01/06/2003-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2003 7*00 P.M. L Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 9, 2002 - Workshop December 16, 2002 December 19, 2002 - Special Called b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Update from Polly Dwyer Representing the Sanger Downtown Area Committee. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Request for Hotel/Motel Tax Funds from the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board in Regards to the "Welcome to Sanger" Retaining Walls. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Start the Process for Impact Fees. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #Ol-Ol-03 -Setting Date, Time &Place for Public Hearings on Imposing a Moratorium on Multi -Family Projects, 8. Conduct First Public Hearing on Proposed Annexations of the Following Properties: MEADOWLANDS ADDITION, LOTS 1 THRU 14 (JENNIFER CIRCLE), AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 74, BEING 8.751 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 44, BEING 2.Sfl ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, PART OF TRACT 47, BEING 18.03 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61, BEING 24.31 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 60, BEING 25.22 ACRES, 9. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #01-02-03 -Authorizing the Submission of an application to the Texas Parks & WiIdIife Department for 2003 Texas Recreation & Parks Account Small Communities grant program Funds. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle and Tractor Bids. 11. Consider and Possible Action on the Sanger Municipal Court Becoming a Court of Record: Consider and Possible Action on Engineer's Proposal to Proceed with the Treatment Plant Expansion, 13. Consider and Possible Action on Council Members) Attending the TML Conference. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 to Discuss Personnel. a) City Manager Evaluation, 15. 16. 17. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Consider and Possible,A��ion on City Manager Contract. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Secre -03 5: 3o p.rl1 Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for aeeommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours pr7or to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP DECEMBER 9, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, City Engineer Mark Owens, Code Enforcement/Building Official Danny Cockrell, Richard Shaw, Rick Kearl 1. Mayor called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion Regarding Tap Fees and Parking Regulations for New Apartment Complexes, Richard Shaw, 6403 Greshan Lane in Dallas, indicated he was president of Colonial Equities, and they are proposing to build an apartment complex in Sanger. The final documents have been approved to issue bonds. They only have until the 24'h of the month to get it to closing. They wanted to talk about the tap fees and building permit fees. He indicated it was his understanding that they have not had another project of this size in Sanger. They have looked at other cities and the fees that they charge. The residential fees for Single Family are higher than what other communities are getting. They are asking for something more reasonable. Mr. Shaw indicated they were trying to build a nice apartment complex with reasonable rents. They needed help from the Council with these fees. Rick Kearl indicated in researching other city fees that the City of Sanger is over 7% higher than the average of other cities. He also indicated the parking regulations were excessive. They can always add more parking if it is needed. Mayor Kincaid indicated when they came in originally with this project, they knew these fees were in place. Mr. Kearl indicated they should have known; however, they did not realize there was a sewer fee equal to the water fee. Mr. Shaw indicated this has been mentioned to City staff over the past 6 months or so. They have been told that there has not been a project of this magnitude in Sanger. They were advised to talk with the Council about it. They realize they should have done it before now. They did not realize they were going to get the approval. He has spoken to the City Manager over the past months. As prudent business people they should have done this sooner. They want to do what is right. They want something that they can afford to do. Councilman Ervin asked what this project would cost in the City of Denton. Mr. Kearl indicated approximately $290,000.00. Sanger's fees will be over U00,000.00. Discussed the fees from other cities. Mr. Shaw indicated that initially they will pay the City and School taxes of about $160,000.00 per year. They will get tax credits on the development. They will sell the tax credits to larger corporations to get equity on the property. The units will be priced based on the individual income of the families. They figure the median income is about $25,000.00 to $40,000.00 per year. Councilman James asked how the City will value this property as far as tax value. Mr. Shaw indicated to his knowledge, the property would not be assessed differently than any other property. Discussed the effect this project will have on taxes. The value will probably be 8 to 9 million dollars. Councilman James asked if they anticipated building this all at once, or if they intended to build in phases. Discussed the City of Denton's fees and how they are calculated. Lengthy discussion regarding the tap fees. Discussion regarding parking and landscape issues. Discussion continued regarding the amount of funds invested in this project thus far. Discussed risks involved. Mr. Shaw indicated they will stay involved in the project for a minimum of fifteen years. Councilman James asked if the property had already been purchased for this project. Mr. Shaw indicated it is under contract. Discussion continued. Council indicated to put this item on the next agenda for action. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL December 16, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Jack Walters, Vickie Jenkins, Richard Shaw, Vel Perkins, Rick Kearl, Crystal Brown, Merrie Lou Abney, Pie Beard. f� 1. 2. 3. 4. Mayor called, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements CONSENT AGENDA December 2, 2002 Councilman James moved to accept the Consent Agenda as presented, Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Citizen's Input. None. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #12-14-02 -Setting Date, Time &Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations, City Secretary indicated the last two properties were voluntary annexations. They have requested this be done as soon as possible. Councilman Evans moved to approve Resolution 12-14-no) , Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10' and Plum Streets. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion, Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial 4) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of loth and Plum Streets. Discussed the location of the property. Staff indicated Planning and Zoning had passed it unanimously. Councilman Higgs asked if it would fit in the land use plan. City Manager indicated this is Multi -family and acts as a buffer between the residential. Councilman James moved to approve the request, Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture} to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Discussed current zoning of the property. Councilman James asked what lot zoned 4 was zoned. Staff indicated it has been zoned Industrial. Councilman Garza moved to approve the request, Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to the 4B Board. Mayor recommended Mike Lawler. Councilman Evans moved to appoint Mike Lawler to the 4B Board, Councilman Ervin seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Using Funds from the Water Tap Fees to Pay for Repairs to Well #3. Eddie Branham addressed to Council regarding this item. He indicated in November these repairs were necessary. This was not a foreseen expense, and was not a budgeted item. He indicated the invoice was for $16,203.90, and requested to use tap fee revenues. Discussed the revenues, and if this was the best place to get the funds. City Manager indicated if we do not get it from these funds, the budget will run short before summer. Councilman Evans asked about the overage on the budget. Staff indicated the error that was made took up most of those funds when it was corrected. Councilman James asked if Palestine is who we normally use for this. Eddie Branham indicated it is who we have been using because of efficiency. Councilman Evans moved to take the funds out of the tap fees. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Possible Changes to the Tap Fee Ordinance and Parking Regulations fro Multi - Family. Item Tabled. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for the Bank Depository for 2003 through 2004. Councilman Ervin asked if this was the same as before. Vickie Jenkins indicated they raised the savings to market rate. Councilman Evans moved to award the bid to GNB. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Chamber Request for Funds from the Hotel/Motel Tax. City Manager suggested they do not even consider the $10,000.00. City Secretary indicated the City had already given them 50% of the funds in the account, and they get 50% of the funds each quarter. If we give them these funds, there will not be any funds for other requests. Councilman Garza asked if this advertising would not come out of the funds they raised from the Sellabration. Discussion. Councilman Evans moved to deny the request. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Ervin asked if the City of Sanger charged them $3100.00. City Secretary indicated they asked us to prepare a bill for them of the overtime that was spent. They have not paid the invoice. Vickie Jenkins indicated it was her understanding that they are going to pay the invoice. Discussed balance in account. Councilman James asked if the Chamber went into the Sellabration with the understanding that they the City would reimburse half of the cost. Staff indicated they had not been told that. Councilman Higgs indicated he felt they should strike the $3100.00 from the list, not make the Chamber pay it, and then leave it as is. Discussion. Councilman James indicated this is the biggest event in our City. The Chamber does not make enough money to host this on their own. They always come to the Council and aA for help with the cost. Discussion continued. Mayor indicated if we give them the $7000.00, the City will get $3100.00 of it back. Councilman James indicated when they work on the budget next year, the City should put in a line item for this. Councilman Evans indicated that he felt the Chamber of Commerce should be responsible for the this. They were representing the businesses, not the tax payers. Councilman Garza indicated he felt that if City workers had to do this, it should have been done during normal hours instead of them working overtime. City Manager indicated the Chamber did not make their decision until the last minute. Mike Prater indicated the overtime was minimal, it was mostly materials. Councilman Garza felt in the future they should try to eliminate unnecessary expenses such as overtime. Mayor indicated there were quite a bit of expenses that were not advertising. Lengthy discussion continued regarding the request. Councilman Evans indicated he would like them to come ahead of time instead of after the fact. Councilman Evans moved they pay the $7069.20 this time, and that next time they request it in advance, and not to give them the $10,000.00 at this time. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: CI-TY COUNCIL - SPECIAL CALLED THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Cottmilman-Joe Higgs, Councilman ,Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Andy :Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, City Engineer Mark Owens, Code Enforcement/Building Official Danny Cockrell, Richard Shaw, Val Perkins, Rob Dillard, Ken Wilson, Suzanne Wilson 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Possible Changes to the Tap Fee Ordinance and Parking Regulations for Multi - Family. Mayor convened into Executive Session at 6:01 P.M. Councilman Ervin did not attend the Executive Session. Reconvened into regular session at 6:20 P.M. Val Perkins indicated he did comparisons with surrounding cities, Banger's fees are 82% of the fee for a single family home, the norm is 10 to 15 percent. The high fees make it impossible to do a multi -family project. They have to close on the deal tomorrow. The allocation of funds from the State require the deal to close tomorrow so that it can be funded on Monday. Discussion regarding the fees. Mr. Perkins indicated he felt they could live with a total water and sewer fee of about $575 per unit. This would be a total of $150,000.00. Richard Shaw indicated at the last meeting they discussed rent amounts. They are trying to give people something nice at a reasonable rent. Tliey really can't expect to get much higher rents here and expect the people to be able to afford them. He indicated they will pay the full amount of taxes. Mayor asked if they would sign a Ietter stating that they are not asking for a tax exemption, or reduction in rates on water or sewer or any other fees. Mr. Shaw indicated he would be willing to write the letter. Mayor asked if he had any other figure to offer them. Mayor felt they could negotiate a price agreeable to both parties. Mr. Shaw indicated they are trying to keep rents to an affordable level. Discussion regarding the tap fees. Mayor felt they could consider reducing the rate by about 25%. They are only wanting to pay 25%. Mayor indicated if they would go $250,000.00 along with the letters,. instead of $150,000.00 he thought they could both make the deal. Discussed how this would be broken down. Councilman James asked if they leave the building fees as they are, and reduce the number of parking space requirements would that help. Richard Shaw indicated that would help. Mayor indicated he did not want to see the City's system thrown out the window. He felt the building permit fees were fair. Discussion. Mr. Shaw indicated he felt he needed help with the permit fees as well. Discussion continued regarding the regulations and fees. Mr. Shaw indicated he hoped this could be discussed again later on. They will agree to pay $2509000.00 for water and sewer tap fees and give a letter that they will not come back and ask for special treatment on ongoing fees or on Ad -Valorem taxes. Eddie Branham asked if Mr. Hebard was still responsible for bringing the line to them. City Manager indicated Mr. Hebard wiII bring the Iine. Mark Owens wanted it on the record "that the off -site sewer that this wiII tie into is not' in place at this time and the City is not responsible for building this sewer line. Councilman Evans moved to accept the $250,000.00 for the water and sewer taps with the letters that were discussed. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried' 3 to 1, Councilman Ervin sustained, and Councilman Garza voted no. Mayor indicated he did not feel they could give an answer tonight on the parking spaces. Councilman Evans moved not to discuss the parking at this time, Councilman Higgs seconded Motion carried unanimously, 3. Meeting adjourned. 1-,t3 4'C!%i3 ll xi17 P", VEND'dR SET; 9' — 9HI'Ts .. !!Ei'dCiOR ITEii i;,Uff JE `4UCR SE!UI IENU CESCRIF'TI N BANK CHECK SaT A ; D UE ,T CaISC OT ��� ESF`E � aY ti�c.r47 .;,F pi;"�i_i�EC�it1t`1 K 1C1 i 1 `� REC.HA GE GNB99 R ! %f�71C�i�3 .,:" i M. ?L ACCOLIi T FiiTil�tI I 45 M BBC' I RECHARGE CF;1 E4-537`a 16: 01 45F ;z10 #c 112 RECHARGE iG: CU 45 41 W itC I /c1 iE ,HUGE VEiTv�i!.�R AI S rtrG CHEiCL g,4�0 A (F,T LONG DISTANCE G1L Ai Ct�UNI VENDOR TOTALS 99-1ota90 ATCO NTIERiATIONIAL ! 1V 065929 DESTROYER !GIL ACCOUN I VENDOR TOTALS 99-00450 BLIRRUS U0 360%t5 GRK2 I /L ACCOUNT 001 42-52'15 iMY 38125 DRINKS;FOOD 1 GtT 21. INV 3 Oc65 1 I GHTIS Gr'L ACCOUNT 'FCiB 5w7-5�1!�� VENDOR TOTALS Gi�i1199 �t 1,icr7fRu�:Ci3 A'OUNT, 1 L b LLIi`G (1ISTANUE REG. CHECK i�#S99 Air?�i 1(`a 1 i'3: 95 DESTROYER REG. CHECK R i inn?iCF7!i,w� AiF1al �i#T 1G.17 GRC!C, Ai�"?LIhlT GNE99 L€3:14 CRiixh; IECC!LI R 1l!I�7i Cil3 GNB99 R 1107120031 AFiOUNT REG. 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CHECK 235.O'6 C3cCi,C,Cx oil Q1 19'•'�F��j Jdtfli `E�f iE'�ESv+i�`�L:: INV 00476111�: DAILY PLANNER REFILLS GINB99 R 1/07/ 201,03 G/L ACCOUNT PrInUUNT Viol 1301 006 I.MiF'io 15-3210 103i�1li 31:d4 i5, M _":38 DAILY DAILY DAILY PLAYNNER PLANNER PLANNER REFILLS R=,f ILLS REFILLS VENDOR TOTALS REG: CHECK 99-11i1; 10Ji DC T INV i23 6` 7GC RUBBER 4OLOVH FOR JET SPRAYE GNB99 R i/C7/2001`; G/L ACCOUNT gMouiIT JtJ6 5; -5c64r 254, 35 RUBBER GLOVES FOR JET SPRAYER VENDOR T O I ALS REG. CHLM 99-i„sn79G OEt1TOi'? C:�:I I!I.iIL?��ERS SUA'f='LY INV Q18246 SLEVE ANCHORS /FRAME ROLLER GNB99 R 1/57/2"303 G/L ACCOUNT Afi=iOUNT 01,01 44-5375 E5,19 SLEVE ANCHORS/FRAME ROLLER INV 30066 COfiICRETE/INSULLA110,5.CDiCT TA GNB99 R I/07iMig 1fw,.3.1C r 7c �cj� -c, 1.0 155,94 1 € — 03 t4f °ct7 M4 VENDOR SET: �9 a prjNu VENDOR ITEM Lid NOR GESCRIPTIOfd VEs`d00R I i 14 Lk aiP P('r'�dEti1T REPORT VENDOR SEQUENCE I+At!I'. GNEGFf STNT DUE 1�T 1. Ill L REG;G CI-iEGrt �`�--i�085C� I'iE(dTOid RECORCj—CHR01dICLE I4dV 38377 SliBC:RIP'TI011 R 1i071 0;3 G/L ACCOUNT _ i" IN Cd ON VENDOR TUTA1 S REG, CHECK, PAGE Et GROSS PAYMENI OUTSTANC)M OALWNirE IiI6C0 H T 1u1,13 I01: I:3GR f_t:4rQ1 151.13 tF, tVi �f�n Gtti 114.t10 i14rC�0GR �?.00 INV 3T�t�M FLAME RETART1Fss�1.T SH!RlL% lift�'+'1 i flt%�7/ 003 19c',`tC R Gr`L AGGOUN T I 00Fi ?v55 192,1175 FLAME RETARDANT SH lrfl S, VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 19 .7 192.75CR 0 C-1 0 192> 75 Ols C0 IIY 3U3172 CHARC,OAL/SULFATE/IWECTORM GQ99 R 1/07/2006 455„ '7 455e 7GR G/L ACCOUNT IN T AMOUNT ii1 c4 =375 t5ia57 MARCOAL/SULFATE/11HIEGT� t:;ft3EL Ij• V .3�� ` PEN L15111`5/�!ESUITRE�U[j'A SMEAR GrdE 9`mi R 1tG?7/r�,�'- 12T7: i'� 1r37: 7t�C:R ir0 ,1 L4-5,37: 101.7% PE{ 1_IGHTS/NEBU/TRAI I iA "NEAR 1MV 369301 FIRST Old SCENE SCULPTURE f714B99 R 1/j'=7i2003 4tf>45 46:45C:R G/L ACi"OUNIT OVIOUNT 4E,:45 01 24L� j M95 FIRM OTH SCENT G ULURE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK SI39 DO . 42 1659, 421 iR wi_ titn G;6Zj 99-10710 EXPERIENCE WORKS, INC IlIV 3837t4 CONTRIBUTION FOR OLDER PlLiR1',E i N%pq9 ?52.00 50j. 00GR G/L AGC:OUN T Ar,0u N T :'S",: 03 QMJ 22-54EO t LO, OO CONTRIBUTION FOR OLDER WORKERS PArE: i-03- 003 O i ! 47 F f; VENEDOR SET: 99— BANK; VENDOR ITEMI 01 pl ' SESC•R if�T ii I(4 €EV1Uf1iR TE€T tL ��-6_!�it� FUTURL Et?} I��iEidl INV 3B355 FAQ CLUTCH GIL ACCOUNT 1€:i,` 3K72 FAN CLIIIi H !G/L ACC0UN' 08 50� 5325 VENDOR TOTALS PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SLDUENCE iA1` K L I iECK STH'T DD1.1 E D T L�iSC UI REED= CHECi{ AiiOUNT IK;44 FAN CLUTCH 4?i awl t11 T 1&c 44 FC€ . CLUTCH REG= CHECK, 99-Oi�fi7O,-: €.BALLS S IUC= 1141 '°Bic FIRE FIGHTER WORKSHIRT a:R'35 R i?OOiROt?!3 €3r=L ACCOUNT Anl€D NT 001 '4°cC' 39=99 FIRE FIGHTER WORK SHIRT 2d' ; SHIPPI111G INN Mk33B DUAL COMBO REDI BLUE LIGHT GNB99 R 1f071 003 GIL ACCOUNT A�iOU4iT VIM O._Wm25 1 i:93 BIUAL C01W 'D/Bi HE LIGHT VENDOR TOTALS REG= CHECK 9'€-�!1i��0 ti�CIOi€YEAR i!HOLESALE TIRE J2� SIG TIRES G,NBJS I 11CA7/L210 3 Ill€J 387�5 C_ virJs� �: €G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OOB 0111 :1i1 190=00 P223160 RIG, TIRES, 11U 3'875B LT24 /75RIG LT 225175RiE GNb 9 R i1Ci7/cl .:a G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 4101 `iF c� 1B,40 LTc45/ISRIE, LT w{15RIG w c 008 50-563r5 ?C4,7B LT245/75RI.6 LT F'r5/7OR1C VENDOR TOTALS REG= CHECK €3RO55 BALANCE A50= 417z 5G= !CIO i3 .44 1 °C.44 F'7F'a BB c'7c=BB 47=98 47=98 i69= °9E° iB5=96 ('ItmN i DISCOUNT 5!r, 010CR 1.3t°°= 44CR 1'E== 44CR `�7.9BCR ic:1=9BCF? i69= 9E,CR igC�. C�OCR 413,iBCR C4'S:1b F°E3= iBCR OUISTApulpiG 0=00 1-07r*2003 01447 PM VENDOR SET; 99- VEir11;! R i EM N 11ri 1}ES1 IRIFi fli i A/A PAYMENT REPORT VENLIUR '16LOUENCE BAK CHECK. NST(!T DUE GT DISC %T INV `415'000 USRAM 12V 1€00;.1 BULBS !3N999 €n/L ACC0Uili A !.1UP1T 001 30, 5325, 111,74 USRAlil IN 100W BLfLB� 001 36�5325 B=161 OGR<i14i 12V, ; 00M BULBS 00B 3E, a3; C Br 37 !OHM 12V 10014 BULBS Ni8 50-5325 iBx /t7SRA1r1 t,LL:. 10 i tBLIi_E;U 00B 3!?i-5 5 t�x73 !?uRA( 1 V 10_++(! BULBS VENDOR TOTALS. REGI C11E!ll 99-01170 1dOLLINGS�JORTH 1�EG CO. iNC. 1(''1t! u04 10GA SS METAL GIL ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS ANOUllTl 00 101TA Gib 1rtE f L. BAL.Af�CE :�rb� UF-sx ESQ: 9e� '09-�0775i0 F' €`=ifw C,EF°CiT/GECF" �,tv ,B!ztf,m WATER BOUISPWRENCN BAG/EASE !GNIB99 K 1/07/eU��FJ G/L l.Cj:0fJN E A€=,OUN 0 r 50._5360 C .37 !IATER BC!C€TS/WRENCH BAG/EASE OU IN 3riCc TWILET SINK TANK L. ?I,€MIL GNH R 1r07/ 103 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT It c'69 siTOILET Si€ 1%t TH001 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECit 99-i"5i5f0 1�!0Ri00N hLEET SER!!ICES Ii fV 3BS'9 BUCKET T COVER G/L ACCOUNT [®i0rj C Cili U 010 9 59-522'?� !FENGFCIR TOTALS AdOU�lT M BUCi',ET COVER F,5,10 BEI!CKEf (:NER REG, CHECK EB9.91 ('AY1EN I uISGOUNT �a6.95CR rr,x �`�rCR 55, O��tCi� 179.5.0CR i 79, 51I4CR !�F Evil F°AGE tjI�TSTAI I)II11C i�rx Fill{�{ A/P AAYM i' T REPORT VENDOR SET! 99— BANK VENDOR EEQUENCE VEI NOR ITEM C!O4- DESCRIPTION RANK CHECK 51 AT DUE OT GROSS, D. i 13 91 9g413Jl&'b HURRICANE FENCE CO: YNV `8228 REPAIR LAME AT ELEUMRIC YHRE, GNB93 R EI' 71 r2l A ,triri0 cl0 G/L H"MOUt'T MOUNT c'�,it<V3E Cry °— ?1O C. @ REPAIR GiOTE Al ELECTRIC 'Yf R% F°AtF.. 4 E''' T OUTSTA��UM I�IECGi11!T cG�, G�OCR "4 3l 1"ri kd VEHOOR TOTALc REG: t=:HLf;FA R�it: ���It 3:�kO, L•�.t,. "t0-00 10 TESI a INN 022310192 ROLL OFF ka:l4F' /L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS Ai'OUN i`?3.38 ROLL OFF ':4idT REG. CHECK i F •Jc v�� 1?3y 3CC�R f 73: 3GC�R t,Gvi O, E�1tpt 24�O INLAND TRUCK PARTS CLt. BAV 18-1EL531 FITTINGS GcA.99 R 1/Of 420O3 5t49 `t:49CR G/L ACC:OUNI T AMOUNT OOi c4-53 .49 F ITT1NIBS VEND R TOTALS REG, CHECK G, 4'' 149CR k: OfO q'MM2.90 O&K LIGHTING & SUPPLY 1MV 2705 8' FLORESCENT SHNIGLE PINT L�=A GNB99 R i1071iNO3 ii9427 GIL ACCOUNT Alei, OUNT 17figE 9k C'. ` 8 El 0 IM 220 R4 FLOREE! EPdT 9I�1tOL' �`Is`d LAMP VENDOR T O T i °L E REG, CHE; 17a7i 178t 53CR Ck: GU I7a':_ v_ittnrFi 9Mi301vll .IAGOU-PUBLIC CO. INV 3t'1.Ett HMAC PICK UP GNR99 R V03 1562G? 15brUCR G/L XCIOUIT AMOUNT T 1R1E. GO i 3i —O37�0 1EE' c ; AC WC:1",i UP nl VENDOR TO ALS REG, CHECK 1JL��: C47 f UE, C7C.R C, 1 Ji[c GO L'lif'i I�0i3-2003 ? lt47 PM 'lENDOR 'SET o S,a BANK IlE ri, UGRlt 11r n isGq OCIDLIR 1 F I IUN -iLw: 53 i JAi E 111 cI�1 IT��rrl; It'J D 55; GIL iC.001l�iF IL HE'S li/l ACCOUNT' € r��� SSn•�3:;55 tkEt4li',CiR if � € Ca1vG PAYITIENT REPOR € € EhMDDR :U'E JUENUE DISC ITT G�'jD5"� R I; tlr7tE:C,E�3 Ili MIT Grim M OIL COOLWIT L k`i,?E5 1182 ECIL COUG Al I INEE REG, CHECK MYMYu17DOOR HANDLES/WSW l,� IJi CS/i' W PUMPI 17iyS 1; 7j L tip G/L ACCOUNT AMIDUi� I 008 5M325 �E, DOOR HANDLES!i SM, PLUMP �?�[9 „5c 40 Cl"5y .0 xK DOOR lOOR, HANDLES/WSW HAND' EG/FLNA 3 FUMPF FilltMI • VENDOR TOTALS RLG. CIIECik Et5-1 JaSh(JA u, RRI�li�iuT�.ii°I ii�i�4l S,�z=S�3F't� �E1SHCiA ire �iRESI1��,Iurd �iJ�9rf R, f=tl,7��(��,� G IL Ci tC l �kf 00 001 AC%Wii I� —46ES ,i;-4ai � �i_4G.31 Et-46i 0111i 463i 00: 4614 Af�CIJt'.T z 7F'Cl40v, 15�a iIr091, 5,00 0 Milo a.o' JrSHIJA JGSHIiA .iGSHIjA JU 11HUA j0SHIiA M5i-,1,1A D, Dw D, Dt D, Da ARRIIIGTON AIR:tilCTUi ARRII�!CT�SIv ARRIIl3iUN ARRINGTON ARRINGT0N1 , , a ; , 4}1�i 01 - 628 5a i!Qn 0SHCIP D, ARR1Fd� IC1r� i 00 f M)l 001. 1 i A,�; A —4`b3E !'fig-4EiE Fl10 41 c4 .x�-4��,7 a5 3a 4 150 �,�a e?�D 1—D, {y01 W��} `�GSHIIA JOSHUPI .j!_:SHLA )-�f J ,SHfJA Dc D, C'i Da ARRI�'�GION ARRIH i0 i 1°It 4 RFlVkl`t7ir r'_jis h A R ftiNG T Ud € , i , VENDOR TOTALS HLGe CHECK AIL ;:;C%C�LiiiT e00i 26� 54 'o O (�j CGt1R E ICRtTE;c E�ALAP�CE 73,�6 G c:5c, t%i�I tics vie Lut_a li� AA Mull 1�ISCAUNT f C+a 3ACR f ttn, 3LC:R aka tv�� AAGE� IG U(�ISTAs'�!DirU LiESCRIRTIUPI VCH aLin TurAL 4s OUta7t RIE;IN''S 01SROID'RY INV <rCs= HATS iG/E_ ACCOi f:E UEVIDOR .IsyTALS Ar'F' PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SLUU ENUE K CHECK S r I i DUE R i DISC DTI REU: C6-IEC All UN HATS RE . CHECK iNY 112714115191 : STATE INSr'EC f mild r:/ ACCOUNIT _ j?'c O! i E4-5''5 Sr`UR STATE INSPECTION G 1L XCIOUNITI �l�t ;J�1 m.2JLJ VENDOR TOTALS `�` •_'",jl to UMA' '� f �3 LA LUI: t e."r' �iit Eh ,�i iNY SREE,7 REKLY U! FIUE IS/L ACCOUNT t�UI 04o,, 45— 'ii! HT) 5201 CHANGE COMBINATION [/L ACCOUNT JENDOR TOTALS E ialOUNI T S'. aA STATE I� SR'ECTIOed 1 .50 STATE INGNEC! IfIN I , 50 STATE INSPECTDOW l�htft'�a I l'i7/ �a�!1'. AilOUN I LA Cl IB1iiIE l!i Oi'[IEClI�(i�.��F` ILn 50 STATI INSPE�CI10 rl RES. I HEC;; A��!C;IJ��T REKEY OFF <3ME RC tE Y6 ! REF; Clro uHSS R 1l0!r'ctLi As OI!NT 75sOM CHA';bE COMB 14AT1014 REU, CHECK CRCsE'r PALANCE I. t;Cn.00 r E7.5k a7. E'V C�AY't'1E# I DISCOGHT G43,�5CR C, ! 0 1� ;OCR i tA1;m,. �i0 t!�fU; t'`�FLri,R Iuu. ey�0, i'AIUE OCi I iApit aiN1.3 tW7� �l?i 1S;�tct I'i,i���CR O.CiCn E7.5k a7. E'V C�AY't'1E# I DISCOGHT G43,�5CR C, ! 0 1� ;OCR i tA1;m,. �i0 t!�fU; t'`�FLri,R Iuu. ey�0, i'AIUE OCi I iApit aiN1.3 tW7� �l?i 1S;�tct I'i,i���CR O.CiCn VENDOR SET: B,ANK VENDOR ITEM I {off DESCRIFIIUN If4'x1 t uL37U MISC. STOCK PARTS G/L ACCOUNT V. �Y1 L_ J•_L•J ill Ala L`i �•.�JLQ ;30."'U2j1'i 008 54 15 � 5 ttu g EMt:MLJ VENDOR TOTI L6 Y'A L"R�tT Y ONE DUET G/L MCCTILINT VENDOR, " •i S VENDOR L UENCE DISC DI ((t RzO t I 37z 91 iUSM ..(1vl.i, CIA Rl9 { vtfx Jk}tl U�•v +1T53`1i'. n ( '}iRii.. ;7a 9? e!I'DCa STC�C.: �'�T�tTS 7a I IM STocl!. I�F'T-:.l: �7,SI : ta'wfi ftiSCa TIIST_•. a10Cr. STO1.i� PARTS F`AifiT i IDx'Sft MISx , ii : ;='!`;RTS REia CHEC4K LiE8a4: F�i7I k411'' T c E57: �!?q PCu��S r� i R ' /07/ia"Ot�3 dE%iDU!i ! O f ri�.c� rtT~ua �F'fElsh ":s._'.u?r�,�{ iiG:DRf' i:It�Et,ikuiMtr DRILL�M I{t V itr8 YC A; DENION SIRLL{ O,Ir,_� I;ui7tLt?Gi3, _ : },ORE S/t_ ACCOUNT A110IIiiNT 2{08 8._DS�wtn vi?O,i"0 4" PVC BORE AT DENTON STREET VENDOR I S.� I iL43 El x CHECK M y ',tW MUC B��'rLr3lttE TWO TI ES O/L ACCIO}i_T` I VENDOR i0{TjI.S SC,,IB`:�y R I1I�7/ck�u 14.'r I BALANCE TWO TIRES REG, CHECK CROSO i i I..E LEJv JEi �t- c-- Y JLtnu �O 5�v0. �S7 I'Fx t�1ri L`-i I iFli GLU€'{E 855. uSCR iEp{{. �iulCF; �. Ji. Gli�nu;R i 11TS: "HVii'!!a CEACEo __ BANv% VENDOR SEOUEKE VENDOR iIEM €I!_!1 DESt�I�sF'ivU DATA, CHE,Nz WIT L,(1 fiT l,RfISE i.:iS{: E�i ��ALI�11E:E LMV 7511�'E 3!U DRUMIZE S`IRUNER SNBrJS R 1/07./ t103 C:P,63 008 50 � 5J6!0i 28,81 ' 31u BRONZE 51 r AI�dER VENDOR TOTALS RM C.IAECI, q9_1! '041"l MUNICIPAL ?N;DEIJ51 RIES, iN''C ( Ca "' nisi i 1l%r1r`�Lfti r#`�f�+�, i`:. 7_:; AG ILL ! .1� B - R C/L ACCOI!f I AMg0UNIT 4i1u'- 4 a i!; 5 ;— tcc•a tad 'ef i'IHU rvll LUW Ci r �!lDOR TOTALE: REF, CHEC 430, 4J 4 %!= 47 N-06540 i Usk IMPAL SERI!ICr' I�1 KAIJ I.i'1'J l3f27c OUSTAi'IGtI�I! WARRANT COLLECTM !:BNB R 1/07/2003 5,Ci0 >gn .stag`A6AA1 v;trl _I .�IAr.Dx,�C E`A, HA,} COLLECT I IEf'! �tq L "ir I I!LLE RL�= L��v Gi�i rr5, tM '�tSi-�!1`�;�o fIICE-oLS, JAC'r';S N, HILL ARU INN 3 `la L'AL SERVICE t ''I3`31a R 1I07/ROC�3 C $7, 00 LfL ACCOUNT A(i jINT �;r_€6 10� 54'_5 ILJ.QU LEGAL SERVICE VEI.=DO R OTAL ; RES= CHECK -, r, , R3 �47: tii 91341 170 [,Ii iR I HERN 5WE`I INN 54675101 Sr,i=1TiY GLASSES DIMS R 1/k7f 4i1�3 t5,17 G L HCE-iOUNT AiiC!CII'�T .: @3 2{} 52" Ep IM W, f rE TY �! `fi r` , l JU 4J :f J F.. �HF L 4'� cJ..,J VENDU I UTAL S REC�: CHECK 45r 1,' PAYi E�#T OIUTE�IH IDIHC, DISCOUNT 1=��I,f& 4?CR `s5: PeitCR C:47.00iCR 45,17CR ot0tmome '3 vLiW--}lip, ITEAlh 1�jljy ur.OURWTIC} ; off F4"}ti`MM 1-t"EM I ?EV QUE bLujiE'TWE INV 310*9608 SET BRAKE SHOESI/FRNT & RR sic 6NB903 R :fs;?!2MO3 Gill ACCOUNT Aorl0UMT 00B C� ww 150—�1d'02S 1�1-, N } i SET BRAIKE TIDES/FRINT r,_ '., R'R ul: ft HV MAY DAR BUSHING KII!:bii-'B }_! br'!R' 19 R 1/117/200,, ,;t':IP306,� AIL'ACCOUNT Ni{iOUNT Eta t!8 5�'� 2"D 53 �.! qLI ��—li L#:I II'SHIING K.ITl G HQR: LINK re ::. s MMKI71 ft w. e r } } �• 4 1 � "Mc'a i,o.5Ji_i l ASHE'E S}..1LYENT SHER UOLtrcNl 29 WASHER biL}Fi J 125 1i HE2 SOLVENT T10vq55 tV C1aa JO `WlH SOLYEN .11i f Ei.x,.iE.�Etr ��}"IIzwS L7N=� �c 1 .LEzr :l .JrS��J1�1`i/I)IJ� G/L. RCCCUNI A11L 1NT f 1./iEre f El Il'f F�E:Y ODI (}K i i �. I.% wl� VJ1 br' JL J vf, t�L}'$�'»}'YJr 'JEi`.DOR TRIALS RECa L Lu I Rid}Ob f � 7 3 a pi !in {.�� It' �f�f{ }1`i'>I '�lf1w't7 rr{ Ly"�,,' U(' �4f��.�� t li}L'v.3 L•{{((�� al._•L �t" ('. (' y� ;;jj "..'�✓J 1�`}} S''77 i,i IL i '�Sf '.�.iiFe� ^{' ?!? r i iLE 4fLL}Ltt r`'JI i J4.`F: 47Fi L.i!��J J„'a k7}01 !n' =ic1 . z=ia 5 TLE FOLK}ER THS ;/C}FFiC}W SUPPLY C/L RC.C:CSf�� 1 r_2 irEt E'"JC i� VEE�iDDI" TOT I L'. , 1 G R _c JJ e .➢ t fir N I UNT 11e rE,CR t} 11v C1�I..:i uIJ I[3rIV1114,0 F�x k�f'J4 l z447 r11r PAYMENT K r KT AGE VEr DUN SET: 99` El JL€;ElJK eIE€I iia't vE`_rK F`{ICI'= BANK �:i"iECK S T A T DUE SIC 0Rems FlAifMEN'T Lii�€�TLii:!!IIli iT{'t: 7lb , ai' 9 JJ[dT i[ j i 7 t' �� 12,+n j l� iii� i{ ai�i .:�. 363k KEY 11 _r? R i. v!r r^:.._a :J� �. APC G L A. iLli`dI' F'MO is`�? T � . 4= �1Eii%aiJK m("ii'L 9 KEG. CHECK i.yi 1, 50C fi i, I:ri .E G. GI,0S KEDi W IKI GGw , i 999 _ 1 t . t G':! t'C+ i r+ MEN rr a;p7 i�"l#� 1!.! Ir1 ENDI � T UTALS KEG. �F E � " K. r 13: J G ; 1 T : il0:l "I-)2NO R I T E W51 E Li:} GE ii' i� PI9 :i G; !..Ii 9ER nn GidK99 f ACCOUNT t� �' CR I 1 .J 2A . a>,€ ! L PIER �t ;r r�-36 ,`! t t P i�rSC fir-' n .-F �'"'i7 - i `355 tFd i�r t'k! n 1i`11°;) 39369 € L I;LERot nJE Lint l R* 1r`IT17 lt1 5 %.j �. �L,It G /L ACON i € i'tElLij;, T ;=' , P i €ralI8 EG--'531bV`fllloit tt vO9 LLENIDES LE}i -S.L :jl. ,..... :iL�,7!viJ--ei �t.WiOXYGEN PS/L RGCOLINT AtItrLlNT DAI'DE€K TFALJ „ i Eiai't _ . _ wc.t._ K 99-1r;_2®vitro AUTOMOTIVE _.I'a TtLI 1 u 12w A4 INEGOE 1('i rq 9 R t t�i1 L1l1Wv}7t _, _ ACCOUNT iiltC, g, O,At .l.L, c_"_b tr,^�_; rr e ? i7lti t_ L C ItiEG r`V ��i��,Ik,K TG! L,� l,�._ Ch_ rk `-i0 u!ql "rP,V1.J V1ctz! PM VONIDOR SET. ' 19 D11N1t III END % I f IM r410 �ESCP,IPI1tlEt YLNUUH Srt!LLNL,,L DISC DT i t7" 1'nF 9 I'I !'iL'r'fi•` t.7(FC?? R i�rft; •'i!i�� G/L ACCUI UV U M011i";i k''{.Stt ®�siMx,la'...•..'�' ` J x dtt(t r'3, RE LF i PUMP ¢ C ^t4 .i i a` R INN CC07 SANDER ELEC:i SIC t � 'tat :., . ^,Ltr a E''kt5a 0117, 6AN' `k R EI EC T EPTs , VEiiDIjlli TOTALS ALS REG. U;�L1..4 114V 165i5 BATTERY G/L CCCU N11 11N, '®F ' RAii?'J {�'v�i{RGER .k Gr'L E�CI�CI�hT INN :` F Ji" Ii:4...i: REPLACE eP JJ'�KER t"ivE tt EMU 21r}�.?:l.t Mr �iF 1{ LY E_:i_P"fiE al-R y } v I J,.. ��.yy..; et 7 •JiYfiS �'�f E�'µ',1y i L i'� _ E IL rt1wlU.t �It,.!T EIIJ.IT C===sa 0 BATTERY `:li.'.QAO M510 tUl�ARGEP MIN I. _4yy'�f 1- L�_.f tR{U :..'r� A[,KEP� `. 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I'� I LC.!¢ r Lr y.'_rix; iE,, j m02,51 , .�' 1 FiR y{E flit JY"vL L. •a4 ` rr Ii`?fit'' b`w� kiilE ;'• a`t x :ftl} t"i,. i:dry- !?.1!: 't-mot 4 ' 4 is isIL i-ECC.liL'% i i-it1{JELL 4`Lk:4E '301 ` 2t 60J'l 4E45¢ J U{0[IK ' _LQ WjLiC0tE�eEF=ES¢ 45 C,, vifil E„ "k f""AY lii�ti 1OOi.J[ut i� 5fwk'1E kin L I : Tj" fN�`, n r EM IlOR �'--t�9c4'� CILi�� llCL�iidfu C�Uu-' I�;i: "DUARE TUBING Ut_=.°?DUI TOTALS p1GNL ((a'' f it + GIL PICUM I,i ONSSE Ik*ik7 i4: I� PRIMA14Y uG CABILE" f3/L ACut}�J`� i ?+zli i6v6i'h"1rt fi'!OUPLI'IGER FCIsVuLk<i S/L ACCMNIT JE KiltO t TOI AUL '_�—w TLC—CaL r I i4 of fiC.lj�f4f; !ft�ALS A r0E,'.,. DEC DI f't=i[il�j 1T 3,'�3t�fr='��� ivuE�t41A v �'�AaE ==k, OU NT l Cs �`i»i'{E`ifi�E' � ;� Uka Gf_ L E si:'j`r:0Gf e ; w i .FF011 R "ri( GS ,`;jO!`"``i 11 T `... 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CHECK 93-03970 Tr1GCP INV 38752 DUES G/L ACCOUNT 008 15-5210 001 15-5210 VENDOR TOTALS 99-04630 TX DEPT OF HEALTH-0460 INV 38353 WATER TESTING G/L ACCOUNT 008 50-5377 VENDOR TOTALS 99-06930 TX ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES INV 0212018 REPAIR TRANSFORMER G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5365 INV 211130 REPAIR TRANSFORMER G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5365 VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 R 1/07/2003 AMOUNT 7.5a DUES 7.50 DUES REG. CHECK GNB99 R i/a7/2003 AMauNT 829.00 WATER TESTING REG, CHECK GNB99 R i/07l2003 AMOUPJT 202.5O REPAIR TRANSFORMER GNB99 R 1/07/2003 AMOUNT 230.12 REPAIR TRANSFORMER REG. CHECK GROSS BALANCE 950.00 350.00 255. a3 255.03 3,159.88 9488 15.00 15. a0 829.00 8�9.0Vq 829.00 e29. as 202.50 202.50 23a.12 23a.12 43L• 6L 432.62 PAYt4ENT DISCOUNT 950aOOCR �55. a3GR 3,159.88CR Soo 15.00CR 15.00CR a. as 823.00GR 829.00CR a. as 202.50CR L30a1CGR 432.62CR a. as OUTSTAr4DING wv�47,5 01a?7 p141 f�lf' %it`d€�1rfdl E�ft;E� r'+ ve f71 V :fr^ ,., JI T_TE�i ofj a E�i +`Eir!IIGT G��-r�7r34C'��t 'riLr.I�iI.I���E C.CtnFf�r��f I4S�LE ��. iji frGfL+17 Lij- :' UCL r�!L hrrwPiJ�sl ���Y.t% '... i'�•vtt.'Lv Gu`E� 'wli_,e 0103Lit Sit 543.e15 IISlI! IfL', r..E'�IGC•i', GsL FiLrsmF: GrL AUCUUIII T 1iji,r i77'a� c s IC,� :.k 4 503257 i'=%=;;CK L++tits_ ii.:,i�.i::�� il C LLr.». ivd=.a� 'wlf if �. ui�i0vuil.. s--.}tI i4l r�iA :iG`".1 `emu L IL'' '_ DT J LItl�i�ii u Fl('rrJ Ul(.I ='1e L >_,ElJM LIL ?IL f ¢ I''c Lr R UlH OF OIL Jr, J !,iRUIrl l0FOIL 1 Jcn C?CtuIN U UIL 18m9 i=RU , i'E r I 37.cELittj U; OIL t¢15 aYI! 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E 4 i tR TUTALS REU9 UlE i r - f % . 00 > iY01 R W `sc € ` ._8,5t ( i` f s { t iilf' f T i f� i f y'i1:4` L?f ` v 15 !' V i-i_UM1 : MV 1't_GM CoAlt u_ �i�_ - i£ JC _ _. l 1 k J: �CR G/i ACCOUNI i fJLf1 T S'TSe i nfr L,tAiDILiIT t .7 lLt-sll.pG. 2Tt ` U . OM Am _f�1f FI"q v 1 1%1=7?'C: t (. _f 11 l 4 i,flrPt fiw, €!s?, i 1 Lf?r' w.iE E 1U 6 ui`tl :_ TCi:. 1, tE C i U", ?; 5 €e % 1 f : l u ` i0.9 'li �Z..1.[�..�'ll?fJ ii FF�t I.)l'E Ik iit:� f' itLiF€�E{E ZiTG,E Vi-NUOI L l41) `Ngow LIND I` RI ii ; i ui?tj I,I.__. Tt=L'E T LHECK TOTALS; 'i C��L➢t NE n0� I T 14 iF tLig iiit� Lila 'Li MI 11 It �1a ill Z• q L i.d!ie.{e ! fe {..t t�3 t fi�{ E...� Of '�'ag tax _... Liia UIYJ Cif. 010 ;wLL eli }IIIiti.r. .;; a �;�t�PtiThI ; f1, �j, idk ti !Ui? i,LQZ 39 1bi, ;:D UN tL'yj f�(1G3 January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #4 Polly Dwyer will be present a the meeting to update the Council on the Downtown Area Committee's progress on the Ordinances. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #5 A representative from the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board will be present to address this item. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #6 This is on the agenda per recommendation of the City Attorney. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #7 Attached is the Resolution on this item, along with a copy of the Attorneys letter regarding the process of imposing a moratorium. We need to hold public hearings in front of the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as the City Council prior to passing the ordinance adopting the Moratorium. RESOLUTION NO.01-01-03 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED MORATORIUM ON MULTIFAMILY PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIIl OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That such Public Hearings to consider a moratorium on multi -family projects, will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on January 16, 2003 and by the City Council of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7*00 P.M. on January 20, 2003, at which time the City Council shall make final determination on the imposition of a moratorium; and, That such notice shall be published in the City of Banger's Official Newspaper on January 9, 2003; and, That a temporary moratorium will take effect beginning on the fifth business day after such notice is published, during which time the City of Sanger may stop accepting permits, authorizations, and approvals necessary for the subdivision on, site planning of, or construction on real property in regards to multi -family projects; and, That the ordinance adopting the moratorium will be given two readings the first to be read at a Special Called City Council meeting to be held on January _, 2003, and the second to be read at a Special Called Meeting to be held January _, 2003. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 6"' day of January, 2003. Mayor, Tommy ITincaid Attest: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Approved as to form: City Attorney DEC 30 2002 11:59 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404594180 P.01 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD9 I- AUER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1800 LINCOLN PLAZA 500 N. AKARD DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 (214) 965-9900 (214) 965=0010 FAX PLEASE DELI�TaR TIE FOLL4 t'VING T4; NAME; COIVIPAN''t'; 1E'AX NO.: DATE: FROM: TRANSMITTED BY; Mayor and City Council Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Jack Smith, City Manager City of Sanger 940-458�4180 December 30, 2002 Robert L. Dillard, In Saran Irvin NITMBER OF �'AGFS (IhcXuding Cower Sheet); 7 COMMENTS: THE INFOitbIATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMIIE ]5 ATTORNEY PRIVII.]E.GED .AVID CONI'IDENTIAL, INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USB OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE RECIPIENT LS NOT THE INTENI7BD IZECIRI$NT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIEp THAT ANY DISTRIBUTION, DISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF TfUS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS IN ]ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY PHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL, SERVICE. ®C�QJ� DEC 30 2002 11:59 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 194045e4leO P.02 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.LT Robert L Dillard, III rd111ard®njdhe.com CIA FACSIMILE 9404584180 :11 Luilcoln �� 1: . 1 "11 Pax (214) 11 1 December 30, 2002 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIbENTI,AL Mayor and City Council City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 DEC 30 2002 12@00 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 194045e4180 P.03 Mayor and City Council Page 2 Mayor and City Council Page 3 Please let us know if there are any fndher questions with regard to this matter at this time. We will be glad to assist or furnish a recommended form for the notice to be published and wi11 be prepared to furnish you a moratorium ordinance in the form required by this statute. Very tzuly yours, NICHOLSI JACKSWLR41 IAMI;D HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Robert L. Dillard, RLD/si cc: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Jack Smith, City Manager 52956 DEC 30 2002 12,00 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DI.LLA4 965 0010 TO 194045e4180 P.05 1 Chapter 2529 a, a developer of,a .not including' al uirements of this vise be governed prove certainty in (lass). i'the Ulumcipan.It � at a level not miry also allow ital cost for any not limited to rea ,the aThe 3rniined in - ial cost as LAND USE REGULATION xitle 7 Code, M "State highway" means a highway that is part of the state ection li .� •.• highway Amended by ActA 2001, 77th Leg., ch.1420, $ 8.289, aff. Sept.1, 2001. 200I Legislation Acts 2001, 77th I,eg., corrected B rflfArence. ch. 1420 in aubd. (2), § 212,134 SUBCHA,pT]JR E. MORATORIUM Old Pl3oPERTY bEVELOpMEIVT IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES y Subchapter E, h omtm iwrn nn Prdpst tDevelypmertt in Certain CircWlrwtamoes, consis4ng of §§ 2i2.131 tp 212.188, was added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch, 441, § i. For another Subchapter E, Wommeni of Land Use Red?ictions Contained %n Plats and Other InatramentA cons1 tinng of �§ 212-181 to 212.187, redesignated by Acts 2001, 77th Les., ch 1420, § 12.004(i), ace § BX2,131 et seq., post. $ 212.131, Iiefiniiions In this subchapter: (1) "Essential public facilities" means water, sewer, or storm drainage facilities or street improvements provided by a municipality or private utility. (2) "Residential property" means property zoned for or otherwise authorized for single- family or multi -family use. (3) "Property development" means the new construction of residential buildings on vacant land Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 441, j 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2001. § 232.132, Applicability ' , This subchapter applies only to a moratorium imposed on property development affecting only residential property. Added by Ante 2001, 77th Leg., eh. 441, § 1, Or. Sept. 10 2001. ' § 212:133., Procedure -for Adopting Moratorium ENT ,A municipality may not adopt a moratorium on properly development unless the municipali- ty: (1) .complies with the notice and hearing proceduxes prescribed by Section 212.134; and (2) makes written findings as provided by Section 212.186, Added by Acts 2001; 77th Leg., eh. 441, ¢ 1, eff. Sept. 17 2001. § 212,134. Notice andt Public Hearing Requirements t(a) Before a moratorium on property development may be imposed, a municipality must ritory of the conduct public hearings as provided by this section. (b) A public hearing must provide municipal residents and affected parties an opportunity chool district to be heard. The municipality must publish notice of the time and place of a hearing in a newspaper of general dreu',adon in the municipality on the fourth day before the date of the hearing, sament road (c) Beginning on the fifth business day after the date a notice is published under Subsection (b), a temporary moratorium takes effect. 'wring the period of the temporary 71 2I2,13� LAND uSE REGULATION LAND Title• 7 Title 7 f'I moratorium, ,a municipality may stop .accepting permits, authorizations, and approvals neces- sary for the subdivision of, site planning of, or construction on real property. (d) One public hearing must be held before the governing body of the municipality. Another public hearing must be held before 'the municipal zoning con,miasion, if the municipality has a, zoning commission. (b) A, (e) If a -general -law municipality does not have a zoning commission, two public• hearings date of separated by at,least .four days must be held before the governing body of the municipality, date of (� Within 12 days after the date of the first public hearing, the municipality shall make a Added h; I final determination on the 7npos1tipn of a moratorium. Before an ordinance adopting a 212� moratorium may be imposed, the ordinance must be 'given at least two readings by the governing body of the municipality. The readings must be separated by at least four days. (a) A If the municipality fails to adopt an ordinance imposing a moratorium within the period a waiver prescribed.by this subsection,' an ordinance imposing a moratorium may not. be adopted, and (1) .imposed under Subsection (c) the temporary moratorium expires. (2) Added byAets 2001, 77th Leg., eh. 441, ¢ 1, of o. Sept, 1, 2001; • (3) § 21241354 Just cation for Moratodurn-'PVritten Find er's cc Findings Required �) Tl (a) If a municipality,.adopts a moratorium On ro p petty development; the moratorium is the mun Justified by demonstrating a need to prevent a shortage of essential public facilities. The grant th municipality must issue written findings based on reasonably available inf5rmation.- .The written findings must include a summary of: Added by (1) evidence demonstrating the extent of need'beyond the estimated capacity of e.'dstmg 212.1, essential public facilities that is expected to result from new property development , A mop including identifying: (A) ary essential public facilities currently- operating 'near, at, or beyond capacity; Chapter (B) the portion of that capacity Committed to the'develo Added by um;, and pment subject to the moratori- (C) the impact fee revenue allocated to address the facility.need; • and (2) evidence demonstrating that the moratorium is reasonably limited to: (A) areas of the municipality' where a shortage of essential public'faeil$ otherwise occur; and . itie8 would �thc (B) property that has not been approved for Amlopluent because of the insuffidency of existing essential public facilities. (b) A moratorium that is not -based on a shortage of essential public facilities is justified only by demonstrating a significant need for other public1acilities, including police and ire Ciro facilities. For purposes of this subsection, a significant need for public facilities is established eh,. 4 'if the faihre to provide those public facilities would result in an overcapacity of public facilities or would be' detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the § -21.21% municipality. The. municipality must issue written findings based on reasonably available information.:The written findings must include a summary of: 1 • This a' (1) evidence demonstrating that applying existing development ordinances or regulations passes a and other applicable laws is inadequate to prevent the new development from *causing the with fog overcapacity'of municipal infrastructure or being detrimental to the public health, safety, oudinanc and welfare in an affected geographical area; R subehapi (2) evidence demonstrating that alternative methods of achieving the objectives of the Ranumbe moratorium are unsatisfactory; and (a) evidence demonstrating that the municipality has approved a worldng plan and time § 212.1: schedule for achieving the objectives of the moratorium. Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 441, § 1, Off. Sept. 11 2001. In thu • (1) § 212J36.• Expiration of Moratorium; Extension (2) (a) A moratorium adopted under this subchapter expires on the Ukth day after the date or lot the moratorium is adopted unless the municipality extends the moratorium by: (3) (1) holding a public hearing on the proposed extension of the moratorium; and on the (2) adopting written findings that: 72 1Zenu:nbc DEC 30 2002 12:01 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 •ULATIpN Ll'NA U6E R,EGULATIpP1 Tine � � •Title 7 � �2.12.132 vats neces. (A:) identify the problem requiring the need for extending the zrioratorium; • (B) describe the reasonable progress•.made to alleviate the problem,; and lapa>rty' , (G� specify a de$nite duration for the renewal period of the moratorium. ion, if the A muniei all • ' (b) p ty proposing an extension of a moratorium must publish notice in a la hearings tlesvapaper of general circulation in the municipality not later than the ISth day befoze the imdcipality. date of the hearing required by Subsection (a), sell make a Added by Ades 2001, 77th Leg„ ch. 441, $ '1; efP. �opti 1; 2001. • �0p� a .; � 212.]37. Waiver Procedures. Required cgs by the , foux days. (a) A moratorium adopted under this subchapter moat aIlow a permit applicant to apply for the period a waiver from the moratonutrJ; relating tb the property $object to the .permit by: opted, and (1)•;claiming'a right obtained under a development,agreement; . (2) claiming a vested'right under Chapter.24b or common law; or (3) providing .the public facilities that are the subject of -the moratorium at the ]andoR�- er's cost . (b) The permit applicant must submit the re&sons for the request to'the<governing body of •atoium is ' the municipality in writing. The governing body of the municipality must vote on whether to itaes. The grant the waiver request wit}tin 10 days after receiving the written request. iaon., The .A-dded by Acts 2001, 97th Leg, cla. 441, $ 1, eff. £?epi» 1, 2001. . of existing � 23:2,188. ,'Effect on, Qtiter Law ' 'elopmsni, • A moratorium adopte�3 under this subchapter does not affect the rights acquired under Chapter 245 or -common law. . ��+ ' Added by A:tes 2001, ,,?7u9 Leg., eh.•44i, � '1, efP. S�pt.1, 2001. moratorl- .' ' � CONTAINED TN PLATS AND OTHER INST`RI1MI;NTB . :es would � Subchaptsr E, Enf»yearraent � La�.rl Uae Rest�i.etione Contains n' Plata omd C3thar I�atrumants, convicting of �§ ,23,2.181 to �Ia=.187, wus yignutrd ,from z°'gciericy §§ �s0;001 to Q30.00r by Acts 2GOX,� 7Tih Leg,,ch 1.¢Q0, § I�,DDQ( , Qf}.' $ept.1, ,200a. �datiifel For.anofiter Subeha��ar E, Motztorium on Proxerty D e�f»nrnt in Curtain 9.nd fire • Ca�cmatamces, consisting _of �� g12.Y8i 'to 218.xs8; adds Acts QOti1, 77th Leg., . tabliahed c�, �k1,� � r,, see V,.T.C..4., .Load G�pernment Coda § ,212 �i ut seq., am�fe. of public is oY the � 212.],31. Mur�icipelity Covered by Subchap available This subeli&'ter a lies o p pp n1,y to a municipality a population of i.6 million or more that ;tilations passes an ordinance that requixee tuuform ap cation and enforcement of this subchapter sin the witch lcegard to ail •property slid rFsidezata o a municipality that does not have ionirtg saPet of°dinanees and peaces an ordinance chat; r s uniform application acid enforcement of this y+ subchapter With regard to all property an °:_ sidents. s of the Renumbered from � 230.001 byActe`2001, 7 Leg., ch. 1420, $ 12.002(1), eft: �ept.1, 2001. nd time § 2I,2.132. Definition In this subchapter, "restriCti � ' means a limitation that; . (1) affects the'use to w ch real propez'iy may be put; (2) fixes the distant at a structure must be set back from prcperty lines, street lines, he date or lot linos; or • (8) affects .t)Ze• a of a lot or the size, type, and nuihber of st<-Actures that may be built • on the lot, - Renumbered m 4 2a0.002 by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., eh.1420, � 12.008(1), eff. $ept. 1, 2Q01. 73 ��.���,� P.O7 -+�-+: TOTAL. PAGE . 07 ** January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #8 This is the first public hearing on these proposed annexations. The inhabitants of all properties have been notified, and the publications have been done. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #9 A consultant with Grant Works should be present at the meeting to address any questions that Council may have. UU��u RESOLUTION 01-02-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "APPLICANT", DESIGNATING CERTAIN OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE "APPLICANT" IN DEALING WITH THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "TPW", FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS RECREATION & PARKS ACCOUNT SMALL COMMUNITIES PROGRAM, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "PROGRAM"; CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE; CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" MATCHING SHARE IS READILY AVAILABLE; AND DEDICATING THE PROPOSED SITE FOR PERMANENT PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL USES. WHEf�EAS, the "Applicant" is fully eligible to receive assistance under the "Program"; is a political subdivision of a population of 20,000 or less, or is a county with more than 20,000 population applying for an unincorporated community of 20,000 population or less; and WHEREAS, the "Applicant" is desirous of authorizing an official to represent and act for the "Applicant" in dealing with "TPW" concerning the "Program", BE IT RESOLVED BY THE "APPLICANT": SEC"PION 1: That the "Applicant" hereby certifies thafi they are eligible to receive the assistance under the "Program, and that notice of the application has been posted according to local public hearing requirements." SECTION 2: That the "Applicant" hereby certifies that the matching share for this application is readily available at this time. Sf�CTION 3: That the "Applicant" hereby authorizes and directs its Mayor ter Mayor Pro Tem to act for the "Applicant" in dealing withfor the purpose %J the "Program," and the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tern is hereby officially designated as the representative in this regard. SECTION 4: The "Applicant' hereby specifiically authorizes the official to make application to the "Department" concerning the site known as the Sanger Community Center Park in the City of Sanger. Texas, for use as a park site and that this site is hereby dedicated for public park and recreation purposes in perpetuity. SECTION 5: That the Applicant hereby certifies that a copy of the application has been submitted to the appropriate regional council of governments for Texas Review and Comments System consideration. Introduced, read and passed by affirmation vote of the "Applicant" on this 611 day of January, 2003. Signature of Appropriate Official ATTEST; TOMMY KINCAID MAYOR Typed Name and Title ROSALIE GHAVEZ, City Secretary January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 10 We did not receive any bids on the tractor, we will re -publish for the tractor and pick-up truck. Attached are the bids on the Police Vehicle. Two bids were received as outlined in attached bid sheet. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, T7% 76266 Bid Sheet Date of Bid Opening: I 01/02/02 Time: 2:00 P.M. BID RECEIVED: 01/OZ/03 COMPANY: BROWN MOTOR CO. BID AMOUNT: $161750000 BID RECEIVED: 01/02/02 COMPANY: FRIENDLY CHEVROLET BID AMOUNT. $17,845475 BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT. BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: Authorized Signature CITY OF SANGiER P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 The City of Sanger will accept sealed bids at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, on the following vehicles unti12:00 p.m., January 2. 2003. Please note any exceptions or explanations to the specifications in the space provided BAD SPELIff'1CAT10NS One (1) 2003 Model Chevrolet Impala (Police Package) car for use by the Sanger Police Department, as follows: Bid all items with OEM installed equipment (use the space provided at left to note exceptions). One (1) 20031Viodel Chevrolet Impala (Police Package) four door sedans Vibrant White Clearcoat Slate Biue Cloth Police Group I (9C1) 6J7 E�rterior Lamp Emergency Flashing. System Power Lock Group 3:8 V6 Engine Electronic Auto OIDtrans Goodyear Eagle RS-A - P225/60HR-16 Tires Front Rubber Floor Mats Rear Rubber Floor Mats Front License Plate Bracket Cloth Bucket Seats AM/FM/Clock Radio Air Conditioning t�Cs�S� �[ D rE 1A ►�► .ne / .1 � /: ru Power Windows Cloth Front Seat Vinyl Rear Seat Carpet Floor The City of Sanger reservesthe-right to reject any and all bids, and in all causes, award the bid most favorable to the City of Sanger. Bid $ 7'.SSO s� Signature of AuthorizeCAgent Address Date Delivered in Days �S•'�2�L�i/��r'1�' C� Representing City, State, Zip Code UuQS.� Prepared By: administrator Chevrolepa�a Police/Taxi Pkgs 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 1 WF19 W/NDOW STICKER 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 Interior: 27G Regal Blue 3.8U231 Gas V6 Exterior 1: 40U White 4-Speed HD Automatic w/OD Exterior 2: CODE MODEL MSRP 1WF19 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 4dr Sdn Police-Pkg 9C1 $20,760900 OPTIONS FE9 EMISSIONS, FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS $0.00 L36 ENGINE, 3:8L 3800 V6 SFI $0.00 TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC, HEAVY-DUTY, ELECTRONICALLY CO $0.00 1SA PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP $0.00 9C1 POLICE PKG $21720.00 TIRES, P225/60R16, WRATED, ALL -SEASON, BLACK $0:00 AR9 SEATS, FRONT CLOTH BUCKET, HEAVY-DUTY $0.00 _G CLOTH $0.00 _ SOLID .PAINT $0:00 SOUND SYSTEM, ETR AM/FM STEREO W/CASSETTE-PLAYER $0.00 6E2 DOOR LOCKS, SINGLE KEY LOCKING SYSTEM, ENTIRE $0.00 6A3 HEAVY DUTY FLOOR COVERING, FRONT & REAR-REPLACES�PRODUCTION $75.00 139V SHIP THROUGH CHARGE OPTION $0.00 6J7 FLASHER SYSTEM, HEADLAMP & TAILLAMP DRL COMPATIBLE $325.00 BID ASSISTANCE $0.00 SUBTOTAL $23,880.00 Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance -related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 70.0, Data updated 12/10/200211:08:00 AM ©Copyright 1986-2002 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer File: December 13, 2002 9:49:17 AM Page 1 Prepared By. administrator Chevrolet Impala PollutO axl Pkgs 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 1 WF19 WINDOW STICKER Advert/Adjustments Destination Charge TOTAL. PRICE Est City: 19.00 mpg Est Highway: 29.00 mpg Est Highway Cruising Range: 493.00 mi $o.00 $635.00 $24,515.00 Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance -related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 70.0, Data updated 12/10/2002 11:08:00 AM ©Copyright 1986-2002 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer File: December 13, 2002 9:49:17 AM Page 2 C �/U � C&� C11l X OF SAngahX P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 The City of Sanger will accept sealed bids at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, on the following vehicles.until 2:00 p.m., Januarp 2, 2003. Please note any exceptions or explanations to the specifications in the space provided B� S1'BCI�CAT1®PAtS One (1) 2003 Model Chevrolet Impala (Police Package) car for use by the Sanger Police Department, as follows: Bid all items with OEM installed equipment (use the space provided at left to note exceptions). _�, One (i) 2003 Model Chevrolet Impala (Police Package) four door sedans _�/ Vibrant White Clearcoat �/ Slate Blue Cloth ✓ Police Group I (9C1) 6J7 Exterior Lamp Emergency Flashing System Power Lock Group ✓ 3.8 V6 Engine Electronic Auto 0/D trans Goodyear Eagle RS-A - P225/64HR-ld Tires Front Rubber Floor Mats Na � av�; �A let Rear Rear Rubber Floor Mats Front License Plate Bracket Cloth Bucket Seats V'00� ?Clock Radio ✓ Air Conditioning ✓ Courtesy Lamps Inoperative ✓ Spotiamp (LH) W/Biack Trim ✓ RR Door Locks/Handles Inoperative Power Windows _ /� Cloth Front Seat `� Vinyl Rear Seat ✓Carpet Floor The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and in all causes, award the bid most favorable to the City of Sanger. _n. - of o• -o �.-c Address Date Delivered -in _ %D Days Represen g City, State, Zip;Code U��cs� 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1WF19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1WF19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 VEHICLE SI;MMA=RY Effective Date: 11 /22/02 SELECTED OPTIONS CODE DESCRIPTION *** ** TO CREATE THE IMPALA POLICE VEHICLE, SEO 9C1 MUST BE ORDERED ** FE9 EMISSIONS, FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS L36 ENGINE, 3.8L 3800 V6 SFi -inc: (JL9) Brakes 4-wheel anti -lock, 4-wheel disc, Ride & Handling suspension & tire inflation monitor w/reinforced engine cradle. Heavy-duty cooling, high capacity. (200 HP [149.2 kW] @ 5200 rpm, 225 lb.-ft. [303.7 N-m] @ 4000 rpm) (STD) TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC, HEAVY-DUTY, ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED W/OVERDRIVE, 4T65E (STD) 1SA PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP =inc: base vehicle 9C1 POLICE PKG -inc: *Contents listed in STD Equipment* (SEO) TIRES, P225/60R16, H-RATED, ALL -SEASON, BLACK (STD) AR9 SEATS, FRONT CLOTH BUCKET, HEAVY-DUTY -inc: security panel, no console between seats-inc: AG1 Seat adjuster, power driver, 6-way, manual passenger seat & reclining seatbacks, & Vinyl, Heavy-duty rear seat cushion, seatback & trim (STD) _G CLOTH (STD) SOLID PAINT (STD) SOUND SYSTEM, ETR AM/FM STEREO W/CASSETTE PLAYER -inc: Radio Data System, seek -&-scan, digital clock, auto tone control & TheftLock (STD) 6E2 DOOR LOCKS, SINGLE KEY LOCKING SYSTEM, ENTIRE *This option is coded different than 6E8* B9V SHIP THROUGH CHARGE OPTION (SEO) 6B2 DOOR HANDLES, INSIDE, REAR DOORS INOPERATIVE (SEO) 6N5 WINDOW SWITCHES, REAR WINDOW INOPERATIVE Rear windows operate only from driver position (SEO) 7Y6 LIGHTING, INOPERATIVE DOME (SEO) 6J7 FLASHER SYSTEM, HEADLAMP & TAILLAMP DRL COMPATIBLE -inc: control wire (SEO) 7X6 SPOTLAMP, DRIVER -SIDE (SEO) CHROME SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. GM AutoBook for Windows Data Version: 12/17/02 11:06:00 AM ©CopvriQht 1986-2002 Chrome Systems Corporation All Rights Reserved 12/20/2002 Pag�1�l 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1 WF19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 CODE DESCRIPTION 6N6 DOOR LOCKS, INSIDE, REAR DOORS INOPERATIVE Doors can be opened from the outside (SEO) Colors are currently unavailable. STANDARD EQUIPMENT ` Indicates a uipment which is in addition to or replaces base model's standard equipment. MECHANICAL * Engine, 3.8L 3800 V6 SFI-inc: (JL9) Brakes, 4-wheel anti -lock, 4-wheel disc, Ride & Handling suspension & tire inflation monitor w/reinforced engine cradle. Heavy-duty cooling, high capacity. (200 HP [149.2 kW-] @ 5200 rpm, 225 lb*-ft. [303.7 N=m] @ 4000 rpm) * Fuel cutoff, top speed 129 mph * Transmission, 4-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically controlled w/ overdrive, 4T65E * Alternator, 125 amp, 96 amp @ 725 rpm idle, -transmission in park or neutral w/air conditioning on, 124 amp @ 1200 rpm idle boost * Battery, 690 CCA * Cooling, engine oil cooler, auxiliary, air -to -oil * Axle, 3.29 ratio * Ignition, 100 amp & main power supply wiring at instrument panel Front wheel drive * Suspensicn, Heavy -Duty Police Tires, P225/60R16, H-rated, alkseason, blackwall Tire, spare, compact * Wheels, 16" (40.6 cm) steel-inc: center caps Steering, power, rack -&-pinion * Brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc, includes Lire inflation monitor 17.0 gallon fuel tank Exhaust, stainless -steel EXTERIOR Moldings, bodyside, Charcoal Moldings, rocker, Charcoal Cowl filter Headlamps, halogen, composite Mirrors, outside rearview, power, body -color Glass, Solar -Ray light tinted License plate bracket, front Wipers, intermittent, front INTERIOR * Seats, front Cloth bucket, Heavy-duty-inc: security panel, no console between seats-inc: (AG1) Seat adjuster, power driver, 6-way, manual passenger seat & reclining seatbacks, & Vinyl, Heavy-duty rear seat cushion, seatback & trim 00057 Visors, vanity mirrors, driver & front passenger, covered-inc: extendable sunshades 12/20/2002 Page 2 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1 WF19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 INTERIOR Steering column, Tilt -Wheel, adjustable * Tire inflation mcnitor Instrumentation, analog-inc: speedometer w/1 mph increments, trip odometer, door ajar, change oil, & indicators for low fuel, coolant & washer fluid * Lighting, on/off switch, for speedometer light, radio display & daytime running lamps * Wiring, headlamp flasher, forward lamp in -line connector w/power for flasher, DRL control & flasher on/off control lead to interior compartment * Wiring, taillamp flasher, rear body lamp in -line connector w/power for flasher, DRL control & flasher on/off control lead to interior compartment Door locks, power-inc: lockout protection Door locks, single key locking system, random key code for each vehicle, 1-key operates ignition & all locks Windows, power-inc: driver express -down & passenger lockout Trunk release, power Theft -deterrent system, PASSLock Air conditioning, dual -zone, manual-inc: individual climate settings for driver & right front passenger, manual climate control & rear seat heating/ cooling outlets Air filtration system-inc: pollen filter Defogger, rear -window, electric Sound system, ETR AM/FM stereo w/cassette player-inc: Radio Data System, seek -&-scan, digital clock, auto tone control & TheftLock Antenna, integral, rear Mirror, inside rearview, manual day/night-inc: dual reading lights Lighting, interior-inc: giovebox, trunk, instrument panel -mounted ashtray Trunk mat, rubber * Power outlet, auxiliary, 100 amp, trunk Ground Stud, auxiliary, located in trunk EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION LEV certified (3,8L engine/4-speed auto trans) EPA FUEL ECONOMY RATINGS City 19/hwy 29 (3.8L engine/4-speed auto trans) SAFETY Brakes, 4-wheel antilock, 4-wheel disc-inc: tire inflation monitor Air bags, frontal, driver & right front passenger * Air bag, side -impact, driver Basic: 3Years/36,000 Miles Drivetrain: 3 Years/36,000 Miles Corrosion: 6 Years/100,000 Miles Roadside Assistance: 3 Years/36,000 Miles POWE'RTRAIN -BASIC SPECIFICATIONS 12/20/2002 Page 3 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1 WF19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 ENGINE Engine Order Code Engine Type Displacement Fuel System SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM SAE Net Torque @ RPM TRANSMISSION Trans Order Code Trans Type Drivetrain MILEAGE SPA Fuel Economy Est (MPG) Cruising Range (mi) (L36) Gas V6 3.8L/231 CID (SFI) 200 @ 5200 225 @ 4000 4-Speed HD Automatic w/OD Front Wheel Drive City 19.00 323:00 POWERTRAIN -ADVANCED SPECIFICATIONS TRANSrM1SSION Gear Ratio (:1) First Gear Ratio (:1) 2.92 Second Gear Ratio (:1) 1.57 Third Gear Ratio (:1) 1.00 Fourth Gear Rato (:1) 0.71 Reverse Ratio (:1) 2.39 Clutch Size (in) Final Drive Axle Ratio (:1) 2086 ELECTRICAL Battery 1 Cold Cranking Amps @ 0° F 690.00 (Primary) Alternator Maximum Alternator Capacity 125.00 (amps) COOLING SYSTEM Total Cooling System Capacity (qts) 11.70 PAYLOAD/TRAILERING SPECIFICATIONS WEIGHT INFORMATION Base Curb Weight (Ibs) 3,466.00 TRAILER[NG Max Trailer Wt. Dead Weight Hitch (Ibs) 1,000.00 Weight Distributing Hitch (Ibs) Hwy 29.00 493.00 Max Tongue Load 100.00 12/20/2002 Page 4 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1 WR 9 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 DIMENSION SPECIFICATIONS EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS Wheelbase (in) 110.50 Length, Overall (in) 200.00 Width, Max w/o mirrors (in) 73.00 Height, Overall (in) 57.30 Tread Width Tread Width, Front (in) 62.00 Tread Width, Rear (in) 61.10 Min Ground Clearance (in) 6.10 CARGO AREA DIMENSIONS Liftover Height.(in) -TBD - Trunk Volume (ft3) 18a60 INTERIOR DIMENSIONS Passenger Capacity 5.00 Passenger Volume (ft3) 104.50 EPA Classification Large Seating Position Front Second Head Room (in) 39.20 42.20 Leg Room (in) 42.20 38.40 Shoulder Room (in) 59.00 58.90 Hip Room (in) 56.50 55.70 CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS SUSPENSION Front Rear Suspension Type Suspension Type {cont.) Shock Absorber Diameter (mm) Stabilizer Bar Diameter (in) BRAKES Brake Type Brake ABS System Disc Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) Drum Drum Diam x Width (in) TIRES Tire Order Code MacPherson Strut MacPherson Strut w/Coil Springs w/Coil Springs -TBD - 30.00 Pwr 4-Wheel Front Yes 11.9 x 1.25 Front TBD - - 17.20 Rear Yes 10.9 x 0.44 Rear Spare 12/20/2002 Page 5 2003 Chevrolet Impala Police/Taxi Pkgs 1 WF19 4dr Sdn Police Pkg 9C1 r` TIRES Front Rear Spare Tire Size , P225/6OHR16 P225/60HR16 -TBD- WHEELS Front Rear Spare Wheel Size (in) 16 x - TBD - 16 x - TBD - - TBD - Wheel Type Steel Steel Steel STEERING Steering Type Pwr Rack & Pinion Ratio (A) Steering Ratio (:1), 14810 Overall Lock to Lock Turns (Steering) 2030 Turning Diameter (ft) Turning Diameter - Curb 38600 to Curb (ft) Turning Diameter - Wall - TBD to Wall (ft) FUEL TANK Main Fuel Tank Capacity, Approx 17.00 (gal) 12/20/2002 Page 6 January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 11 Christy Punches will be present to address any questions the Council may have concerning this. Attached is a memo that describes the differences in our court and a court of record. MLIVI" To: Jack Smith, City anager Froth: Christy Punches, Court Clerk Date: December 20, 2002 RLE: Court of Record Per cur canversatian in regards to the anger Municipal Court becoming court of record, you had requested that I type a letter explaining the difference in court of record and non court of record and the cost involved of becoming court of record. The following information will explain the difference between the two. Ln a co��rt ofrecord, a municipal court is created by statute in which a city has opted by ordinance for the court to be a record court. The trials are recorded either by a recording devise or by a court reporter and the appeal is on a written transcript of the court to determine if any error occurred during trial_ The defendant shall pay for the transcript preparations and the proceedings should they wish to have a copy of the transcript. An appeal from record court may be based only on errors reflected in the record. An appeal from a record court is much harder to do than from a non -record court. The money collected in a record court is kept with the court, whereas in a non -record court the money is forward to the County. The municipal _'fudge in a record court shall be appointed by ordinance and the muncipal judge must be a resident of this state; be a citizen of the United States; be a licensed attorney in good standing; and have two or more }rears of experience in practice of law in this state. The judge must be appointed every two years. A municipal judge for record court is also a magistrate who may issue search and arrest warrants for the police department. The cost for a recording device, which would include four mircophones and the recording device would be aplirox Irately $338.QQ. The cost far a coin reporter to appear far each trial date would be $200.00. The court reporter would only be required to attend on bench trials and jury trials. In non -record court, the trials are not recorded and appeals from the court are de no�ro, which means a defendant gets a new trial as if a trial had not occurred in the municipal court. A defendant may appeal a ticket without having an appearance in court. The money that the court collects for a cash appeal bond, the city has to forward to the county. The city does not receive any money from the county, once the case is disposed. The municipal judge in anon -record court does not have to be an attorney; nor dies the judge have the authority to issue search warrants. I have spoken with our State Representative, Mary Denny's office and they advised me that they would help the city with the proper paper work on getting this filed with the legislation. The filing dead line for getting this filed with the legislation is in March, but I was advised that we needed to get started on this right a way. The first thing that would be required is for the Mayor to write an official request on becoming a record court. The letter may be faxed and the original be mailed. Once the legislation receives the request, they will mail the resolution to the city and the city has to pass the resolution. Then the resolution would be presented to the legislation to be passed. Please let me know if there is any additional information that will be needed. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 12 Attached is the Engineer's proposal on this project. TML Attorneys have advised that we do not need to bid this out, in fact the Regular Government Code prohibits us from bidding professional services. MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER Mr. Jack Smith, City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Proposal for Surveying and Engineering Services City of Sanger 0.20 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant and Related Facilities Expansion Project Dear Mr. Smith: I appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal to provide engineering and surveying services. Once you give us authorization to proceed we will start on the project immediately. We would propose to do the work according to following task and lump sum cost schedule. Task 1—Site Topographic and Design Surveying Task 2 —Prepare Site Base Map Showing Existing Facilities and Site Topography Task 3 -Preliminary Design Report • Establish 5-Year, 10-Year and 20-Year Wastewater Flow Projections —All Flow Projections to be Based on Population Projections as Developed in Conjunction with City Staff. • Evaluate Capacity of Existing Facilities • Preliminary Design and Sizing of all Proposed Facilities • Prepare Site Layout Showing Location of Existing and Proposed Facilities • Preliminary Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost Task 4 - Final Construction Plans and Technical Specifications • Design and prepare construction drawings, details and technical specifications for the following; ➢ Site Grading and Drainage ➢ New 0.20 MGD Circular Type Plant Similar to Existing Treatment Facilities ➢ New Sludge Dewatering and Handling Facilities ➢ New Administrative/Lab Building ➢ Rehabilitation and/or Replacement of all Mechanical Equipment in One Existing Clarifier ➢ Modify Existing Blower Building to Accommodate New Blower and Instrumentation/Controls for all New Plant Facilities ➢ Modify Existing Effluent Structure to Improve Ability to Transfer Effluent to the Effluent Storage Pond ➢ Modify Influent Flow Splitting Box ➢ Upgrade Existing Influent Pump Station to Accommodate Increased ➢ Upgrade Existing Influent Overflow Storage Pond P.O. Box 596. PONDER, TExAs 76259 PHONE: FAX: 94"79,05935 G ! S mdinLx@iglide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL. CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER • Submit Drawing to City Staff for Review and Changes As Required Task 5 -Obtain Final Approval of City Staff and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Task 6 -Coordinate Extension and/or Upgrade of Electric and Telephone Service with Current Utility Providers Task 7 —Prepare Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost for all New Facilities, Site Work and Other Work as Specified in the Contract Documents Task 8 -Prepare Contract Documents • Notice to Bidders • Special Instructions to Bidders • Special Conditions • Base Bid Proposal • Alternate Bid Proposal • Standard Form of Agreement • Performance Bond • Payment Bond • Maintenance Bond • Certificate of Insurance • Shop Drawing Transmittal Form • Contractor's Affidavit of Final Payment • Change Order Form Task 9 —Bidding Assistance • Pre -Bid Conference • Coordinate Bidding with City Staff • Respond to Contractor Inquiries • Prepare Addendums (If Necessary) • Coordinate and Attend Bid Opening • Evaluate Bids and Bidder Qualifications • Prepare Bid -Tab • Issue Letter of Recommendation to City Council • Attend City Council Meeting for Awarding of Project Task 10 —Construction Administration/Inspection • Coordinate Execution of all Contract Documents P.O. Box 596. PONDER, TEXAS 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940 479-0593 mdintx@aglide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL, CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER • Coordinate and Attend Pre -Construction Conference • Daily Site Inspections • Coordinate Weekly Progress Meetings • Review Pay Requests • Review and Evaluate Contract Change Orders (If Necessary) • Prepare and Issue Letter of Final Acceptance • Prepare Contractor's Affidavit of Final Payment The total proposed lump sum fee for Tasks 1 through 8 is $70,848. Tasks 9 & 10 will be performed as the City Engineer or on a time and material basis at a rate of $55.00 per hour. The total pr-oposed fee does not include any fees for other services such as geotechnical testing, construction materials testing services, construction surveying, environmental studies or assessments, permit applications or modifications, or any design work related to offsite utilities and offsite drainage or any other work or service. If any work or other services are required to complete this contract in addition to the Tasks previously identified, it shall be performed at the rates below. Engineer: $80 per hour Designer/Draftsman: $70 per hour 2-Man Surveying Field Crew: $125 per hour Other Services (Sub -Consultants): Billed Directly by Sub -Consultant to the City We will not exceed these fees without your consent. All non -labor (i.e. plotting costs, printing, reproduction, etc.) will be invoiced at cost. The following schedule shall be used for payment by the Owner to the Engineer for work completed: • 15%Upon Completion of Tasks 1 & 2 • Additiona120%upon Completion of Task 3 • Additional 50% Upon Completion of Task 4 • Additional 15% Upon Completion of Tasks 5 through 8 If -this meets with your approval please sign below and once we have received a signed copy of this proposal and deposit we will get started immediately. Approved by Client: By: Title: Date: Accepted by Engineer: Title: Date: P.O. Box 596. PONDER, TEXAS 76259 PHONE: 944-391-4845 FAX: 94&479.0593 mdintx@iglide.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CnnL CONSULTING ENGINEER PROVISIONS 1. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Signing this form shall be construed as authorization by CLIENT for Mark T. Owens, P.E. to proceed with the work, unless otherwise provided for in the authorization 2. DIRECT EXPENSES Mark T. Owens, P.E.'s Direct Expenses shall be those costs incurred on or directly for the CLIENT's Project, including but not limited to necessary transportation costs including mileage at Mark T. Owens, P.E's current rate when its, or its employee's, automobiles are used, meals and lodging, laboratory tests and analyses, computer services, word processing services, telephone, printing and binding charges. Reimbursement for these EXPENSES shall be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on the basis of usual commercial charges when furnished by Mark T. Owens, P.E.. Mileage shall be reimbursed at a rate of $0.31 per mile. 3. OUTSIDE SERVICES When technical or professional services are furnished by an outside source, when approved by CLIENT, an additional ten percent (10%) shall be added to the cost of these services for Mark T. Owens, P.E.'s administrative costs. 4. ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Any cost estimates provided by Mark T. Owens, P.E. will be on a basis of experience and judgment, but since it has no control over market conditions or bidding procedures Mark T. Owens, P.E. cannot warrant that bids or ultimate construction costs will not vary from these cost estimates. ii. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Mark T. Owens, P.E. shall be responsible, to the level of competency presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers in the same type of work in CLIENT's community, which is defined as the Dallas -Fort Worth metroplex, for the professional and technical soundness, accuracy, and adequacy of all design, drawings, specifications, and other work and materials furnished under this Authorization. Mark T. Owens, P.E. makes no other warranty, expressed or implied. 6. TERMINATION Either CLIENT or Mark T. Owens, P.E. at anytime may terminate this authorization by giving 30 days written notice to the other party. In such event CLIENT shall forthwith pay Mark T, Owens, P.E. in full for aii work previously authorized and performed prior to effective date of termination. If no notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations created by this Authorization shall be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this Authorization. 7. ARBITRATION All claims, disputes, and other matters in question arising out of, or relating to, this Authorization or the breach thereof may be decided by arbitration in accordance wfth the rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining. Either CLIENT or Mark T. Owens, P.E. may initiate a request for such arbitration, but arbitration shall not occur without the consent of the other party. No arbitration arising out of, or relating to this Authorization shall include, by consolidation, joinder, or in any other manner, any additional party not a party to this Authorization. 8. LEGAL EXPENSES In the event legal action is brought by CLIENT or Mark T. Owens, P.E. against the other to enforce any of the obligations hereunder or arising out of any dispute concerning the terms and conditions hereby created, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party such reasonable amounts for fees, costs and expenses as may be set by the court. 9. PAYMENT TO MARK T. OWENS, P.E. Monthly invoices will be issued by Mark T. Owens, P.E. for all work performed under the terms of this agreement. Invoices are due and payable on receipt. Interest at the rate of I A per month will be charged on all past due amounts, unless not permitted bylaw, in which case, interest will be charged at the highest amount permitted by law. P.O. Box 596, PONDER, TEXAS 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL. CIVIL. CONSULTING ENGINEER 10, ADDITIONAL SERVICES Services in addition to those specified in Scope will be provided by Mark T. Owens, P.E. if authorized in writing by CLIENT. Additional services will be paid for by CLIENT as indicated in attached Basis of Compensation or as negotiated. 11. SALES TAX In accordance with the State Sales Tax Codes, certain surveying services are taxable. Applicable sales tax is not included in the above proposed fee. Sales tax at an applicable rate will be indicated on invoice statements. 12. SURVEYING SERVICES In accordance with the Professional Land Surveying Practices Act of 1989, the CLIENT is informed that any complaints about surveying services may be forwarded to the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, 7701 N. Lamar, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78752, (512) 4524427. 13. INVALIDITY CLAUSE In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held: illegal, the enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not be impaired thereby. 14. VENUE Any dispute and/or litigation to arise as a result of the work performed pursuant to this contract or any other matter related to this contract will be heard in Denton County, Texas. P.O. Box 596. PONDER, TEXAS 76259 PHONE: 940-391,4845 January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 13 At least one council member has expressed interest in attending this conference. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 14 & # 15 This is the scheduled evaluation that was requested after the last Evaluation in July 2002. January 3, 2003 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 16 Attached is the proposed contract, It has been signed by the City Attorney. JAN 03 2003 10:40 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 194045e4leO P.02 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT S I JA z OF TEXAS COUNTY OF D>✓NTON AGREEMENT made this day of , 2003, between the City of Sanger, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and Jack L. Smith, hereinafter referred to as the "City Manager." ARTICLE 1. The City, by and through the City Council, hereby retains Jack L. Smith as City Manager of the City of Sanger, on the basis of his character, executive and administrative training, experience and ability, and the City Manager hereby agrees to continued employment with the City for an indefinite term; provided however, that this Agreement may be terminated as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE 2. The City Manager shall be t3ie Chief Executive Officer of the City. He shall be responsible to the City Council for proper administration of all affairs of the City under,his jurisdiction and to that end, he shall have the power and shall be required to perform all the powers and duties set out in the City's Charter, Ordinances and Regulations, City Council policies and directives, as well as the laws of the State of Texas. ARTICLES 3. The City Manager shall devote his entire productive time, ability, and attention to the business of the City during the term of this Agreement. He shall not directly or indirectly render any services of a business, commercial, or professional nature to any other person or organization, whether for compensation or otherwise, without the prior consent of the City Council. AR.'J'ICLE 4. The City Council and City Manager shall annually negotiate a fair rate of compensation for services rendered under this Agreerent by the City Manager. The basic compensation, as of the effective date of this contract, shall be at the rate of $68,956.94 per year; said compensation shall be payable in equal installments in the same manner as other employees of the City are paid. The basic compensation paid the City Manager may be adjusted after an annual review of performance. Such annual review shall take place each July during the term of employment_ As additional consideration for the execution of this Agreement, and compensation for services provided hereunder and compensation of relocation expense and/or transition to other employment, the°City Council agrees, if the City Manager is involuntarily terminated during the indefinite term of this Agreement for any reason other than just cause by: the City Council, to pay the City Manager an amount equal to six (6) months JAN 03 20-03 10*41 FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.03 of his then basic salary for all services rendered to that time. Just cause for the purposes of this Agreement shall include breach of fiduciary responsibility, breach of moral turpitude, or any action that results in indictment of felonies. If the City Manager sha11 give the City Council notice of his intent to voluntarily terminate this Agreement, the City Council may, at its sole election, request the City Manager to continue his employment beyond the date when notice is given for a period not to exceed 60 calendar days. The City Manager shall be paid at his established rate of compensation for such period, if any, that his employment is continued. ARTICLE 5. The City Manager shall be entitled to any anti all benefits offered to the regular employees of the City. The City Manager shall be entitled to 10 days vacation per year for the first 4 years,12 days per year from 5 to 10 years, 15 -days per years from 10 to 15 years and 20 days per year for over 15 years of service, sick pay benefits, health insurance and participation in the retirement plan of the City. It is in the best interest of the City to encourage the City Manager to have annual health and physical check-ups. Accordingly, the City will reimburse the City Manager for that portion of the cost of *such annual check-ups not covered' y health insurance. ARTICLE 6. The City agrees to pay all reasonable business expenses incurred by the City Manager on City business. To defer the expense of using his personal vehicle, the City Manager shall be allowed an automobile expense allowance of, at least, $450.00 per month. The Ciiy agrees to pay for membership in professional organizations including Texas City Managers Association, International City Managers Association and any other organization the Council deems appropriate. ARTICLE 7, The City Manager shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Council. This Agreement maybe terminated by either party by giving written notice of termination to the other party. Such termination shall not prejudice any other remedy to which the terminating party may be entitled either in law, in equity, or under this Agreement. In the event of the termination of this Agreement, the City Manager shall be entitled to the compensation earned by hire prior to the date of termination as ,provided for in this Agreement computed pro rata up to and including that date. Except for additional compensation set out herein and any eared benefits for which all employees are eligible, the City Manager shall be entitled to no further compensation as of the date of termination. ARTICLE 8. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with ii 4 • • • • � •. it r • �.i. �. S� �. respect to the eziaployment of the -City Manager by the City and contains all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to such employment in any zzzanner whatsoever. Al�.TICLE 9� This Agreement shall be governed by and construed izz accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. A.RTXCLE 10. If the City Manager dies prior to the expiration of the term of this Agreement, any money that may be dua him from the City under this Agreement as of the date of his death shall be paid to his executors, administrators, heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. Such payment shall be limited to only that amount earned to the date of his death. E�ECU'I"ED at Sanger, Texas, on the date and year first written above. Ciiy Manager City of Sanger Mayor ATTEST. City Secretary Approved as to Form ** TOTRL PAGE.04 ** MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY NOVEMBER 2002 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The Friends of the Library were a lot of help with three events this month. First, Lynn Rogers and Diane LaFon selected audio books, children's books and fiction for purchase at the Fort Worth Public Library booksale. This allowed the director to focus on reference and nonfiction. The Friends also helped serve refreshments at two meetings for librarians that were held in our building. ADMINISTRATION: The library hosted Kidshare, a meeting for children's librarians on November 13. Because Lynne was sick, the director was not able to attend. Help from the Friends of the Library in serving refreshments was much appreciated. Meetings attended: Library Board, 11/13 Denton County Library Advisory Board/NTRLS Regional Meeting, 11/21, Sanger Using the Texshare Databases, 11/22, Denton CIRCULATION: Assembled a set of 25 videos to loan to other libraries in Denton County. We currently rotate sets between Lake Cities, Roanoke and Sanger. COLLECTION: Received a donation of a self -published book by Idaleene Scheu Fuqua about Sanger history. Family histories, memoirs and diaries dealing with Sanger history are sought by the library. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Purchased a cabinet in which to store microfilm. It was bought using a grant from Wal- Mart. PROGRAMS: The Storytime theme focused on "Fall", with programs on "Plants in the Fall", "Animals in the Fall", "Fall Weather" and "Thanksgiving". NOVEMBER 2002 STATISTICS Nov 2001 Nov 2002 BORROWER CARDS Last month 3098 3079 New cards 36 34 Cards reactivated 6 9 TOTAL 3140 3122 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 241 259 Nonfiction Videos 15 41 Adult Fiction 123 162 Interlibrary Loan 24 25 Renewals & Misc. 221 255 Junior Biography 12 3 Junior Fiction 99 73 Children's Nonfiction 115 118 Children's Fiction 270 254 Story Sacks 3 Paperback Fiction 132 172 Videos 312 284 Audio Tapes 35 75 Leased Books 110 TOTAL 1599 1834 NTERNET USERS 247 266 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 5 5 Children Attending 48 56 Adults Attending 19 28 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 2 5 Number of Juniors 2 0 Number of Hours 44 16 COLLECTION Books 15639 15327 Paperback Fiction 2516 2606 Video Materials 659 683 Audio Materials 323 373 Leased Books 195 TOTAL COLLECTION 19137 19184 REVENUE Fines $111.54 $70.20 Copies $33.25 $62.35 ILL Postage $25.47 $32.91 Lost Materials $12.95 $12.00 New Cards $0.25 $1.50 Miscellaneous $5.00 $5.00 TOTAL $188046 $183,96 a , .., I IV _ r a jIt I IL - i � ����rig Tne STo of Saner MEMBERS PRESENT Ed Morey John Springer Alice Madden OTHERS PRESENT Vicky Elieson-Library Director r . r MEMBERS ABSENT Francile Sullivan Beverly Howard Gordon Lurry Glenn Shaw The meeting was cancelled due to the lack of -a quorum. Library Director's Report: Friends of the Library declined to participate in obtaining a license to show movies in the library. It was recommended that money be allocated in the budget next year for this activity. Several story sacks are now available for check-out. The State of Texas will contribute $2,202 to the Sanger Library. This money will be used to purchase audio books, videos and DVD's. The deeding of a portion of the street between the library and the next building belonging to Sanger Independent School District will be addressed by John Springer. Respectfully submitted, Alice Madden, Secretary