04/21/2003-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2003 7:00 P.M. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA April 7, 2003 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. 8. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final a decision or vote on executive session . a made in open session following the "( f' i ? 6f � �'/✓A S? 8 �d 4� R'Qsalie Chavez, Ci�����t/�% Date & Time Posted the •;,zosraae, This facility is wheelchair:. accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 46 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for fiuther information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 7, 2003 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Jimmy Evans OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Harold Johnson, Audrey Dial, Laurel Harper, Allen Bussell, Al McNatt, Greg Edwards, Georgia Royal, Angela McDade, Crystal Brown, Don Frazier, Shelley Ruland, Merrie Lou Abney, Stephen Koch, Trisa Koch 1. Mayor called meeting to order, Councilman Higgs led the invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 17, 2003 March 24, 2003 - Special Called b) Disbursements Councilman Higgs moved to accept the consent agenda as presented, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Georgia Royal, 200 E. Willow St., addressed the Council regarding the dumping on Railroad Avenue close to the Park where the city has put trash on the west side and the east side, the people of Sanger are also bringing their personal trash to that property. Her concern was snakes and appearance, she requested the city put up "no dumping" signs. Mayor indicated this has been addressed and that they should see something in the next day or two. City Manager indicated they will put culverts from the main railroad to Railroad avenue. They will have drainage, but it will be Ievel. They will take care of the situation. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation # 04-09-03 - Declaring April 20, 2003 at Matthew L. Jones Day in Sanger, Texas, Mayor Read Proclamation as follows: PROCLAMATION #04-09-03 by The City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas To all to whom these presents shall come; WHEREAS, the City of Sanger recognizes April 20, 2003 as the day that Matthew L. Jones will receive the Eagle Scout Award, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger Recognizes that the Eagle Scout Award is the Highest Honor of Boy Scouting, and WHEREAS ,the City of Sanger wishes to congratulate Matthew L. Jones on this achievement. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Tommy Kincaid, Mayor of the City of Sanger, do hereby declare and proclaim Sunday, April 20, 2003 as: "MATTHEW L. JONES DAY" in the City of Sanger and encourage all citizens of the City to recognize the accomplishments of Matthew L. Jones. Councilman Garza moved to adopt Proclamation #04-09-03, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Request from Joel Sadau for Waivers from Subdivision Regulations on a Plat in the E.T.J. City Engineer indicated Mr. Sadau's property is off of Belz Rd, and he wants to split off one lot. Our ordinance requires a preliminary and a final plat. Part of the final plat process requires showing construction details; however, there will be no city services. The one item that needs to be addressed is the drainage study. He indicated that he did not feel he need to do a drainage study. Staff is recommending that he do a Preliminary plat, but that the drainage study be waived. Councilman Higgs asked if the lot fronts on Belz Rd. City Engineer indicated it did. According to state statute a property owner could submit a minor plat, and it could be approved by staff and not have to come to City Council. That is something that could be put in the ordinance. Brief Discussion, Councilman Higgs moved to waive the drainage study with City Engineer's recommendation that if another lot is sold out of the tract that a drainage study be required. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Creek View Addition, Located in the E.T.J. off of F.M. 2450. Steve Koch indicated this was a plat in the E.T.J. Discussion regarding fire protection. Councilman James asked if it is the E.T.J. and we require fire hydrants, why shouldn't they have to put them in. He felt a fire hydrant should be supplied. Discussion regarding the rules in the E.T.J. versus the rules in the city. Shelley Ruland indicated Bolivar Water will not provide any fire protection off of their water lines. They were told they would have to pipe in a second set of lines that would use city water for fire protection. Councilman James asked about the pad elevations and the street width. Discussion regarding county requirements. Councilman Higgs moved to accept the Preliminary Plat for Creek View Addition, Phase 3, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Creek View Addition, Located in the E.T.J. off of F.M. 2450. Councilman Ervin moved to approve final plat, Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 8. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Concept Plan on a Proposed Planned Development on Lake Ridge Estates. Property is Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tracts 57, 58 & 59. The Property is located on McReynolds Road. Public Hearing opened. Don Frazier, project manager, indicated it is basically a 251 home development. He wanted to point out two main points, the density is 3.5 units per acre. The lot sizes are smaller than required; however, with the open space the density does not exceed requirement. The minimum house size is 1200 square feet, most homes will be 1400 and over, up to 2200. The biggest pad site will be 40 x60, but they can go two stories. The front setbacks will be 25 feet, but they have asked for a variance on the rear setbacks. Councilman James indicated he would like to see another entrance to of McReynolds Rd. Mr. Frazier indicated the P&Z was concerned with it as well. There is no way to put in a second entrance. The P&Z requested a three lane entrance. Don Frazier indicated they did design a fire entrance, it will be a barricaded entrance for emergency access only. Councilman James indicated at the end of the road it dead ends. The next development could possibly tie into it and extend access. Mr, Frazier indicated they would like for that to be an extension of their subdivision but they have not acquired the land. Discussion regarding the road. Councilman James asked if developer would be willing to pay for widening of McReynolds Rd. to put a turn lane on McReynolds Rd. into the Subdivision. Discussion. Don Frazier indicated this would be done in three phases over 5 years conceptually. Councilman James asked if numbers had been run on what would be done if they had 7000 square foot lots. Don Frazier indicated they would lose 37 lots. Councilman Higgs asked if sidewalks would be required. Mr. Frazier indicated they would include sidewalks. City Engineer indicated they would require at least 40 feet R.O.W. on McReynolds. Mr. Frazier indicated that wouldn't be a problem. Gregg Edwards indicated they were planning to shave back the lake to allow for wider R.O.W. Shelley Ruland indicated the other items the P&Z recommended were fencing the entire residential area, traffic control devices on the main road, and that drainage issues be dealt with. Discussion regarding the plan. Councilman Higgs asked now far it was from that entrance to Indian Lane. Eddie Lane indicated 600 to 700 feet. Councilman James indicated Choice Homes builds a nice affordable home, and asked if they have this small of lot sizes in other cities. Harold Johnson, Choice Homes, indicated it varies from area to area, in Denton they range from 5000 to 7000 square feet. Councilman James indicated his main concern is the traffic on McReynolds Rd. and the one outlet. Mayor asked if they addressed the turning lane would that take some of the concern away. Councilman James indicated in his opinion it would. City Manager indicated a turn lane would help the people going straight, at this point there are not many houses East of this site. Unless there is a safety issue, the city is not concerned with inconvenience, that will be a marketing issue. Discussed Planning and Zoning's recommendation for the three lanes out to McReynolds. Discussed drainage. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Concept Plan on a Proposed Planned Development on Lake Ridge Estates. Property is Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tracts 57, 58 & 59. The Property is located on McReynolds Road. City Engineer indicated the variances needed to be put in the motion. Councilman Higgs moved to approve the Concept Plan with the variances on the rear setback to 20 feet in the Single Family area, and to 5 feet in the multi -family area, and a variance on the fencing requirement around the multi -family, but requiring three lanes coming in at the intersection with McReynolds Road, wood fencing around the residential development area, traffic control devices on the main road, and making sure they will not cause any flooding down stream for a planned development, and the 80 foot R.O.W. on McReynolds Rd. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #04-09-03 -Amending the Sign Regulations J and Sign Permit Fees of the City of Sanger. Mayor read caption as follows: ORDINANCE 04-09-03 THAT CHAPTER 39 ARTICLE 3.1400 SIGN REGULATIONS AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 3.000 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ARE HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Danny indicated the reason the fee was increased was that it required inspections and review, the current fees did not cover the cost. Councilman Garza moved to adopt the ordinance, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to the Parks Board. Councilman James moved to appoint Tammy Bell, Chris Wesley and Pat Golden, Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action to Reappoint Jack Smith to the Upper Trinity Board of Directors. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Jack Smith to the Upper Trinity Board of Directors, Councilman James seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 13. Meeting Adjourned. iutt 1 t k._f'f, "TI'rff=1\1�i 14iI Iil(I'�-0 1:� �, C1-11` i C�UNEIL VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIATION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99�01150 HART INIERCIYiC, INC I-666510 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI ELECTION BALLOTS 99-02670 IML I-39529 O1`0i—its= 52'40 TRAVEL EXAENS MIKE JAMES LUNCHEON 000000 2G,00 GET=CE?RTh1E�lT � MA'tOR � CITE` C'OUP?CIL TOTAL€ cG6a$1 4/17/i k003 9.54 AM VENDOR SET: 99 Fl` : 001 GENERAL FUND DEiw(TMENTa 15 ADMINISTRATION REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAVMENI REGISTER PAGEx m VENDOR NAME ITEM tt G/L ACCOiJNI NAME DESCRIPTION CNEC9' AMOUNT 99-015510 TXU GAS P39504 001—I5-5515 ELECTRIC AND Taft GAS 1200000 21255 99�019CO NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I�39346 001W15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES G210000 63161, 99-02480 SPRINT I-MAI 001-15- 551E TELEPHONE SER SPRINT GolG=GGo 98. CG i 9943960 AfSTERDAM PRINTING i-6643122 001-15-5210' OFFICE SUPiPLi EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS Q100000 7w20 99-09380 GEORGE HUDGINS I-47G5 001-15-5310 R M BUILDIN WINDOW CLEANING 0100000 37,5O DEPARTMENT 15 ADNINISTRATiuN TOTALS G54.75 4/17/0003 9a54 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PHbLa 3 VENDOR SETe 99 FI' a 001 GENERAL FUND uE ,&ME T: �0 POLICE VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99�01550 Txu GAS t- 39504 @W1 20-5515 ELECTRIC GH TXU GAS C0O000 Ibm 82 99-024a10 SPRINTT I-395Cfl1 00I-210-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT @00000 45.68 99-039 0 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-6643122 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS 0000, 14o4I 99 09380 GEORGE H DGINS I-47E5 001�E0-531@ REPAIR & MAIN WINOON CLEANING OOOC+OO 75=00 99-105Y0 THE SPORTSMAN I-39350 001-2V5350 MOTOR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN O1v0000 1114140 L�4PAREMEPdT �� POL��,� IOThLs 1,L:?>�,1 4/17/G003 9.54 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR GET: 9"3 F€` ; 001 GENERAL FUND Db-nrtTMENE: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECEI# AMOUNT 9910570 CHEMEUO I-39049 001-24-jEE,5 CHEMICAL SUPP BLAZE UUT-35 GAL 000000 584,86 99-03190 RITE�WELD I-39E94 00124-5375 MINOR EQUIPME 4 MEDICAL OXYGEN Oizel000 54,T00 991-05480 SPRINT I-39501 001-24-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 000000 7.OB 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-66431E2 001-24-5210 Ui FICE SUI='PLI EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS nw0000 %4.41 9'�1101570 THE SPORTSMAN 1�39350 001-E4W53E0 MOTOR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN 000000 E:91r49 99-11E60 W,,l DARLEY # CO 1595166 001-24-5260 SAFETY EQUTPM AIR MASK BAG�30" PRO BAR 000100: 195a'90 99-11E60 Wa6v DARLEY & CO I-595166 001-E4-5220 POSTAGE SHIPPING 1300000 2& 40 DEPARTMENT G4 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTALe 1,14Be 34 4/17/2003 9%54 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RESISTER G'ASEn VENDOR SET: 99 F a 001 GENERAL FUND bL,HRTMENi. E6 MUNICIPAL COURT VENDOR NAME ITEM 4 6/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECM4 AMOUNT 99-121'480 SPRINT 1-39551 001-26-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT AA10S0 16.14 99 11Ef4 SAiKO °� DURROilCHS, LLP I-3D653 OO1—KINN54 5 LEGAL SERVICE 3-4_0313-11-03 COURT O000E1� 5OA.00 DEAARTMENT S6 Mt1NICIF'AL COURT TOTAL; 516.14 v i171 4103 9e54 AM REGULAR DEPARTlIENT PAYMENT HUIETER VENDOR SET. 99 FL' d 01 GENERAL FUND DEkirdMENTa e8 LENT: F'AGE a G VENDOR NiffilE ITEM vt G/L AGCOUt!T tdANE DESCRIPTION CNECE{# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC 1-205510-0 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BUSINESS CARDS FOR DANNY COCKR 000000 33495 99-015570 TXU GAS 1-39504 001-E8-5515 ELECTR10/GAS 1 U GAS 00W,00 ilc 39 99 02350 SCHLUTER ENG. & COMM. 1-I6535 001®28-5390 RADIOS BLDG. BATTERY FOR RADIO OelelGOo 5G,00 99-10570 TiiE SPORTSMAP I-39350 001 E8�53c0 VEHICLE FUEL THE SPORTSMAN 000000 117m03 DEPARTME�lT F'8 EP�FORCEMENTlINSPECTIO� TOTAL, c33.37 4l17/2003 9n54 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE 7 VENDOR SET% 99 ` t001 GENERAL FU"U DLrHRTMENTO 30 STREETS VENDOR NAME ITEM GIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT ��-�.i�71O DADA DU�iNE�S E~ORt�� I�j?C �-c��fi39 �01-u0-�,�1� OFrIt,E �UF'PL1 FOR{; ORDER POO#'S5 0000�0 3�. s1 99 015 9'U GAS I-s' J04 0 0-5515 ELECTRIC, & GA TXU GAS 020000 26939 9&03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-E643122 001-30-5510 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS 000000 14.4 99-105(0 IH� SPORTSMAN 1�,�9u�,;3 Oa�1-�0�-5,��0 99-10570 THE SPORTSMAN 1-39350 001-30-5375 99a10580 KELLEY SAND & EXCAVATIO I--39Jc72 001 30-5310 99-1100k� DESTG�AY, INC I-'0430C3 001�-30-5380 OR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN 000000 334.45 MINOR EDUIPME THE SPORTSMAN 02,0000 11*96 STREET MAINTE CONCRETE ON 10TH ST 000000 174a00 STREET SIGNS 16 SIGNS 000000 7 3a70 DEC'ARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL, 1,359mS4 W 1Ilif003 9d54 AN VENDOR SET. 99 FU� m U011 GENERAL FOND DEi nit i MEN T : 36r PARRS REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER i'A06� II VENDOR NACfE iTE4tt !L AC€ OUrT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AifOUNT 99—UU79'3 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I—I006,11964 00I-323245 MINOR TOOLS LINKIQUIK ZA UUU UU 3c56 99460790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I—I0001967 001-32-5343 BALL FIELD MA B ANCHOR CLEEUES UUUUUU 7604 99—'>1U79U COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1--10001999 0'0I-32-6015 SPRINKLER MAI 6 31COUPLINGS UUUUUU 16,14 99-0079U COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-39266 00I-30-5245 MINOR TOOLS RAKE,BOW FIBERLASS U06UUU 1194 99-1=Z�57U THE 54-'ORTSFIAN T-3935U UUI-36:-53F`+� i�OTOR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN UUUUUU 334,43 99--11C';®l� COLLEGIATE E='AL`IFiC i--139.�;9 UU1®3��5343 BALL FIELD 1�A NO[�E F'LATEgIJK�iRE INDICATOR DECARTMENT 3F: PAR('s5 UUUUUU 13160 TOTALm 51G67=U 4/17/2003 9254 AM REGULAR %EPARIMENI PHYMENI RLGISIER PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 99 Ef' : 001 GENERAL FUND DrVulr{TMENT: K VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VENDOR NAME ITEM GIL ACCOUNT NAME OESCRIP11ON CHECKAMOUNT 99- i550 TXU GAS I-39504 001-36-5515 ELECTRIC u GA TXU GAS 000000, 66.77 99~0c460 SPRINT 13950i 00136-55i0 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 10002,00 N.63 99-105721 THE SPORTSMAN 13935+� 00i K6 5320 MOTOR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN 000000 59.80 SEP-ARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENAt#CE TOTAL: i47.c.'0 4117/2003 5.54 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 1G VENDOR GET; SS R" 00001 GENERAL FUND DLrm TMENT; 40 SULLIVAN CENTER VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEW AMOUNT 9,S_G2480 SARINT I--39G1 001404 551G TELEPHONE SER SPRINT GGGGGG 5.88 53-09380 GEORGE HUDGINS 1-4765 001�40-5310 R & M BUILDIN WINDOW CLEANING 0010000 7100 uEFARTPiE1dT 4A SM�LLIVAN CtNTER Ti.�TAL o 8G, 88 4J17122M 9.54 Rai REGULAR DEPARTMENT FAR` MENI REGISTER FARI n 9I VENDOR SETc 99 ' s 001 GENERAL FUND kr-dit MENI e 42 Library VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 A14OUNT 99-00480 SPRINT 1-39501 00144E-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT OOOOOC� 3.55 39-0300160 BAKER & TAYLOR 1�38607 001�42-&KO BOOKS 4 BOOKG-PROCESSING & CRTALOGIN 000000 76,24 99-03330 BAKER & TAYLOR 1-50042456 001-42-6050 BOOKS BOOKS OoMoo0 Gcltt 99-fl3490 Ho We WILSON CO. I�55579856 001�48-5235 MAGAZINES & 5 SUBSCRIPTION 002000 185300 s'0-039510 MINSTO'N DATER COOLER I-38606 0OI-42'-,3310 R E M BUILDIN FILTERS -WATER COOLER 000000 18165 99-08850 NORTH TEXAS !DEB SERVICE I-393R1 0�01-45-;�4w0 COIITRRCI§JAL S 6 POI#ThS INTERNEi SERVICE O��OOIiO 114.48 9'9-11250 BILL GEORGE PLUMBING I-39353 001�42� 5310 R M BUILDIN INSTALL WATER COOLER FILTER 000000 55.00 DEF'RRTMENT 4c Libr+3iy TOTALa 67`r.39 / 17 r`cZ4 3:5 t AM EEGUL AI UtPHNIMNI E`-°A`i HU4I NtEGIS I ER VENDOR SETA SS r'" a Ail GENERAL FUND DLcwti TMENT: 44 community Center CAGEi Icf VEi�DGC P'IA�iE ITE�� # G/L AC'CCiU�I P��1i�E UESCRIATIC�v CHECF, AP�GUti�T 9` 1550 TXU GAS 1-39504 OOM4-55I5 ELECTRIC & GA TXU GAS 000000 46.77 C;EI-°ARTP�E�IT 4 Cn�n}�n�y Cen�er� ;rElvr'(.i� SET GGi GEUECt�L �=U�'!�} TGTALe 46.77 TuTAL; 71 GGL. SG 4/I t/2003 9:54 AN REGULAR DEPAR MEN1 PA` MENT REGISTER r'Aac; I VENDOR SETo 99 F' I: 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DLFHOTHENT: 10 Mayor and City Council VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99�A$I50 HART IPITERCIVIC, INC 1-86E91A 00B_I0_5210 OFFICE St1DALI ELECTION BALLETS 0000,00 180481 99—OcC7�� IHL I-395c9 4��D8�IV;_�c4!D TRAVEL EnDEt4lS fii�{E 1A�ES LEJhdCHEO�� SOO�r&D� cE.00 DEDARTIIENT f� Mayor and City Council TOTALn EOCBi �t 3 4/17/2003 9w54 AN REbULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DL. g4i4TMENTr 15 Administration PAGE: 14 VEiaDOR 1dA��E ITE�� "u/i ACC!!LENT NA�!E DESCRIPTIOi! CHECf', AiO1�NT 99-01550 TXU GAS I-39504 008-15-5515 ELECTRIC CA T LC CAS 99-0192:0 NICHU'UB,, JACKSON, DILLA 1-39348 Oi18-1c 54�5 LEGAL SERVIsJE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES el? 0000 68G®G3 `i`?��t°:'480 SAKE:,1;� I-v'�,01 00&15'5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 000000 BaB5 99-039�,0 A�45TERDAN PRINTIi�lG I-G843iEc 008-15-5510 OFFICE SLiPPLI ENPLOY�#ENT APB°LICATIOdS 99-09380 GEORGE HUDGINS I-4165 008-15� 5310 R ¢ EI BL�ILDIN WINDO4� CLEANING DEC'%RT��E�T 15 r':dini�tr�tian 00�000 37.5'vz TOTALe 854e73 4M /E0007 9 d �)4 AM REGULAR DEPAR I MENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SE I a 99 F'' .__ s AAB ENTERPRISE FUND DErHMENI a 19 Datd" Processing VENDOR NAME ITEM 4 GIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECH AMOUNT 9M'0710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC 1-205639 008-I9-520S DATA PROCESST WORK ORDER BOOKS' 0000,00 39. 35 911,39LO ALI STERDAM PRINT iNIG I -EEC 7122 OO;3y M210 OFFICE ,SWUPPLT EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS 000000 iLm 41 `�`�-C�i��E';:RAi�ELL I`�ilAN I-59,5;�9 A���19 i�'4t� iRAkJEL TRA�JEL TNC fiEETTNG FT iTORTH ��2��� 9A.� DEPART�`�ENT 19 Dv+a F°racessing TC!"iAL; 14u74 4/17/2003 js54 fail REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR GET: 99 Fi n 008 ENTERPRISE FUND r,R'MENT. 3E Vehicle Maintenance VENuDR 1VAP�E 99-01530 TtU GAS 9'1`uJ�4G� S��RtPdT 99`10'5 0 111E SPORTSMAN R'A3Ea IG IIEPI if G0L PCCGG,NI NNNL SESGR RTIGri CFEtrt AIOU T I-3S5G4 008-36-5515 ELECTRIC & GA TXU GAS 0100300 8G.77 i-3TJO1 008�36-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 0 0. GJ I-39350 0080 30G-53G:0 MOTOR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN 000000 55.79 GE€�ARTME�aT 3G 1}ehicie Hain�enance TUTI�L i471S 4f1715003 9r54 Aji REGiiLAR DEPARTinEMT R'AYtEPtT REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 F` ; 0�:�8 EP.TERFRISE FUND k HRTMENT: 50 Water r'ACE: 17 VENDOR NRME ITEM GfL ACCOL�NT NAME DESCRIGTION CHECf`# AMOONT -00710 DATA BE5IME55 FORMS INC I-505639 008-50-5610 OFFICE 5Ur'ALI WORK ORDER BOOKS 99-01:140 RADIO SHAG{ 1-38667 MINOR TOOLS KEYS 000000 6400 9 102u SCHLU6ER ENGm & COMMe t ?93t< !008-50: 5250 MiNIOR TOOLS RADIO @00elo0 OOaGO 99--02910 UPPER TRINITY i-38699 02618-50-5385 WATER PURCHAS VOLUME/DEMAND CHARGE 000000 81693,10 9ss-05910 UPPER TRINITY I-38699 008-50-54c0 COt�TRAGTiiAL 5 VOLUME/DEMAND CHARGE 000000 71500.00 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-664315�' 008-50 "2010 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS 000000 14,41 993 08970 TEXAS METER c SEWER CO I�i2Q G 008-50.5360 R & M OTHER CLAMPS, MEGA LUG, GASKET, BOLT 000000 834n78 99--08970 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO 1-11 4374 w08w b0; 5360 R & M OTHER TEE, MATS&BULiS, GAs{E"i, RE I AIN!ER 000000 211, 58 99-08970 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO 1-38700 008-50�5360 R & M OTHER BRASS 9ADDLE,PYC PIR'EIFIRE HYD 020000 37.0�j 91J�08970 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO I-38700 008-50-5250 MINOR TOOLS BRASS SADDLE,PVC P'IPE,FIRE HYD 000000 178.44 9`� O9550 5C�ITHWIE CHEMICAL I-4949 008-50-dc83 CHEHICAL GUPP CHLORINE CYLINDER 0�� !�!'0 ®5.Cf0 99-°0570 THE SR'ORTSMAN 1 3935;:l 008m;0-5350 MOTOR VEHICLE THE SPORTSMAN 00�0000 1,1t�6.d8 99-10910 FERGUSON ENTERF'RI5E5,IN i-3'9305: 008-50-5350 MINOR TOOLS S 21/8 NOZ WRCH 06.�0 DEPARTMENT 50 Water TOTAL: 191578e79 4/1116LOK 9%;14 ACC REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RESISTER VENDOR SET. SS R}' ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPiiiret��#`EHT; SS 'Waste witer Collection PRSE; ID VEiIDCiR P�A�iE l'IEM S/L R;C;GOi1NT NAME DESCRI!'TICI! CIECK� A�l(lLii�fT 99-03970 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO l-3Ii% ti105-3E'-SD70 SEWER MAIN & BRASS SA'DDLE,PVC PIPE,EIRE MYD 52 530 2110 `a�1`zlNJO BETA TECHNOLOGY I-39303 0018$ 52w5315 R & M LIFT ST CASE--DETIAZYK, PAIL DILLY GOAT 000000 55ia17 DEPARTiE;�T 55 r'�.ste l��ter, Csllectirri� TQTAL; 558.17 4/1`1/c003 9:34 AN REGULAR DERARIMENT PAYMENT RESISTER VENDOR SET: 93 P 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DLMRi%iENT 54 Waste Water Treatment VENDOR NAME T l�r� � 11 iGIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 9MC2480 SPRIN 1 1-39501 k,OM4-5515 TELEPHONE SER SPRIM S'j 10YO THE SPORTSMAN 1�203y ���8_54-5 1S ��R! I"r® 5U FLU THE S'URT5UR11 uE��Rl�iEi�T 54 FiastsRla4er irea��er� 4/11ICO2 '9�54 AM REGi1LAR DEPARTMtNI PAYNLNI REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 F,M y : 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEE�r+m"MEN"k 53 Electric Department PAGE. CO =JEP 1OR i'Ai E IEii D GIL ACCOUHI NAME 1'ESC1tii'I I1cV CkECfti A iGUfi!T 99-00710 DATA BUSIIIESS FORMS INC 1-205MI, Ml 639 Oi08r38-5C10 OFFICE SUPPLI WORK ORDER BOOKS 011311I0101 393,a3 99--00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-38675 009- 58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 11" CABLE THE 000000 149 99MM00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1-39286 008-58-5310 R & M BUILDIN SPACKLING PASIE, COVER BLA `, 510 'w0O00F:i 105 99-N 330 DENTON DEPOT I-39053 C108-58 5220 POSTAGE SHIPPING 0100000 13479 99-0083�0 DENTON DECO"i I--39O53 008-58-5�t50 ECONOMIC DEVE 5'00 SANIGER ELECTRIC PENrl S 000000 335.00 9"9 01 1€€� LI�aHTi€. SUPPLY H-39O47 008-58-6000k IMPROVEtEidiS 36 1510I MH LAMPS 90100 99- E1s50 I XU GAS I-39504 008--58•-5515 ELECTRIC &GA TXU GAS O'ti00O0 C6a 39 99-01570 LOWIE' S COMPANIES, I%;C4 H 3868C I,08 58-GOc4' HP P'ROUEME1dT5 HAC{,SA�}, BLADE, KNEE PADS 00000�? c9. 7C` 99-0C480 SPRINT I•-39501 008-58-5510 TELEPHONE SER SPRINT 0�00000 SS.58 99-0CG96m TECHLIlE IMPROVE[ER!TS 5625' 'RIMARY CONDUCTOR 000000 7284 40 ur-r2 IE t-.1 5 rt O S 9 20 I AMP iI r,- IS 0 2 _� ��690 TECHLIRo� E SL!���,�E OOB-�d-aG0E:0 IMPROVEMENTS 1 0 Y;�� Ji��T�,1IOM� O� ��. 1, _�,..00 994C690 TECHLINE 1-36967 008u58--6020 IMPR0VEMENT6 SWITCHES & CAPACITORS 0000040 3S,C95,00 99-a'737 TEXAS METER DEVICE I-35407 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 1 METER & SOCKET 00O00=i S0.5G0 TEXAS METER M DEVICE I-388v8 008-58-5CC� POSTA+E` FREIG I 000005m 60a9 q .4C`130 TEXTiS METER & DEVICE 1-311858 4+48-58-5655 METER iOItwIEN 18 METERS 000000 3,578400E 99-03''CO HESCO I-39150 008 58-6020 IMIiROVEMEITS 36 15€ V POLYMER INSULATORS O0000 342e 00 99IMMO36821 >lHHTMIRE H 39041 0O8'IIM58IM54Eel CONTRACTUAL u TREE TRIiiOIPG-€f; ENDING 3-i-03 000000 C,531o36 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINT IP G 1- 6643122 008 58-15510 Oi`FiCE 5Ui'pLH E<iG'LOYP EI4I APPLICATIONS 0 00vO 14. 41 99-05350 IX EXCAVATION SAFETY SY I-1237 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL 3 MARCH MESSAGE FEES 03000000 4125 i 99-07750 HOE DEPOT /GECF I-0TO5241C 008-58-`cStG MINOR TOCELS (iSC MINOR TOOLS 0000'30 609e 00 E 99- 01969!O DESIGNS ETC. I-39280 008-58-52g=,5 WEARING APPAR 37 T-SHIRTS W/LOGO 000000 CMcpjtl 99-10"80 ALIEC CAPITAL I-39503 OOB-e8-5345 LEASE EQUIPME LEASE C1CC4 O'v0004� 3,50Ca30 99-105IMP /0 THE SPORTDIAN I-:; 3IS0 008-58,552E MOTOR VEHICLE (HE SPORcTSMAN e�OOO4�4� 651o�� f E 99-11.''40 SHERf ASS is REILLY, INC 1-75918 008 58-5345 LEASE EG1IP E REEL TRAILER, RETRIEVER, HONDA 0000001 151 486a 90 99-11F:70 ADVANCED PEDESTALS INC I-392'92 02&58-602tii IMPROVEMENTS 4 PEDESTALS W/ BO+O015 000000 1,596.00 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department TOTALa 63,545.98 VENDOR SET TZ'O EN€tRP � L FUND iCiAL. 8551016E.�L REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 9� `, 0994 cC t 4i17/4 40-913 9m54 Aid REGULAR DEPARTMENT PA'lNENi REGISTER Fi CEe El `i EAFt WCCOUFiT �01-Iv3-�E4�E 0 41�15-5C10 �r9U1-15-54E5 pe,i "1J'SJI6A, 0101-•155513 "•J' 10 di!Z2 i--�4 -ScE�i 001-E=1-5EG'Z� 11-84-5380 li{1-E4-53751 0Zr1-r'4"551E� OC31--8G-54G5 GO �I:8--5210 0F11-c8-539t; OA1--3S`-5815 ��Le1".av�-5370 001-305360 s GI''L AC-COUi1T FOTAELS a hANE CFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSE OFFICE SUPPLIES R & M BUILDING LEGAL SERVICES TELEFHONE SERVICES ELECTRIC AND GAS UTILITIES OF "ICE SUPPLIES tEPAIR & MAINTENANCE BLDG. Cx01OR VEHICLE FUEL TELEPHOUNE SERVICES ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE Ck°IEHICAL SUPPLIES SAFEI'i EQUIPMENT C OTOR VEHICLE FUEL 1INOR EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES TELEPHOFE SERVICES CFF=ICL SUPPLIES VEHICLE FUEL (iADIOS BLDG. INISPECTIONS ELECTRIC/GAS UTILITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES EiOTOR VEHICLE FUEL STREE`F MAINTEWNCE MINOR EQUIPMENT STREET SIGNS C,tat1-3!9-5515 ELECTRIC & SAE UTILITIES 0r�1-3L--5F'45 MINOR TOOLS r1 'ic J3`0 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 001-tJ'2-534Z= BALL FIELD MAINTENANCE 0 1-3S-615 SPRINK11ER MAINTENANCE l;ki-3G 5c867 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 001-36-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 4551--36-55I5 ELECTRIC & CAS UTILITIES 001-•4�U-53'S i9 & M BUILC}INC C01-40-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 001-4r-5E25 MAGAZINES & SUBSCRIPTIONS i-` i --5310 01101".4E_5420 R M BUILDING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES E1-4E-55to 01f1-4 60502 TELEPHONE ;SERVICES BOOK ANNUAL BUDGET OVER AHOU1N BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDC 180481 900 885.64 7. Esc 750 317.1E 39964 11 L0 41535,49 98266 iiry G �y i;r. 65 E12J E9600 Galt- , 7 . ooy Eby «'39 11, 097, 89 1y 145.43 1Fy COO 5y 30iC. G2 4 t G8 3y &1 iy 875. 48 1G.8 1y8:7i 897.8E 14.41 1 oul 18G.77 9 GO.4U 750 83G.5L J84.8G 750 165.14 1' 5.'�O 71800 �1,115.31 L91. 49 41 OC�U Ly 57, 057 34. 210 14,800, 105 745. 43 7,c8 11000 G97.4U -0. 6 710,00 51 300'. 00 1 G.14 11300 17 "J33. 8G v6. `a5 81j10 Ell 5E 117,03 1y500 949.91 5G.0iZ� 700 G44.0Sh E`G.39 600 3E3.75 5177 11 bUi9 E"10A V,G 334. 4F: 71000 41 In 1f01 17. OO 505 050, WEy 1,�3. 7 i� 8G. 39 385 0011>Zl l7y 051. 22 19.5{ 3y211,1SE i` 855s63 634, 4E �, evloo Ey 98 .75 1 E6 G4 �y oclo Ey G74. 98 1G.14 8y5U0 ®y413.6G 59.80 850 548,75 '17L 63 50 31. S7 069 77 Ey 800 11 147. 34 75.00, 1yO00 4G6. J 5.88 GOO 311.3Ct 185, 00 1 y VlOC 181. 48 E4&65 8g4010 1yG0;3.I4. l 144 48 95'8 63, 38 13G®Ol Gy 9@ Cl 927. 43 t i NUAL BUDGE! OVER BUDGET A4'AILABLE BUGS 4/111G003" 9.54 All REG€JLAK UEK'AKIMNI A'HYNLNI REGISdL'R 'TEAR nn GiL AHOUNT IUTALS .....___._-==mL �. �4E � €C!'t•_—:a.-.:.=w.`::.-..- .:_..... �..�-€71[4Jiah' d Ei€ L BUDGE I OVER d N110ullAL ACCG€JIdT NAME AMOUNT BdUDGE' AVAILABLE BURG BUDGET ��Af-44-5`If5 ELEC�TF?IC GAM UTILITIES 4G.77 E,Gd�9 f,f98.'99 -521ti OFFICE SUPPLIES f88.8f CB'�= aiL.84 CIGB 10-5214N TRAVEL EXPENSE 26"CG0 800 Quit C�38-15-52'10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.c0 750 883.51 0 8� 15�5310 R H BUILDING 37.,10 1,2oml 484.53 G:8Wf5-54c5 LEGAL SERVICES 88'9.83 7,8ki 4,531.5E GG8 f5-551E iELE=FHuHE SERVICES 9135 E,BG� 3,�f5.65 G 8-15-J.j ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES F1.u� 21K209 l,j}38.k1 k,'10,8`19 52Ri5 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES SD 6� �4, 50C 1, 55fi. �;8 t3S8 f9-5 1f% OFFICE SUIrWLIES IMI c,F`AG MMI G7:18-19� 5I'4C1 TRAVEL 904 Cio � 9'01. B=.�I- ,7 k88--3G-5.d5'B "1CIOR VEHICLE FUEL 31179 850 548.73 928 3c-551' E 1"ELEPH10NE 6 E R V 1 L E G G, G3 i1G 3f . C78 Upk18-3c' S�f` LLLCd IC U dS UTILITIES€ iG. (7 r.,BoG 11147.3,E GG8�58-5L10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11 74 &R 514,74 >r k+k�8 �s -5 � • CHEMICAL SUP LIES 62.1 a � J, 4 0 U08-JG 250 MINOR TOOLS 4A)a 44 4, BBB � 949462 r 86 l _c 6J�?18-� �-53Lk I d7TOR VEHICLE, FUEL 6G f G, kiV 3, ci' . (e 008-50-53,=J R € � ff v� € HE K 1, 083, 2G 5'1I, 000 l S, 3 f % 84 Ci58..5�,- M {=ATER PURCHASE 8, 893a 10 45, 5!�G 1'3, 87d?. 9G G:j8 ,�0. 5 20 CONTRf`IC€URL SERVICES (pJ_ � 91�,CG4i ��, (k 'S8 53 J5f5 ELECTRIC & GAS Ud ILI i �C a gib, "� li z_`Vf 191488,83 008-5c-53155 R u f LIFI STATION 350611 c�Jp'3G'71 1c,cS8.8,� �£G8 55-h�i7U SEWER MIAMI � MANHOLES 178 O 3pG9m5 Ep849.74 G 8 54-SwfV LJFFICE SUPPLIES 7.61 85G 206.64 VZDM4-551U TELEPHONE SERVICES 3.3E 1,E+oCl 49138 k8 J8-5c1 OFFzUE ;�UFCLII S 'M 14 c, 000 2912 SO UOM8-5I25'� MINOR IUGLS Golim G'lo fry, Gm G, 01 42 008-58-5 55 NEARING APPAREL iG2 GB 710 00 4, E3'9. CG 0108--5MJ310 R E E1 BUILDING 1,157 11 mo 87c.7s- Y C�k�B- M33C MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL G51. •58 G, G''i8 210,11 Do ' '21B-5B-5345 LEASE EGUld='i�ENT 18,9899 _Cl'o, Olin SS, 3G5. 8 �} e 51355 AI k;'rul ;a. . t r k1[?u—�8—�v�� i4`i�?•LR hir-iIC�TF'taS�1,GE 31573 . G4m� 9q Ci�,t 3p 8'95. u8�- �i Ol�8-58-545 M dTRACTIdAL SERVICES 3, 517`94 61 3Gp &TZG 1Lp 578. 9f AO8-58a 5450 ECU OMiC BE'VELOd$�1cPJT 335.0!m 7p OB% 51 785. 5 008-58-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES HIM 'i it 10f.861 Y Od8-58 5F515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES E8.3'9 f,8 3 441.77 Y k�k�8-58-Slick! IMPROVED ENTS UU, u,J z 150, G0�'S 78, c3(> ;0 nn Lki S.�LwL Jk�V I'ci`dR d1.3€ALS �^ ACCi' cdAHE Jr', k'}97r 6E x:� BEF'AI?Tf'1Ef::yT TO d ��LS �- A�OUVT BUDGET OVER AVAILABLE BUM "ri17i C 3a54 {iC'i &GULM UtPHKIVIMI PHYMENI K"WbIEA ** UEPAR I i"iM TM ALS ** ALLT HH111E AMOJM Cif-15 AUMINISfRAiION 554m75 S f1 C' POLICE 15 E57m v1 1ti 4 FIFE DEPARTMENT ay 1413m54 rt 1- S MIlUtlICIPAL COURT 14 3tpfi1-c� ENFORCEI'MiE I T I1�SPECl ION � Sm �7 Cuo1 30 S I REL i 9a c`+ fr 5 1-SS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 147t2O A01-40 SULLIVAN CENTER U�rmrd5 4�01-42 Library 175m S`� cOI1A4 Community Center, 45m77 �1?ri5--1�U ��yor ;ind City Council E�SaU1 rhUS-f5 AdoiniStratioil U54m75 Clog, 15 DE", 'PraceSSing 14d.74 r55 SIB Vehicle Malntennnce 147m 19 Wat er f 3y a7dm 75 105--5;1` Wd�;t:e Water Collection SLSa 17 OAC-54 Waste Water Treatment 10m91 CAS-5U ElectricDepartment 531545m55 C=U TCTAL EIJTEt'C$IaE FUNDdykiGm3 # iuTAL �p T1 JLy j'Jm CE Ev'C ECFCtI;:: �� EhJU CF hEpCRT �n I F JLm L•J April 17, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: 903 Keaton Zoning Attached is the information on this request. This is the property between the Bourland Addition (Melinda Myrl) and Mariam's Mobile Home Park. It is currently zoned for duplexes, they are requesting multi -family zoning. We received three disapproval letters from surrounding property owners. We will have planning and zoning's recommendation at the meeting. To: City %J Sanger Planning and Zoning CC: City of Sanger City Council Date: March 24, 2003 Subject: Zoning change request on 903 Keaton Rd I have recently purchased the .property at 903 Keaton Road and plan to develop this area in multifamily units (NEI). Currently this property is zoned 2F, which are duplexes. According to the MF 1 zoning, the units would not exceed 10 units per acre and would be a mixture of 3 to 7 attached units. As in most cities land use plans, this strip of land between mobile homes and small single family homes, would be an ideal location for a nice multifamily development, which would offer a buffer between the two. I appreciate your time in reviewing my request and would hope that construction on this project could begin soon. Thanks, Dzezair ! Ahmeti ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Date: 3 2y o 3 Name: Address: Phone: I am a5ot, �3S nl S4-e� (, 2 ,-; o sx — Flo �� `iyo . �6 8- 191'1 the change from � to � �' The purpose for this _�onii,Jc �� Date received Fee $ PD. Rec'd by: located at q 0 3 Ke�-�� � �� ,and legally described as to be considered for a zoning request is as follows: �--� /l�/tc L T I -- a�' � � � �' 1 ��;'�,„ _�,�o', a , look .. , �) r ' BEING SITUATED IN TM HENRY TIERWGS"1'ER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO,1241, CITY OF SANGER* DENTON CpUNTy, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF A CALLED4093 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO BILL J.. WATTS ET UX, OF CORD IN ��O COUNTY CLERK'S NUMBER 93-R0022366, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEIN© MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A PKNAIL SET FOR CORNER IN THE CENTERLINE OF KBATON ROAD AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 5.093 ACRE TRACT, COMMON•TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A CALL>rD 1040 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DF,S�CRISED IN DEED TO KHOSROW SADEt3HIAN A OF RECORD II4t VOLUME 3354, PAGE 29, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXASt . THENCE 50UTII 8909` 54" WEST, WITFI THE COMMOR LINE OF SAID 5.S3 AND l0.00 ACRE TRACTS, A DISTANCE OF 314.30 FEET TO A ! 4' IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 00' 36' 29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF FOR CORNER; 1385E I~'EET TQ A Vi"IRON ROD 5ET THENCE NORTH 89' EAgT, A DISTANCE OF 314.37 FEET TO A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER IN THE CENTERLINE OF.SAID 51093 ACRE TRACT, OF SAID KEATON ROAD AND BEING IN THE "EAST LINE Ti AND HE S EAST L 00' 36' S3" EAST. WITH THE CENTERLINE oF.SAID KEATON ROAD D THE LINE OF SAID 5,093 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCe OF 138,59 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1,00 ACRES OF LAND, BEINO SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABS'PRACP NO,1241, CITY. OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF A CALLED 1093 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED 1N A DEED TO BILL J, WATTS ET UX, OF RECORD IN COUNTY CLERK'S NUMBER 93-R0022366, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER IN THE AT CENTERLINE OF KFATON ROAD TNR NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 5,093 ACRH TRACT COMMON TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE B OURLAND ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE urry OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF IN CABINET F, SLIDE 91, MAP RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 00' 36+ 35" EAST, WITH THE CENTERLINE OF SAID KEATON ROAD A DISTANCE OF 40.00 PEEL TO A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 89, 59' 23" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 314,37 FEET TO A Wl IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 00' 36' Z9" EAST, A DISTANCE OP . l38.55 FEET TO A %�" IROI�F ROU SET FOR CORNER IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 5.093 ACRB TRACT AND BEING IN THE NORTH LINE OF A CALLED 10.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO KHOSROW SADEGMAN OF RECORD IN VOLUME 3354, PAGE 29, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE SOUTH 89' S9' S4" WEST, WITH THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 5.093 AND 10.00 ACRE TRACTS A DISTANCE 01� 930.06 FEET TO A 16" IRON ROb FOUND FOR CORNER IN TES WEST LINE OF A CALLED 12*7288 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO HARVARD LEE McBRAYER OF RECORD Ill COUNTY CLERK'S N0. 9&R0059104, DE=N COUNTY, TEXAS AT THE COMMON WEST CORNER OF SAID 5,093 AND 10.00 ACRE TRACTS; THENCE NORTH 00128' 21" WF.S'I', ALONG AND NEAR AN OLD City of March 28, 2003 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003, at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-1 (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure sot BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS y6�66 940•458.7930 P.O. BOX s7�9 940-458-418o FAX P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (DuplVA) to MF-1(Nlulti-Falai ly) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: DATE Please Print Your Name L`r r V c�~ P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duple&) to MF-1 kiTim Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request +� I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please .Print Your Name P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duple�c) to MF-i (Multi Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: Comments: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Hughes Family Partners 213 Hillcrest St. Sanger, TX 76266 (1803 Melinda Myrl - $73,032) (1814 Melinda Myrl - $69,041) (1816 Melinda Myrl - $69,041) Roberta. Court 1807 Melinda Myrl Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 ($68,465) Mark Pearce 901 Keaton Sanger, TX 76266 ($672786) Cindy Barrow P.O. Box 521 Sanger, TX 76266 ($67,770) Narcisa Gamez P.O. Box 974 Sanger, TX 76266 (1804 Melinda Myrl - $662164) Robert Smith 1806 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($66,885) Jeff Echols 1808 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($65>967) Samantha Renz 1809 Sand Stone Sanger, TX 76266 ($55,324) Carol Tucker 1812 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($52,697) Vilma Treminio 1841 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($71,232) Karen Carter 1837 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($62,914) Sandy Miller &Rance Howell 1818 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($542887) Glynis Arrant 1820 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($53,999) Dwayne & Leisha Trower 1822 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($70,337) Katherine Wordell 1824 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($59,053) Rita Jordan 1826 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($59,053) Mona Stone 1828 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($592053) Jose Castillo 1830 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 ($67,996) Albert Juarez Michael Ceballos 1832 Melinda Myrl 1609 Fairfield Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($69,391) ($62,463) Rachel Sterling Donna Wilson 1834 Melinda Myrl 1611 Fairfield Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($70,344) ($64,360) Van Cross Kim Whitener c/o Burl H. Bourland P.O. Box 50113 1707 Emerson Ln. Denton, TX 76206 Denton, TX 76201 (1613 Fairfield $66,736) (1836 Melinda Myrl - $701344) James Hubbard Khosrow Sadeghian 1512 Shady Oaks Ln. P.O. Box 2451 Fort Worth, TX Coppell, TX 75019 (1615 Fairfield $66,736) ($652851020) William Glenn Stogsdill Margaret Williamson P.O. Box 722 P.O. Box 1171 Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 (Keaton Rd. $82,791) (105 Tammy - $5,991) Allan & Beverly Brickley Rena Pelis 1100 Keaton Rd. 107 Walter Way Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($103,126) ($1,500) Mahlon Gonshorowski 109 Walter Way Sanger, TX 76266 ($19,110) Fay Winchell 39 Salen Ln. Bella Vista, Ar 72715 (125 Lynn - $10,920) Gertrude Henkel 129 Lynn Ln. Sanger, TX 76266 ($6,514) LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 24 (Duplex) to MF=1(Multi- Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 24 (Duplex) to MF4 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5A0 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. April 17, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr; City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: 201-203 E. Chapman Zoning Attached is the information on this request. This is Ken Perry's property and is located on Chapman Road, East of the railroad tracks, a map is attached. He is requesting Industrial zoning. We received only one letter and it is for approval. We will have Planning and Zoning's recommendation at the meeting. Date: Name: Address:O� G Ctf /$ Phone: I am requesting the property located at ,4t0 0002�� change from C3,.z to X. / The n�irnnce fnr thie �nnina rennect is ac fnllnwc' `.0X3 C and legally described as fjPe v to be considered for a zoning D Ac <YDS 5'© x�0� ,�aiZ�',�� �6R �'t����� v•e �a.r,vass Ws�,,�t 6m � THE METES AND BOUNDS (LEGAL DESCRIPTIONZOF THE PROPERTY IS ATTACHED. wn Date received Fee $ Rec'd by: PD. • 4 �;. ' frt 'ri `„ -e r ? .�. r .�'"'. • �� �'.�t`� f � `c i ' �� � `� � �,+'r,� �-.v 51^j+�i`- � c' d � ���r �k r r� �— �.e i - ♦ '�e� .. s 11 4 c� .' ,A . iS� is .L iY'd' ',i .rr }�r Ft y�VV-i��'� � �' f`�" •z r �4��^ � i�' F1 J '4r^a:����-a� t ,i ��Y ; s9r �� _ `�� ..n� ��� S.� S>"r��y'�A''�.�a�' try t7rr� ' ¢'F�„�ri 'i S . s � . �:• � •s3�� ] y, �y� �<,R �, ++ a F�'r r _�"`��-i�/x sus, � rti; -.+. ? .':�. j ,� � 3,,� �+ -+ �+r i _ �h�r_ �?$j�.+n � _ ., r • s i '"sue-CF.•3::._'_Y ..}`�� f • � �r ,�� _ �'. � <. � N �- � W _ �. ff � . ....:i�.. = W ' _ �_ - b� � � n .. - Y ;�: 1 � � - - 1 l j �T ; Ta • `ad Qr h '1 Y # "'' � r �� t - '��: - •;� -.. _a i y .. ��:� a r. 'v ',� .:� �4. � � - 6 .� o � �=«_`� �'A V h City of Apri17, 2003 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 3-2 (Business 2) to I4 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003, at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I4 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RCar Enclosure Zoi BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS �6z66 94o-45s-793o P.O. BOX i7�9 94o-45S-418o FAX P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a -Zoning Request Change From B=2 (Business 2) to I-1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 299 Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE %F- NeaseYour Name c� w��s DATE List of Property Owners . Ken Perry PERRY, KBNNETH & DOROTHY 201 E CHAPMAN DR SANGER, TX 7626&9032 SABLE, DONALD S ETAL 4301 EDMONDSON AVE DALLAS, TX 75205-2601 STEPHENS, A RAY 519 RIDGECREST CIR DENTON, TX 76205-5486 1. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B=2 (Business 2) to I-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. Managers FIrc IS Water/Sewer: The Water line is in at Freese Drive. The Water Department received an award from TECQ (TNRCC) because of our water quality. Police: The new building should be completely finished within the next two weeks. The computer networking lines are installed and the desks are set. Parks: The tin has been ordered for the dugouts at Railroad Park, the two new fields are now being used. We should have lights within the next week. The slab has been poured for the concession stand. The majority of the plumbing is in. Summer League has painted bathrooms and put up batting cages and net. Contacts/New Businesses: Miguelito's: Plans are continuing for the new building. Latham Stairs: They have moved completely from Denton to Sanger and are now up and running. Carl Kelly: Should start construction in May. Chicken Express: They are expecting to open Monday, April 21. Babe's Chicken: Paul Vineyard has still been in touch regarding possibly locating in Sanger. �a-�� << ��� C� �- �� cam. �� �,' � � �L.w�i� ,cam w .moo ��, °� ,� -7--- t rSN {N�� � %'�W'vA �„/ � � �� y Vim/ t �� .z�- ��j ��� � c�� �� � ��( w � �� r;�-mot. � �- -� �-�- '`� �`' � ! � Q��,� ��� a _Q j� �� � �� A Division of Hallmark Cards . ,,---_- �Kr V �' ''`� �- WDN 639 J ]� ©NAIIMAPK IICEN5ING. INC. U MAGE III U.S.A. www.hallmark.com �► iv n J ,R .a, ti