�ct��lior° TOTALa 767.14 lliG/2004 3016 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 VENDOR 5ET. 99 FUND : 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT¢ 36 Vehicle Maintenance VE NAME ITEM 1 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99,10580--CINTAS COPR. 449E 1-492430'72 008®36-5e65 CLEANING SUPP SHOP TOWELS 000000 50,18 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 141Gk�M4369 008 36W-5L45 MECHANIC SHOP 100043168 0000030 6.98 rt 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-508488 008-36 53E5 R & M MOTOR V FILTERS 000060 1C.54 99-�i3G10 WEBB AUTO PARTS 99-G843�� VALVOLINE COMPANY 99-11670 CHEM-SERV, I�1C I-2383 008-36-5325 I-9194C�103 G�8�36-53�5 i-04G3��1 ��8-36-5E65 R M MOTOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS,WIPERS R M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL CLEANING '.SUPFDISINFECTANT � 5F'RAYER DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance G8GG % 10.24 Qs�OGGG 17.1^ G�t�GGA 5G.'9G TOTAL; 147.96 1/16/2004 3016 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 VENDOR SETc 99 FUND a GOD ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 30 Water VEI NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKO AMOUNT 99--00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES IW41426 003-50-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKERS 000000 6 `3 � 99-00790 C!JNTY BUILDING CENTER I f0004384 COB-50-5360 R t OTHER PIPE 000�,00 4.38 99--OF`560 SAS TELEMETRY 99-05480 SF'RIpiT 99-OL490 �PFiiNT - CENTEL 99-05610 HUGHES SUPPLY, INC 99-00"910 UPPER TRINITY 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF 99 08430 VALVOLINE COMPANY I-41604 008-50-�5360 i-41588 OOB 50-5510 f�i��t,I�i1IIIl�f[A] I--39564070 008-50-5360 I-41519 008-50-54e0 i-w38.3 008�50-53E5 141501 008-50-53GO I�91940103 003-50�5355 99-089�0 FRY'S MOTOR SHOP, ANC I-60023 008-50-5360 99--11040 U & D ENTERPRISES, INC. 1�7040 008 W5560 I R I M OTHER QUAIL RUN9l:ALMART OVERHEAD TELEPHONE SER SPRINT TELEPHONE SER SPRINT _ CENTEL R � �i OTHER CLAMPS,COUF'LINGS,PIPE CONTRACTUAL S ADMINISTRATIVE FEE R & M 140TOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS,WIPERS R & M OTHER 3 HEATERS R & M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL R & M OTHER PUMP,PLUG SAFETY EQUIPM SAFETY SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT 50 laser. 000000 000000 000000 0004�'30 000000 0$i00t0 000000 �00000 000000 Y1ZiYtCloo TOiALa 1,044.00 5.78 i17.64 1, 541.00 153.71 34. c3 436.11 6, 847.36 RGZyy aG m VgmR+S y FUND ; mn «mT±3RE?GK G my: 2 u NAME ITEM 2L«mAlm+ y±gRla D±& MUM 99d640 §LRGmLImmyIES lI76% myya»i D?lmL±? MAGNUM R& mmm §2147 +mR!!I GI y a«, %!y D tea bn yq2 \SQg PAGE: E0 I/IG/8004 3oIG PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 FUND DEPARTMENT* o 008 54 ENTERPRISE FUND Waste Water Treatment VF`eft NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-41347 008-54-5223 a943i350 SCHLUTER ENGa & COMMa 1- 41356 008-54-51230 99--0E480 SPRINT 141588 008-54-5510 99-0R490 SPRINT — CENTEL 1-41618 008-54-5510 99-02'490 SPRINT — CENTEL 1-41GI8 008-54-5510 99-03�air%i WEPB A�.1T0 PARTS I—E383 008®54-5385 9348430 VALVOLINE COMPANY I-91940103 008-54-53F:5 99-11990 FLO TEC 1-9820 008-54�53429 DESCRIPTION CHEC1;# CHEMICAL SUPP GLOVES 000000 MINOR TOOLS RADIO 000000 sELEPHONE SER SPRINT 000000 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT . CENTEL 000000 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT — CENTEL 000000 R M MOTOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS,WIPERS 000000 R M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL 000000 R M SEWER P 8" DEZURIK 8GS LUG BODY 000lilt 00 DEP'ARTNENT 54 Waste Water Treataent TOTALo AMOUhJ'f lb L60a00 0a48 J c 00 68a64 Loa 44 34.23 4Ff3a 00 3, 386a 95 1/16/2004 Q:a16 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 FUND : 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENTG 58 Electric Department VE° NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 994JOG40 COMMERCIAL SERVICES 1-41426 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MAKERS ��-OL480 SPRINT I-Y��88 OOB-�+B--:,51� 99 0F490 SPRINT - CENTEL i 41618 008-58-55f0 99-Oc690 TECHLi�lE I-14193:60 008-58-60c0 99-02'690 TECHLINE I-1419363 008`8-6020 99-Op:f90 TECHLINE I-14194'5 008-58-60E0 99-0E690 TECHLINE 1-1419517 008-58-60c:0 99-0E690 I ECHLINE Iw4419521 008�584020 99-02690 TECHLINE 1,4419558 008-58-60E0 5'1-02690 TECHLINE 1�14195ft 008-58-6�r"::k.� 99-02690 TECHLINE 1-1606456 008-58-6020 913°02G% TECHLINE I41267 008-58-6020 99�02'690 TECHLINE 1-412'85 008-58--6020 '�9-OS730 TExAS METER � DEVICE I-396L5 Or�B-58�5355 99--03010 NE88 AUTO FARTS I-E383 008-58-53E5 99-04F'90 SANDER CHAMBER OF CUM ME I�41#L5 0��8-58-5G35 9 75O HOME DEPOTIGECF I-1020134 008-58-5c50 99-08190 DISPLAY SALES I-2E118 008-58-80E0 99--08430 VALVOLiNE COM�PA�lf I 99-10�'80 RLTEC CAPITAL I-9f940103 008-58-53L5 I-5f47S 008-58-5345 PAGEo 21 CHECKW A IOUNT 000000 33.34 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT �00000 3.83 TELEPHONE SER S�RIPdT - CEN(EL. �9'f0000 94. f6 iMPROVEiici�TS JJ�:B� MIRE OO�a000 7,83c. a6 IMPROVEMENTS CONNECTORS 000000 56.00 IMPROVEMENTS 500' COPPER WIRE 000000 510.00 IMPROVEMENTS AMPACT GUN 000000 485.95 IMPROVEMENTS ADAF'TERS,FUSES 0,00000 IE0.46 IMF°ROVEMC14TS 2001 WIRE 00,00O0 ®72.0CA IMPROVEMENTS 20 RIGID COULINGS 000000 42.40 IMPROVEMENTS CONNECTORS,LOADBREAK INSERTS 21010000 13 50 IMPROVEMENTS 1419395-00,1419396-00 000000 1,460.75 IMPROVEMENTS 400' CONDUIT 000000 1,952.00 METER MAIhdTEN TEST � REPAIR METERS 00�0000 15#.5�� R � M MOTOR V OIL,AiR,FUEL FILTERS,NIPERS 000!a0>~r �OR.44 DiJES 4 REGISi PEF18ERSHI(=° '�02000 3:65.00 °iIPwOR TCIOLS SIBI VLEi4PJEEP, �dU I S, RATCHET, M i SC 000000 110.84 IMPROVEMENTS f575 COL9R LIGHTS 0030000 1,r988.80 R rT M MOTOR V MOTOR OIL OOOOOr9 34.�3 LEASE E(7UIPME LEASES F:fec4 0000°¢3�n 3,503°.30 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Depar'1�enV WIT ALm 18,158.66 VENDGR SET 0+08 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: 3`�, 6;y9.7`� REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 65,2eC.91 1/16/2004 3416 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGEZ G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** ==-��=��®LINE TTEM�=�r==n== m�N4m=--GROUP BUDGET•=�===== ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE DUDS BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDS c003-3'Ooi+ 001-10-5810 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3L.�:5 900 731.46 001-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE 16280 500 441 70 00115-0425 LEGAL SERVICES 6.& 7,800 690�6.13 001-15-5440 MEDICAL SERVICES 1222.50 19600 11477¢50 Ooi-15�5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES W "i¢ 48 696010 4979108 001--20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 97,88 59300 39156.22 001-20--5310 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE BLDG, 153 89000 79916,47 001�210�5311 R & M EQUIPMENT 426,49 59500 15829¢51 001� 20- 5 {35 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE J N 67 109 oo0 79 387, 01 001�20-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 19o¢14 39000 9c93.77 00i�210-6010 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 162.00 9,000 51513¢00 001-E2-5321 R x M MOTOR VEHICLE 54.67 300 183.95 001-,24-5145 PENSION FUND lY 656. 00 5, 700 49 044¢ 00 001-54-5305 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 54,67 79000 5,990.13 001-04-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 19787,7E 149800 1948E.54 001-24®5450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1o0.00 39300 19998.00 001-54-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 56,07 i9`Glo0 3178 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 550,70 39500 454.34 001-26-542'5 LEGAL SERVICES 500,00 79000 51000,00 0r01�26-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 31,83 800 646,19 0211 -30-52 lf, OFFICE SUPPLIES 2Egi J, 69 19 500 7cy419 001 '0 5E55 NEARING APPAREL 060, 00 49 510,0 31403, 50 0�01-3O�5310 R & M BUILDING 33.33 O9Go0 29360,08 iOYI-30-53y5 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 119696 99ki00 790131.86 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS 7E5,Eel0 69Oo0 55 11174 001W32- 3 0 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL JW..20 I9coo 5,476.48 001-35�5343 BALL FIELD MAINTENANCE 30100 79o0g0 61695,00 001-34 5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 90,E1 19000 65L,24 001-36-245 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 6,98 GOO 485,60 001-36-5E65 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101,07 700 5F'4,68 001�36-53E5 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 39.9el Belo 400.31 0i;1 40 5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 4C,03 600 426.5I ,101'4)0-6U 0 BLDG. IMPROVEMENTS 236¢85 06115 01014E--2KJ MAGAZINES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 421,95 19027 3JJsJt � 001-42531' TELEPHONE SERVICES 79.36 i 9 670, 11362236 i o$I1-4B-6o50 BOOf,S 1, 299¢ 37 69 900 49 374¢ EO T 001�W'210 R & M BUILDING L 9.00 it soO 617¢ 19 T 001-70-7009 LEASE PAYMENTS {FIRE EQUIP 241105,45 43910E 104,014,73- Y 008�10-5E10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3R.55 900 731.47 008-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE 16¢80 500 48100 E 008-15-54E5 LEGAL SERVICES 303,37 79800 690c6,i6 008- 15-5440 MEDICAL SERVICES 12c,5o 19600 1141L 008 15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 324¢47 0 19800,87- Y 008-36 5E45 MECHANIC SHOP SUP'P''LIES 6¢ 98 60el 485¢ 6E 008-36-5465 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101,08 700 5L4®7E I/IG/2004 3:IG PrI REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER RAGE, 23 G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** ROUF BUDGET-==®r W ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YE[m ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BURG 008-36-53E5 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 39,9) 8010 400133 0'08-50 5E6' SAFETY EQUIPMENT C, 494. 214 G, 500 E, 635. 44 008-50-5310 R & M BUILDING F2 33 # 1,866.67 008-50�53E5 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 54.67 51000 4,040.54 008-50`260 R M OTHER E, GOO.70 81,01000 7011 Nu 35 008�50-54r,0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19541.00 1001000 741841 6G 008-50-55I0 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1234242 1, 00•o 610,91 008-58-583 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 1,G:79.47 5,000 15,7IG.68 008 54 5853 CHEMICAL SUIPLIES L1541 16 105000 75310.04 008-54-5250 MINOR TOOLS 560. 0O II no 740. 00 008-54-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 54.67 11750 ISK1 60 008-54-5323 R & M SEWER PLANT 4�'1 00 94�00 8,09E.62 0108-54-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 107.11 I,000 681.15 008 58p5835 DUES & REGISTRATIONS '65.00 80,000 13,6f4.JO 008-58--5E50 MINOR TOOLS i10.84 105000 9119167 008�502-53,25 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE .54.67 71500 5,548.53 002 58-5345 LEASE EOUIPMENII0181cNo a, 0.00-58-5355 METER MAINTENANCE 154.50 15,!=r3u 14,608aQ O'v8-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33.34 67,600 65,606.8e 008-58-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 97.'39 1,000 731.73 008-58-6000 IMPROVEMENTS 13$950.02 E005000 164,07J.98 *', L003-E0+04 YEAR TOTALS *# G5, E06.91 �n D'-��Ar9RT��iEt�T TOTALS �. ACCT NAML AMOUNT 001�10MRVOR Q CTiV COUNCILJOLICE 3c.E5 001-I5 ADMINISTRATI01� 767.15 0G I EG ANIMAL CONTROL 67 Gm01-24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 3;654.46 0��1-FG MUNICIPAL COURT 1,08c,53 001 30 STREETS 1,363.98 001-32 PARKS �r0Ll 20 001-34 FOOL 90.E1 0£1 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 147.95 001-40 SULLIVAN CENTER E78.88 001-42 Library 1, 60G.68 00I-44 Carmunit p CenterE59.00 001-70 DEBT SERVICE 043105.45 001 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 34,577.1E 008-10 M4or and Cizy Council Gc. F'S ff1EfEAD4 3,0;16 PM REGULAR DEPARTIMIENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. �4 m DEPARTMENT TOTALS r:a ACC i NAII#E A DD—l� Administration SAD—�S vehicle Maintenance P�1C--CD 4daste Idv.er' Collect icf A08-54 Write Water Treatment H, 58 Elect ic Department 08 TDTAC ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL .t n NC ERRURS �� END L1F REPCIRT �� viril 7C7.14 t 47t 96 C, 547® K 1s E790 47 g u866 95 50® ES uD,S29v79 C54 EAE. 91 �L'�3Q January 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Fallmeadows The Engineer's approval letter is attached. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the plat. MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER December 12, 2003 Mr, Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Falimeadow Phase III —Final Plat 23 Residential Lots Sanger ETJ Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have fmished a fmal review of the Final Plat as prepared and submitted by Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3, 1987, and Ordinance No. 05-06-01. My review comments are as follows: General 1. The property is generally located north of FM 455 and west of Union Hill Road in the eastern portion of the City's ETJ. Final Plat and Construction Details 1. The preliminary plat and construction details for Fallmeadows Phases II and III were previously approved. Only phase II was platted and constructed. The construction plans for Phase III are still valid even though the County has recently changed their subdivision ordinance. The preliminary plat for project was approved prior to the County Commissioners adopting the new ordinance 2. In general the Final Plat complies with City ordinances and I would recommend approval. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. S' erely; Lark T. wens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Lee Allison, P.E. —Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. P.O. Box 596 PHONE: 940-391-4845 mdintx gigiide.net January 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Sidewalks Councilman Ervin requested this item be placed on the agenda. �'��a3� MONTHLY REPORT )ANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY DECEMBER 2003 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: Between illness and vacations, the library was short staffed this month. December is usually a quiet month, though, and library service was almost up to standard. ADMINISTRATION: Computer network issues were caused by router changes at the School District. James Davis from the district got all our connections working correctly. Meeting attended: WebBook Workshop, 12/11, Arlington - showed how to reserve Storytime videos from NETLS online SPECIAL PROJECTS: Looked at each roll of microfilm and noted the issues of the Courier it contained. This list will be checked against the hard copies that we have to make sure that everything was microfilmed that we think was filmed. PROGRAMS: Storytime theme was "Poetry". We had a week of "Nursery Rhymes", a week about "The Senses" and one program on "Christmas Songs". Attendance was unusually low. Planned Stoiytimes for January through May 2004 and booked videos to support each program. , DECEMBER 2003 STATISTICS Dec 2002 Dec 2003 BORROWER CARDS Last month 3122 3147 New cards 19 27 Cards reactivated 5 10 TOTAL 3146 3184 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 212 154 Nonfiction Videos 21 23 Adult Fiction 173 132 Interlibrary Loan 22 15 Renewals & Misc. 276 319 Junior Biography 0 2 Junior Fiction 52 70 Children's Nonfiction 118 103 Children's Fiction 206 314 Story Sacks 1 3 Paperback Fiction 168 183 Magazines 0 9 Videos 321 297 Audio Tapes 34 52 Leased books 87 96 DVD 0 99 TOTAL 1691 1871 INTERNET USERS 277 270 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 4 5 Children Attending 30 26 Adults Attending 14 8 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 2 3 Number of Juniors 0 2 Number of Hours 19 53 COLLECTION Books 15410 15369 Paperback Fiction 2563 2600 Video Materials 686 736 Audio Materials 409 447 Leased books 201 153 DVD 0 67 Microfilm 62 66 TOTAL COLLECTION 19331 19438 REVENUE Fines $115.75 $109.00 Copies $63.85 $58.17 ILL Postage $22.86 $24.80 Lost Materials $12.95 $5.00 New Cards $0.75 $0.75 Miscellaneous $0.00 $1.00 TOTAL $216416 $198,72 �� J '-� o `>, �aoi � bn � b � � � � � o � :� �; � o � Q o �-1 � o Y � o ^� � bA � � °-' � .� ai � � � bJ) � , do U � p Q o � v � � • � � � � ..o � .tj .� � � : d °� o °) ° '" . � � �n a' `� � ;.� on >~ s�. � � �° � � � vro ai � �' `�? � bq o o �' U 3 � x � � o ?� o A O ti � Q U . � Off., s:. � `� :-' � O � ti s-. 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'—' � 5 �n. � N r N 'U �U'' .� O � N Li' �'` � .� �7 FOL - 4th Quarter Checking 4 - Library 1/2/2004 Date Num 9/29/2003 396 10/14/2003 397 10/14l2003 398 10i28/2003 399 10/28/2003 400 11 t7/2003 401 11l19/2003 402 11/19/2003 403 11/26/2003 DEP 12i2/2003 404 12l10/2003 Transaction Baker and Taylor at: Books memo: mem -- end of third quarter report Baker and Taylor at: Books memo: mem Genealogical Publishing Co, at: Books memo: mem USPS at: Office memo: stamps Baker and Taylor at: Books memo: Burrus Baker and Taylor at: Books memo: Burrus Star Book Sales at: Books memo: Burros-39.85, mem-259.20 Baker and Taylor at: Books memo: Burrus Deposit at: Other Inc memo: Burrus-291, mem-60, mist-29.17 Baker and Taylor at: Books memo: Burrus Brodart at: Books memo: Burrus v �! c7lAl Payment 51.00 10.37 77.44 37.00 15.81 51.27 299.05 16.35 16.35 148.53 C Deposit 380.17 Balance 6, 019.45 6, 009.08 5, 931.64 5, 894.64 5, 878.83 5,827.56 5,528.51 5,512.16 5,892.33 5, 875.98 5,727.45 January 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Metal Buildings Jack indicated he would like to schedule the metal building workshop prior to the next meeting because of the Developer's Presentations at this scheduled workshop.