09/02/2003-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. AGENDA CITY COUNCH. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLWAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA August 18, 2003 4. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Budget for FY 2003/20Q4. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-23-03 -Regulating Accessory Buildings and Carports. 6. Consider and Passible Action on Awarding Fuel Bid. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement for Ambulance Service Between the City of Denton and the City of Sanger. 8. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. Rosalie Cha z, City Secretar Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodafions or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL August 18, 2003 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Coucnilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Vehicle Mechanic David Erwin, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Kit Chase, Elizabeth Higgs 1. Mayor called meeting to order and led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 28, 2003 Workshop August 4, 2003 b) Disbursements Councilman Garza moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Requests from Chamber of Commerce Regarding Street Closures and Advertisement Expenses. Lanny Grissom addressed the Council regarding the street closures. he indicated they were the same as last year. They are also bringing the estimated expenditures for advertising at the Sanger Sellabration. The total estimated expense is $28,416.00. City Secretary indicated the total in the hoteUmotel account is $7,605.00. The Historical Society has already asked for some help from these funds. Discussed expenditures. Lanny Grissom indicated the expenses are increasing every year. Councilman Evans expressed that he felt some of the businesses should help support the Sellabration. Councilman Garza indicated he felt that they should look at cutting some of the expenses. Mr. Grissom indicated they have tried. Discussion regarding the $10,000.00 expense for the tent. Councilman James asked what was committed to the Historical Society City Secretary indicated an amount was not committed, however, a commitment was made that the hotel/motel tax along with 4B would cover the match for the grant. QQQJ Discussed overtime for the electric department. Discussed previous commitment to the Historical Commission, Lanny Grissom advised that the Chamber has current funds of approximately $22,000.00 from the Hotel/Motel tax. They are requesting to utilize current funds. Councilman Garza indicated he felt that $5,000.00 may be excessive for radio advertisement. Discussion. Councilman Evans moved that the Chamber use up to $17,000.00 from the funds they current have in their account from the hotel/motel tax and that the City donate the overtime from the city employees and the electric usage for the Sellabration and that they be allowed to close the streets as requested. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Architectural Study for Downtown Area. Lanny Grissom indicated he and other people throughout the community have met to discuss the downtown area. After much discussion they came up with a plan. He showed a plan for Bolivar Street. They are to the point of putting a cost on this project. They can't go any further without getting some things in writing. The next step would be to engage in a contract with the architects to begin the process, and then obtain a civil engineer, to see what problems they would have. This would incurr some costs up front. Mayor asked if they had eliminated parking on the East side of the square. Lanny indicated this was mostly looking at Bolivar Street. They were not addressing parking on the side streets. Discussion regarding the project and projected costs. Allan, the architect working on the project, indicated just the flatwork and sidewalk would be about $45,000 per block before the utility infrastructure is addressed. Discussed traffic that will be on the road. Councilman Evans asked what kind of grants were they looking at. Lanny Grissom indicted the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board has potential of a $70,000.00 grant,and the NCTCOG has a grant. They have a committee that is looking for grants and intend to fund the entire project if possibole. Mayor asked what they are asking from the City. Lanny Grissom indccated it would be $7,000.00 to get a civil engineer, and over $5,000 for plans. For $12,500.00 they would have civil enginnering and a preliminary design. It would get everything ready except for the bid package. The bid packet will be about $6200.00. The total will be close to $19,000.00 just to get up to the bid packet phase. Elizabeth Higgs indicated the grant they may get will be for landscaping and beautification. City Secretary indicated she felt this was a great project, but felt the council should really consider that Accounts Payable has a $98,000.00 bill for the project on Cowling Road, this will utilize any contingencies that currently exist. Councilman Ervin asked how much was budgeted for downtown sidewalks. City Manager indicated there was not an amount designated for sidewalks, it is included in with the street maintenance/improvements. Councilman Evans felt they should wait. City Secretary expressed that they should wait until next budget year since the fiscal year ends September 30. Councilman James felt city should get thru this budget year and let the city get final numbers on the sewer plant and other improvements. Discussion continued regarding improvements. Couccilman Ervin asked that before they vote on the budget can$20,000.00 be moved from somewhere to put in for sidewalks. City Manager indicated they could. Lengthy discussion continued. Mayor asked if we could get thru this year and into next year's budget and then take a look at it. Mayor indicated they should come back after the first of the year. Councilman James moved to take no action and to schedule a meeting some time after January 1920049 to discuss this again. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried 5 to 1. Councilman Ervin voted no. (Councilman Ervin left the meeting.) 6. Discuss Tax Rate; Take Record Vote; Schedule Public Hearing on Tax Rate. Discussed tax rate and the effect it will have on the budget. Lengthy discussion regarding tax rate. Councilman James moved to leave the actual tax rate at .56547. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried by Mayor breaking the tie vote. Councilman Evans voted no, Councilman Garza voted no, Councilman Higgs voted yes, Councilman James voted yes, and Mayor Tommy Kincaid voted yes. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bids for the Administration Building. City Manager indicated when they do the sewer expansion they will build a new Administration building. Councilman James asked if this was budgeted. Staff indicated it was in the capital improvements plan. Q�Q� Councilman James moved to award the bid to Bradwell construction for $64, 951.00. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid for the Fire Apparatus Tanker. Eddie Branham indicated he had given them a letter from the Fire Chief. This item was budgeted; however, they tried to get a grant for the vehicle and it did not come thru. Discussion. Councilman Garza moved to accept the low bid from Deep South Truck in the amount of $120,000.00. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution # 08-12-03- GNB Loan for Fire Apparatus Tanker Councilman Evans moved to approve the Resolution. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor read caption as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF FUNDS: 10. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #08-11-03 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. City Manager indicated he will ask Johnson -Payne to voluntarily annex, and he will also ask Mr. Porter. He indicated they should remove the first property from the resolution as it will not be annexed. Leave off A on the Resolution, Mayor read Resolution as follows: Mayor read caption as follows: A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF BANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilman Evans moved to approve Resolution #0841-03. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-28-03 -Regulating Driveway Construction. City Manager indicated one of the things that has occurred was that a home builder built some homes and did not pave to the street. It is unsightly and unsound. This is to put into place an actual ordinance to have a paved driveway and an approach. Councilman James indicated that he felt 3500 PSI on the driveway was too much, and indicated that currently the streets are only 3000 PSI. Councilman James indicated he would like to see it be 3000 PSI on the driveways, and to change all time limits to 6 months instead of 3 months. Councilman James moved to adopt the ordinance with corrections as noted, 3000 psi and 6 month time limit throughout document, Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: THAT CHAPTER 39 ARTICLE 3.12009 CURB, GUTTER, D�WAY, AND CULVERT INSTALLATIONS, AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 3.700 (FEE SCHEDULE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-29-03 -Amending the Subdivision Regulations Regarding Performance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds, City Manager indicated the city wilt require performance and payment bonds for work done for the city, but not from developers. Councilman Evans moved to approve the ordinance. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: THAT CHAPTER 10, ARTICLE 10.100, SECTION 6.09 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AND SECTION 8: MAINTENANCE BOND OR ESCROW ACCOUNT OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDINGA SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Property Legally Described as Lots 50R-1 and 50R-29 Block 25 of the Hampton Addition. Property is located at 310-312 Marshall Street. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Replat on Property Legally Described as Lots SOR-1 and 50R-2, Block 25 of the Hampton Addition. Property is located at 310.312 Marshall Street. City Manager indicated years ago there were two houses built on one lot, now they can't sell either of the houses until they are replatted. City Manager indicated that the Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended approval. Councilman James moved to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and approve the request. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 15. Meeting Adjourned. L��vJS 9M,0180 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-4069b' 001-1; 55,10 99-02170 REINERI PAPER Ier CI.IEMMICA I-I3G22 01-1 5215) 99 0 l,A CINGULAR W;IRP=_ESS 1410 13g7 �'01-t,a 5,10 G-3 'C«vZ GE#JRG' 5 HUDGIC u 1 4I:645 NH531' i YM 1 1.,}�. t?e,.t!.1.;. )I_yIN1 Nib€Ir orSCRIFIIUN TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 0ol0el00 9.41 JRINI1,C1tfRIA SiO! #LEA ICy?G S1JFF IE 000,,i 0 1S4 E ALE }i111�=!r ?i�Fc 1a I!.UI�P..Y?t�% �a°. �`.#v#�Wr al6ll e t l h i :1 R x iE BUILDIN !�k1iVDOW CLFF?III�`€ s3G �r ? 12 iiE%ARi�ECdT 1�, jai.#IiICJISiRFiilCi�! PM HEGULAR DFPARlISUff PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE r 2 VENDOR SET, qq FUND , 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERINU UFO""IR NAME ITEM # CfL ACCOUNT NIE DEGUIPTION CHECH AMIJJUNI 99-111i IHE TFE9MF'' OIN—ROBERTS SR T-39571 Ofel1--1M420 CONTRACTUAL Si 5TH ST SEWER LINIF 001HOO b;425 00 DEi'MRT ECT 1° E'SI1dU.€difYC T>�TAL, E5�,c�a��'1 B/2812001i e w 31 Pil REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAY E[I REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GBERAL FUNJI LtEL L� tT is "I g 20 POLICE. U� .:grin WAME ITrtil # OiL. OE.�;L€u O iE DESCRIPTION 99-00150 UcRIeOLd WIRELESS 140E 6 0,01 cQM52"i PAGERS PACERS 99-1011100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE IREI-14! 501 001�20+ 5525 n & Mi MOTnR U 4 TIRES 99,12170 RaINHT PAPER & CHEMICA 1-136ER 001-00-5245 JANITORIAL SO CLEANING SUPPLIES -030P0 WEBB AUii? PARTS I -EKG 001-20-45325 R' Ifl, MOTOR U AIR,OILIFUN FILTERS J9 05710 CORER PROPERTIES I-40692 e1l.11- 2,;n' 2615 DRUG PREUENTI STORAGE SS-0824r0 'SInCHIE FINGER PRINT LA 1318b 00H''0-5 ,G5 DRUG PREUEMTI FINGERPRINT POWDER Q,90) -T W DESIGNS Llc> 1 fr1E 3 Cro1 R & r= ,MOTOR U BLOCK Rro `' CTIUE 0 000 �a�3'c�00 33" "OEM 0010Go Ah�0i1�lT 105.5E 1'nL1, 00 i3e50 55. PS�3 130rc`3 3: Cn0 OEPARTMEh1T 50 i��OLI%E T:aTE� 4 SGC;,G9 8/58/2003 2%3l PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDGR SET p ?'j wAt;E 4 FUND 001 GENERAL_ FUND DEPARTMENT; 22 AWAL CONTROL. 4i.I.TrI IR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME '9"@'74,sl ANHAL HOSPUAL. Im40668 0101I,H 5248 9940450 BURROS 1-40324 001 K5248 ~@A iO HEBB ALTO FARTS I 205 � 00I—R�mS tv'S 9909650 DESIGNS ETCe I-46809 Ri rZI—EE-51325 LEES! ;R i i-°€ i C.! CNECR DOG POUND EXA EUTHANASIA OOD6 O Di�tS AC°ULJD EXA CAT F�SOD OGO�OG R H ¢MOTOR V AIR,OIL.,FUEL FILTERS 00ri1000 R A MOTOR V DOOR DECALS 600000 DEFARTi�E��T R�� ANI�ii�L COLLTRCoL TOTAL ; 4 :54 18,SG BGx 4a� �555, c14 I1/2EG/2003 22,z7 PH 'VENDOR SET: 99 FUND c 501 GENERAL FUND DhPARTMEN v 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR DEPARTHE1,41 ` PAYMENT T REGISTER PA17E iJF''¢' R NAME ITEM ## S/L ACCOUNT NAME t�ESi RIP"�I[li# CNEC�', AMCii1dl 99—!C''1_�Ita VERIZON WIRELESS 1-40696 001�24-5525 PAGE RSO PAGERS {10cTA00 99�02190 RITE —WELD P13400K 001-24-5375 MINOR EOUIPME 5 MEDICAL OXYGEN 0@0000 45a00 99-02193 RIIE-WELD 1,-137020 001245375 MINOR EQUIPME A MEDICAL OXYGEN f7i00el00 54e00 9—kc.'4#L(,K 1!!RE! 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JANITOR CLEANING GIJ FLIES itFFiCE SUPPL I JUDICIAL ROBE DEF`ARii�E�1I �'6 t�UI1ICIR'AL COURT Cr�ECI;i# ANOU�lT Sf f ' r' e; 37 AC=i R G€�LAR UE 'ARE EH1FlAY€ BI RrGIV R VENDOR G'M 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND A .iAEtIMc;CTe 2, 8 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION NAME ITFH G/L ACCCt1N"i HAKE 41ESCRIFTICFI CltECFI� A1CL°c 9'.3-L2CINGULAR WIRELESS P40697 0011 28 520' CELLULAR ISLE LINGULAR WIRELESS 00,0000 5166 9J.09600 DESIGNS ETC, 1-46WB 0012'8 3n R & M VEHICLE DOOR DECALS 00010G®r 37. SA 99-11400 GEGRGE CORALE I-107 0 1-21 S4c0 CONTHRACTUAL S ITIOWING 10244 TREWS 011000 � 75, 00 17G. 4G {c`.T%='�� Ci E_i.m_1 Cx3! 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I-404533 001--'G-3355 R M MOTOR V ART CHARGE E,,0,301010 30.0 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTEt PKV TOTAL : P:0a.4"�`t i REtSULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REfM I ER slab; 12 VENDOR SETA 9 MIND a 001 GENERAL Mt'D DEPA RICEN13 40 SULLIVAN CENTER V. tag UR NAME IT 1; CfL ACCUUM NAME I� SIRIE°tWN F40G49 014,M-310 R & M RUILDIN WINDOW CLEANING SECARiMEtdi 4U SfJLLI4�t;�! CEhd`CER AMSUP� i SE.25 5CsE5 8/2fl/i� 03 2� 317 ikl. VENDEJR GETv J9 FUND a AEI GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT% 48 Library GULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER NAlit. IIEM # G/L ACCCUNI NHHE C9',# AViCUNI z MM63? BAKER & `iA` LOR I-50044969 00142G@50 BOOKS BOOK 00M,10 16p 1219 a-�U07620 CONSUMER REPORIS I'4U47? CUf�4F` 2e' MAGAZINES 9 S SUDSCRIF' OM 004300 e lig-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASGUM 133144 001s 426050 BOOKS' DUDK 000000 11 0 75 SS- 0 91 CGEORGE S HUDGINS I�4064`R 0101 422- 3I0 R y. CI BUILWN WINDOW' CLEANING �11 0ev1300 5 & F,S 9S A M1j P4IAZ0111, Coll I-4047F: C,;10I,n426a�U BOORS BOOKS 000000 1ell 86 ❑GJ.JK� � ii 4f �.� R � CI E��:IILDI�I RErJLA:CE DAi.LASi r, LItC4Fh C'�'�CxZ1�� ;4G9, Ji4 EUiALs 586I8 8/2.18 R� 007 2::37 PM REGCL€`IR DEPARTMICNIT PA` MEET REGISTE t PAGE 14 VENDOR SVEI. 99 DEPARloMr'NTn A4 Cmmmity Center 9R NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT MALIE DESCRIPTION FKCH, Oluil€ -� 170 KINERT PACER � CHEMICA E 1362 2' 001 449 5E13 BUILDING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 0100,000 GO 9 09002ih GCGRGE G HUDGILdS 14iG4D G,i r ; 7 R & GiIlER WINDOW CL.E€NINU 0°1G0G00 25 DEPART��Ehll ��4 C�,��!nity Cenl:er^ 8128' _.' ISTE < C 8; j7 Ply, REUKH AR DEIPARTMEN PA`11 ENT REC :VENDOR SET e 'C8 FUND0138 ENT RPRIWE FUND DEPHTMENT; '@ Mayon and City Council VENMIR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT HAMdECCt iVIiCP! VC iNT 9918770 COMPUDATA PRODUCTS 1-858752 00'8' 110-52W OFFICE EIJAALI GREEN BAR,4 DRW FILE 000000 i992a9 IiEi'AR1NEPli AO NnYt mnd Cittf ri�=tn it TCTt�L€ 1` `` 121Ga r 2t3/ PM REGULAR tl€:.Y^�riRi��.{��i Ft�'�l i'iC.C'�f �G�Lath 4 ��€�t W."� aC: VENDOR SET., 99 FUND v 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPART IMENT. 15 Adginistrat ion YE;,MU NANE I €EM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 ACUUNT 99�0101 13 VERIZON WIRELESS 1 4vj59E, 008� 15 510 TELEPHONE SER PACERS �253G;�m1 141 99' 02170 REINER T PAPER & CNs rl 1CA 1136222 003�15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES AP10,i 0•:i 35s 64 99 02)460 ICING'ULAR WIRELESS I�40691 0108- 5-5510 TELEPHONESER CINGULHR WIRELESS 010,l,0G=.l LS. `3'9�_�i9020 �3EURGE 5 HUDGINS 140'49 008� F15- 31G [4 t3UiLDIN ]WINDOW CLEANING Ri�;'wjZ2 %EL°ARTNENT 15 AR�inisirinn EGTALs if}le�j� EP1R812' 031 c`0 PM VENDOR SE l ; 'AG FLIED t 0142,B ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTo ENk 18 ENGINEERING ti EGULAR UEfi'AP MEN PH'I'liltNT RI GHiTER EaCE 17 NAME ITEM .4 G/L AUs OUNI° NAME DEa%RIE"€ IErt� r E � � �1�aiIT `._3D.-1111G THE THGMPS0,14PROBERTS GR I-39671 008--18-542CI CONTRACTUAL 5 5TH ST SEWER LINE 000000 614E000 ?E,="ARTEEE��T ?E; E'tIiIP�EEPiE�G TrjTPLg 8/29/2003 2.317 1M RMULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMEW iEGISTER VENDOR SE T ; 99 FUND a DEPART M, EDIT a Iod Data Processing E ryry 5'} Ads f� V"" IOR N!Al1E iTCC If b/L AL�:C4 Nl NHM� I�E�EvP �°� IEE i C�`o-ECK� M+IJUNi 9940720 BATAMATIC.COM, LTD. T-069-I9-uulw R & M MACHINE. METER READING SYSTEM MAI%4! A1100,01 ����.27 99--08770 C€3MPUDATA PAUDUCiS 18,J87M CIO I'd' 52E5`5 DATA PROCESS I GREEN BAR14 DRU FILE 000000 i79.95 iiEl�'At€T14EN 3 1'"t •,rr : FIS I,/2BWC 3 237 ry REU AR DEPAR€;=NI `A'U�.a VENDOR SETS SS Cii'4a arG C 1ERI�RIQ" f Ut.u) DEAARTMEi' T R 36 fit° 1irv'I I'laintell cim VFV� Q NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME 931058", 9' GIIV1AB LJPR74 E L7..v°k1m�r w6Ux5 .} �v0�2U�v5�2. 100'8( CINTAS JOPR� 1149" �•"{P'1 _1J.JJ7 jYV'Io�v F 99�0013 i CINTAS la RADIO 008�36-4532, 93 li 23ci0 SCHLUTER� E-pN�G.+ & COMMi� II-165SJ toj0ST r t ..l '.pit:: H _..Ji �... t} 12I L.li Eltlkis f: i..0 l'�}e 3J I"_Sit,J ` }['A!7 "�l',�C }P �^i �. 8V : 6 JJ 9(3...02`4G,0 CINGULAR WIRELESS F40,697 008-p36-55LS 7330B€€U PARTS I` 56 03".t[t : cL kW .w: t}E5LR4 �'TIOM CNELi# AMOUT LLEAt ING 5U P SHOP TOWELS & IFEN ER LOVERS 0000010 31e r2 LE ANING SU€-'A SHOP TOWELS el ol01S0 i4.75 C�EAINIUO coupp SHOP MWELS & FENDER COVERS 11000,30 li:q)8 f M tAl0 T OR V PHONE r LA'SE 000,11O'v � !0 ITT AIR & t'Ic'�4t4 ANTENNA 01100,010 6 RE )AIR & MAIN ANTENNA 000000 b= LA CELLULAR P``HON CINGULA€ti WIRELESS OtrrElt"R00 ;`S. 97 R & M M010H V AIR, OI.L, SUES. FILTERS to+z, 0ol t+a95 �vC ANIL SHOP SCREWDRIVER, ROWER PROBE 0'l00S0 5,€ , t' R M MOTOR V ART CHARD CBlaUU3 Lt, l 41 RCGlll AR B;EPARTMEH C V Eh!€ RLiIJI VENDOR Klq BO "i AND GRUB ENTER �€ ! E FUND Ewr rr s? E iTEill if Gib. ACCOUNT NWIL° 99 Ot?l0}5el CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I�3BK 008-� Go 1 0750 CONLEY SPNa & GRAVEL �.�40GG9 4L- 0-50760 99-00180 VEI7ON WIRELESS {®}05J6 008550 5525 99F,"OIL GL-BB AUTO PAIJS 036 008W 19`@ i 20 HACK COMOANY 1355523' NOel8 -5 b2510 9_U821 ,WK KAR I SG312 00. 8-50 5325 99_0897 € XAS ,DETER & SEWER CO I--127715 00B.m 111 5358 99 -UB07� ERAS i TER SEA+CFt CO I-?c771e �!B J:l 5�C» 99--UB'B7U TEXAS METER & SEWIER CO 1-1 L77 s7 00850 5,358 `;'�A 1010 C & O EsDLsiR EKIT COZ I °z » sBB 008 5J IR�SC�dIR'Il�'i°i CN�iS'ire ttis�UL�i�i R x M OTHER FLEX BASE UUUU 1 O,G:GB, d R e, i OTHER COI'CRE T E PULL YI T UU0007i 1G5t 0 RACi�R ��"�ERS U�rU:UUU �B, 4tiE IELLULAR Pi'IN UMNIGULAR aiiiiE.LESS 01 4IONFi'i0 L e83 R I ,iO OR V (IIR,OIL,N��EL C L`lERS 00 0,rF!�U lie aU ?ROR T O S INDICATOR BUFFER 1�0U110M 40 83 5 A E ER MAIN' u r OUPL k'S'S, GASKETS, PYC', T EE, HUT i 5 LO}0 00 q zsl Ja 1+6 R M 0 T HF R N I PPLEu, €102LY TUBIN25 BUST iNGG 0000Otb '?C%, UB s!A [ ER MAIN BRASS NIPPLES 0QA11I(0 t 99484 R m MOTOR v HIt D DON114p U!)11,00i10; 15 631 4E' ItE!�AEt I E�E�9 T 5»� €�a� et' T srsA z B, lU': GB rxJ7 P{'s RFGikT_AR DEPAR(IENT 'PAYMENT FvGIS!ER VENDOR SET 99 Idt e FUND 7FT JEENAItTifIEN'l GGAR ® J'� (R��++.NTERPRISE @'iast l4ater Co I I OC1 ikoik 4�EttkrE-6 t AME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99NG50 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH Cu I-1'51 4 008-5 5420 .„'tu Ta 4.T:.d'i Ty `14,19690 DESIGNS ETC, P "8093 00852"532�) C�I61 RRCTUAL E Oar=�R CRf�II T T`trAC T L�AL G AiUAR WELL REPAIRS] M MINOR V DOOR DECALS CIOkNOfOl Ig i I da 00,00130 10141{1y'J :11a C.j 8/28IC.'.z! »rc77 ^ ii REGULAR DEPARTMENT (tt±.EN 1 {. ijii'� €sC— VENDOR FUND m 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPAR"t,ENT; it �Wd"sU Water Treatment S NAME ITEM S L KL'GtIM NHNt uE5%RIFI I UN CPS LAlf f� wE�7 S _ �4 S�� � � i3 ��� Q S „ T� t 001a9r{—ONW CONLEY <A`D GRAVEL I ��3s ,K) 31490 r_AWaa L(3INJ 11678aB 028~54 --5 3L5 is & MOTOR 4 CARE F.IF 0.o 0c?l0 54 SS— c R S.S TELERcIRY I—i�3uJ u 8— 4 JS R & M SEWER R LABOR 8,: MATERIAL WWTP 015000 81U;7.Fj:) '9_03Fr10 W Eau AU'O PARTS I- 028 4 310.5 R & N MINOR V AIR,tuIL,FUEL FILTERS :JS 0814 O IOU'REILLY RIFTS DARTS ! 4KK t a 11 MOTOR V H11CH BAT-1 'i4i �i SEa `E uEF}�`�RT�EP{T �t ague gate,, Triea�:nen� Tu€�Lr uiE,°SeC,", B 21B _�. 7 Pm i ULAR Lt� 'NI T€��E!', i'F'� E��T RECISTE1, VENDOR SETS 991 FUND : 8108 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT® 58 Electric Department YF ":.j.Y•: NAME ITEM i .7(fu -(U€.}k si '�IrYiias".. ltt..,L".F�.,iMUi IUN b IIEurJN Ei MU i C!000 CONL E`! SAM GRAVEL 1-40 1 OOMB €-;0_ '0 IMPROVEMENTS E Y RD CONCRETE :jrs 00 -bia� ,8wl GIEFtIZt7i°v !iRE(_ESS 1 44 CSC E3_S8 SVJ :,I b'AuE liS hCL: S U`a� tR1R Ett 5�..,%,�:l4,� RA1�IC 51,ACK I"i�llL9E1.� �A8-�8-5'�aW'A INF�RQ4!EPiEI+tiJ �°iIRE TIES cs'�'h�� is®��� r �^ RADIO 1 _ iA f ,le (.j' .�R'b". - _ cr:c i �r'a C r" 013 ,S l El i teAfflC a RCr T 4 4f _t a=r 525 € GIRS E, T TERiE.� 4 wi r 95.._F�E140 RADire tHAc1 401lit9`'j O6�8-58-- 2`50 MINF�R TOOLS B T�RIH S3 `r C SCNL lTER E tC, !.'J RPDTOS R "CTR RADHO BATTERY 0,130��0 00 r _" j C IPA, M N E GH`j R P 4 i;I; r •`'i` i 1 RAC T LRA!. S STAKE QUAIL RON' k0=.300,0-0 S� .;ct�i ii DER. E�#a RSCLLPA•�f, A !"'��: t.Ci°�..Lr �;L� i���v � �. 0,24EkZ kC00INGULAR 141RtELESS i-406917 l'f108i 58--5j21 0 CELLULAR "N'LE CINGUL AR WIRELESS 90M2' Ji0 kECHLINL 4K,690 TEUHLTNIt: TE@C NE 79--OL.. {il.0 .PJ.S jILI tRui il aUNE 8' S90 TECHLINE rSSS [Ev"R .'.NIL 99 0122W90 TEt111L INL' 99--62:690 IEC HLIME .Z. OEbS4 ECH11 INIE J`z—![00 E ECHL! 1 E Jr I'141810b 08"58 U�Em i-1418110 182,03 008- 8-B912"0 00 60201 i-1418260 H&58 E0:OS I— b.4M"S 00858 '02A i-1603984 IFPO49 v 116K310 OOMHE@221 08-'58-8CE'! 40320 140481t CiOMB FJs t TI"€�?R•'FiCkG4Ctic;•`Il`S R�AtER2E�! t�Rt i�I1�IL ttL!tJ t•,:9W�r!1I�kdI ,�Ai�.tat��s iRkUNENENTS 10001 WIRE t'01)1 010 laUt�[:hEN S ELI 1521W HEAD ONLY 0101 �fp RkOVEMENlS EPEDC.5TAL. v, 0 el10 01 I GROVE IENIS 70 LOCKR. NCH &I CLii4 PS 0 0- 0 CAVA RNC'RCJENENIS k;IEEA'Iiti ELBOWS 010o00 R�INSFORtERS 10 POL BIOUNTS 'RO t ENTG POLES ? 6 IX:l;FtYWot &„3j�'0000 I(t-l���f=lt_� ram.= t_�_ iC A'ROVEN!INTS 42" SQUARE TRANSFORMER PADS ttcr180"'0 RCVEr ENTS WT REHOLDERS, BRACKETS 0100 0 0 13 lR'RClekELt'dIS i Ji':dt•IR SARREi'PT€�RS y! 4"";! �fi€'RCVER_N 48 i5oWi BULK !�tl!il�0 `'��-t�k- C� ,+�`' I i tf f !`C;:.-. t' a� i�xjC-4� v 7 c � ' 1; g ¢ ���4 %�✓iE;"°i'�.� .�.�.�7f_ �l:.t � ��.71._.. rR.�4iE�'{ •l��la �. -'F='C1. �ii,e €7 c.J_w���n� cc RE�..R�s i'9i`���t.... �rrG,,:t , a-'�,�M f EBB AEITO PARTS 1*-cC'"CS !?03-'Sc8-53S; R � i� MOTOR k} AIR,F�iLpFJEL FRLTERS 021110 "�! �'.1- 2560 BR!,. ` AL GNMENT u IR 1-161EE8 =��.MB 5325 R F M M O R k;! TIRES 0 ,iS-�.._"� .. kBO 4 S P T1f0tr 69 .f IMB._`.8)-5aE�r` °L ske �:FtN � .Cp 'fie �l (`^:3r_`7 sF u mt il'tr0f� -RT,�'�,�mx CI�:�1ERGi. K��E�4"A � CC,OIR 1 ,i� .��."+ �. N ::ai�€e�f "�w:NL(ll. �"":"�psu€:r, _�u�t SS_04HDO CiriET CLEANERS Ct08 ZI Ejj WEARING APPAR ELECT BEPT CLEANING !?o'BCttB C.,.Lt i5 i LL EC[`R C !3Ct�C`ERATIVE `i S8C°R Ci 18-58--CSSC t RANISR 0K ERS DISPOSAL Or CCIPA�_ITUR BA _<�a`sRACdJA_ 55IRLABORCOMPUTER MAIN DECODE 002eOA -l8;1C u1FFt?B ELECTRIC z-1'<14 7f8P8- 424 lid 10Jd4�'LS�uiEEtax 778 01 J ,"�f:Ji �R Rl lfiO fR V DOOR }IECAL-0,17U00100 9 "'101 i!1LRSIR-tC:.r 'INSPECTIONS IaJ1�`.� '�P��'`,�.iu 5•r t'fi Lf 25 if Cf Ri MOT OR Rl � !RLlCKc INSPECTIONS G'SP4?01U 7LtPtJv �`jl,`:, 7. 4g ,�ESa sr�i C7m75 aCP 7tF. Ol`� SS�a CCl C�Oiv 8t� ERTUU« SET 88 DEPART FEN e 58 Electric Bepartnent UEt,ir,sOR INIT='E l iEM # CFC ACCOUNT € INE 99'l 12130 i,� ;r L`ICRT 1 0'Al 21 2J"c B DO G I CCi{l ' IUN L-ULM HNUUNI I t "I'Y EQUIPM TFV/VCr4 tit 8J,1I! TCHE�I [_,1i�C�8€aI{ ���€�� E87 O� z yRovFM{IENiS DUCT d�((�TE y f `�M.��jt�lO�x,�O Uya`�i L}_P 4:.j4 E�.�U�.�li'.�C ("�I f?.�(j[5i{�...4.� fi �'P fti9ll i..ii .�t 'i.�00 ot^'00 j � ` rk l' PARTt E <T 58 i lecti'ic DeO�44rsn.—. (�� Ala . a , = e 'LJ i E HAiM i O E A a YEHIR ACCOUNT 150,01 15 5245 01 1 2C, 52ra •v fi Cc`..1� t"5,,Jf Fil v25 g'.L 2 il U?iliisw 153213 maF t Lei _(3 ER) q1.,.50", l;u € uS�w55�r•a S 1-32 5 11 ZI 1-39�12 5•-320 {{,,99 i 52 GULAR DES-tl RTME_N € € PYf •EEC I REG I I E..FE i�I#TRIAL u'lCtj 6 M BUILDING lE.LEPHONE SERVICES GCS!#€AIE UAL SERVICES EANITORIAL SUPPLIES, E#E.. Rf EE3 PREVENTION Et & N MOTOR VEHICLE E'AWERS i�C6 POUND EXPENSE R r• m MIDI FOR vrFH1cLL 4lEARING APPAREL R& A MOTOR YFEHICLE i IE4OR EQUIPMENT +'EL LUL AEI PHONE #-iAGERS Sc EIEE SUs—`E'LiES R & M VEHICLE �E.L L#UL.AR i ELEPti i01K ikIUR TOM So MOTOR VEHICLE STTREE I `;AiHILs RILL EiiNEJEt ®G!i�IE='i�E�v{ 5T(;E� # 61aa`i'IE ##-`lAGE Rb Y`t!`3 r k' �D APE TERI PL 4`I##OR rHI4CLE FUEL R N MOTOR teEHICELE CELL'# ALAR PHONES AGERS CHURATING SUPPLIES POOLS ECHA IG SHOP 'SUPPOLIES I LEANING SUPPLIES # H f1OT :R UEHICLE [aEASEIEI#URCHASE ERIHI# MEN ELLULAR PHONE R M BUILDING C AGAZINES 6 SUBSCRII'# I€ N2 #to M BUIL€fINIt OOKIC �S5UiLti�IpV I•a';(t SLR#='E-'L.IES 6EEICE 5 I L 1'rw, P'L ILu T 53 05s 94 G 6": Cie] Cr wt (-JP `Urf 5'}: IS ,5tfxS 17¢. 821 € Y K2`5: 20 E7, 47 1s2'3�I. E4 uJa Jj Sue tl ksx w"e v.9x 66 CC LIE J.4.! . Wye: ID It 9ft 98 C:C>�x tt dl3 x�6. L5 IZ3 AJ r¢ V257 C tJVe 4.•.1 s :{ L `?1kGE T I E�UItCL'I U`sp' .. 4Lp37 561 `¢60it Ou 04 a'Y 87¢47 454. »'II 1 Y 547, 65 �3 71e05— ,, 6,541¢I 17 ¢ 45 I, 5S 1, ?731® 48 �L 64 ui6¢66 1Y 1KEE 4 1, 783e 41 1 'SE¢ 41 Y 4�. 9 t` r: S6! �: 6 i lit EYE — Y 1 , i5 S t'4LL , Eli 2t, �rx 31 �R;J 11EY¢ 99.E y L rw8 �05, 16 56. Mi ?•arvwe sue= a04 .euRUUEI UIN EL#DUET IL I}1�u� E �J 1iLAB E I'` DG k l n I '�1T1E�Y�EREGISEG6/1201p?,S � 6t LI PHIsL;�5 Gtt ACCE U1L 11 TOTALS, n y. }L NNUfl BUDGET OVER 1C( UU11'tif 4r`'ic AMLI'di f BUDGET AVCl11RABLE BUD 0 .15_.. 110 E c % BUILC�IN' f SL4e 1 ly c 0 r= 33 3 " w}-551 TELEPHONE SERVICES 77n t5 Sy co,i @9 it t,. is ,1 iELJ i, r' l( 7 4 ' .jay,t10 k" f l y;:P(.E};.?" yd fONTRACiiCAL E iCE C 5. ; +, ? 5"0 r MU S C i"it I ")r. 95 f 5 1 i. 1 i' f �f=.���s CrrllA �€.E�E;�..,I,�t� a €�r L�L� ! :#. ��r �➢u � � ��. � 3 - 421$5 NcE i 3IC.�v '' ,wl M. t� �E51"r.34:fit. VIV 5 mVial CLEANING S 1,d;: PLIEVa 5 7 a 55 71j0 244VV 02 G'�C 5G 55E [� 4 E 1T55 IIEI�I LE "1 95 413:11 uGO REPAIR V' C('{AINIT. EQUIPCiEll- l�al!1 ?'_ =<(lnt'} f L''it`}-`,.'a i�i�W.i—ji_ vEwL.LILC"i ii ffl0t4% L!:. :P7 �:m.,Fst 114is "J.... •}t "r5 5 E,@ SAFETY EQUIPMENT�u 97 y GG �7' G� a t , f s" c: ';t'"�r':" C,+ p ppr t p� €`G ,t !!�!! f t..-, C' J s. 3 ; �56Z 3 __ .r61 !,o ,J:k:J R & M MOHI€s VE HiCLE ..gip GR4..,e8 �. .`g S1 i }' c'iC2�J .r'-�t.J�!U y411 Fie EiY x Yr�L�' Ly 81 .:ti t�9y ha 00B 5"0 5':U0 R & is OTHELK y330n4G 50 o, o 16 Jy01i € ... jJ_ CELLULARt Prf. P.E "M c1=` o 3. w 12 v_rJ tt .: ill MOT OR 4=Iz{l}ajE 1.c3 #xl iy 1i� E S€ , s_54`'`}' C N T � } F S . I< !CE5 :"y u '�. t'a 5y 00 678: Lq0 `r R ' t� MITIOR' Ij EHIEMt Wia at 3 1 y 7� W�G:.)n 4t< }}`h`G...c r "_'�r3 (["' 7 rr.z +. �"""I V= € $ i( "} Gi 4 r��.�`j'i,= ✓ i t E.'mIL CIA v',.,..f fi Ci 1 JL :»f: C'"L.1� ei t by C}t�! Jy "Y'�`Ci IM LE'� 3 n g;•�O� [ 210 5d 52's 3:wt DOES t. SE.GISTF€1MNS,E 83100 201, 0260 111 825i.'15 {3< C -,e�g i ,uCt TUC' S S, 9 ° `y 0'' 21 �g 57 ' z Slk.1'"'v.ytf4..�.i'$% ! i... :;F"its{ ta. `tlW S8 5;a55 WEARING iiPP'AE`EI 4. f t 73 2`2`10"rO C_y 4,`..3txr. f'cl SnFF E i UP N I GP0281 ovzi 1126 �U u r a... it M.,.., } _.i E 2 _ -x —�,'01 f ti gi u`J6 uk'o Ei ti C� MO]OR lFt fF �ii ! � 7� G �c" y r;,} Gy � , 'Xio84 58 5F5r4•5 LEASSEL EQUIPMENT 57. €: %; 1062 1186 y , Jar Q:J 00815ij~c® 365- 'y Sud. VJr, V�J0i0 le.y bm ' 1`=Te E_'`1,an,t RADIOS El CTuTf `g 1y�t` � 6 5CY 9 cCCONCONTRACTUALCONTRACTUALlRVlC;LS iI79.f.G:� ty515 1yiC5=r,�._ (� `55``"}�7 'E'LL ULA E E tHt"rtrl}}__ �t le'�t}� Uy�y�j' 0* "".VJ1 � w .rt ,.,) YEAR rrt�l�c �,'Cal�dlTli�lT?Ci� Eft;}ilP+cE�iC�G 141, 43 C y 4 ��19 try; IJDSEE AVAILABLE GE,1D5 e_w7 P' ?E1'.°I j1 M'P�'i��EN E'YMEONT RkIJ�K;TE =,'NC T 01- c c 101-.26 GTAL GTAL €�11 m�F�ah;E 'GL.Cc. i IMAL CONTROL = i E DEPARTMEDI T ;. N!"DIPAL COURT Et MRCEM" itINIPECTi N TRL.ET`v R1`S (` '-'`t_ iEHICLE rENTENANUL ' aILLPAIIN CENTER G l brar'y %6 €1E11ty CeNter LENERAL FUND fly Fill IsOat iirl1 l: ter E Ste Water co, lect i On «. `t'f lS 1 Eal € E4I-° CI ac. r1s August 28, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Public Hearing on Budget This is the required Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget. The notice will run in the paper this week and we will adopt the tax rate and the budget at the next meeting. August 28, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr; City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Ordinance #09-23-02 Attached is the proposed ordinance on this item. Currently we do not have solid regulations regarding carports. The ordinance is very vague on carport setbacks. This will clarify it. UG 27 2003 14*32 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 194045e4ieo P.02 ORDINANCE 09.2343 THAT CHAPTER 14, SECTION 34, ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED TO PROVIDE ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF .FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDA>tNEb B`Y' THE C)CTY COUNCIL OF THE CYTY OF SANDER, TEXAS: Section �. That Chapter 14, Section 34, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECT)lON 34 ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS 34.1 In a residential or apartment district, an accessory building is a subordinate building exceeding one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor area, attached to or detached from the main building, which has no sleeping areas, bathroom plumbing (except for hand sinks) or kitchen facilities, has no use for commercial purposes, is not rented and not occupied as a dwelling. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in sections 34.3 and 34.4 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to single-family, t�vo-farnily and multi -family residential uses, including both those attached to and those detached from he main building. Where multiple accessory structures exist on the same site, the combined sum of all accessory struettiues shall be used to determine the regulations applicable to size. 34.2 In other districts, an accessory buildingsubordinate building, the use of which is incidental to grad used only in conjunction with the main building. 34,3 No accessory building shall exceed twenty-five feet (25'} in height, nor shall it be greater iza height than the main structure. 34.4 Area Regulations for Accessory Buildings In Residential and Apartment Districts: 1. Size of Yards: a. Front Yard: Accessory buildings are not allowed within the required front yard. b. Side Yard: There shall be a side yard not less than eight feet (8') from any side lot line, alley line, or easement line; except that ''�Ja3 _? 2003 14*33 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.03 adjacent to a side street, the side yard shall never be less than twenty feet (201). c. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard not less than ten feet (10') from any lot line, alley line, or easement line. Carports, garages, or other accessory buildings, located within the rear portion of a lot as heretofore described shall not be located nearer than eight feet (S') to any side lot line. d. Any garage or carport constructed izt a residential or apartment district shall be set back not less than twenty feet (20') from any street or alley line on which it faces." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section �#. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be tined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage said the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSEp, APPROVLiI, ANI) ADOPTED, this the 2nd day of September A.D., 2003, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary "� U V 27 2003 14033 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.04 �__ 0 August 28, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Fuel Bid Only one bid was received. The bid is from The sportsman and is attached. The Sportsman is who we are currently using. There are 2 options on the bid, we have contacted the IRS and the City `s Auditor and are waiting for a response on the issue of federal tax rebates. We hope to have an answer prior to the meeting. r B10 FARM MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL All Bids Must Be Returned to the Office of the City Secretary in a Sealed Envelope marked "Fuel Bid" prior to the scheduled opening time of 2:00 p.m., Thursday, September 11, 2003. Please ote any exceptions: mum Four (4) Bay Facility, Accessible to Large Trucks and Heavy Equipment Delivery point within Sanger City Limits JZL Delivery available seven days a week, 24 hours per day Billing to City on a Monthly basis Delivery price, less state/federal taxes, figures at actual cost plus. (This figure should represent your add -on price to actual cost.) * FUEL LIST CONSIST BOTH OF DIESEL AND GASOLINE PRICES. Company Lt Representative (Printed or141110Typed Name) G� Si �9/ w 6141)l 7910 Address *4/7�s17 1gSj Telephone Date AL�lU�C Cd�S`T ��, I I 3311 �Sva p 1, Aq 202 4 1115Dq )Ro,rn��-b his YP2 O b i Qo tTv vsr q S a� qp I , t/ jI I l D� I 11 19� -FOc 4 OD q 03- a�f 21,r,� fS -u)ry O D lw� ids A Nkwreia Pave. (��L r—o 16v, Tlu D1.Ded. �� s TU ,�2z& � W4, MAD 4AJ )QvI)7U2 L)ii vs W& u922L VAX /+bi) r D4t nk�2 I D CW*sz August 28, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Interlocal Agreement The Interlocal Agreement is attached. It is the same as previous years with the exception of the cost increase from $75,200.00 to $81,600.00. The increase has been budgeted. Denton Fire Department 332 East Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 940.349.8840 940.349.8841 FAX August 6, 2003 Mayor Tommy Kincaid City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Kincaid: Enclosed is an interlocal ambulance agreement for fiscal year 03-04. Your contract amount for October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004 will be $81,600. This amount is based on a population of 4,800 (from North Central Texas Council of Governments latest population estimates) multiplied by a per capita rate of $17,00, This rate represents an increase of $1.00 per capita over last year's fee. Please note that our rates recover only a percentage of the actual cost to provide service to your city. Based on your city's current usage rates, the new contract fees will cover approximately 20 percent of our costs to deliver emergency medical services to your city. Please forward both copies of the signed agreement to us as soon as possible. After our council has approved the agreement, we will forward a signed copy back to you. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Ross Chadwick Fire Chief INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON AND THE CITY OF SANGER The City of Denton currently provides emergency medical services to the citizens of Denton. The City of Sanger would like to contract with the City of Denton to receive emergency medical services for its citizens. Pursuant to Chapter 774 of the Tex. Health and Safety Code (Vernon 1992) and the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Tex. Gov't Code Ann. §791.001, et seq., (Vernon 1994)) a city may contract to provide emergency medical services to the county or another city. WHEREAS, both the City of Denton and the City of Sanger have the authority to perform the services set forth in this Agreement individually and in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code Ann. §791.011(c)(2). and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger will make ali payments for services out of available current revenues and the City of Denton agrees that the payments made by the City of Sanger hereunder will fairly compensate it for the services performed; NOW, =PEFORE, WITNESSETH This Agreement is made on the day of , 2003, between the City of Denton, Texas ("Denton"), and the City of Sanger ("Sanger"). The parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Emergency Medica_t �ervicec or FyM..S. means personnel and ground transportation vehicles used to respond to an individual' perceived need for immediate medical care and to prevent death or aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury. 2. Denton to Provide EMS to Sanger. Denton shall provide emergency medical services to Sanger in response to requests for emergency medical services in accordance with this Agreement. All requests for emergency medical services for persons residing in the corporate limits of Sanger shall be communicated to Denton in the manner specified by Denton. 3. Discretion in Providing E.M.S. Sanger understands that Denton must also respond to requests for emergency medical services for persons in Denton and that Denton has other contracts to provide emergency medical services to other entities. Denton shall have the sole right and discretion, without being in breach of this Agreement and without liability to Sanger, to determine: v (a) Whether or not to respond to a request for medical emergency service; (b) Whether and when personnel or equipment are available to respond to a request for emergency medical service; (c) The order is which to respond to a request for emergency medical service; and (d) The time in which to respond to a request for emergency medical service. 4. Service Fee. In consideration for providing emergency medical services to Sanger, Sanger agrees 'to pay to Denton the sum of $81,600.00 for fiscal yeaz 2003-2004 based on a population of 4,800 multiplied by $17.00. The population figure used is contained in the latest edition of the North Central Texas Council of Governments estimate for January 1, 2003. The annual payment shall be paid to Denton in equal quarterly payments on or before October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1, of each annual term. Denton may, after giving prior notice, suspend service to Sanger during any period of tune Sanger is delinquent in the payment of any undisputed service fee. 5. Patient Charges. In addition to the service fee paid by Sanger, Denton may chazge and collect from persons provided emergency medical services, the patient fees established by ordinance of Denton. 6. Governmental Immunity Not Waived. Neither Denton nor Sanger waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims made or arising from any act or omission resulting from this Agreement. '1. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be in one-year increments, beginning on October 1, 2003 and continuing to September 30 of the following yeaz and thereafter from year to year until terminated in accordance with this Agreement. S. Termination; Default. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by giving 90 days advance notice in writing to the other, specifying the date of termination. If either party breaches a provision of this Agreement, the other party shall give the defaulting party written notice of the default. Should the defaulting party fail to correct the default within thirty days of the date notice of default is sent, the other party may declare the Agreement terminated. Sanger shall be liable to Denton pro rats for the payment of emergency medical services provided up to the date of termination. 9. Notices. All notices sent under this Agreement shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the respective addresses, as follows: Tn Penton• TtLSSiI}�C: City Manager Mayor City of Denton City of Sanger �� �,` 215 E. McKinney P.O. Box 1729 Page 2 of 4 Denton, Texas 76201 Sanger, Texas 76266 10. Agreement Not for Benefit of Third Parties. This Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed to be for the benefit of any individual or create any duty on Denton to any third party. 11. Assignment. Neither party shall assign this Agreement except upon the prior written consent of the other. 12. Venue. Venue of any suit or cause of action under this Agreement shad lie exclusively in Denton County, Texas. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. EXECUTED on the day of , 2003. ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: I-IERBERT L. PROUTY, CITY ATTORNEY BY: CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS BY: EULINE BROOK, MAYOR CITY OF BANGER BY: MAYOR :, ATTEST: BY: SECRETARY Ltf�rl .* �� � r y' Water/Wastewater: Rehab of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarer is scheduled to go back on line in two weeks. The Administration Building Foundation should be poured this week. The Utility Road well is now using 5-600,000 gallons of water per day which has decreased expenses on water purchase from Upper Trinity. The Water/Wastewater Department Received a certificate of outstanding performance for the bacteriological and monitoring for the last five years. Streets/Parks: The concrete for sidewalks is completed at Railroad Park. Electric: .The Electric Department is currently pulling primaries on Quail Run and Ranger Creek Subdivisions, Interest Items: Lennar Homes will sell 40 lots to another home builder and then they will start preparing 99 more lots (phase iiI Sanger Trails, Roger Hebard, should start construction on homes within 2 weeks. We believe that Richard Shaw, Trails of Sanger Apartments, is purchasing 50 acres east of the apartments on Marion Road for and Assisted living complex, and is looking at purchasing lots from Roger Hebard for some town houses. Ranger Creek Addition, Joe Falls, should start construction of four homes within two weeks.