10/06/2003-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2003 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes. September 15, 2003 b) Disbursements 3 f i4i�Pn�c TnK 4. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation from Downtown Merchants regarding Sidewalk Sales. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Chamber of Commerce Presentation. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Downtown Area Historical Ordinance Review and Extension on Moratorium. 7. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for GNB Addition, being 1.29 Acres, in the Reuben ebee Survey, Abstract 29, City of Sanger. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments to FY 2002-2003 Budget. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments to FY 2003-2004 Budget. 10. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of the Following Properties: ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 3, BEING 83.720 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND METZ ESTATES, BLOCK 1-6, AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 65A (1), BEING 1.4132 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 67, BEING 0.057 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 81 BEING 242.275 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS 11. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Fuel Bid. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Nominees for the DCAD Board of Directors. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Nominees for the DCAD Appraisal Review Board. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #10-32-03 - Use of Reclaimed Water. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #10-33-03 -Municipal Court Technology Fund, 16. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. 17. Adjourn. Pnrsnant to the TPYSIR (lnPn MPntinac Ant. f'hantPr 4S1 . TP�rae f nvPrnmPnt f n�iP nnP nr more of the above items may bg��� ,c�Wered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or conclusion of the u te se�rbii: . �0 k5 m t 1 .a will be Date &Time Posted the This facility is wheelchair accessible I and..accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 2003 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Shelley Ruland, Greg and Vivian Edwards, Allen Bussell, Sarah Bussell, C.G. McNeill, Jim Anderson, Ken Wilson, Ken Perry, Polly Dwyer, Greg McFarland, Dianne Perkins, Kathy Grissom, Lanny Grissom, Mike Dobrovolsky, Liz Springer, John Springer, Barbara Sormezler, B.J. Taylor Dobrovolsky 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman James led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: September 2, 2003 b) Disbursements Councilman Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Polly Dwyer,113 Diane Dr., addressed the Council on behalf of the Downtown Area Committee, and advised they were working on creating an ordinance. The process has been very lengthy. She gave them a document and suggested Council begin thinking about members for the Historical Commission that the document will create. She requested that they suspend building permits until the ordinance or commission is in place. Mayor indicated they will put on a future agenda for action. Discussion regarding the area this would encompass. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #09-30-03 -Adopting the Budget for FY 2003/2004. Councilman Ervin asked if they were going to get a copy of the budget showing the changes. City Manager indicated they are going to have a workshop and may make more amendments in October. UU00.� Discussed proposed amendments to the budget. Discussed that when the budget is adopted, the expenditures will go into effect; however, the salary increases will not go into effect until the changes are made. Councilman James moved to adopt Ordinance #09-30-03. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Evans voted no. Mayor read caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS FOR THE _T+TCC AT_, YEAR RFCTNNTNG OC'TORER 1; 2003 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30. 2004 PROVIDING FOR THE INTRA AND INTER DEPARTMENT AND FUND TRANSFERS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 5. Consider and Possible Regarding Ordinance #09-31-03 -Adopting Tax Rate. Councilman Higgs moved to adopt Ordinance 09-31-03. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Garza voted no. Councilman Garza indicated he felt it was not fair to the citizens for their taxes to increase. Councilman Evans indicated he hated for taxes to increase as well, he did not want to put the budget in jeopardy by not passing the tax rate. Mayor read caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2003 (Fiscal Year 2003-20041 AT A RATE OF $0.56547 PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER AS OF JANUARY 1, 2003, TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR AN INTERESTS AND SINKING FUND FOR ALL DELINQUENT DATES TOGETHER WITH PENALTIES AND INTEREST; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, 6. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation by the Sanger Rotary Club to Develop Indian Springs Park. Christine Bengston, President of the Rotary Club, addressed the Council in regards to developing Indian Springs Park. She requested that the City of Sanger allow the Rotary Club to develop the park. They have some fund raising projects and some funds and would like Council's permission to proceed. Discussed park was in the flood plain. Ms. Bengston indicated they would concrete the equipment in. Ms. Bengston indicated they would work in conjunction with the Parks Department. Councilman James moved to accept the Rotary Clubs offer to develop Indian Springs Park. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct First Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of the Following Properties: ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 3, BEING 83.720 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND METZ ESTATES, BLOCK 1-6, AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY,TEXAS, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 65A (1), BEING 1.4132 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 67, BEING 0.057 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 8, BEING 242.275 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS Public Hearing opened. Greg McFarland, business owner, indicated he was in favor of annexation, but indicated he was concerned about Metz Estates, he would like to know what utilities will be offered, and what length of time would it take Sanger to get the sewage system so that they can tie into it. City Manager indicated, on the annexation schedule, the city has five years to provide either water or sewer. The city cannot furnish water in Bolivar's CCN. The electric will be available to them. The sewer could begin within rive years. Mr. McFarland asked if they did not get the services within five years, what could they do. City Manager indicated that state law allows for them to request de -annexation. George, Lot 2 of Metz Estates, indicated he was not happy about being annexed. He indicated his neighbors were not happy as well. He asked if they get annexed in, can he have livestock. City Secretary indicated if he had five acres he could have livestock. Discussed that they would have fire and police protection, and city garbage pick up. Public Hearing closed. 8. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Development Plan for Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tracts 57, 58 & 59. The Proposed Development is for 251 Single Family lots and a Multi -Family Area. The Property is located on McReynolds Road. Public Hearing opened. Greg Edwards, GEES, indicated they were processing a request for the McNatt Family. The planned development and concept plan was approved in May. This is the detailed development plan and Final Plat of Phase I. He indicated they had included all of the conditions set forth by Council. Mayor asked how far the entrance was from Indian Lane. Mr. Edwards indicated between a quarter and half mile. Mr. Edwards indicated they will have athree-way stop located at the water front. Discussed remaining requirements. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action on a Development Plan and Final Plat for Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tracts 57, 58 & 59. The Proposed Development is for 251 Single Family lots and a Multi -Family Area. The Property is located on McReynolds Road, Councilman Ervin asked what kind of upgrades would they provide on McReynolds Road. Mr. Edwards indicated they would not provide any upgrades, but have provided for an 80 foot R.O.W. dedication. Discussion regarding the road. Discussion regarding the stop signs. Councilman Ervin felt there should be a stop sign at each intersection. Mr. Edwards indicated that stop signs were normally placed by ordinance, and that they would put a stop sign any place that the Council required. He indicated that stop signs have to meet special warrants. Typically the more control you put at an intersection, the more accidents that will occur if the signs are not warranted. Councilman Evans indicated that he felt along the main street, a stop sign should be placed at each intersection. Chief Amyx cated every T-intersection should have some type of traffic control. Discussion regarding the sign placement. C"onncilman Frvin indicated he did not see sidewalks on the nlat. Mr. Edwards indicated they are on the construction plans. Discussed downstream drainage has been addressed. Councilman James moved to accept the Development Plan/ Final Plat for Phase I of Lake Ridge Estates, being 76 lots , 17.86 acres in Abstract 29. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-29-03 -Amending the City of Sanger Zoning Map (Lake Ridge Estates). Councilman Evans moved to adopt Ordinance #09-29-03. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously Mayor read caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM "AG" - AGRICULTURE TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OR "PD" ZONING CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT, 11. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Fuel Bid. Councilman Evans moved to reject all bids and re -advertise. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Library Expenditures Involving State Grant Funds. Vickie Elieson addressed the Council regarding this item. The state has given money directly to libraries the last three years. The first year the funds were used for micro= filming newspapers and older materials. Last year the funds were used for books on tape and books on CD. This year they would like to use the money to strengthen the children's programming. The use of the library is increasing except for the Summer Reading club. It has been dropping each year. She is hoping to make it more attractive. Last year she made a school visit which doubled the sign up, but fewer kids actually read. She proposed to use the funds for programs that will entice children to participate. Councilman James moved to approve the expenditure of state funds as requested. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 13. C,onsider and Possible Action on Awarding bid for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project. Mark Owens addressed and discussed the bids. He recommended the low bid from TNG in the amount of $909,000.00. Councilman Evans moved to accept TNG's bid of $909,000.00 for the sewer plant expansion. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously 14. Consider and Possible Action on Nominees for the DCAD Board of Directors. Discussion regarding names for nominations. City Secretary indicated they could bring recommended names to next meeting. Item tabled for next meeting. 15. Meeting Adjourned. October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Item #4 Several of the downtown merchants requested to be on the agenda in order to address the Council on ordinances relating to Sidewalk sales. I have attached the current ordinance. Sanger Code of Ordinances ARTICLE 4.500 FRUIT STANDS OR STALLS Sec. 4.501 Fruit Stands or Stalls Prohibited on Sidewalks No one shall have or maintain any fruit stand, huckster's stand or other stall on any sidewalk in the City of Sanger. (1992 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Article 4.500, Section 4.501) Sec. 4.502 Penalty for Violation Any person violating this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, ChnI1 hP f np..d in nf`.o nvinnne With the, o7P.ne..ml np..nnity nrnviozinn CP.t forth in Section 1 109 of thi.v, code, and every day such stand or stall remains on any sidewalk shall constitute a separate offense and shall be treated as such. (1992 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4, Article 4.500, Section 4.502) October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Item #S -Chamber Presentation The Chamber of Commerce requested to be on the agenda to address the Council. 0000� October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Historical Ordinance Review Attached is the document submitted y the Downtown Area Committee. The attorney made some comments on the document, and Jack will address them at the meeting. The Council will need to make some decisions regarding whether or not we want to require these regulations or allow them to be voluntary. SECTION 28 "H" -HISTORIC DISTRICT AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION 28.1 Definitions Alteration: The introduction of compatible forms, colors, textures, materials, and shapes which harmonize with existing historical districts and landmark characteristics yet relate well through the sensitive use of proportion, scale, and landscaping. Historic District: A historic district is defined as an area which has outstanding historical and cultural significance in the state, region, or community, within which the buildings, structures, accessory buildings, fences, or other appurtenances are of basic and vital importance for the development of culture and tourism because of their association with history, including: (a) Historic structures, sites or areas within which the buildings, structures, appurtenances, and places exemplify the cultural, political, economic or social history of the state, region, or community. (b) Historic structures, sites or areas that are identified with the lives of historic personages or with important events in state, regional, or local history. (c) Structures or areas that embody the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen as to color, proportion, form, and architectural details. Historic Landmark: A historic landmark is defined as a place which has outstanding historical and cultural significance in the state, region, or community. The designation historic landmark recognizes that the historic place, or the building(s), structure(s), accessory building(s), fences or other appurtenances at the place, are of basic and vital importance for the preservation of culture and the development of tourism. Reconstruction: The reconstruction process involves the recreation of a replica of a building or facility that no longer exists on its original site based on archaeological, historical, documentary, and physical evidence. Both modern construction techniques and traditional methods may be used to a reconstruction project. Rehabilitation: This process involves modifications or changes to an existing building. Rehabilitation extends the useful life or utility of the building through repairs or alterations, sometimes major, while the features of the building that contributed to its architectural, cultural, or historical character are preserved. Relocation: Relocation as a result from changes in land use and redevelopment programs involves the disassembly, relocation on a different site, and reassembly of a building. Restoration: The restoration process involves the careful and meticulous return of a building, usually on its origina] site, to its appearance at a particular period of time by removal of later work or replacement of missing earlier work. 000 � � 28.2 General Purpose and Description: This District is designed to provide for the preservation and protection of those areas, places, buildings, structures, works of art, and other objects having significant historical, archaeological, or cultural interests and values which reflect the heritage of Sanger; portions of certain districts are designated with the letter "H". Areas designated on the zoning map by an "H" shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance. 28.3 Permitted Uses: Uses permitted shall be those permitted by the base zoning district where the tract of land being designated is located, For example: The uses permitted on a tract zoned "BY would be those uses permitted in the Business 3 zoned District. Additional uses may be permitted where deemed appropriate by the City Council, upon recommendation: by the Historical Commission and upon issuance of a "Specific Use Permit". 28.4 Creating Historic District The City Council may from time to time designate certain areas as historic districts, and define, amend, or eliminate the boundaries of same. Such districts shall bear the word "historic" in their zoning designation and property therein shall continue to bear its use designation as provided in the general zoning provisions of this ordinance. Before taking any such action, the Council shall submit the same to the City Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendations and reports. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall give notices, conduct its hearing and make recommendations to the City Council in the same manner and according to the same procedures as specifically provided in the general zoning provisions of this ordinance. In like manner, the City Council shall give notices, follow the publication procedure, hold hearings, and make its determination in the manner as provided in the general zoning provisions of this ordinance. All procedures and provisions relative to zoning set forth in the general zoning provisions of this ordinance not in conflict with the terms of this Section are hereby adopted and made apart hereof. 28.5 Designation Criteria: In making an "H" designation, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider one or more of the following criteria: (1) Character, interest or value as a part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City of Sanger, County Denton, State of Texas, or United States. (2) Location as the site of a significant historic event. (3) Identification of a person or persons who significantly contributed to the culture and development of the City. (4) Exemplifications of the cultural, economic, social or historical heritage fo the City. (S) Portrayal of the environment of a group of people in an era of history characterized by a distinctive architectural style. (6) Embodiment %J distinguishing characteristics ofand architectural type of specimen. (7) Identification as the word of an architect or master builder whose individual work has influenced the development of the City. (8) Embodiment of elements of architectural.. design, materials or craftsmanship. (9) Relationship to other distinctive buildings, sites or areas which are eligible for preservation according to a plan based on historic, cultural or architectural theme. (10) Unique location of singular physical characteristics representing an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood community of the City. (11) Archaeological value in that is has produced or can be expected to produce data affecting theories of historic or prehistoric interest. (12) Value as an aspect of community sentiment of public pride. (13) The effect of the proposed change upon the general historic, cultural, and architectural nature of the district. (14) The appropriateness ofexterior architectural features, including parking and Loading spaces, which can be seen from a public street, alley, or walkway. (15) The general design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of the building or structure and the relation of such factors to similar features of buildings or structures in the district. The criterion shall not be the aesthetic appeal to the Commission of the structure or the proposed remodeling but rather its conformity to the general character of the particular historic area involved. (16) The value of the historic district as an area of unique interest and character shall not be impaired. 28.6 Designating Historic Landmarks The City Council may from time to time designate certain places in the city as historic landmarks. Such places shall bear the letter "HL" in their zoning designation and shall continue to bear their use designations as provided in the general zoning provisions of this ordinance. In designating historic landmarks, the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council shall follow the procedures set forth for creating historic districts. In determining the recommendation to be presented tothe Building Inspector concerning the issuing of a permit for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, relocation, demolition, or razing of all or part of any designated historic landmark, the Commission shall consider those considerations which gave rise to the original request for the designation of the place as a historic landmark as well as the following matters: (a) The effect of the proposed change upon the historic; architectural; or cultural nah�re of the landmark. (b) The appropriateness ofexterior architectural features, including parking and loading spaces, which can be seen from a public street, alley, or walkway. (c) The general design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of the building or structure site and the similarity, contrast, or other relation of such factors to other landmarks built at or during the same period, as well as the uniqueness of such features, considering the remaining examples of architectural, historical, and cultural values. (d) Signs which are not consistent with the character of the historic landmark shall not be permitted. (e) The value of the historic landmark as a place of unique interest or character shall not be impaired. 28.7 Modification Review. In making the "H" designation, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may reduce, increase or revise the height, yard, area, coverage, and any other developmental standards, if such action is determined to be necessary for the preservation or protection of the "H" designation property. 28.8 Uses Nothing contained in this Section or in the designation of property as being in a historic district or historic landmark shall affect the present legal use of property. Use classifications as to all property which may be included in a historic district or historic landmark shall continue to be governed by the general zoning provisions of this and the procedures therein established. In no case, however, shall any use be permitted which requires the demolition, razing, remodeling, or alteration of any buildings or structures in such a historic district or historic landmark so as to adversely affect the character of the district or historic landmark, except upon compliance with the terms of this Section. For purposes of clarity in the zoning designation of property, all zoning maps shall reflect property in historic districts or historic landmarks by the inclusion of the word "historic" as a prefix to its use designation as 00014 specified in accordance with the general zoning provisions of this ordinance. No provision herein shall be construed as prohibiting a property owner from continuing to use property for a nonconforming use. 28.9 Historic Preservation Commission Created (1) Creation of Commission There is hereby created a Historic Preservation Commission for historic districts and landmarks, hereinafter called the Commission, consisting of seven (7) members. The members thereof shall be appointed by the City Council. (2) Terms of Appointment Members shall serve from July 1 of the year of appointment for staggered terms of two (2) years and may be appointed to successive terms of office. The members of the commission shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through seven (7). The even -numbered places shall expires in the even -numbered years; the odd -numbered places shall expire in the odd numbered years. Newly appointed members shall be installed at the first regular commission meeting after their appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the manner in which original appointments are required to be made. Continued absence of any member from regular meetings of the commission shall, at the discretion of the city council, render any such member liable to immediate removal from office. (3) Qualifications To the extent possible, the City Council shall appoint members to the Commission which have background in architecture, urban design, history, or other related professions. (4) Chairman of Commission The Chairman of the Commission shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Commission. The first Chairman shall be elected at the beginning of the first meeting held after the members are appointed and each successive Chairman shall be elected at the first meeting held after new appointments to the Commission are made each April. (5) Functions of Commission The Commission shall act in an advisory capacity only, and shall have no power to bind the City by contract or otherwise. It shall be the function of the Commission to advise the Building Inspector and make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council concerning all applications for permits in the historic districts and historic landmarks. 00o t9t (6) Quorum A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum, and action taken at a meeting shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the appointive members in attendance. 28.10 Meetings The Commission shall meet when meetings are called. Notice must be posted according to the Texas Open Meeting Law. Meetings may be called upon request of the Chairman, or upon written request of three (3) members, or upon notice from the City Secretary that a matter requires the consideration of the Commission. 28:11 Application and Recommendation Procedure TJpon the filing of an application for a building permit in a historic district, or historic landmark, the Commission shall hold a hearing within fourteen (14) days after the date of filing of such application. The Commission shall make final recommendation on the application within thirty (30) days of the filing of said application. If recommendation is not made within thirty (30) days after the date of filing of such application, it shall be deemed to have been recommended for approval and a certificate showing the filing date and the failure to take action on the application within thirty (30) days shall be issued by the Commission on demand. The applicant may withdraw the application before the thirty (30) day period expires and may resubmit it at a later time if additional time is required for the preparation of information or for research required by the Commission. Upon receipt from the Building Inspector by the Commission of the application for a building permit for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, relocation, demolition, or razing of a building or buildings in this historic district or historic landmark, the Commission shall schedule a meeting to consider the recommendation which the Commission will give to the Building Inspector. The person applying for the permit shall be advised of the time and place of said meeting and invited to appear to explain his reasons therefore. The Commission may invite such other persons or groups as it desires to attend its meetings. The Commission may hold any additional meetings it considers necessary to carry out its responsibilities as enumerated in this Section. 28.12 Findings Of The Commission Concerning Application For Permit (1) If the Commission decides to recommend against the granting of a permit, it shall indicate to the applicant the changes in plans and specifications, if any, which in the opinion of the Commission, would protect the distinctive historical character of the historic district or historic landmark. The Commission shall withhold its report to the Building Inspector for a period of five (5) days following its discussion to allow the applicant to decide whether or not to make the suggested changes in his plans and specifications. If the applicant determines that he will make the suggested changes, he shall so advise the Commission within that time. (2) The Commission, after the meeting provided for in Subsection 2 8. 10 of this Section and after the making of any changes in the plans and specifications, shall submit to the Building Inspector, in writing, its recommendation concerning the issuance of a permit within the historic district or historic landmark. The written report shall include the opinion and recommendation of the Commission and may include all or any part of the matters stated in subparagraphs (a) through (f) of this paragraph. (a) The exact location %J the area or place in which the work is to be done. (b) The exterior changes to be made or the exterior character of the structure to be erected. (c) A list of surrounding structures with their general exterior characteristics. (d) The effect of the proposed change upon the general historic and architectural nature of the district or landmark. (e) The appropriateness of exterior architectural features which can be seen from a public street, alley, trail, or walkway. (fJ The general design,. arrangement, texture, material,. and color of the building. or structure and the relation of such factors to similar features of buildings or structures in a district, or to the general period of construction in a district or landmark. (g) The opinion of the Commission, including any dissent, as to the appropriateness of the work proposed as it will preserve or destroy the historic aspect and nature of the district or landmark. (h) The specific recommendation of the Commission. 28.13 Action By The Building Inspector The recommendation of the Commission shall be binding upon the Building Inspector, and upon receipt of the report of the Commission, the Building Inspector shall within ten (10) days notify the applicant in writing of the approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the application, and a copy shall be provided to the Commission. 28.14 Appeal From Action Of Commission Concerning Applications For Permits Any applicant or interested person aggrieved by a ruling of the board of review under the provisions of this section may, within thirty (30) days after the ruling, appeal to the city council. 28.15 Reapplication For Building Permit In the case of an application's disapproval by the City Council, the application shall not be resubmitted for consideration until one (1) year has elapsed from the date of disapproval unless the indicated changes in the plans and specifications required to meet the conditions for protecting the district or landmark have been incorporated into the reapplication. 28.16 Procedure for issuance of bung permits. { 1) Construction, Reconstruction. Alteration, Restoration, or Relocation Procedure The Bung Inspector shall not take action upon a permit for any construction, reconstruction, alteration, restoration, or relocation of a building or signs in the historic district or historic landmark nor may the exterior architectural character of such a structure be materially changed by additions, reconstructed, alteration or maintenance until he has received a recommendation from the Commission or certificate from the Commission showing failure to take action as provided for in Subsection 2 8. 11 of this Section. Upon receipt of an application for a permit in the historic district or historic landmark, the Building Inspector shall act in accordance with the procedures presently being followed in that office except as those procedures are necessarily modified by the following requirements: (a) He shall forward to the Commission a copy of the application for a building permit,. together with a copy of the plot plan and the building plans and specifications filed by the applicant. (b) He shall maintain in his office a record of all such applications and of his handling and final disposition of the same, which shall be in addition to and appropriately cross-referenced to his other records. (c) He shall require applicants to submit a sufficient number of additional copies of material required to be attached to an application for a building permit in compliance with the foregoing. (2) Standards to be Applied The same criteria considered by the Commission as set forth in Subsection 28.5 of this Section shall be applied by the Building Inspector in arriving at his determination as to issuance or denial of the permit. 28.17 Demolition Procedure (1) Purpose. The demolition review process is established to encourage alternatives to the demolition of properties which have received a historical designation. This review applies only to those properties which have received an "H" designation by the City Council. 00018 (2) Procedure. a. No structure, or any portion of a structure, which has received an "H" designation may be demolished without City Council approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition upon recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission. b. Any application for demolition will be submitted to the City staff who will then schedule the permit application for the next available Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. City staff will forward with the application a recommendation regarding the condition of the building, the reasonableness of the cost of restoration or repair, the purpose of preserving the designated structure, and any other factors deemed appropriate for consideration. In instances where the Building Tnspector and/or the Fire Marshall or their representatives determines that the continued existence of a structure poses extreme health or safety dangers to the public, they may institute demolition proceedings without action by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. 28.18 Economic Hardship (1) Criteria. An applicant who's Certificate ofAppropriateness for proposed demolition has been denied may apply for relief on the grounds of hardship. In order to prove the existence of a hardship, the applicant shall establish, to the satisfaction of the City Council, that: a. The property is incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return -possible; b. The property cannot be adapted for any other use, whether by the current owner or by a purchaser, which would result in a reasonable return; and, c. Efforts to find a purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed; and/or, d. The structure or property is in such condition as to the irreparably damaged and as such poses a nuisance to the surrounding area and is a "threat" to the health, safety and general welfare of the community. , (2) Procedure. a. In cases where the City council denies a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition, an applicant may commence the hardship process. No building permit or demolition permit shall be issued unless the City council makes a finding that a hardship exists. 00019 b: The City Council may hold a public hearing on the hardship application at which time an opportunity will be provided for proponents and opponents of the application to present their views. c. The applicant shall consult in good faith with the City Council ,local preservation groups and interested parties in a diligent effort to seek an alternative that will result in preservation of the property. d. All decisions of the City Council shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant and a copy filed with the City Secretary's office for public inspection. The City Council's decision shall state the reasons for granting or denying the hardship application. 28.19 Ordinary Maintenance. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature of a landmark or property within a historic district which does not involve a change in design or material. In -kind replacement or repair is included in this definition of ordinary maintenance. 28.20 Neglect. No owner or person with an interest in real properly that has received an "H" designation shall permit the property to fall into a serious state of disrepair so as to result in the deterioration of any exterior architectural feature which would, in the judgment of the City Council and/or the Building Inspector, produce a detrimental effect upon the character of the historic district as a whole or the life and character of the property itself. Examples of such deterioration include but are not limited to: 1. Deterioration of exterior walls or other vertical support; 2. Deterioration of roofs or other horizontal members; 3. Deterioration of exterior chimneys; 4. Deterioration or crumbling of exterior stucco or mortar; 5. Ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls ,roofs, or foundations, including broken windows or doors; or 6. Deterioration of any feature so as to create a hazardous condition which could lead to the claim that demolition is necessary is necessary for public safety. 28.21 Application Fees. The application fee for the Historic Landmark (H) designation is established as $1.00. 28.22 Additional Duties Of Commission (1) The Commission shall make an annual report to the city council on the state of historic preservation in the City and shall include in the report a summary of its activities for the past year and a proposed program for the next year. (2) The Commission shall have the further responsibility of recommending to the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission, the adoption of policies, the sources of funds, and designation of districts and landmarks that may further the City's preservation effort. (3} The Commission shall provide recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council concerning the establishment of City policies, approvals of projects, designations of additional historic districts, changes in historic district boundaries, designations of historic landmarks and any other project or efforts which might affect a designated historic landmark or historic district. (4) The Commission shall, with staff advice and support, determine a suitable emblem for marking buildings, structures, and sites within historic districts and for designated landmarks, both public and private. This emblem shall be submitted for approval to the Texas Historical Commission and then recommended for approval to the City Council, along with a list of locations and sites and estimates as to cost, for approval by the City Council. 28.23 Notification Of Designation Upon passage of any historic district or historic landmark designation ordinance, the City � Secretary shall send a notice of the fact of the designation to the owner or owners of affected property by mail. 28.24 Violations; Penalties It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, structurally alter, remodel, renovate, relocate, restore, demolish, raze, or maintain any building, structure, accessory building, fence, or other appurtenance in a historic district or historic landmark in violation of the provisions of this Section; and proper City officials, or their duly authorized representatives, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful construction, reconstruction, structural alteration, remodeling, renovation, restoration, relocation, demolition, razing, or maintenance, to restrain, correct, or abate such violation, to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business, or maintenance in and about such premises. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. 28.25 Exemptions From Provisions Of This Section Ordinary repair or maintenance which does not involve changes in architectural and historic - value, style, or general design, color, or appearance is exempt from the provisions of this section October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: GNB Addition Attached is the information on these plats. This is the Preliminary and Final Plat for the GNB building on Stemmons. MARK T. Owms, P.E. GENERAL, CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER October 3, 2003 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for GNB Addition, being 1.29 Acres, in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29, City of Sanger. Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have reviewed a Preliminary Plat and a Final Plat for GNB Addition as submitted by Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3, 1987, and Ordinance No. 05=06=01. My review comments are as follows. The Preliminary Plat and Final Plat meets the requirements as defined in the City of Sanger's Code of Ordinances. y If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Marx i , uwens, r.�. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 596 PONDER, TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940 479 Q593 mdinth aiglide.nat October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Budget Amendments to FY 2002-2003 Budget Attached are two (2) memos from Department heads requesting budget amendments. They are summarized as follows: $3500.00 from 001-24-5255 to 001-24-5375 For Rescue Tools $55928000 from 001-30-5420 to 001-32-5375 For mosquito Sprayer T00 Rose Chavez, Assistant City Manager FROM: David Pennington, Fire Chief DATE: August 13, 2003 Please transfer $3,500.00 from 24-5255 (Wearing Apparel) into 24-5375 r.... ...&A -r6.:..:...J...� �.. 1L,e, F�.�i Fhaf I�Io hmri to r%=%i fnr tha ctnrm l,I°IiI IUI CI,,UIp IICI Il). I III:) ID UUC lV the IQ4l U IU6 vvx. I IU%j w f LAY IVI tI1� JUwo II. warning siren that was not in this year's budget, and I was not sure what the I otal cost was until recently. Now that we know what the total cost of the storm warning siren is, I need to purchase a set of rescue tools that was already approved in this year's budget. If you have any questions, please contact me. 00025 7/14/2003 11:09 FAX 19404582908 SEU 01 MEMO May 292 2003 To' Jack Smith, City Manager Fr: John Henderson, Street/Parks Superintendent . Re: Amending Budget Cc: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager i �Jo'n,i Henderson) would like to move $5,925.00 from 30-5420 to 32-5375. This is so that Y can get the mosquito sprayer. This amount includes all of the expenses including shipping. 111 May 292 2003 To' Jack Smith, City Manager Fr: John Henderson, Street/Parks Superintendent . Re: Amending Budget Cc: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager i �Jo'n,i Henderson) would like to move $5,925.00 from 30-5420 to 32-5375. This is so that Y can get the mosquito sprayer. This amount includes all of the expenses including shipping. 111 October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Budget Amendments to FY 2003-2004 Budget The information on this item is enclosed with the copy of the budget. 00027 October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Annexation Hearing This is the second required public hearing for these proposed annexations. A map is attached. �o�z8 October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Fuel Bid Attached are the fuel bids. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Date of Bid Opening: I 10/02/03 Time: (2:00 P.M. Re: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: �b�-f- p/�• 3 ¢ -- is f Fr zz5 zi / /Uo lcari /. /// /)/Gscr/ B(D RECEIVED: /o�Z�3 __ COMPANY: s 60170'Mlt 17Cr b Gur✓c„� Cosh- //�JS BID AMOUNT: COsf-o/us �` /Opp BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: Signature BID FORM MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL All Bids Must Be Returned to the Office of the City Secretary in a Sealed Envelope marked "Fuel Bid" prior to the scheduled opening time of 2000 p.m., Thursday, October 2, 2003. Please note any exceptions: r5 Minimum Four (4) Bay Facility, Accessible to Large Trucks and Heavy Equipment +f Delivery point within Sanger City Limits G 5 Delivery available seven days a week, 24 hours per day c S Billing to City on a Monthly basis NO Lei .9110 ALPI 490300 ,q q l o Delivery price, less she/federal taxes, figures at actual cost plus. (This figure shouldIn 2 zs...L represent your add -on p ce to actual cost.) d„ cj a- r ZO 5 fafc �(zt,� 1 j . Q ZZ z FUEL LIST CONSIST BOTH OF DIESEL AND GASOLINE PRICES. G� /IV� lVO4 .a Ito _(3\ a a v)e. Ce ;t C/ WAX ye T Company Representative (Printed or Typed Name) Signature Address P - O.13ol)4 32-5 - S Telephone 9 t` 0 ::> c, cl 3 Z 16�Ot0-3 Date 000�� z2 t��oti s i� ♦i � , r►I j ZS:Z�yS � S7' A- S d� ,(i �n � 1 n nJ ���� � t..i iv .-..�._ --- ,�,L 1, ��.�"� � 1, 3�'y9 AcnJAi Cd15r ...� �t / O 1 ! �'f'� ��. �.•� � �� ��?iP � i � 15t�9 �Q�rn�t� �zs Y�7Q .,� . Dl� -.~. D � .� � Db ._ �7�x ��,r2i� 1 ,+ � r - �arJ?� 1�.�1Jf� �av2 (-��,L '` . � � � %V � ,,� � o3-Dy ,� . ��v�7o2 vs�i vs ��� ���.y �� v L � LQal� �-� ���� .� �. ��� r.r�,►�1.t:. J�Is� � oil au 7v n� �,... (=t�ern�C.�a. �©n�C.ar �� ��� .. Yx �,t�E .� �5 O�fl :; PJ's Convenience Stores, Inc. 310 Audra Lane Denton, Texas 76209 940-387-2457, fax 940-3834261 October 1, 2003 City of Sanger Purchasing Department 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 To Rosealie Chavez: Reference: Bid Form, Motor Vehicle Fuel Dear Ms. Chavez: PJ's #4, 800 N. Stemmons, Sanger, TX, would like to regain your business. We will bill you just as Jeswood Oil Company did when you were purchasing from Mr. Gary Lynch. We will add three cents (.03) to rack, plus state tax, loading fee, and freight. We will not bill you for federal taxes but will instead apply for a reimbursement from the government ourselves. The billing format would be the same as you received in the past. If you have any questions please call me at 9404584565 or Vanessa Lynch at Jeswood Oil Company. Today's price would be as follows: Unleaded Rack .9040 +state tax .20 +freight .02 +loading fee .0065 +Profit .03 = 1.1605 Diesel Rack .8405 +state tax .20 +freight .02 +loading fee .0065 +profit .03=1.0970 Sincerely, Brenda McGuire Supervisor BID FORM MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL All Bids Must Be Returned to the Office of the City Secretary in a Sealed Envelope marked "Fuel Bid" prior to the scheduled opening time of 2:00 p.m., Thursday, October 2, 2003. Please note any exceptions: Minimum Four (4) Bay Facility, Accessible to Large Trucks and Heavy Equipment �j 1JC11VCIy PUHIL W1LIIIII Oait6l %.ILY cJ. nlilLa Delivery available seven days a week, 24 hours per day _� Billing to City on a Monthly basis .� o3i' Delivery price, less state/federal taxes, figures at actual cost plus. (This figure should represent your add -on price to actual cost.) Company KL7-N l Representative (Printed or Typed Name) Signature Address Telephone Ia--��-03 Date 0003� October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr; City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: DCAD Board of Directors Attached is the nomination form. This is the item that was tabled at the last meeting. .� � DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 Morse Street, P.O. Box 2816 Denton, TX 76202-2816 www.dentoncad.com MEMO TO: Denton County, All School Districts and All Cities That Levy A Tax FROM: Joe Rogers SUBJECT: Appointing Board of Directors DATE: September 5, 2003 It is time again for the taxing jurisdictions to select five individuals to serve as the DCAD Board of Directors. According to Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code, it is the chief appraiser's responsibility to initiate this process, which is the purpose of this memo. Please return the nomination form as soon as possible. Generally the following will take place: 1. Prior to October 1st - I advise each jurisdiction of the number of votes they are entitled to cast for appointing the Board members. 2. Prior to October 15th -The governing body of each jurisdiction nominates candidates to the DCAD Board of Directors and advises my office of the nominees. Each taxing jurisdiction can nominate up to five candidates if they wish. The number of votes that each jurisdiction has is not relevant in the initial nomination phase. Please note that a chief appraiser does not have the authority, or the duty, to investigate, or judge, the qualifications of the nominees. Further, a chief appraiser can not extend the deadline for receiving nominations. 3. Prior to October 30th - My office compiles a comprehensive list of the nominees and this information is sent to the taxing jurisdictions in the form of a ballot. 0003�, Phone: 940-349-3800 Metro: 972-434-2602 Fax: 940-349-3801 Memo, Appointing Board of Directors, September 5, 2003 page 2 4. Prior to December 15th -The taxing jurisdictions choose by written resolution the candidate, or candidates, of their choice. The jurisdictions then submit the names of their candidates and the votes they cast for each candidate to my office prior to the December 15th deadline. Please note that the maximum number of votes needed to place a candidate on the Board is 1,000. Accordingly, there is little reason for a candidate to receive greater than 1,000 votes. 5. Prior to December 31st - i tabulate the votes and forward the results back to the jurisdictions. The five candidates that have received the most votes become the Board of Directors as of January 1 st. The following information might be useful to a jurisdiction when selecting a nominee for the Board of Directors. AUTHORITATIVE GUIDELINES - The selection process is set forth in Section 6.03 of the Property Tax Code. This process is not an Is governed by the Texas Election Code. It is an independent procedure unique to the property tax system. ELIGIBILITY - An appraisal district director must reside in the appraisal district for at least two years immediately preceding the date he or she takes office. Most residents are eligible to serve as a director. An individual that is serving on the governing body of a city, county, or school district is eligible to serve as an appraisal district's director. The common-law doctrine of incompatibility (holding offices that have conflicting demands on the holder) does not prohibit the same person from holding both offices. All five board members may be elected officials of taxing jurisdictions. An employee of a taxing unit served by the appraisal district is not eligible to serve as a director. However, if the employee is an elected official, he or she is eligible to serve. A statute relevant to the Board selection process prohibits nepotism and conflict of interest for appraisal district directors and chief appraisers. In summary, the law states that. .........."a person may not serve as director if closely related to anyone in the appraisal district or if related to anyone who represents owners in the district, or if the person has an interest in a business that contracts with the district or a taxing unit. A chief appraiser may not employ someone closely related to a member of the board of directors". EXPERIENCE - In considering individuals to serve as directors, taxing units should look for expertise in such areas as accounting, finance, management, personnel administration, contracts, computers, real estate or taxation. Historical involvement in local government activities also indicates that someone should make an excellent Board member. 00038 Memo, Appointing Board of Directors, September 5, ZWO page 3 FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS - The applicable statutes require the board of directors to meet not less often than once each calendar quarter. The DCAD Board meets more often than is required by law. Page four of this document provides your jurisdiction with the number of votes it has for electing DCAD's Board. The final page is a form that is to be used to advise my office of your jurisdiction's nominees to the Board. Each individual receiving a copy of this memo is receiving a copy of the nomination form for their information. There is no need to provide my office with more than one completed copy of the nomination form. Memo, Appointing Board of Directors, September 5, 2003 The number of votes to which your jurisdiction is entitled is 100 page 4 �Q®jr® NOMINATION FORM Please return this form to DCAD no later than October l oth. Reminder, ...your jurisdiction may nominate up to five candidates to the Denton Central Appraisal District Board of Directors. Please include the address and phone number of your nominees. Name of your jurisdiction Name of nominees: Name Name Address Address City Zip City Zip Phone #U-Phone #(_�___-____ Name Name Address Address City Zip City Zip Phone #�)___-____ Name Address City Zip Phone#(�___-____ Phone#(__)___-____ October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: DCAD nominations for Appraisal Review Board Attached is the paperwork from the appraisal district on the nomination for the review board. +iUU�1 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: '. � .� 1...� � 3911 Morse Street, P.O. Box 2816 Denton, TX 76202-2816 www.dentoncad.com MEMO All Jurisdictions DCAD Board of Directors October 1, 2003 Nominees for Appraisal Review Board The Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District requests that your jurisdiction nominate a candidate for possible appointment to the Appraisal Review Board. We have enclosed the qualifications for appointment to the Appraisal Review Board, and a questionnaire form. Please have your nominees review the qualifications and fill out the enclosed questionnaire if possible. The questionnaire needs to be returned to the Appraisal District by November 7, 2003. The Board of Directors will make their decision at their December Board of Directors meeting. If you have any questions please call Kathy Williams at (940)349�3974. �oa4,3 Phone: 940-349-3800 Metro: 972-434-2602 Fax: 940-349-3801 liVIAWSAINT Qualification Appointment and Compensation Who Can Serve 6 To serve on the ARB, you must have lived in the appraisal district for at least two years before taking office. You don't need any special qualifications, but you may be ineligible to serve on the appraisal review board if the person is a member of the board of directors, an officer, or employee of the appraisal district, an employee of the comptroller, or a member of the governing L.oAv ^-Pr , nr pmr lnvaa of a tavin[r unit VVU,', Vtttl+er, VA v11AFIv jvv vl u �""AAib wain. In county of more than 100,000, a person is ineligible if the person: 1. Has served all or part of three previous terms. 2. Is a former member of the board of directors, officer, or employee of the appraisal district. 3. If the person served as a member of the governing body or officer of a taxing unit for which the appraisal district appraises property, until the 4`h anniversary of the date the person ceased to be a member or officer. 4. Has* ever appeared before the ARB for compensation. You also may not serve as an ARB member if you are closely related to a person who operates For compensation as a tax agent or is in the business of appraising property for property tax purposes in the appraisal district. Relatives barred are those within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity. If you knowingly violate this provision, you commit a class B misdemeanor. This provision took effect September 1, 1989, and applies only to ARB members serving terms that began after that date. The law also bars from ARB service members who contract with the appraisal district or with a taxing unit in the appraisal district. The bar applies if the member or a business entity in which the member has a substantial interest contracts with the appraisal district or a taxing unit that participates in the appraisal district. Likewise, the same taxing units and the appraisal district are each prohibited from contracting with an ARB member or a business entity in which an ARB member has a substantial interest. Substantial interest is defined as either: 1. Combined ownership by the member or the member's spouse of at least 10 percent of the voting stock or shares of the business. 2. Service by the member or the member's spouse as a partner, limited partner or officer in the business entity. You may also not serve if you hold some other paid public office. The Texas Constitution does not allow a person to hold more than one paid public office. Our attorney has interpreted an officer to be a member of a Planning and Zoning Board, a member of a Zoning Board of Adjustments, an election official or any officer that has decision - making authority for any entity that the Appraisal District serves. S. B. 1017 requires the Comptroller to approve curricula, provide materials and supervise a course for training ARB members. The Comptroller shall issue certificates indicating course completion. All ARB members must complete the course or may not participate in ARB hearings. ARB Terms and Size Tifamhare carves twn_vPar etaauarP�i tPrmc• a»nrnximately half the memher's terms expire each year. Terms begin January 1. The appraisal district directors appoint ARB members by a majority vote and record their decision in a resolution. ARB Compensation The ARB receives a $75.00 minimum for a half day and a maximum pay of $150.00 per day. ARB Meetings ARB regular meetings are the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 A.M. These monthly meetings are approximately six to eight hours long. ARB reappraisal hearings will start on a daily basis, as needed, from late May until the appraisal roll is approved usually in late July. Meetings will normally be from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. In October reappraisal hearings will start on the third Wednesday and usually continue for about a week from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Effective January 1, 1998, ARB's must provide hearing times in the evening and on a Saturday or Sunday. Currently the Board meets one night a week during the summer months unti18:00 P.M. 000�� The Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District is considering you as a possible member of the Appraisal Review Board. The Board of Directors will choose members for a two-year term. The selection will be made at the next Board meeting. Would you please answer the following questions and return to the District as soon as possible. Name Address Address Phone Jurisdiction . � � ., n 1. Would you be W1111t1c� to se3.vC: If so you would need to be available from mid May until the end of July. The Board meets from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p:m. until the roll is certified. There will -also be meetings periodically throughout the year. 2. Have you ever been an officer or employee of the .appraisal district. 3. Have you ever served on the appraisal districts board of directors? 4. Have you ever been a member of the governing body or an officer of a taxing unit for which the appraisal district appraises property? If so, has it been the 4tn anniversary of the date you ceased to be a member or officer? 5. Have you ever appeared before the ARB for compensation? 6. How long have you resided in Denton County? 7. Occupation 8. Do you have any prior experiences serving on an appraisal review board or any board that has to do with property value? 9. Could you make a decision based on evidence rather than feelings for the taxpayer? 10. The property tax code requires that all property be valued at 100% of market value. Could you keep this in mind throughout the proceedings? 11. Would you be willing to work nights and weekends if necessary? The Board of Directors will notify you of their decision. O�q � 4 6 Board of Directors nenton Central Appraisal District October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Reclaimed Water Ordinance Attached is the proposed ordinance on this item. Jack will address this at the meeting. OAT 03 2003 14:47 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.02 1I lai 101 I THAT CHAPTER 139 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF IIIE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 13.2400 USE OF RECLAIMED WATER, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE XT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TXIE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended by adding an article, to be numbered Article 13,2400, which said article shall read as follows. ARTICLE 13.2400 USE OF RECLAIMED WATER Sec. 13.2401 Applicability. This article applies in the planning jurisdiction of the City except as otherwise provided in this article. Sec. 13.2402 DeStnitions APPROVED tISE means an application of reclaimed water authorized by a reclaimed water agreement. APPROVED USE AREA means a site designated in a reclaimed water agreement to receive reclaimed water for an approved use. COMIvESSION means the Texas Commission on Environmental Control. DRAWINGS mean plans, working drawings, detail drawings, profiles, typical cross sections, or reproductions that show locations, character, dimensions, or details of work related to a reclaimed water system and its components. INDUSTRIAL USE means an approved use of reclaimed water for industrial or commercial processes as defined by 30 Texas Administrative Cvde, Chapter 210, IRRIGA2'ION USE means an approved use of reclaimed water for landscape, horticultural, or agricultural irrigation as defined by 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210. UNICIPAZ WASTEWATER means wastewater collected from dwelling units, commercial buildings, and institutions including process wastes of industry, groundwater infiltration, miscellaneous waste liquids, spent water from building water supply, and vaste materials from bathrooms, kitchens and laundries. 11• 73 2203 14:47 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO OFFSITE FACILITIES means reclaimed water distribution, storage, or delivery facilities upstream of the point of connection to an approved use area. ONSITE FACILITIES means reclaimed water distribution facilities downstream of the point of connection to an approved use area. �'OIN7' OF CONNECTION melocation sIteeCt to onsite facilities, at the downstream d of theUtility's reclaimedwater service mer. RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE means furnishing reclaimed water to a user through a metered connection to onsite facilities. RECLAIMED WATER means reclaimed municipal waster�vater that is under the direct control of the City treatment plants, satellite facilities, or a treatment plant with which the City contracts, and that has been treated to a quality that meets or exceeds 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210 requirements. SgTELLITE FACIL.I7'Ymeans apackage wastewater treatment plant, SERVICE AREA meatas the territory within the City and within its Certificated Service Area (CCN). STORAGE FACILITY means an impoundment or structural tank that receives reclaimed water from a producer. , USER means a party to a reclaimed water agreement with the City. UTILITY means the Water and W astewater Utility. UTILITY STANDARD means a design criterion of the City, American Water Works Association, or the Commission. WATER RIGXIT means a real property right to divert, use, or consume water flowing to, over, or under land. Sec.13.2403 Availability of Reclaimed Water Service. The City of Sanger may make zclaimed water available to propezties within the service area as the Utility extends the reclaimed water distribution system 2003 14:48 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.04 The City Engineer shall prescribe design requirements, in accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210, for reclaimed water facilities, the manner of construction, the method of operation, and conditions of service. The City of Sanger may refuse to provide service for the following reasons: (1) reclaimed water service would be detrimental to the potable water system; (2) City supply of treated wastewater is inadequate to meet the anticipated needs of the proposed use area; (3) required fees have not been paid; (4) reclaimed water service to the area would not beziefit the City; (5) the proposed use is inappropriate for reclaimed water; or f . "W^fa,.+ thin n„htie health or the (6) known sateguards are nOL III JAMoc w yav►wu ••••• r------ environment. In determining whether to provide reclaimed water service to an applicant, the City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent may consider the following factors: (1) the existence of a reclaimed water main adjacent to or near the premises of an applicant; and (2) the applicant's offer to pay the cost of service extension. See.13.2404 Reclaimed 'Water Service Application. An applicant for a subdivision plat, building permit, site plan, water service extension, or water connection within the service area may submit an application to use reclaimed water. The the City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent shall prescribe an application form for reclaimed water service. Sec. 13.2405 Application Review. (A) The City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent shall review an application for reclaimed water service and investigate the proposed service. The investigation may include a site visit with the user to determine the feasibility of reclaimed water service. (B) The City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent shall determine whether the application meets the requirements of this article and of the Commission. Sec.13.2406 Approval Required for System Design and Operation. (A) A user must submit design drawings and specifications to the City Engineer for approval before the user may construct or retrofit an onsite facility that will use or receive reclaimed water. (B) A user must submit to the City Engineer drawings of the final installed onsite reclaimed water system and the entire approved use area before beginning operation. Sec. 13.2407 Baekflow Prevention. 00050 2003 14:4e FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.05 A user must install a backflow prevention assembly on the reclaimed water service line before the City may provide reclaimed water service. Sec.13.2408 Storage. A user must design storage facilities used for storing reclaimed water in accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210. Sec.13.2409 Reclaimed Water Agreement. (A) If the City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent approves the application, the City may enter a reclaimed water service agreement with a user. (B) A reclaimed water agreement must incorporate the requirements of this article and ..aa;+;,,,,al „t;litV standards, if anv, prescribed by the City of Sanger and in accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210. (C) The user must sign the reclaimed water agreement acknowledging that the user is responsible for onsite activities and must agree to hold the City harmless from claims arising out of user's operation and maintenance of reclaimed water service. See.13.2410 Discontinuance of Service. (A) The City may discontinue reclaimed and potable water service to a user if the user: (1) violates This article; (2) tampers with the service; (3) cross -connects with a potable water source; (4) refuses to permit an authorized city representative to enter its premises to inspect the user's reclaimed water system; or (5) performs an act that may be detrimental to the water or wastewater system. (B) A user who seeks to discontinue service may do so at any time. (C) A user may not reconnect a discontinued service without the City of Sanger's approval. (D) If a user reconnects a discontinued service without approval, the City may remove the service and charge a fee. (E) The City may not charge a fee for discontinued reclaimed water service. (F) A user may apply for reinstatement of service as authorized by this article, Sec.13.2411 Utility Responsibilities. (A,) The City and its authorized agents, employees, or contractors aze responsible for the operation, management, and control of the offsite facilities and the oversight of reclaimed water. (B) The Utility shall: 1i1 ., .-.T 23 2003 14048 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.06 (1) obtain necessary Commission permits for the offsite use of reclaimed water under 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210, (2) conduct reclaimed water quality assessments to comply with the requirements of the regulatory agencies; and (3) inspect the user's onsite facilities and their operations for conformance with this article. (C) Before any user requests Council approval to construct new reclaimed water satellite facilities the user shall request the recommendations of the Water/Wastewater Superintendent, and the City Engineer. Sec. 13.2412 User Respo�asibilities. (A) A user may not make a connection to existing facilities without the approval of the City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent (B) A user is responsible for constructing an onsite service line to an established point of connection. (C) A user shall provide supervision of onsite facilities to assure compliance with this article and 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210. (D) A user shall provide access at reasonable times for inspections. Sec.13.2413 Use of Reclaimed 'water. (A) A user may use reclaimed water for the following purposes: (1) turf and general landscape irrigation; (2) non-food processing industrial processes, (3) construction activities; (4) air conditioning cooling towers; and (5) other uses authorized by the City of Sanger. (B) A user may use reclaimed water only in areas authorized by the City of Sanger. (C) A user may not give, sell, trade, or transfer reclaimed water to another area. (17) A user may not discharge airborne or surface reclaimed water from the use property, other than to a wastewater treatment system or wastewater collection system, without obtaining a permit from the Commission authorizing the discharge. The user must notify the City of the permit application, (E) A user who uses reclaimed water for cooling or processing must discharge the water to a sanitary sewer or use another method of discharge approved by the City of Sanger. Sec.13.2414 Inspection of Reclaimed Water Construction. (.A.) The City may inspect, remove, or secure devices installed by the user to control reclaimed water. (B) City personnel may inspect during normal business hours without notice to the user. ooa52 23 ?003 14:49 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.07 (1) The City and regulatory agencies may make periodic unannounced inspections of the onsite reclaimed water system. (2) The user and its operations personnel shall cooperate with inspectors and assist in perfornung operational tests. ((C) An onsite reclaimed water system must pass an operational test before the Cifiy may approve the system. (D) The City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent may grant user final approval for reclaimed water service when: (1) the City Engineer approves the drawings; (2) the system passes an inspection and cross connection control test; and l�) U10 U$el luutics VojicbuviiS A%AJUAA%0 s v) "Aw . Avj. aec. 13.24151dentification of Reclaimed Water Facility. A user must identify reclaimed water facilities in accordance with utility standards and 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 210. See.13.24I6 Prohibitions. r, user may not: (1) use reclaimed water for a purpose not approved in the reclaimed water agreement; (2) use or apply reclaimed water for a purpose, including approved uses, directly or by windblown spray, to an area other than that approved in the reclaimed water agreement; (3) use hose bibs on an onsite reclaimed water system unless the City Engineer or Water/Wastewater Superintendent approves the use of hose bibs; or (4) allow obstructions to impede access to meter boxes or other facilities. See.13.2417 Water Right. The delivery of reclaimed water by the City and the acceptance and use of the reclaimed water by the user is not a transfer by the City or an acquisition by the user of a wafter right. Sec. 13.2418 Offenses. (A) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly violates any provision of this article. (B) An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $500. (C) Each instance of a violation of this article is a separate offense. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. 000 03 2003 14:49 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.08 Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. A.ny person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall .I,.+l, tl,p RQ7fPral penalty providan found in Section 1.109 of IVG ALLOY In a4 PUL U"U4� RIM YIIM 6M. wl "& try _y r. � ---- this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will talre effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 6th day of October A.D., 2003, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED; aTommy Kincaid, Mayor A,'pT�ST: 12osalie Chavez, City Secretary L11 1 !`�1 1 VJRb�L i OCT 03 2003 14:49 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.09 �RnTNANCE 10-32-03 THAT CHA�'TER 13, OF TILE CODE OF ORbINANCES OF TITE CITY OF SANGElt, TEXAS, YS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADAING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 13.2400 USE OF RECLAIMEri WATER; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF AIJL ORYIINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITX CLAUSE; PROV�pING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. poly Passed by the City Council of the City of Sangex, Tegas, on the 6'� day of October, 2003. _ Ai'PROVED: �� � ' ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY OOU55 ** TOTAL PAGE.09 ** October 3, 2003 To; Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr; City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Technology Fee Ordinance Attached is the proposed ordinance on this item. This is just removing the expiration date as required by state law. ORDINANCE NO. 10-33-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND; PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF A MUNICIPAL COURT TECHNOLOGY FEE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION DATE, Whereas, Article 102.0172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for the establishment of a Municipal Court Technology Fund, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. Establishment of Municipal Court Technology Fund A. There is hereby created and established Muunicipal Court Technology Fund, here -in -now known ac the. Fnnd mircnant to Article. 1 n7 0177 of the Code of Criminal Procedme B. The Fund may be maintained in an interest bearing account and may be maintained in the general revenue account. Section 2. Establishment of Amount of the fee and Assessment and Collection A. The fee shall be in the amount of �p to four dollars). B. The fee shall be assessed and collected from the defendant upon conviction for a misdemeanor offense in the Municipal Court as a cost of court. A defendant is considered convicted if: (1) a sentence is imposed on the person; (2) the person is placed on community supervision, including deferred adjudication Community supervision; or (3) the court defers final disposition of the person's case. C. The fee shall be collected on conviction for an offense committed on or after September 1,1999 (or for convictions on offenses committed on or after ordinance is adopted). D The clerk of the court shall collect the fee and pay the fee to the municipal treasured or other official who discharges or performs the duties of the treasurer) of the City of Sanger, who shell deposit the fee into the Municipal Court Technology Fund. Section 3. Designated Use of the Fund and Administration A. The Fund shall be used only to finance the purchase do technological enhancements for the Municipal court of the City of Sanger, Texas, including: (1) computer systems; (2) computer networks; (3) computer hardware; (4) computer software; (5) imaging systems; (6) electronic kiosks; (7) electronic ticket writers; or (8) docket management systems. (9) maintenance of technology enhancements 111 *Fee may only be assessed and collected on offenses occurring on or after September 1,1999. The fee may not be assessed or collected retroactively if Fund is established at a later date than September 1, 1999. B. The Fund shall be administered by or under the direction of the City Council of the City of Sanger. Section 4. Severability Ifany provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phase ofthis ordinance, or the application of same to same to any person or set of circumstances for any reason is held to be unconsdtitutional, void or invalid or for any reason unenforceable, the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the application thereby shall remain in effect, it being the intent of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas in adoptiong this ordinance, that no portion thereof of provision contained herein shall become inoperative or fail by any reason of unconstitutionality or invalidity of any portion or provision. Section S. Repealing Conflict All nrrlinanrae and Hart of nrriinanePe in cnnflint with thrc nr�linance are herehv reneale�l to the extent of conflict with this ordinance. Section 6. Publishing and Effective Date This ordinance shall be published in accordance with the requirement of publishing all ordinances and becomes effect in accordance with state law upon passage. Section 7. Administration of Fund In accordance with Article 102.41 �2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, this ordinance and the assessment and collection of the Municipal Court Technology fee. The purpose of the use of any funds remaining in the Fund shall continue to be used and administered as required by this ordinance and for that purpose this ordinance remains in effect. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger on this the day of October, 2003, APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 111 ORDINANCE NO. 10-33-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND; PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF A MUNICIPAL COURT TECHNOLOGY FEE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR EXPIRATION DATE. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger on this the 6"' day of October, 2003, Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 00059 October 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Board Appointment Helen Giese has resigned from the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. The board has recommended Carolyn Frazier as her replacement. O�QEQ 000b� MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY SEPTEMBER 2003 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The company that brought wireless Internet to Sanger gave several connection nodes to the City. Danny Cockrell and Samantha Renz installed and connected one of these nodes at the library this month. It replaces the dial -up connection that we were starting to have trouble with. The library also still has a connection through the school district's T-I line. ADMINISTRATION: After much debate, the County Commissioner's Court again agreed to fund libraries. We will be funded at the same rate as 2002-2003, i.e. $1.25 per capita plus $10,000 matching. Adam Wright, the Technology Consultant of the North Texas Regional Library System, visited the library. He looked at the Library's local area network, discussed future technology needs and resolved some small problems with our public access computers. At the request of the City Secretary, updated the job descriptions for Director and Clerk. Meetings attended: Denton County Library Advisory Board, 9/18, Denton North Branch North Texas Regional Library System Fall Meeting, 9/25, Olney. Gave a 15- minute presentation at this meeting on the value of the proposed Public Library Standards. COLI:ECTION: Took a fresh collection of books to the Senior Center. SPECIAL PROJECTS: The Friends of the Library book sale at the Sellabration netted $741.75. The Friends have recently purchased a "Skip Doctor Pro" to fix scratches in the library's DVDs. PROGRAMS: The theme of the Storytime programs was "Outdoor Fun". In keeping with the theme, the programs were a little more active than usual, including a trip to the park across the street from the library. Weekly themes were "Run, Play and Ride Your Bike", "Water Fun: Swim, Boat and Fish", "Picnic in the Park" and "Camp Out". SEPTEMBER 2003 STATISTICS Sept 2002 Sept 2003 BORROWER CARDS Last month 2964 3002 New cards 58 40 Cards reactivated 9 10 TOTAL 3031 3052 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 248 249 Nonfiction Videos 29 19 Adult Fiction 154 223 Interlibrary Loan 21 17 Renewals 208 309 Junior Biography 4 12 Junior Fiction 93 89 Children's Nonfiction 140 1L3 Children's Fiction 253 324 Story Sacks 3 Paperback Fiction 232 279 Videos 291 319 Audio Tapes 63 70 Leased books 83 97 DVD 129 TOTAL 1819 2262 INTERNET USERS 274 331 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 8 7 Children Attending 112 88 Adults Attending 44 29 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 2 4 Number of Juniors 3 4 Number of Hours 38 46 COLLECTION Books 15339 15419 Paperback Fiction 2588 2642 Video Materials 659 700 Audio Materials 347 433 Leased books 201 148 Microfilm 66 DVD 66 TOTAL COLLECTION 19134 19474 REVENUE Fines $93.75 $165.44 Copies $52.50 $60.00 ILL Postage $20.95 $23.70 Lost Materials $0.00 $14.95 New Cards $0.75 $1.00 TOTAL $167095 $265009 00063 Sanger Public ii • # by �cic�� F_lie.snn The Sanger Public Library now checks out DVD movies. It all started when some wonderful person donated three DVDs: Pleasantville, Stargate SG-1 and Four Weddings and a Fu- ^•l Tl_ T new service with only three items! But lots of other people started ask- ing if the library had DVDs. Then the librarian noticed how inexpensive DVD players.were getting. And fi- nally, the legislators of the State of Texas decided that libraries needed some direct funding from the State. Sanger Public Library got $2,202. It wasn't hard to figure out something nice to do with the money. The Library started checking out its first DVDs in April. Titles like Left Behind Ili Shrek and 'I'hc 'Tuxedo were among the first to go out. DVDs t 41 zda3 may be cl;eelred out for one :week. and so sometimes the pickings were pretty slim because almost every- thing was checked out. More movies have been added anti...,,.: t...,re a4: G2 Son'. of tl.:.lie newer ones are Chicagao and Antixone Fisher. The latest one is Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. DVDs are still more likely to be checked out than they are to be in the library, but at least now borrowers can usually' Tied something! Anyone who is doing the math realizes that all the State grant wasn't spent on DVDs. The library com- mitted to spend it on all kinds of au- diovisual materials. S� the library now has more books on tape. For t t t:t t t. tl:e firsttirric t,1C uvcuty Gf Cry a ,un.� on CD. 'There are also some new movies cr: VHS. Come and Icok at t.":e audio and video sections of the Li- 'rrarv. There is another change at the li- brary. One that is not so fun, but is has been raised from five cents a day to ten cents a day. That's still not very high, but it is hoped that books will come back sooner. Your library is a small library, and it needs all of its materials to be able to sc..°e evcryonc. Please come by the Sanger Pub- lic Library. We are at 501 Bolivar Street on the west side of the down- town park. Take a look at the new things we offer. Make suggestions about what we should offer. Donate your old D'vDs, videos and books. . C..».-.... TI..Ll:. T Si1p1 Gt t yviii Saud; : uvti� i ibraly.