01/20/2004-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP JANUARY 20, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Wayne Whitaker, Kirk Wilson, Joe Falls, Richard Payne, Shelley Ruland, Ross Calhoun, Bob Johnson 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion Regarding a Proposed Planned Development Presentation by Centurion (Rick Ezzell) Kirk Wilson addressed the Council representing both development groups. He indicated there was a commercial portion and a residential portion of the development. Terry, addressed the council, and indicated along IH-35, on the East side, North of the City Limits. He showed a plan with the different areas. They were looking at 3 different lot sizes. He indicated there would be a couple of different access points. They were looking at about 1100 residential lots, and 50 plus acres of commercial. Discussion continued regarding the layout. Councilman Evans asked if the property would be brought into the City limits. Mr. Wilson indicated there were two proposals, and one would bring it into the city, it will depend on the choice that the Council makes. Discussed sewer service. Discussed lot sizes. Discusse Councilman James asked if they find it difficult to sell homes that backup to railroad tracks. Ross Calhoun, Centurion Development, indicated they have a subdivision in Los Colinas that backs up to a Railroad track, they also have one in Saginaw. If they don't sell them, they will make the lots deeper and put up some type of burn to help with noise. Mr. Calhoun indicated they try to put in walking trails and water features, thy use it as a transition feature from the large homes to the smaller homes. Discussed electric service would be provided by the City of Sanger. 3. Discussion Regarding a Proposed Planned Development Presentation by K.D. Development (Johnson/Payne), Kirk Wilson indicated that Greg Edwards is the project engineer for Sanger Ranch, which is owned by Bob Johnson and Richard Payne. Greg Edwards indicated this property is about 290 acres, and is just West of IH-359 South of Lois Road. They are proposing about 60 acres of high density use along IH-35. It is a mixture of commercial and multi -family. The wester portion of the property will have open space, and they have a potential school site. They are thinking the primary market will be 50' x 110' lots. They are proposing about 900 lots, and will have some varying sizes. From a drainage stand point the open spaces and amenity feature will be used for detention facilities. Mayor asked about density. Mr. Edwards indicated the overall density was about 31ots per acre. Discussion regarding detention ponds and drainage. Councilman James indicated he liked the idea in the first plan of having varying size lots. Discussed lot sizes. Kirk Wilson indicated they have been told it is the intention of the City to service the sewer in the area. He indicated that they are willing to negotiate the transfer of the water certificated area from Bolivar to the City of Sanger. Discussed water service. Mr. Wilson indicated that one proposal is to bring the entire development into the City limits, and then they will float bonds to reimburse the items listed in the letter. The other option is not to annex the residential portion, only annex the commercial, and annex a ten foot tract around the entire development, and allow the residential to stay out until the bonds are paid. Mayor indicated both plans propose funds coming back to them from the City through tax rebates or reimbursements. He did not like the idea. Discussion continued regarding the development. Mr. Wilson indicated he could go to TCEQ, plat the property, make a district and build this development without working with the City. Discussion regarding sewer service. Councilman James indicated the developer should bear the cost of the development. It appeared they were trying to get the City to help with the costs of development. Mr. Wilson indicated they are not asking the City to pay any of the cost. 0000� Councilman James indicated they are requesting a reduction in taxes, and in his opinion that is subsidizing something. Mr. Wilson indicated this type of subdivision is very competitive and will finish out a lot quicker and have a better appearance than other subdivisions. There will be a variety of things that will have a higher level of finish out because of the available funds. Councilman James asked where the funds were coming from. Mr. Wilson indicated it would come from bonds, and the bonds would be paid out of the tax assessments. Discussion regarding the project continued. Mr. Wilson indicated the commercial areas will develop quicker with the additional roof tops. Councilman Evans indicated he felt they should pay taxes like everyone else. Mr. Wilson indicated they would not agree to that. Discussion continued regarding taxes. Mayor indicated he did not see how the City would benefit from this. Mr. Wilson indicated the commercial area would not develop without roof tops. If they take the commercial up front, and leave out the residential, the commercial area will develop faster, and this will expedite the benefits to the City. Discussion regarding the commercial development. Discussion regarding taxes and band issue. Councilman James indicated he saw the value of the additional roof tops. It will help the community long term. He did not feel that they were giving them enough time to each agreement by stating they would like it accomplished by January 30" `. He indicated he did not want to make a decision in two weeks. He did not think that was ample time for the Council to make a decision. Mr. Wilson indicated they did not have a problem giving them whatever additional time they needed to review the proposals. Discussion regarding fire and police protection. Councilman Evans indicated he felt they need at least one more workshop to discuss this. Councilman Higgs asked where other subdivisions were located that were similar to this. Mr. Wilson indicated there were two on 380 in Denton. Providence and Savannah are both East on 380. �t J Discussion continued regarding locations of previously developed subdivisions. Discussion regarding scheduling of a future workshop. Workshop scheduled for Tuesday, January 26 at 6:00 p.m. Councilman James asked for a list of subdivisions similar to what was being proposed. Mr. Wilson indicated he will give them a list of projects, but will then talk about what type of amenities they were proposing for the one in Sanger. Discussion followed. 4. Meeting Adjourned.