08/04/2003-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2003 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 21, 2003 - Workshop July 21, 2003 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-27-03 -Annexing the Following Properties: ABSTRACT 725, TRACT 14B, BEING 2.1076 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 725, TRACT 14, BEING 23.7484 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 42, BEING 2.50 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 41, BEING 2.50 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 65, BEING 109.49 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 123, BEING 74.33 ACRES. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Appointing Representatives to the North Texas Regional Library System. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to the Board of Adjustments. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Policies Regarding Subdivision Regulations in the ETJ. 8 Consider and Possible Action for Enforcing Easement Accessibility As Required by City Ordinance. 9. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open items may be considered in 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above ko the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2003 7*00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 21, 2003 - Workshop July 21, 2003 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-27-03 -Annexing the Following Properties: ABSTRACT 725, TRACT 14B, BEING 2.1076 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 725, TRACT 14, BEING 23.7484 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT �2, BEING Z.5.0 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 41, BEING 2.50 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 65, BEING 109.49 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 123, BEING 74.33 ACRES. 5. Consider and Possible Aotion on Appointing Representatives to the North Texas Regional Library System, 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to the Board of Adjustments. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Policies Regarding Subdivision Regulations in the ETJ. 8. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in exe ,lesion closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such k�aii matter will be made in onenSA ion follo4/rhQ the conclusion of the executive, session. alie Chavez, Date Time Posted This facility is wheelch�rr �;ccessibl` CITY COUNCIL August 4, 2003 MIN UTS: ECITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 2003 WORKSHOP PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTI3ERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx 1. Mayor called 2. Budget Workshop. City Manager started with the Enterprise Fund. He reviewed the Revenues. Discussed Electric Revenue would increase. Discussed Revenues by line. Budget transfers were lowered. Discussed taps and sawset poles. Discussed budget for Mayor and Council, Administration and Engineering. Discussed Data Processing. Discussed salaries. Councilman Garza indicated he would like to see a step plan. Did not feel it was fair to pay new employees the same rate that current employees were making. Lengthy Discussion regarding salaries. Discussed Water Department Budget. Councilman Evans asked if everyone was happy with the 5% raise. Councilman James indicated he was for it as long as everything was okay when they got through the entire budget. Salaries discussed further. City Secretary indicated that the City of Denton's sales tax revenues were down, so they did not give raises the previous year. They worked dilligently to get the salary survey, and the City of Sanger is still below Denton's entry level. Councilman James asked about the health insurance increase in Vehicle Mait,tenance. City Manager indicated Vehicle Maintenance has one additional employee. Discussed safety equipment. Discussed Wastewater Collections. Increase is due to refurbish lift stations. Discussed Wastewater Treatment. Full time engineer discussed. Discussed Electric Department. Councilman Garza asked Mike how many employees he had. Mike indicated he had 8 including himself. Debt Service discussed. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JULY 219 2003 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincai(l, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager.Jack.Smith, City.Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Fran Abelson, Belle Lawson, Robin Kimberlin, Mike Kimberlin, Helen Bounds, Greta Miller, Alice Madden, Elizabeth Higgs, Peggy Sanford, Nate Olson, -Liz Springer, Laverne Schertz, Barbara Buchanan, Stephen Koch 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, and led the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance: CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 7, 2003 b) Disbursements Councilman Garza moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Ervin seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3, Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Request from Historical Society for Pledge on Historical Grant. Fran Abeison3 addressed the Council representing the i3istori_c_al .Society and indicated they are requesting a matching grant to repair the foundation of the historic Sanger Presbyterian Church building. The city will be responsible for all of the funds up front and the grant will reimburse about $30,000.00. The total cost of the project is about $62,000.00. The project must be publicly bid. Ms. Abelson gave a lengthy presentation regarding her request. Councilman James asked what funds she was requesting from the City. Fran Abelson indicated the entire amount had to paid up front. The grant is a reimbursing grant. The total will be $62,000 for the foundation. They need the City to guarantee around $30,000.00. Councilman Evans asked for clarification. Fran Abeeson explained that the architect will develop the plan to submit for approval, if it does not look reasonable they will not proceed. They have to have $37,000 to go after the $30,000 grant. The entire amount will have to paid up front and $30,000 would be reimbursed. Steve Koch indicated you could make it a stipulation not to pay the contractor until 45 days after competion of the project. Councilman Evans moved to approve the approximate V8,000.00 and requested they go to the 4B Board to see what they will give, and to see what the Historical Society and Hotel Motel Tax will commit. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Sullivan West, Block 2 Lots 1R & 2R. Property is Located on the Corner of Peach and 7' Street. Public Hearing Opened. Robin Kimberlin, 603 N. 7th Street indicated they are trying to divide off part of the property to build a smaller house. The Historical landmark will be in front, and they will be selling it. The home will be 1220 Sq. ft. with brick on three sides. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Replat on Sullivan West, Block 2 Lots 1R & 2R. Property is Located on the Corner of Peach and 7t' Street. City Manager indicated this was approved by Planning and Zoning, the existing house is a non -conforming use. Councilman Higgs moyec� to approve the Replat on ,Sullivan West Block 2 Lots 1R & 2R. Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Redwing Heights, Phase V. Property is located in the E.T.J. off of F.M. 455 West. Councilman Higgs asked if all the drainage studies had been done. Nate Olson, 999 County Rd. 908 Whitesboro, indicated the drainage study had been complete. Councilman Higgs asked for clarification of the drainage study. Mr. Olson indicated they had analyzed the property and are building a detention pond so that there would be zero impact on surrounding properties. Drainage plans discussed. Councilman James asked where the detention pond would be. Nate showed on the plat the area it would go in. Steve Koch asked about the Aerobic systems and will they be spraying into the detention pond. Discussed setbacks and aerobic systems. Discussed County will issue permits. Steve Koch asked how trailers would be controlled in the ETJ in the future. Mayor indicated we have no control over that in the County. Councilman Evans moved to accept the Plat for Redwing Height, Phase V, Councilman James seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1, Councilman Higgs voted no. 8. Consider an Possible Action designating Sanger as a Crepe Myrtle Community - Presentation included by Keep Sanger Beautiful Committee. Elizabeth Higgs, 218 Hillcrest, representing Keep Sanger Beautiful, addressed the Council and introduced the Board members. Alice Madden, thanked the Council for supporting Keep Sanger Beautiful, she gave update on their activities. The Keep Sanger Beautiful portion of the project with TXDOT, the design of the landscaping and the walls has been completed, the City will maintain it. Three members went to Keep Texas Beautiful convention. Sanger was one ojf 17 cities in the state of Texas that received the.sustamed excellence award, .She gave the Council there required report to review. This is the third year they received the sustained excellence award. Next year they will be eligible to compete for another $70,000.00. Next month they will have National Night Out, she asked Council members to give presentations at these parties. It is August 5, 2003. Elizabeth Higgs indicated they had a 3 year goal of planting 1000 crepe myrtles in Sanger. They did this with a goal of having Sanger designated a "Crepe Myrtle Community". They have sold 1000 crepe myrtles. The parks have all had crepe myrtles planted in them, The new apartments included crepe myrtles in their landscaping, There are 16 in the "Welcome to Sanger" entrance. She asked that the Council consider designating Sanger as a "Crepe Myrtle Community". They are also asking that they amend the landscape ordinance to require one crepe myrtle. Councilman James moved to designate Sanger as a Crepe Myrtle Community, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 9. Consider AD *hl e Action on Amending the Library Fine Rates. Councilman Evans moved to adopt the rates, Councilman Higgs seconded. Councilman Ervin indicated if the County does not help with funding, the City should look at charging a fee to users outside the City Limits. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-24-03 -Amending Alternative Water and Sewer Facilities. City Manager indicated the Council has already voted on this, however, the Water/Wastewater superintendent was not included in the review. Councilman Evans moved to adopt Ordinanee#07-24-03, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: THAT CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 13.2006 REGULATING ALTERNATIVE WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-25-03 - Amending the Street Lighting Requirements in Subdivisions. City Manager indicated this was just _changing the pole type. Councilman Evans moved to adopt Ordinance #07-25-03, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: THAT CHAPTER 101 SECTION 6 IMPROVEMENTS, ARTICLE 6.08 STREET LIGHTING OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, rExAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED.; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-26-03 -Amending the Food Service Establishment Regulations and Fees. City Manager indicated that Samantha anti Rose had been working on this ordinance. This will help regulate temporary food service as required by the State. Brief Discussion. Councilman Higgs moved tqua UPOrdinance #07-26-03, Councilman James seconded, Motion Carried Unanimously. Caption as follows: THAT CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 6.400 FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13. Meeting Adjourned. td MEW PAYMENT NFilR' ` rIti113J�{ rd. I1R FRTjf 'IT> r (MAYOR?. CITY t�I�(�i(IXI S i E:•. `-h 3 rtt fI4-F `� 1�1f: ���r" n}f4� $" %s 510112003 8%44 AM REGULAR EPARTMOrKIi PAYMIW REGISiLH FUNIF) x' I GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT> <J ALNINISTRATION ���l"IR NAME I rE14 � �G flCCOUNT L NAM UE���RI�'TiUt� 9940/180 VtERIZON FIRELESS r4046o TELEPHONE SER PAGERS ,941217,01 REINER! PAPER & ICHEC ICA. 1� 134f'11 001131-5243 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES � 11 c` 0 SAN'5 1�40`55 �OIAI—I 0'�� J DUES AND RtGI MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL SS_02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS 1-1140464 001- 155510 TELEPHONE G R CIL.L R'LfiO S I;E�-ARi�4Et�i 1� A�FIAI�CRA$ICi�' TC!TAI.; t5...°,1 810 t�'101i 8w44 AU VENDOR SET r 99 EE 1\1D Civ51 GEPRHAL FUND DEPARTGEUTe 20 C-'UL ICE GULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGURTIR yr�ne� x CAE .v_xR NAME I IEU 4 GtL ACCOUNT NNE HESCRIRET=ON WtUllff HFILIUNI 99210180 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-40460 0Q)i-20U 5)n215 PAGERS PAGERS ONION 13€2.51 99-0 390 BILL UTTER FORD, INC, r-177976 Nl1 l'o U3 S R & U MOTOR u POWER STEERING SEALS k!���SC� U.4G Til-0039'3 BILL UTTER FORD, II�C'. 1-34992 NJ203 5325 R & M MOTOR V FRONT i €ID ALIGNM04T 0100f 101 69.9 ";`9-s`�131G 3I�1 UCI�ATI C„C"CICRULE;T I-�E`79E.sA GG1�-�G-�G3�vU 99-u��y14C� RAI�I�I SF�AC4�t 9`9-G3�si�i ;;EBB AUTO ARRTS 1-f53!� €��31�E�-53��U° 99m030' 1G WEBB AUTO PARTS !� 12g ool �r-�-��4i7G UiG4!ESi�?AI}AR �, EUGIA1iE 1--1G3'R99 G���.-S�--G4CR� 99-01Ji90 ECRERU CORPORATION 1-4v�'4� 5 093HO-5375) 9r � 3 PEA i I1?E �f L Abbw ul TC # EAT I-4Ci4i:°Ci 0101�203 526a R & U i�JT€9R U (_ABUR & R°ARTS, ER€j"s�T STRUTS �`U�i�i� E:7. 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OF TEXAS 1 2161t lyl,-04660 DISI:IUNT TROPHIES I""M694 P€ 9 L�IL ACCOUN I 1' ME PIESCRIP i Intl CHECK # P �CUi f � ,ic 515I 'J �. PAGERS PAGERS . a` 0�10a0 0G? y11_t?tr_'in !Gi=t _051Z0 NORTHERN WE � Y 5 ®6"CJ7ilL3�"FjAs'� tiG8 8 P._1 PORTN PRIVY 1" 14031 S�1.re v'rSE:'AU `�S—tg�SG N,aTP IECN��aLG�Y 95j�IEJ2 HE LIFEGUARD GOTOPE iJI1�R VELIIt�LE PRC�kI1�}� �t�'1;,i{�V�i CE! LiILPR P'hlC4e1 CELL PFC"s1�E5 GSCU� R �r � KrC�7EIR tk LP��IR �. r'i-tt"l i Sp �?E�sL� e E i fiiPi�ili�TE3it �fSL����!� PiFETY ECUIPM c4PR SAFETY GLASSES C'A01 UD0 tirOR ECUIPME RENT FOR 3 PORTABLE 0ILEES 0000,0 I�uH TOOL FiUN RS �°ol?k� h C (EHIICAL SUPP ELIMINATOR CCSGGG 'iI�'l�.11i I[10L5 �'Y" F?I�3G �i ����a�•••• BkE�'�?tlTrEh3I �� PPRKE' TCJ � PL s UBESG 11 7u €xi 1#dtl'L�J ICJ¢00 uI11> c�A ,gip �Uf,�o 3a9 m Ilot/201010S 8EZ44 AM VENDOR GET a Yj FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTe 374 PODL RErill! AR DEPAIRIVI �![ I`��'� E�'T REGISTER €E iq 14 WL HLUUM NMI DcG Ri�'iiGaf F ECi; i il�[J T 9M'.P790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1- 27EE0 0I_34, 5245) GPERM ING SUP 3 PADLOCKS 0000500 2 7 G°i�ICismo Agwi Rmj INC; Iut G ; �GI �4 4 r RATICI �J F''�iL;GR 'LIIG RRIi1. 1TL'G eno l&'o Och E1LAR DEPARTMENT PAi'MI I==I RSAI JER tAEIn ° 11 s RE VENDOR SET 59 FUND 0101 GENERAL FUND AEiARTME Ta HCEVEHICLE i sr NAME I TEA CIL ACCOUNT NAME ESCRIAHON I 99` 001+c46"0 CINGULAR ' IRELESS I' Q46u 0101-36 5520 CELLULAR P'HON CELL PHONES 0100000 66 9-03015 EVER AUTO PARTS i-1290 001�3'6 320 R & [I OTOR it OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS ;i010'S:0 2,46 30 �<E.HH AUTO PARTS 1-152R 001-36�5.5 5 R I1 MOTOR U � I JC SiSCY, 0�a �i��A 12a E g1 08690 01REILL r AUTO PARTS I�-4A2�°�005— fb 5uC.ti R c M, MOTOR U .,AS CRCI 10000 01u EEAA�t T HE�I T �� VE�-IIC;1_E �AI'l i C.��A�CE 1i 1 `� !�S e t 44. �dN REGULAR DEPARTMENT � iEN PAYMENT REC I;i O VCI`!LUN 'E { i 99 �� T FUND 001 GENERAL FUND E'ITC�`c: IR i A R NAME ITEM GO& RCCOUNl NNK i�ESIRIC'TIGi CFECii# �ii�I�UN9 '12�02,2170 REINERT PARER & CHENICA I-134817 001-40�5245 ,I€III €ORIAL & CLEANING SUPPLIE; CEC�RTNEE;T 4� SULL IVAN CENTER TC�TGIL= S/Cff20 s 9944 AM VENDOR SM Of) FUND a ��Gf � %NERAII. FUND D E P q RT MENTa 45 Library RE.0 E ILAR DEPART T � F.h "( 'A`d Ei° REMSTFR YL��r�`i NAVE ITEM � FG/L ACCOUNT NIAME L�EJf,RIt'ji IUN CrE[„A.��, �� -'�2 20 �!i�ILL 1-261 f f 44 VIVM 2u 5ESf5 OFFICE SUPPL I OFFICE SUPPLIES C�� % 4�na C=7 99--UhSf7p1 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-13MI8 ool-4C 95C5 CLEANING GUPP Cf_EANING S€J!-'PLI.FS ela�,�NTIO Sw�zf 5 033310 BAKER &I TAYLOR 15010442`S y01.4.4,05>n BOOKS 5 BOOKS 0002, 0 7i', JS y—�;?i4t�5E� C�iCf"€i5 �AR�{EiIt.4'w ASSsCCss i—f7G775 �=��f—�t_ �,�? 9QM4350 MICRO MARRE! IAG ASSOC= I-31, 05 Q i- 60310 S�C1��lyqt��,S %�L7UCt C PlOO S OWN 23t 90 CFE='ARTAC�i 4c {_aux4�tYY TCii�sL� a�:%.4G tJ rG s AM REGUH AR, DEPART TENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE 14 V�ENIDOIR 99 FUNS Ni GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT* A4: Community Ientar VFW"`FJR NAME ITEMG/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION C HECH AMOUNT 9G-G'<9190 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-2760 rA@i�44�SE13 BUILDING SUPP 9 PADLOCKS OO 10OG yza 99 0 17G REIPvERT D�AAER " Ci E� lCtt I Iu Gi! 1—d'c 1G BUILDING S!l PP CLEANING S�IG'RLIES ���' vi tF,°M 99-1IiM S� NIGER AIR & El ECTRIca: 1 :GS��2}GS !��01i 4brn R N StiILI;IN RER'C1IR CLE Ii €I� 2 CENr'rR A/C C�'��� I°1�,G DtEi'ART�iENT 4� Cia��iE%it;� �n�,ers EJEP�IICR SET GI�i �:�ENERAL FJ�?C� TC T �?L: IG, Cu�fc CR 8101/2,,1tlei 3 By44 flell REGUIL!'R DEPARTMENT P i{ ENI RE_GIS EH JEp€yDLIR OC I m ? DEPART MENT 10 Mayor and City Council lip 1 N A V, C ITEVI # GIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTICi3 HUU1114? 99-10450 BURRUS iw 4 F'C Iem `IS FGiiJ Ci1[iG FOR IiECEl tCC"[I'i`u E00 7448 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PaGCy IE iE}L'�f� y' I[nkg 'M8 E'[4TE;PRISE FUND1Administration 1p NAVE CESCRiPTIUN HVIUUNi 9900180 VERIZ(A !411RIELEES I-40460 ONO 115 3510 7ELEPHONE 5ER PAVERS 0010000 1v --02I70 PIEIPERT PAPER & CHEMICP I�I,IMH7 JANITORIAL SU DL NIPG SUP'PLILS NO 0 R.Gd A4�—5v Zt—fS—RS 0100,0010 JS Ol EEW010 13✓"Gi4b0 iCUPIGEULAR WIRELES'S F404E4 L�GR-I .5�i� TELEPHONE, SLR CELL PHONES 000Q00 SI R10112,10,03, 5;44 ail REGULAR DEPI1UMiEi'.i MAYM,EiNT IKE tjIG!ILI tfENLrC`R Co.1t1D a @08' LINTLRPRISL FUND DEPARTMENTo 18 ENGINEERING NArit I IEM 4 51L ACMUNT MIME DESCRIPTION 9 -+ 4L.0 DELL COMPUTERS 1-402I4 vo,v5 iC C010 L'D.MPUI'LR LQUI PCI CAR �ILF'F�RT�SCt3€ 1� E:i�LI%3LLRIt==� sr J x 17 b # .GULAR DEARiM `lE PAYMENT 4{GW U r ' ACEr z E u(_ ACCCtM NAMIC UESCRIRIWunU T ANICJN — � -I, FMACHINE SYSTEM EIAiNTENIAINIEa �QQ 0 0 0 =55.2-1 t§ sf€ € 08 ... 19,-b_`"Ou 5 DATA PROCESSI a INK � 4y? p Hif � HUMS �i� 'u�!� a4u 94821( Off-- 9` 55'205 DATA AROCESSI 2 FAX MACHINE DRUM UNH0,0100110 59293 T r ' ACEr z E u(_ ACCCtM NAMIC UESCRIRIWunU T ANICJN — � -I, FMACHINE SYSTEM EIAiNTENIAINIEa �QQ 0 0 0 =55.2-1 t§ sf€ € 08 ... 19,-b_`"Ou 5 DATA PROCESSI a INK � 4y? p Hif � HUMS �i� 'u�!� a4u 94821( Off-- 9` 55'205 DATA AROCESSI 2 FAX MACHINE DRUM UNH0,0100110 59293 t f c G > 44 FtFi REGULAR UEPAR T IENT PAII rIEN REG iG R VEND0 % vE € : 99 CAE€='(§RTMLNTs CG Vehicle Maintenance INIAME TEEM G/L ACC4UUNT INIAME DESCRIP UN l.rHI�Li�' HNCll.iNI 99 it24G+0 CINGULAR WIRELESS I� IL G4 003�36- 5520` CELLULAR PHON CELL R'NRiE 0100 00AF GG 99-0*�@J@ Gd BB AUTO PARTS R k [71 INOT R 11i OIL, Paft t UEL €`ELv1ER5 0.1110 Q 0 445 99—WEH nuo HRTG r am { CMOTOR d �.STOCK 69�O3;h uO cA .!l"*���fJJJ `�g RL1Lv IF fit�IlR C't3Rl� Z lu uG3G iasi .i �ti� n„r1 car V660 �206 I�e44 Airs REGULARDE RTIIIENT h��A'r�IE 1 REGISTER �(,C�� C;r9 VENDOR :nE i s F EuN0 00B ENTERPRISE ,FLE;ID VF"DER NAij1E ifE~# SIL ACCCJ I EAAE DESCRIPTION CHEClII AMOUNT 19000510 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I--374C 1)08-50-5310 R M OTHER I AR LABOR BOOM`; TRUCK 00000' 1 Jm 10 cl, 99. 00180 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-40460 008-30�552'j PAGERS A E R 3 01010,G0 69 n s�0., :1� ._f}y S�Jw �f '( Fe �.,� T i lit�~� {'ht� 5 (� ..» �fi'=`YkV �rw ",!0-53f C"}..,..» f .n "lI Al .ii R y Y �t'ES i C` k�E}4 f* LAD v-C.S�i0 "�, 7 ii L,01 •"". j` k:. 5m �10, JJ-'3iGF7:,��� EbOUN E F BEUD DING BUDDING CENTER jR I"`�.`.6 J ���p '*'.7'G'8"`: E'��`5�.t 5�� R � �? [Pl�tr i._! I E""E�. (� {,._�iAIMT a �+{�iS.l,.1 �..,�CONCRETE �i�.11 0 11 '1i LlI'dT"{ Ii,1ILC' ,S CEI I F S7r Jmf L 't x 0 a ad Lf _ 9 0707910 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1-2843 008f 50-536 10 R & M EO i11�E 1, BAGS CONCRETE 0+!0Vwo 1`a J. 7.r ir...� � R��iu .ii'th�r� J$�l.r �s��.r .3�.3u���,i R 4• € i�'i E-+�ii Y'.1 '3 ��` tir. _Et�c.•X,.z a -r r •..�1�1, C � t[ r (r"1 pp�ea� 5 �" r� : f ����`�`t'�"`:.�-+=L` J nn� ?a �LRr`?: ICv� �u�t"-` iE il 0Y,_V310 S&S TELEMETRY I®1019 008 500 5432 WASRR MAIN & 1NSTALL RADIOSSb`CjDp; DAVER Of0100100 t l62,66.30 n 9:7~~422„_ S&, TELEMETRY I--1019 Il s� •��._51'1756 !RTCR [A!, i �r1�ER f 84 SOLAR �CELE y5OLUP1tiD 00000�7 Lw!"'s •�"t� Ai ..i C S TELL TELEMETRY Ili 'Sro'a.a5* j360 R H OTMER MEPAIR ON WAL IRi PUMP CIATIE?�i i� �,t=t=-� alCn 00 v 3--0;:,4 0 CINGULAR WIRELESS 1�40464 C B®5 55c0 CELLULAR G Ei l i:.ELL F'tIIITdcS 41 Et ; = 8. 54 t".'� f;0 p � xr 50, E,235 �.EG STI S KE E I i01 l G! 1. PAS" z., m..,:,�.� TE_X 141,��_g �,,.�5_,a..s ��.�,�= DUES w` riR4,IvI WATERt�r;c, !c TRAINING ;71�ti<€�t� ,�x���,�..�t R `c�VL-N?i��ad'ai 4i5e�5Jv��i0C I I E uH*fRIII'I ; �uL��JJ THIO W„vB AUEG FARTS S10�211A ,,UEL FILiE� uloe 9�—@3010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I" 15'28 008-50 -325 R k M MOTOR V !RISE:.' STOCK C,S3;1 j 25. JIG 7".1 r•— c rz — A r"'t*1 +1 L ' -Z S SI i�I iFiI3l:IG5R� i! C 4L�� ,,Zci Jf� ilv«� f & H1 IOR V HEAD LIGHT ,'�� a F_ J77r' COMPUDATrrlPRODUCTS 1-84 rFICE Q•llF!_I CART Of1Q+fila.t—f r Dr W [ -MMS7"� TEXAS iIETER SRI#yR CFj I-1Rf:."T47 ol 99 --08970 TEXAS iIRTER if SEwCR CCE I-1Pf!T41 ,h+�SmSJAIC 9-08970 TEXAS METER & SEXIER Cu lIE,7104ul 0 0r-5V J],C'u `SS_.Ar970 TEXAS i E"IER & SEWER CO 4 1'2`7069 !I1A8-5}ti�5Z�bw 08f 7 [EXAS METER s SEWER CO € 4041;1 0`"=s0'`3.`G0 E m nT!'ER LlJREFV Di 'E wASc �:T ,�t�iSAA�I� �1I�4k�R EIICLR R�T[�LEif e!`i�RL +_A'i�?�!H EI M €fTP"ER 12 SADDLEG,MIANHi:LE LIPS 0ciNtra10 A ? s � OTHER 5 CLAMPS s i000 R y skki OTHER TRACER WIRErIr-TAelcl A, 0E Ali:, R. ;!Rf_I'ICH5 SADDLES, C€»A� I.PS, �:iASKE E 6 00010 Jz`l i=rs Sr'Sm v�? 1 S 1 a SI: S��IR EIiT rr IU.• L � B5 E m nT!'ER LlJREFV Di 'E wASc �:T ,�t�iSAA�I� �1I�4k�R EIICLR R�T[�LEif e!`i�RL +_A'i�?�!H EI M €fTP"ER 12 SADDLEG,MIANHi:LE LIPS 0ciNtra10 A ? s � OTHER 5 CLAMPS s i000 R y skki OTHER TRACER WIRErIr-TAelcl A, 0E Ali:, R. ;!Rf_I'ICH5 SADDLES, C€»A� I.PS, �:iASKE E 6 00010 Jz`l i=rs Sr'Sm v�? 1 S 1 a SI: S��IR EIiT rr IU.• L � B5 RFC'. Lt'E�t DEL€-AItiM...: I PAFMIENi €iEEsi-i"E( PAGE cl t'G��„{mill iii F e 'JJ FUNDd ENTERPRIME FiJi�!i� DEPARTMMT; 52 Waste Water Collection NAME I TEf' # G/L ACCOUNT NAVE DESCRIPTION CHECRO AMOUNT —v vi PAi i E CC i sAid't i - vilj, 2108 ate= 52lo0 SAFETY EQUI M CHART cPr,EER 10,0; 2I 11 m b+�� :194�: 1255 0 c 9 SAFETY E.H }. b SAFETY � W _� F`? P"Fd'� tr�•'�:F ,7 �'�rI'A ��C�€?Ti-�EFti� SAFETY i—t?i����„_a�a�9 ,_�C--�� a�t�s, �Ai•ElF c�[I�-��i 1A ..���,�..C1 CC,t€�SE� ' '—PP 9' O UTILITY E€£IIRUiiEP AIL mA 9E-52_ ECG uIFEI' Ei€ IA€ E€€'IERY CHARGER FORCER RAi 0 1IEsC tc� �" �UK* 44�CF,f,_c�clr R TUTCIN FLOAT 4,00130 y004p v;° u I.ST 4AE 0E /(P� €ECHINUC;w:r_tyC53R IM€f" ETioN�ACp1000ti 4 i1 a c!!l' l fii"' iur FUND DGPARI1 ENT 54 4JC'4ste Waei vE' frimteent VE I i it lTS=1 R 01L 4',LC4JMT NHIriiS Te ..Z2410 wSHI H PUMP 1-13! 9,01d ` 9-03010 WEBB AUTO PANTS 1- I 21jo 0088 54 5323 9 9 03 A VIEBB AUTO PARTS i 15215 00 8 54--525 ,,qq �}�4� Ii pp 1 EE y1I �.�1'`LCr, MViUUN i [AlM SEWER 19HUNGE., RUBBER VALVE, FLRIP VALVE 0000013 MN (iTS 'J DISC STILE Sf I49�ACTUAIL S ROLL OFF 0'w51001) t iBMLUIN POWER BLUS20MILMEGIll, tTSSL,S! I €I & L) t �4Gi-�n LF �v 's���ce' ii'ci �i Ft�tcL:i<i t•��2 :.��iIL 7 Js. VENDOR I`"T; 1q FUIND} ff .1V)G DEPART MiENT e 58 LINHER-°r:;4JE FUND EIC t'1C LyCf=Wt'I, i-� GIULAR DcfPARfl`EMT C'AYhEkli REGI TE€t € L i D/L HLLU!UN I NHNt I =UN 6 RTICI N C iEEF; HPIWUN"€ ` -C'.€ It EC{{TZU fJiRLLLtC I-4 4C tr c : P- v PAGERS EAGER �€�����> I J-ktff:ih IN TCRSTA`E BATiERIL.:I i 2L01C93`RIG3 008-58 Uc.a R &I M MOTOR V ; CRT TERI 00 9200 .r•ak � iIE` y I tit LIGHTING SUPPLY-< �H� 58.C€020 I[INDVEME T 1 2 i= ��RESC`ENT LAMPS t113000n ;�,Ch,0 s T LJ C7L_992CR_riC.c3225 R£i jTi V A1I tEiITCI "ok0 1n_kILaIdTT CLVR?€'Ty r t €-C�;`iQ RADIO u€�n.s_ru ,. .��009653 :'_��8�58 b�:YC, IMPROVEMENTS .a!I�.E TIES V"A10,0 100cl �a 1 R 0103 �CELLULAR CEti3�I40 RADIO SHAPI _ rA TELL �LL wt„0NEc!= 000 H 3 9 , ::' —_�_Q i ADIO SHA K 4�_ 1 x=�— was � EI _�Iflh, t� t}F' . ^� �ir_.U,�J �Cv{^''��`` 7yqq�� `f._ I""�ri�f ��J t� �.. .. �il���yJyJ �{q,y j¢ kt1�L�+ •_ .��.5 � }� (- �p C. tt ���v LAG i]€.��i1 'h'& '��q�'&�J�.` ". ��le.x r=t J•� .,J �u.3 •l iLii9t u.��`vL� :'EAt�i�� t"_ :d�.J g.:^ ii'' 39 021 :'0 3Y€� .€4. TUlt11€E f`hlC € zTZro8 CE.. dog- n0r I��ii€�VLP PIT" iL CLLC3R L€��i .1 Ii r �;`} C�i_� �, '}r,. I ,:�, lil{ .� .J. S'l� EJ_� FFCL 1t -08m58 GCk�� gE. KVEr3-i7S 510 Hum J�ir;tll 8a A�"}F 'L. T0048 ...:.7 �i � �i r��€ •'� t....`" �iK �'+� .`�cc. ... y� r<r; �."t "��r'i � grf � i:�� "�€;nr�ixf�;°��. s, C;�m7�C TIrhI1 �`6TE." �cJ4r�� � ,�7��€ � �•�— � ���_:FEiER ���, ��f_€t a_�. fir RE-dtr. t�_e€�r� _��.���, C€ �ETY e UlCiEHICCP,i�! PGa_ GLOVES: 1ON®t11T,00 i6n214jug?4 4t?8 ViSP9 q 01 7 THAS METER ,Z& DCICc a.�,." t"i n h �._"?C.,' ' G l Lat i= F 8 G '� METERS �a,•- rr�% `99 2IN TEXAS METER . DEVICE ,r _ 5 a_ 6_« _E,PRCVEMENT• a_ METER. 0 0 0 3��: Ia�:�•.: $r 2ti�0a0 v,6,B AUTACTS 0058c532R & r MCT0R V Ci,La 'jutL FILTERS S 000 y _1a A0 WEB' AJi7 PARTS ` 1Uri robC8-5,.„25 R N OT0R J iIEC SOC�.1�1, daOa'wv fG ,t :t, <wt BRISIlrE .iL€rls 6 IIR 1 1587I _i'R 58 13E 5 { if €CTC V iRL_i rr..Elfr„nrg,, TX ELECTRIC €OOP�RNTI:VE t _�u!� :���a-�.N � �://''� [rj{. �. �i-��'y� y,�"',ryy'� `('p'r,.[P�(" !_�,d 5,� � ���A�-= •-,�-� r<- a.f Q.7..1w '�. _,1 ��tt v�e:C ;,j [IlP"5.3•.rik IRM RG R4<PAiR RP'S1�F`�C�P.€ItMH ��i�i;��E':�J 4..#•.Ja .�'� ri_raG '7- } [ n r: ,? ar'am'i `�'' E �`SPARK r �r010,21010 +; �? 121E W REILLY [ALETCI ��IRT: i 4 vv v= iw �L r:J I# E i CiC€K J rl f C u � C' iif, ACC i i _acr r r,� ¢ 'rery f�" i t P r P, C t a P r 3J d JY) 4?: lC-;S CTCp i LE5E7 -?t -525� r,cF3R t�, rWi11? 7 hiNPW C'. �6R%i cCt IRLa t E ElectricD"apartNApn, kll._V`k�..3v��f �„�EIE'i€'�L€ lii•!CiL€ JJ� I�4RB 79 + ��F•: ram; 8/� 1/_L•'-03 B,A4 A REGULAR IIE€'AIIiTNE� sN I i='A ;114E R Gi'3IER ['E?t�ce ! YEffit t Liwri € y.J�WR�j n: l .j 4a �t4:�1 LIJ';j; )fec 001 L'0T-5C`EA `L 1"C!C's—,537J f, ���EI"C'"J.1 tC,� Y is vi6.W>> Ct/L ACCOUNT .CC"•iA°U3: °u PAiiC � Arriit C}UEB ANJJ BEREFT ATION jANITAIRIAL SUF LIES TEL EF',�EtFm ;�ER'JICCC 7At�ITCRIAL SUPPLIES, ETC. UAEETY EQUIPMENT Bl�;�!� E��iFEYtai�Ilul` Ft & M EQUIPMENT n spii i~UIOR VECiIU INO i EQUIPMENT CI I T6�AC UPL SERVICE AGERS C HER CAEKA€ ING SUPPLIED BC�Ci s''u°L. ND EXPENSE. B MOTOR VEHICLE `Ub(rIA!pULL CA ETY E!QUIPMEiIT w K.=1'•—E. �!•"'aJcd 4F NHUIunJ r I €. Ltc. la CELLULAR PHONE �110 i -2:4- 5325 PAGERS C 1- -s. ifs !JFFICE Ei1E`I=' U If 1 C J DUIEB REE!I TEATIU; iYLC=, � •TAP�I TC�BIAL Jii!C'L IEE J;n� LC-:4�:� LE:�l�L 5EEUIEE I?IU %lCONTRACTUAL ', -� Lei r• E!- r ES SERVICES zip _E ;EfE JELLLILAB €E' _flui`:fE 2li 1yI v E tiA ! OMI LITER UUIPMEI�ST HT Jt�i_j •S jii,'�`u..35�.,i E..f llf�.�. €�'t 1,1 V11._ 'j.;._.eJ,mr,i �E `1�(}}((L��T IJi'tVE.�e tEv s;�.,.Ge COMPUTER EUUIs='i E 'I 1i J Cr;."t,.,e CC 1t'k.1€ C"Ciwk yL �ik�:t= BOARDS y i%11 _"vRe"":IC>R..•J CtHFMICAi_ ufl.lh''i`'4wIEfmf i1 0 �:r..5 —uC C.tk:� M�t P�tt pp TOOLS SAFETY Ekffff.MKN .,x,� Ct'C[I`�R t#trilCLE �J1 ".r.L_�v�t�•J sC'3Gr_L �� '�` I1 �T�..il��li F AiCdI 7e4B 3c �kJ4 i FF_ CAO , rL�em7 �Lx non 1. '1 �ti l.P c0 i a �_6 i�Cx BL= J17ec17 00.100 Of z C 3 7178 Jr_ f :ia �3V u4jz 45 v1aG, L Ju Jd v { e U �:` yJt�a~5,, r c; 1x •.Jlt AL5 a!JAL BI�BCE T Llk l iC.iµ_...,_n.... �!JAE"I OVER ANNUAL G?�B EI OVER, I�l'fmLABLE BIJBC, BLIBGEI At#A'UTP1E BURG J im��c ai:,i 's 7.0e, 1g171aa1 hka ie: B� E9Ba 4Ft cy • 4e 99 ?y t fe 91 7 f 145 cn e Lt��• (� J'10t5 " qt ... „.5 Y 4Cm 78 Y pia 599 y GS CCY:3. J:e' 0 57 ly etUjJ y . 4010 L 2t BEs7a 91 n� v CC,-B, tit 58 a 0OJ r y B" Y "i �..f v z�(4Jx S�4 F�CC�3iiL T CfiEF, 34 3.L5 R N NOTIOR VEHICLE CELLULAR PHONC E' Ik 4 114 TANI`G IAL M)m SUPPLIES '�fy��""7L.""wt'®E'i± f_'i`t„iI✓� �€7�1'I FFL SL.st gy 1 f-...t j' i. � pk EEPPL.I uiIAI�44,�213 BUILDING SUPPLIES 41'd iJ &5"'vFb.Ae.i juw, €4..1itI4'iFe SUPPLIES' TELEPHONE SERYIECES o 'Fill BUILDING L4ti�E"IUfEEi r`QLISY`rMN€ a I ,2,0a DAIR PROCESSING SUPPLIES €—ia F315 R 1,4 P'€?ELMACHINESCh tti•^Ji.. uSLd'"s ttimi.F R l?0 T 0R VEi"i C LE 1'f tt3t1 26 CELLVclt ULAR R .211 Iytlxi �j`"' WO " L ur f�'r{O€�aEyy i..�i � St I bll i9 ClL I Lb � DUES & REGIS€R €ION'S 8—SCE-245 AI'ltI €ORIAL SUPPLIES J f J { �Li €lULa008� V 6 5IV— J��J It Q� LI �i€!€Ull �JU;iCL.t: o Jo..,53'1E WATER €ESTP11,G 008-5l10 5525 PAGErRS fv��L`IL} JErr�datc".. .E 1, t- �.�I€E(`i }{ri-Ei VCLE`e€u Y 5� 1C SL€FET` `�w,E€Jt�' € 0`,�a j R & M LIFT STAT 1Uml fob 5?E�5931``:1 X & N BUILi INU N & Ill Clot€UP. VEHME 0cg5-514—w >:9 R & M SEWER PLANT uc? t 5'i 1111t`OIR €U€UUi 'hjT 0 Jti"''mtC�rt".t�:% SAFL- I [ L'€sFL€ySry€�.il"m 01,13 '.'a � z 0 & M MOTOR VEHICLE METER '• t'. S tuWNCE i€ W 44 .a Fm 57 t .J }e usx 33 m04 (5a 0 i It Cj@ vcr ! a "}t`h t�Jx 4'r:i `rig dim ':I L o-. •�Ii �}Jt�tt Y3E�:q �a} 7 m 130 254 00 IM4 CIO G .24 's'4 t _ `r n 106a 46 r ,s3 L BUDGET OVER FIN €AL L4UDSE € OVER CET GOO 230 t}v GJJ�J i}R L } v IEj2 rff OiM rCr'? mf } 3Sa�� gym`} i„ I } f JU Ii r"050 }ti 3 } I } VJILA re .: 55 Gt�tim �� j^j I S�e Cf ef''i' 7a47— �+Jx xIL }e�I�m=mEl 44 jj`Wm 1i•��"$$}mlv;jm i L '... •JYJ Y.FL' } c x 84 75 44 q tr422 4'f4c. it€�'i v: 77 1}4a:3mml S.JS- f.-� 18— 5y •Jx 36r XL iqe 4t :E f 3ij45LI H'VHIL[ €TOLE jt. H{1 €�. Fuia..i�i{((ItE.''. Fi mr�itt L 3': I ,�')t -;' !; C IL H`u E:i` T "ita AI YE, iCC011JIf4T No`Al ,E ' TOTAL5 a tMr) t Jx sou 0t%1; C J 10 0l0ii 1'_u�� 00 •.4_'J €'-I Ct-?+? TOTAL mwi�G-�R LDO&H C 0 _50 0 1614 J(} t•J JV 008 .1 €OTAL �n HRF'��€�T3�CPT T€fTH€L J CLICE NICIPAL COURT L3tr0RCEMENTt €W5PEC€ C1IN THE TR HRIKG rUOL EEiCLC wE Lii LIVA < CENTER _aWa'ry CoIter GENERAL FUND l ayer Hd € ity= C'ci, I`i GMEEKNG i)a, hicle Ha 3!ter t:3sL@ebEt' [.k i1,..e p Ulu EL'.3ta�m e tl4 R TERPRISE FUND r : TOTAL =� fa v}b 7yu�fs c fif I� i {5a 4 Lv its J L, '.� fL®ate 7 %'j is 04 ?a•�JaJ 7'�t 48 fCss :f3 pj 42`8 7� f a i J %bI �JjtJL vjJ j S.E%Ca %, 24x 7 f ,a f. �J s c.Js 7:t iA a August 1, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Annexation Ordinance Attached is the proposed annexation ordinance and a map of the properties to be annexed. The City Attorney is reviewing the ordinance, we should have a signed copy by Monday. City of Sanger, Texas ORDINANCE N0.08-27-03 1' 11 i 01 CI 1 1 1� 1 1' 1 01 1 1 11 �1 1•1 1 tl 1 1 1 1 '• 1 I 11 1' l i t C t al'i V is D1 it ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the city is authorized to annex territory in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.021 and its home -rule charter and by statute, WHEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed fs within the cfty's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is contiguous to the city; WHEREAS, the city has prepared a service plan for said territory which is attached as Exhibit "A" to this ordinance; WHEREAS, the City has published notice of hearings on said annexation and held hearings as required by state law; and WHEREAS, after hearing arguments for and against the same, the governing body has voted to annex said territory into the City under the authority of the Local Government Code. f�1 :t I 11111 t'!= t• t ILI t Ct !'rti •, 1• -t�! f Ct � 1 SECTION l: That territory hereinafter described is hereby annexed into the city, and that the boundary limits of the City are hereby extended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. ABSTRACT 725, TRACT 14114 BEING 2.1076 ACRES (EXHIBIT A), AND ABSTRACT 725, TRACT 14, BEING 23.7484 ACRES (EXHIBIT B), AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 42, BEING 2.50 ACRES (EXHIBIT C), AND ABSTRACT 12419 TRACT 419 BEING 2.50 ACRES (EXHIBIT D), AND ABSTRACT 299 TRACT 6S, BEING 109.49 ACRES (EXHIBIT E), AND ABSTRACT 299 TRACT 1409 BEING 74.33 ACRES (EXHIBIT F). Section 2: That the municipal service plan for the herein annexed territory provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3: The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by estate and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. PASSED by an affirmative vote of the City Council, Governing Body of the City of Sanger, this 4"' day of August, 2003. i Tommy Kincaid, Mayor Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary City Attorney City of Sanger,Texas ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN 1 1 a 0 10 WA ABSTRACT 7259 TRACT 14B9 BEING 2.1076 ACRES (EXHIBIT A), AND ABSTRACT 9ZS1'1?RACT i4, BEING 23.9484 ACRES (EXHIBIT B), AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 42, BEING 2.50 ACRES IEXHIBIT C), AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 41, BEING 2.50 ACRES (EXHIBIT D), AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 65, BEING 109.49 ACRES (EXHIBIT E), AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 123, BEING 74.33 ACRES (EXHIBIT F). INTRODUCTION This service plan has been prepared in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.033 and 43.056. Municipal facilities and services to the annexed area described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the city at the following levels and in accordance with following schedules: POLICE PROTECTION Patrolling, responses to calls, and other Pollee services -will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. FIIZE PROTECTION AND FIRE PREVENTION Fire protection and fire prevention services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Emergency medical services will be provided within ten (10}days after the effective date of an annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Solid waste collection and disposal services will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES THAT ARE NOT WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF ANOTHER WATER OR WASTEWATER UTILITY Maintenance of water and wastewater facilities that are not within the service area of another water or wastewater utility will be continued to be maintained immediately after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND STREETS AND DRAINAGE Maintenance of roads and streets and drainage will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting will be made available within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. MAINTENANCE OF CITY PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES If any city park and recreation facilities are located within the annexed area, they will be maintained within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as similar facilities are maintained throughout the city. OTHER SERVICES Other services that may be provided by the city such as planning, code enforcement, animal control, library, park and recreation, court, and general administration will be made available within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. Construction of water, sewer, street, and drainage facilities will begin within two (2) years after submissions of written request by landowners and payment of any development fees and construction costs required by the city in accordance with subdivision regulations and water and sewer extension policies. Construction will be completed within four and one half (4 /2) years after request unless the construction process is interrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the city. No impact fees will be charged to any developer or landowner within the annexed area except in conformity with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, ch. 395. Construction of other capital improvements shall be considered by the city in the future as the needs dictate on the same basis as such capital improvements are considered throughout the city. Nothing in this plan shall require the city to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the city, included the annexed area, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different level of service. This service plan shall be valid for a term of ten (10) years unless the majority of landowners or registered voters of the area vote by petition submitted to the city for disannexation, then this service plan shall no longer be binding upon the city. AMENDMENTS The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings are held in accordance with V.T.A.C., local Government Code, Section 43.052. EXHIBIT A Being a tract of land situated in the B.F. Lynch Survey, Abstract Number 725, Denton trounty, Tcxas and being a portion of that tract of land described by deed to Edward F. Wolski, as recorded in Volume 4519, Page 648, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas as being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a P.K. Nail found at the southeast property corner of said Wolski Tract, said P.K. NO is in the centerline of Lois Road at the intersection of the west right•of--way line of the G.C. & S.F. Railroad; THENCE N 88°52'48"iV, 1926.45 feet along the centerline of Lois Road to a P.K. Nail found in the cast right-o&way line of Highway 35.6 THENCE N 00°45'47"E, 29.90 feet along the east ri;1tt-of--way line of Highway 35 to a 1/2 inch iron rod found; THENCE N 30°00'07"W, 49.41 feet continuing along said east right -of --way line to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the beginning of a curve to the left$ THENCE with said cast right•of--way line and with said curve to the left, through a central angle of 80°56'05", having a radius of 336AS feet, the long chord ofwhich bears N 03035159"W, 436.77 feet, an are distance of 475.30 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "ALLIANCE" set; THENCE N 44°04'00"1Y, 59.30 feet along the cast right -of --way lint of Highway 35 to a 1/2 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "ALLIANCE" set; THENCE S 83038'30"E, 400.00 feet departing said east rigitt•of--way line to a 518 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter &Burgess" set; THENCE S 06021'30"\V, 329.90 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set; THENCE S 80°31'41"E,1095.83 Feet to a 518 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess' set; THENCE S 88052'48"E, 581.88 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Carter & Burgess" set in the west right -of --way line of the G.C. & S.F. Railroad; THENCE S 10021' IS"W, 25.33 fcct along said west right -of --way line to the POINTOF BEGINNING and containing G.2216 acres of land more or Less. EXHIBIT B All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in .the Be F. Lynch Survey, Abstract No. 725, Denton County, Texas, and beinc3 part of a tract of land described a¢ Tract One and a part of a tract of land described as Tract Two in a Deed from J.A. Coffey to North Stemmons Joint Venture recorded in Volume 2937, Page 419, of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: inning at a 1/2" iron rod found at the Northeast corner of the tract being described herein at the Southeast corner of a called 60.007 acre tract of land described in the Deed to interstate 3S/ehisam Road Limited Partnership recorded under Clerk's File No. 97-R0051552 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, in the East line of said Tract Two and the West right-of-way line of G.C. a S.F. Railroad from which the Northeast corner of said Tract Two bears North 10 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 864*00 feet; Thence, South 10 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds West, with the West right-of-way of said railroad and along and near a fence, a distance of 6,126a43 feet to a PK nail set for corner at the Southeast corner of said Tract One, in a road under apparent public use posted as Lois Road and in the South line of said Lynch Survey; Thence, North 88 degrees 52 minutes 48 seconds West, with said Lois P.oad and said survey line, a distance of 1,926.83 feet to a PK nail sec for corner on the East right-of-way line of Interstate Highway Number 35; Thence, North of deggrees 07 minutes 33 seconds East, with the East right-of-way line of said highway, a distance of 30.0 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner, Thence, North 30 degrees O1 minutes 24 seconds West, with the East right-of-way line of said highway, a distance of 49.39 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner; Thence, Northerly, with said right-of-way.lne and with a curve to the left having a central angle of 80 degrees 56 manures 05 seconds, a radius of 336.48 feeC, a chord bearing and distance of North 03 de rees 35 minutes 59 seconds West, 436.76 feet and an arc distance of 475.30 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner at the end of said curve; Thence, North 44 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds West, with said right-of-way line, a distance of 59.30 feet to a 1/20 capped iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 236.48 feet; Thence, Northwesterly, with said right-of-way line and with said curve having a central angle of a5 degrees o0 minutes 00 seconds, a chord bearing and distance of North 21 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, 180.99 feet ,ad an arc distance of 185.73 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner 14, the end of said curve; Thence, North 06 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds West, with said right-of-way line, a distance of 152.62 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner; Thence, North 00 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East, with said right-of-way line, a distance of 3,097.87 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner; Thence, North 11 degrees 21 minutes 08 seconds East, with said right-of-way line, a distance of 105.42 feet to a 1%2° capped iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right, having a radius of 236.60 feet; Thence, Northeasterly, with said right-of-way line and with said curve having a central angle of 45 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds, a chord bearing and distance of North 29 degrees 04 minutes 29 seconds East, 184.26 feet and an arc distance of 189.27 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner at the end of said curve; Thence, North 46 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds East, with said right-of-way line, a distance of 52.80 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for cornet at the beginning of a curve to the left, having a radius of 335.90 feet; Thence, Northerly, with said right-o£-way line and with said curve having a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes oo seconds, a chord bearing and dIstance of North 01 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds £ast, 476.45 feet and an arc distance of 529.'20 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner at the end of said curve; Thence, North 43 degrees 00 minutes 31 seconds West, with said right-of-way line, a distagce of 92.70 felt to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 236.00 feeC; Thence, Northwesterly, with said right-of-way line and with said curve, having a central angle of 49 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds, a chord bearing and distance of North 18 degrees 24 minutes 01 seconds West, 196.55 feet and an arc distance of 202.72 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner at the end of said curve; Thence, North OQ degrees 43 minutes OS seconds West, with said right-of-way line, a distance of 213.79 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for cornett 'once, North 05 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds East, with said right-of-way ne, a distance of 444,0 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left havingon radius of 11,609.16 feet; Thence, Northerly, with said right-of-way line and with said curve havng a central angle of 02 degrees 09 minutes 51 seconds, a chord bearing and distance of North 04 degrees 54 minutes OS seconds West, 438.45 feet and an Marc distance of 438.49 feeC Co a 1/Z° capped iron rod set for corner at the Southwest corner of said 60,007 acre tract; Thence, South Be degrees 37 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 3,007.44 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing in all 356.77 acres of land EXHIBIT C All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwastar Survey, Abstract 12410 Denton County, Texas, Being' Part of a tract deeded by Thomas Carroll Moore, atal, to Dorwin Lee Sargent, etal, on the 26 th dated of Hay, 1983p Recorded in Volume 1220, Page 793, Deed Records of Said County, and being sore fully described as foilawss Coeuneneing ae the Northwest earner of said Sargent tract ats an ,iron pin in Bela Roads .Thence North 89 Degrees 34 nisutee 58 seconds Bast vith the middle of Belz road a distance of 166.060 feet to the point of Beginnings Thence North 89 degrees 34 odnutea 58 seconds Eest a distance of 166.068 feet to an Iron pint Thence South DO degrees 30 minutes 56-seconds East a distance of 6556750 feet to an iron pins ,, Thence Soveh 89 degrees 34 sninutas 58 seconds Nest a diereses of 166.068.feet to an iron pins , Thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 56 seconds West a distance of ' 655.158 feet to the point of beginning end containing 2.50 acre of land. EXHIBIT D v. , , 4343 ,0�739 .�� •1 � •. •' u � .� �; • - it � 1 �. 1 :TI .11 �11 ,y ti V ,t `� EXHIBIT E TR:1C'" ':WO: BEING all what certain parcel or tract of land yltuated in Denton County, Texas, and being out of the Reuben Eleb.:a Survey, abstract 29, and beirq the North end of a 297-1/4 acts tract ci land as allotted to ,;. M. Perry end wi:e Annie ^:•try, by Commissioners of Partition in the p�r.:::ton of the scats cf Jacob E. 41sas:er, 8oseased by the Cour:y Court of Denton County, '*.axes, at the .'ar.uar•� :arm. 1919 thereof, which said 29�-1/4 acre tract is out of a 300-acne tact o: land convoyed to Jacob F. Blsaaaer by Ti.for8 Seen and wife on the 8th day •af June, 1885; :f Gli li/Cil Y(i 1c an iron sta ka in the Nest boundary line of said 300 acre tract, and in the East boundary line of th♦ Proctor H. Ruling I280 acre tract of land out of said 3eboe Survey, acid i�Jn stake b�inq the Northwest carnet of a 1S0 acre tract aonvayud to N. J. Gadberry; THENCE North with the We et boundary line of said 300 acre tract, end the Eaat boundary line of said 1200 acre tract, 898 varas, the Northwest corner o! said 300 acre tract in Mentor of the upper Sanger and Pilot Potnt Public Road, being also the Northeast corner of Bald 1280 acre tract and the Southwest corner • of the Almonta Bartlett 400 acre tract out of said survey; !^f15NCF. East in canter of said road, with the North boundary lino of said 300 acre tract, and the South boundary line of said 400 acre tract, about 941 versa, a stake in center of said road, the Northwest corner �f a 205-3/4 acre tract of land out of said 300 acre tract, .and a 203 acre tract, conveyed by M. B. Ruling to Jacob F. Elaasaer, deceased, said 205-3/4 acre tract set apart to Fred Eleas.ser, Jr, ;;ra. Eva Whitis and Pearl Elsaasec by said Commissioners of Partition at the January Term, I919 of the County court of Denton Cauntyr Texas; THENCE South with the East boundary line of said 205-3/4 act¢ tract 898 varas to the Northeast corner of said N. J. Gadberry 150 acre traci:, a stake for corner; THENCE West witTr the North boundary ifne of said Gadberry Tract, 94I varas to the place of beglnr.ing, containing 147-1/4 acres of� land, more or less, being the North part of said 297-3/4 acres tract as set apart by said Commissioners of Partition to the s�id� J. M. Perry and Annie Perry, comprising in a21 147.25 acres, SAVE AND EXCEPT 2.76 acres as shown in right-of-way Geed gated December 17, 1:52, from John H. Hughes, et al to the State cfr Texan for right of way purposes, recorded in Vol. 348, page 536,E of the Deec Records bf Denton County, Texas, leaving 144.49 acresi of sand, more or leas; and SUBJECT to an indalldail,l/gasa andnotherlminerals resarvedrin royalty interest deed from John H. Hughes, Jr., et al to C. H. Easley, et ux,� dated October 2, 1958, recorded in Vol. 441, page 32, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texas; THIS conveyance is further executed, delioered, and accepted; SUBJECT to the following: (i) Right-of-way easement from J; Fdatedsallovember w29,�a1917�� Sinclair -Gulf Pipe Line Compnnj, recorded in Vol. i58, page 203, Deed Recocds of Denton County,' Texao. (2) Eseomanta in favor of Deneo131CoandyinlVolri339�opaget132,, Inc., recorded in Vol. 339, p g of the Deed Records of Dentin County, Texas. steel of land SAVE AND EXCEPT: AGL that certain tract or p situated in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29r Denton County, Texas, and being part of a tract shown by Deed to Edward E. Lane 'recorded in Volume 448, Page 303, Deed Records of Denton Countyr Texao, and being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a 2 inch iron pipe at the Southwest corner of said Lane tract, also being at a fence corner; THEtJCE North O1° 43' 00" Fast with a fence and with the west line of said Lane tract a distance of 2358.73 feet to an iron pin rat on the South right-of-way of f'-M Road No. 455; THENCE Northeasterly witl; said right-of-way and a curve to the feett ahchord of Northe78'n33e 31"2East2294�85 feetdlandoEan71arc distance of 297.27 feet to an iron pin at the send of said curvQ; THENCE South 88. 45' 09" East with said right-of-way, a distance of 345.15 feast to an iron pin set for corner: THENCE South O1. 43' 00" West, a Distance of 2418.48 feast to an iron pin sec in an East West fence, said ire-: pin being in the South line of said Edward E.. Lane tracC; THENCE Nort:; 99. 12' 26" West with said fence and with the South line of said Lane tract, a distance of 632.33 feet to the point of beginning and containing in all 35.OU acres of land. '..� ro�456T P60141 r EXHIBIT F Being 82.72 acres of Land out of the Reuben Bebee Headri.ght League and Labor Survey, Patented to Reuben•Bebee January 3rd, 18732 Patent No. 168, Certificate No. 3/43 situated in Denton County, Texas. being parts of Tract Number 1 and Tract Number 2 as,par#tioned by the District Court of Denton County, Texas by judgment dated October 250 1922 and recorded in Volume R, page 228, of the Minutes of said Court being a partition of 939 acres of land belonging to the estate of Proctor H. Huling, deceased; .;,,Origiaally surveyed by.W. M. Jagoe in 1922, resurveyed bq Co F..BaLL=d., Licensed State Surveyor October 21, 1931 and res=v yad•'by W. J. Parker, County Surveyor of Denton County, Texas;_ November 3,, •1941,,desoribed in one tract as follows: • BEGINm=:avla.pointIn the center of. said Highway No. 40 at ..the o..Northo� coxaear of. -said Tract Number 1; TB@10E:Eaar#295Z feet" to the west right of way line of the 5'anta Fe'Railwaye, TRE►YCE' South 4•.degrees 4I minutes East along said West right of way. line•at•.851.2 feet pass the south line of said tract 1. and North line, of Tract- 2, 1702.4 feet in all to a point En the. south'Iins of said. Tract 2; THENCE West 2200.6 feet to the southwest corner of Tract Z and Northwest corner of Tract 3 to a point in the center of said•Highway No. 4; THENCE North 0 degrees 16 minutes East at 847.2 feet pass the Northwest comer ofTzact 2 and the Southwest corner of Tract 1, 847.2 feet, more, 1694.7 feet in all to the place of beginning, containing 82.72 acres of land, being 40.64 acres of .said Tract.I and 42.08 acres of said Tract 2 and being all of Tract I and Tract.2 of said partition lying West of the Santa Fe•Railway; Less however, that strip of land conveyed to the State of Texas by deed dated April 6, 1949 and recorded in Volume 348, page 119 of.the•Deed Records of Denton County, Texas. to N w (� Z_ o -J VIEW - p U 0 MELTON L ON D L w ITLON11 L I OS L IS LOI C7 z LIS U ING G M Z BELZ BELZ P.R, 1 m M J � J O _ w Yn 4 5 w m shy s� = Sanger CHAPMAN = 2 x � 2 ao rn A o _ 2 S U P A H P H EC P N PCN L EL L LM a o BLoll I z cn HER Y C E MITH August l , 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Library Appointments Attached is Vickie Elieson's memo on this item. She has recommended Mary Wise and John Springer for these appointments. MEMO TO: Jack Smith FROM: Vicky Elieson RE: Representatives to the North Texas Regional Library System DATE: July 1, 2003 The North Texas Regional Library System provides services to our Library including training opportunities, consulting for special projects and some books and other library materials. It is governed by a lay board and assembly. Every two years the city council names representatives to this body so that we will have a voice iri its decisions. The following people have agreed to serve, if the council approves: System Assembly Representative: Mary S. Wise 219 Diane Dr. 458-7924 Mary has been an active member of Friends of the Library for about 3 years. Alternate System Assembly Representative: John Springer PO Box 36 458-36'71 John has been a dependable member of the Library Board for several terms. August 1, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Board Appointments We currently need a board member and 2 alternates for th Board of Adjustments. Jay Parr recently moved to Denton, and we need to replace him on the Board. We need to replace Gordon Lurry and John Springer as alternates. Gordon Lurry has moved out of town, and the meetings do not normally fall within a time that allows John Springer to attend. We have tried to contact several people, but have not come up with any volunteers. We will try to have some by Monday. August 1, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Regulations in the E.T.J. Councilman Ervin requested this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. \.ItV of Jack L. Smith City Manager 55meplace 5pecial August 1, 2003 Rocky Gardiner, Manager of Research North Central Texas Council of Governments P.O. Box 5888 Arlington, Texas 76005.5888 Mr. Gardiner, In response to our phone conversation on this day, the City of Sanger requests that NCTCOG recognize mid -year population estimates performed by the city. As of 01/01/03 the City of Sanger's population was 4,780. From 01/01/03 to 07/01/03, the city has annexed 23 existing houses. All of these houses are occupied, so the occupancy rate is 100% times the average household size of 2.72 equals 62 residents. Also we have had 28 new homes completed. With an occupancy rate of .939 times the average household size of 2.72 equals 71 residents. We also have new apartments being built, 80 units have been completed, of the 80 units, 48 are rented. So 48 at 100% occupancy rate times 2.78 average household size equals 133 residents. Our estimated population as of 07/01/03 is 5046 ( 4780 + 62 + 71 + 133 = 5046). Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jack L. Smith City Manager I Tlanagers Progress Rrj 0 @ ]g ater/Wastewater: The application for the Sewer CCN Expansion was submitted to TECQ this past week. If approved, this will extend the Sewer CCN to the Wise County line on the West, the Denton County line on the North, Lake Ray Roberts on the East, and to Denton's CCN on the South. TECQ has just completed their survey on our water/wastewater facilities and everything was found to be in compliance. Parks: The sidewalks should be started within the next week at Railroad Park. Electric: The Electric Department set poles at Gurves this week. All material is in for Quail Run and Ranger Creek Subdivisions. As soon as all stub outs are done, the Electric Department will begin pulling wire. Interest Items: Curves will be opening August 11. Sabe's Restaurant is 4 to 6 weeks from opening. At Sanger Trails 5 buildings have been issued CO's. The new Laundry Mat in Ray Roberts Plaza has opened.