12/16/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL 2. 3. 4. MONVAYI DECEMBER 169 2002 7:00 P.M. I i01-FAMMU Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. December 2, 2002 Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #12-14-02 -Setting Date, Time &Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. 5. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial -1) to MF-2 Family i- Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10`h and Plum Streets. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1 (Industrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10" and Plum Streets. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial - 1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1 (Industrial - 1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 19 Lots 11 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to the 4B Board. Consider and Possible Action on Using Funds from the Water Tap Fees to Pay for Repairs to Well #3. Consider and Possible Action on Possible Changes to the Tap Fee Ordinance AD arking Regulations fro Multi -Family. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for the Sank Depository for 2003 through 2004. 13. Consider and 14. Adjourn. ie ct;fin ,Q?ty unan her Request for Funds from the Rosalie Chavez, City Sec ar Date & Time Posted Tax. This facility is wheelchan a��s��a� .`essible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive servic�d��iii��`'�e made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: City Council December 2, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs ABSENT: Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Stephen Koch, Vickie Oppenheim, Jack Walters, Shelley Ruland 1. Mayor called meeting to order, Councilman Higgs led the Invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: November 18, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Jack Walters, 5058 Lois Rd, expressed concerns regarding the needed repairs on Lois Rd. City Manager indicated he, along with City staff will be meeting with Cynthia White regarding the repairs. Steve Koch, 5415 Stags Leap Rd., asked about bringing sewer and water to property. If water and sewer is at the center of the road, and if a lot in town has been platted, will the developer have to pay to fix the road. Mayor indicated the developer would. 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial to B-1 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. Public Hearing Opened. Vice Oppenheim, Isbell Engineering Group,1405 West Chapman Dr., spoke in favor of the proposed change. She indicated the property is on the I-35 Service road and they are requesting a change in zoning from Industrial to Business. They felt the business zoning was a better buffer against the residential. Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial to B-1 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. City Manager indicated the Planning and Zoning recommended approval, and stipulated that a privacy fence be put up prior to construction. Councilman Higgs moved to accept the zoning change from I-1 to B-1. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Sanger Trails II, Being 18.3797 Acres. Discussion regarding when the Preliminary plat was approved. Mark Owens, City Engineer, indicated that normally with the final plat we receive construction details, they have been received, and comments have been made. He does not have the revised Civil plans back yet. He recommended that if they approve it, that they approve it contingent upon the Engineer's acceptance of the Civil plans. He also indicated on the Northwest corner that the drainage easement was along the 60 foot setback line, it wasn't clear on what was easement and what was setback He felt that should be clarified. He indicated that they had requested park space, and received a letter from Mr. Hebard that he will provide the park space for this development. Mayor indicated he would prefer it be one big park rather than small parks spaced throughout. Councilman James moved to accept the Final plat with the contingency of the final details on the civil drawings being approved by the City Engineer. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #12-36-02 -Annexing the following Properties: ABSTRACT 1241, PART OF TRACT 46, BEING 6.158 ACRES (PART OF A 10 ACRE TRACT) JIM MCNATT CIiEVROLET, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 62, BEING 25.23 ACRES Councilman Ervin moved to approve Ord 12-36-02. Councilman James seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. f Caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement for Library Services with Denton County. City Manager indicated it is basically the same and the Library Director had approved it. Councilman James moved to accept the Interlocal Agreement. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #12-3�-02 -Amending the Exterior Facade Requirements for Residential Structures. Danny Cockrell, City Building Official, felt in the older part of town the hardy board would be okay in order to match what is there. He felt it should not be allowed in new subdivisions. Councilman James agreed that it would be okay in the old part of town, but the ordinance did not read that way. Discussion. City Secretary indicated staff had talked about listing the subdivisions that would qualify for this. She requested they table it. Councilman James indicated he would prefer they state it in a way that it will be applicable to homes if the surrounding homes are already siding. Item tabled. 10. Meeting Adjourned. E REPAIR SHORT p Ii`,� t'cl iTr..Ff'ta:: i G " CAD ri rr fii�'�3� (A ti`{ vi.f;Ei �.��, cG }�rIL i i E;T AF Lcu e;_cG % 4tej ;t— �C 115H v, t_j Er'�ilii�T al4i CREW .J"_•J VENDOR TRsULE KEIGa i_MsE ANEUCAN TRAFFIC EHFETY 1NY 1409 CHAP!GR ] }IERSIO.I MANUAi k� tG71 B99 ( ( '�� I� et7/�. IJ= 13' G IL ACCOUNT €ii1i1iUNT M', i t.iii'f!�'TfE1i% ili'.il�tlie�l'2 1Y�i tI•�I�AL •J ...r]c [L�. VENDOR 1UTAL5 t50 SEE:, ECHECt�. 99I- 0 ij f�,NIMAL 1iGz5,tlI IL 111V 362W PTS ANIMALS i==? Hi Cot (4T VENDOR I II ALE REG, CHECK i ROSS FAY€ Ei4T WU I ..t I HNUI NU EALiANCE DISCOUNT uJa 47i-� {„•:fit, �1!ry %2, ✓i','I 0 5.J y 0102311L1 !1IEh "i01PlCt I N11 V IEt175 4 HEADLiCHT ASWITCH R N 921 _3 L _' il�, .`L ACCOUNT AiiOts`il?T 1 irr: r 3 ;.12 69 H E ADIL Gii i 4l I TLh Ni 1657G :'Cr; ; FtESP F� J_N___ HIFt OFs GCL:v_ it cfl fC��L 19 � MI ,f. A ti^Oi .= —i= S1 t(iCE. 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UP. i 4.E5 SHOD foW ES Ee 63 SHOP T OfiLE S i iEli. C11LFK DRLANCE 16. k;G i5,5G z'��9.5l4 BE ,i•15: E�i G=a. 7C`t L.Le fig rn r71�eY 1'IL1'T U IUl HINV1 N4E D i SCr UN i6e 58CR i?.55CR ii.'"iv Cr, i�E®7 'IG`3.5GCR �.00� v35. SE�CP !�e E?it1 C:3`. 70CR lie ISEr; �OGO� �I l`Kf VENDOR ITEM HIM 7ESCN11- I Will R' CiTV' OF DENTON' WL ACfCLt3T 003 5;.;�_,5377 t)ENDOR TCU S PI;`S`i EN I HEPOR f f aDUR IbEQUENCE t'if'ie ilJi`� I TEST REG= CHECK }1yQu %I( �'��GtRU�R C.LE�T rt t� §..IC J:..�I4%TIONOES L.. '€",. UN.t'., ,i IE _k�:V .: C.., Y'"i Lti, .- G I L ACCOUNT A M,Etti{''.; j OIil 2'.f`irj4•� Ej t0l'i 5 W:�'t EE.,IA 10 MIE` EMPLOYEE YENDOR I�ij! S REC. iCHEtUK 99_0010,50 CONLEY SA14D GRAVEL 4OYRD SELECT Fill_ G/L ACCOUNT t�m�l fa=�547C� VEhJ OR TG T ACS y°Ct469660 CONT'NE TAL R':ATTE IES ..7,t���e O 40YRD SELECT FILL rat-'' C §EIvK �..i�tt �.it�i EE .'.�fid of®e�� EyfL ACCOUNT 10Nr_iu % TOTAUS EE FIFO. CHECK r?�_wi��!�r� f�:t1jE'['tly Ei2C�;t`1C {M f :RiL C;C%Oiil§ . 00G G,��CG i 51 001 3 — t.I VENDOR TOT AILS elf"jfC�= I t—It �fzLiG§<iT5 },I} p Vw 3 it REG, CHECK R 1�,'f7/RC�tE GR i'f= tC F i` C.E iJir¢ t �iJI §'§E{ , j Lr UNT E!7. lxiy�: fi�ia ktirAFR Er'_oe lriG tr= �r 5S'=5 C1F,a S7 G�E:e'R1 GLGa GGCR fa!i?V SSa GGCR Giu='�!CR u�.Ea S7CR Ci. 4'it (1Ui TR`§�`tIHi �(i, JiU4 00000 W. UU\ >GR G4 T : a ; ':AtNK a V'E14DOR l i EM N04 DES RIP ( ION i Efi .r[{R, SEdQUE!`10E ILA ril UT w:(IN � 99-045GVi DENTON CENT RAL APPR, l:t!`t s` i FIRST i;RT. ALLOCATION 2:7€iA'" 9 GitB99 R is/i7,IE00' L,HB", 57 1.j; L F lw:`aL( i AMOUIN' 1.1 R 'a 5 t 001 (C 5,120 w; C'._= �r FiH;k{ L.�i. � L t�il(�`� c J �L.. VEr DOR0 T UTAH REG: CHECK 21 GKJ 7 u s <l L f j..E .''ElL 11 rti L't.__.. !S G/L ACaCOUi,ET AeMIO_NT G59 f31 `5.M l.4SAf.RE(E l lh Ju a_G_ INV 908 MOLLY SCREWS tdB9' � i / i i! �G_`tc 1. 7E, G/L HLUM H141OlUNT I.76 0011 3,0 5370 [, flu DOLLY SC EW."13 I(',J 957/958 GREED? > BLUE PARIT 5N.R99 R I�/171 G/L ACCOUNT AM0UtlT 3 `= uC (tU 5t —J-jE4t aG. 36 GREEN BLUE E`AI { llE'ii F; (�.rli?4_ Rk lw. 80 9,2 �E 99-1718190 DISPLAY SALES lYY 14192v hi'lifrt L I t`rt€T, ry GOWN_ _K'21 G/L ACCOUNT AN0UMT lS CW_GG� , c 1t+.Air �: W LIGHT i AN 5f -5cc; z`_7, 4�tt`r Y.l+iA:_ LIU . VENDOR TOTALS' RE& CHECK C.C��= Nllil Il t 1077QANINUpj . t L(i ItQP!: t Gt SS R iE. i G/L ACCf iUNT ANIO1UN I 10M 53a1. Jc:� 316110mCA, Ar`.Ni IAL SAFETY VENDOR IGiAL_-i RLU: CH E IC itt'li.. f t i I� i SL:LIUN r.4 StCR . LFlL C5. L;IiCR E Jv uAOl.r is �;�r tirlmi =v C: �. LlitiO:R 1g. itilt<� pd VENDOR SIT€ 99— VENDOR ITEM rite DES!IHIf-'1'i!9P{ Ar'F' E ,'iYMIEVIT REf'CIt i VENDOR SEAUBCE BAiI'K C P1 ECK 5TA� j DUE D i UISG DT 99-0660@ EC'P INV 35H39 �!EilBERSHI PiSifiiUESrGLuGKu GNB99 S 12!1712009 G L ; CCOU 'i i lit1U('i i 0 1 cJd 537 L53.v5 MEMBERSHIF'!ST ATUES/CLOCKS ? 21 4 2 i�tr, `vny,50 KiEMBERSHiFI'STATUESi!vt_SC45 ICE, 364�m�l R 0 0 K E S As!ly R 1c1It/celcl CiL ACCOUNT A;VI(IUPIT 0011 24-5ui5 31 K tR.OGRIESTATUE Li1,71 C 1 ;� i r! i , ju ROOKIE STA UC YEIIIDOIR r,_ I IS i�UlCHI '99�`•ait�`�e;GS i=•;tlL�ERBS` !CAS CG!�ir'fii�`i 114V W53ED 7' ! ALLONS i3ll ACCOUNT 3 ' _�?" .:y 3,E,`";.:jug !!Ei' DOR TUT AILS :,1aB99 R iiw:ri7ri:��L Li l' y J 5. rg 72 GALLOWS REG, CHEll 3RI 155 Bf�LANCE 47.45 CiS. ECt 8�r, t18 =:!GV�:, `` (� C �iil Gry'jlo INii I I[t~F IVH f�m if i t.,f i5 UHIRTSr f t".0 9 R (i,f f t%'..,itli'L i iUs Js3 !Gil ACCOUNT fiitii<U'IT 178,`5 I u4 5u5r5 178, 95 FIREFIGHTER WORK SHIRTS VENDOR f 8 T AILS €�'Ei9. !rNEC�f 1 i8> 9 178%5 c-f��_,I!��1 %Ci!�I�`tEAln ilHir!LtSALk. TIRE it ..r !Edit Ji I TG. 5/lZ r RIDE G/L ACeICf!UMT u �i;B`9`9 R 1�_'f i7rc!�i�6' i5C.5it AtiC'Ui.' 3 i,5, Jt �I83 RI! E REF& CHECK 155e 56 JW , f~ J�l f'A'v'iyI in'll I BISGUUNT 47. �fSC:R ?'4, Ln0 178.95CR v��SGt� k7o, Cry, i7�,Y H UP till' ir'4NIF4`', REPORI I -ACC b `-tlDar?. 4 �i_f'. i. JEL DANR3 VENDOR I EM NO4 DES CPUT 01i VENDOR SFIIIF,II=t CHECK STU DUE DI GROSS Iac DT BALANCE 99-101190 HAMPTO lS Iv`s'1 "I. le STATE INGPT. BRAKE FLiJI GAS GNB99 R 1C117,C0t�S faze}=!C! i„L ACCOUNT AMOUNIT 1'r:rili 001 Se 5 SC }7:C1%z STATE INSF , SLAKE FLUIDIGOS C -_N0,1 20 $2,5 3see5_ GI tF IC4SF'Te ,t C Jfi.iE VENDOR TOTALS REG. r HEf K 137:0Z S —�tetc:;t9 1IA`ieSs 4_.OF FED` & BERRY T N V S8S`mt COURT SERMaC G/L ACCOIUNI VENDOR UTALS 99—r,117�0 HOLLINGSWORTH MFsG CO, INC, INV 4297 AliXfX q ANGLE G/L ACCOUNT 001 VENDOR IOTALS I N V 38227 OUTSIDE DO0R WEB IG/L ACCOUNT 211 1O L-'_t• 10 VENDOR H_3lALS 99'0 tO1�0 IEF.J. IMV 22S993 ROLL OFF WWTO G!L ACCOUNT }OCzS r, r, 2 !_ !E' IfCE: T-f; ! S !s .f P: C F'A`dt will T SISCOUNT 157: ��:irmtCR 1:?7.0�rCR 1I STAriL Ii,,. }p { Si�3Gg'Cs R 1��117(�'-✓ti�t�' `.a�%",,yi}ii,��t„ .�!t!l�e},i�[.R u;!0.0M, I.tJEfiil R:ERIE`JEES e,Llo IC HE_.E"t 0,ie iiz! t,1C,IJPIT Cf,�, �00(, I!'Es!f A:dGLEE REfa. CHECK u; e CC, 021 01,mCR 0, 0,roMI I,r,S9� R t�!171crdi0c cue �� c`J: �'ttt - GIUT 4DE DOOR KNOB REG. CHECK a 93 29: 96JIM }mi. O} AriOL1F;T SC= C," R6e 6'3 AULL UFE W TA REG, CHECK Hh.., 69 36. MICK 0e tj1)1 864 �0V0� E/ , p ad=,iEisT E:E 'ili l 1'% E r ! � l=-tt VENDOR SET : ` 9 BANK VENDOR SE!OUENCE VENDOR ITEM EM NO* MESH I; `T!ON BANRK CHECK SLAT RUE DT GH a PAYMENT i IIJUTSTANDIHG uiSC C}T RALAtt%E GISiOU 9M,1251 i9 TNTERSTr,TE CS TTERIH GIL ACCOUNT A� OUps,T 1�'�O. O `OG BATTERIES 008 5MmHl5 +L, 95 BAT I ERIES IP'J 5ii1+ 7 h1TF'-7tc e5j...tl GNB99 R Ic/1;/2 0 fOe'OC Gue9uCR 4ai..UNT bil Lief �i�I 3�'i"JU�CL Cux'�v i>iSr�_fu�k! VENDOR s O (ALS EEG, CH, ECK I69. G5t ;.69e 83CR 0 0121 i E'9® uu 0a 0 10 INV :t713'50_t/ "0'Y lkW[ll`iN! . RE��TAL &gBg9 R I2/17/2 0,' CJEx 2 _ �.951CR E /L ACCEUUNT M1410UNT L.6ao h VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK i 3Ec 95 R3 .e 95CR O, Oct C3'2x 9� 9':f iA1 00 jAi Orv...AUEl IC COr T Ott{ - ,�`•,• PICK i�t MN 7 yi'I `"' ?' ;i}'— emu; yJ' v�''�x 7®'E R GIL f1COUl:T Aiil0u NT re 7 �� Jt Ylr1AC PICK, .I•' t: !.l-i "-; {t - r^. ilG i'x C v! t'" 1,t rj t��J_iU1AL•' REGx i CHECK i G ::rGR 99-0113701 K41ARI ii!ii J 1Jt lAGKEI MB99 R 7120H 29e99C.R GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 99 009 50H'55 29299 JACKET VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 2qv 9'9 Ge 0 0 k l REi I IaL s i 4! r PAYMP1141 VENDOR SET = 99-_ UAe K VENDOR HEM NOR DESCRIPTIUi'd litHUM S,LULILNUL tAR!K CHECK STAT UIJE DTI DISC DT J INtr 188908 H5i70R15, 5 LT2'6/75 RIC W CHBSS h 017t2'002 U!L ACCOUNT AMOUINE i it pt t J i . f-4 C1 ty,f !t1R`' , i �}St75 RiPv: WRL r'3tt 225 f r [,Y„!9a J I._ ( .; ,/ t RIG �t t _ GRUSS PHYf'�M UUTS T A�{iz5,�!G AALAN'll ?ISGUL�{T 794..54 tiEn��t%CjR f � E I diLv REG. G�{EG�i �'��a 1K5E KELLEY SAND & EXC VATICIN, il1Gf �a6.'2 4YD CONCRETE RG UL VAR ails R 12/1.7/2%a0,02 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT INV 15€3 t*w ,? i12 arBI CONCRETE RIB99 R i�'r' 7lcE;fw G/L ACCOUNT AM0UN T 001 CHEG11 9`--=?t9S-7r KRiISTA'S EMBROIDERY II1iU i7C3 SA1 YER ELEE'TRIG CA' S Gi�!II'99 R 1R%i7/20K' G/L ACCHUN 008 5MC,55 PI1118 ISTANGERt ELECTRIC EAR'S VENDOR TOTALS; REEG, CHEG".. 3 fYi �` f fEit .i .1"C; v.lt `` ttl tiDD;} 1N1t. � 4 _ir�}tj{t Ew E ((i 4 E 4_C 3.f _k t..i Oilti Llf"i t1,Y, IP. MV 1493, SHIRiS l INiK R 0 17iE't?;C;i r�? EI !— u�7a_ 1. niw 1S�a 7�t !?L(vLitlk Iy9EAL— HE.Ga Ch�[�� ;�7?a CIUCR pj16 Gi'9. =`StGR wig: rSCR ��a CijU 1S8a 7�' R �i a it iil t�ia tiil fit, (?ill .i%i H/P PAY[IENT i;k.1-ORT VL ilR i ; 99— ,nE l,E `SIIt'trlit ,.'.:1,::.,1Ei.,I CE �. VENDOR I T F M N0 6CRIR'TI0I1 BANK CHECK SIAi DUE D ui;;C UT 99—Lf1GAf0 LAW-aO ! PRODUCTS NV E`GGL1 �9 O RING/FUSE/HO E i; LAMP/DUCT GNB99 �t IG L ACCOUNT ANIO NT ?CAI. CL OT= :j c 62E Ck RING/FUSElf OSE CLAMP/uUCT TA a La i =;—G 2G5 ,6G 0 RING/FUSEMOSE CLAI�A1DUCi TA CMG O RINGfI-WEIHH CLAiiF'i L•{ IN —�r325 i!. lG Rlltlu/FUSEtH0coE CLAf�9i'TULT TA LItiC Wr .S�c.� RING/l U Er 01F l L{af', F��rU[ Tr !Ili f!»".J Caz ��._ i GeFJta.��lF___IH�� i �43'l!` lGLiLs ki. try ttRzi ii Js;"'{„F '!.` _•`` :�GzGC I G _ "JE !` �"•'f C RIKG i L: HOSE CL * ' [l: q Ilhlii 19 v _I VE'NDUR TOTALS RE"�o CHECN, 9':t--itGCI'L LEACfERG�LIFE II`lE�, COIr1RAI�Y tllkl L!_112 LIFE IH�HRgNCE G/L AC!UCOUN T 00i ili—Gi u VEI'luOR TOTALS Af j's Ei NT E19.9G LIFE iIGURFiCE CG, 'E LIFE I•Et,iF.4JRA iCE REG, CHE€ IK IIdV iT',.'C TILLER uLUEPRINT CO: GNB99 R tcliTfO0ill ° i /L OUN AMOU aI SGi !l�—,<2I�4 J,�ctjt,O MILLER BLUEPRINT Cur VET' NOR TOTAL°S REG, CHECK S`�,_iLf�,.�GL [=;cuUEl-sR`�' It�uI�bTRIL= Ii'J ayC,S RH MARII,�G :: E� N7I BUSHING GPIS'G`S l i�r'i?i' GrG G09 J` -53"29 w5r_' a 010 RVeR 5EwsRINC, K• r�Kl) U ��; I:da VENDOI, T Cl T ALC RELY. CHECK GROGS uA' vitr'T OIJTGTi`;NuI L:ALANCE DIGC ouNI iGC. i08.i9 iGG�9LR 1 rti3. 19 •JG?a J?7 sn"fin (!iU=::R 4 OQQ�� I /P' (-1A'�'['iC('1I REPORT )END_R GET: 919- D A t q 1. VENIJtJR i I LITI Nuw IiESGRII=°TION I3:1-°f€.G�i�t I1ATI LJIML. SEMINARS GROUP' lC�ff a31GI IIT SKILLS SCHOOL G/L ACGOUNT 001 3V,51E4E3 lvi "11 30 -5C410 VENDOR TOTALS �,``�w,i�L}t^�{i iJORT11 IERA t+a�� ;nER;f ii.:E G IL ACCOUNT T VENDOR T OTALG= ,�LNDOR 'SEOULNCE r=.! K CHIECK SiAT I.t'UVE I T DI'EC DT GPlI35`S Ft iellllait�fii�v 9OUNT 179. 11 TONtwi ULIDDEF;SOU EG[ C:HIE w]K Aii E.if t I wia INTERNET 5E�-CVI .- REG. CIHECK '�`�—OOG,'' C#s REIi..L` AUTO PART Iota MG"O ROCKER SWITCH/BUSHINU KITI GtI3"''S R ic11?I,2002 IM I Gf0U iT AIiiIJriT . , 1 r '?? tt t� t 4.�1 2 K . F;uGNER 5�d4TGNr }IU,�NII n� { f J4'il 't—. rw_t €01✓i lrl,:GH):,tt7 1la f OGIiCR >1=:<IUmii v CppI1J viJ3V �JvJG,vF 9 J- v 7 {{. R.KEi S 14 1 TCFtI'I,.11Llss1G' ; ifCKER SW IC H lUH T NG KITIFi I[f!V ,?GO35 STARTERIFAN CLUTUNOIL FILTE I;t•jM R is%fli t 151 L 0941 ALCC0ILjNT 1_ uGJ 312�5325 AMOUI T 7190 C=.9s GiARTE 1FAN CLUIllilult. "FILTER ;STARI,IR/FAN CLUT���1/OIL FILTER 'L(IL'I8 3A--.15325 17 TN S'Ie�r TE.. i:tf rile U'..4111 1/11RE I�1L IL(4 003 5r_,53C5 :I6"b iE STARTERIFH GL LETGFIIOIL FILTER VENDOR TOTALS AL REG: CHECK tc_�'l��l;�{;�0. P'REePA?Ca LEC`iL GASii�;:Llr'' I1�4 PPL.1u1i1 P'REP'AI1f LEGAL SERVI%ES Gt'IkG? R 1GI i3/3G:� GiL ACUiiUi1T AMOUNT ILI G tI, CM i.t�n /; PREPAID PAIG LCGIiL 5ERVILcS 00 a ?fit,—E' I 14 1C[ 110 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES C;ROGDS GfALA7CE 35�[00 FGO, N6� 3C5: Gi-� L EE e .mot_' Ef ISGOL Id T wC13e ��C�Git 35Cs[ xa?�GR 3, 0 Cie C�wGR 3Cn gut N lOe[ �IC�s I TG T {;NI} HU �oG�3 �rvVi ' PAY111"P` i RCO-'IIRT VENDOR GE l . T C°AttK: f M-. �3L�s�: CaLc I EilW[ f UlT _G YEidDON SEGUE E. I'Hi!N. CHECK STAT DUE EMI' liCs Di ;2120GU lNV 71,3810i CROSS PEN SPU GNB99 R 112 I7! G Gr/L ACCOUNT AMIOiUN IN f �it� 1 CRObs PEN 'EE T iN'V 13816S.L3 OFFICE SUPPLIES J Cq � nG Gt L ACCOUNT iy`llii s�-=ijal!,i / `t'.:E E i";: G rf �tf 'ti» a�j ?-�.i R'>"•1��1 f_:! 1' ice:_ I C'`tr CDilPU ER' ER GNB9:� �': �C.�i. t�:){mG d.1m�j,871 E'rA i ll ACCOUNT Al1110UI T 512 008 11 5 LE7.`�4 Cf 'l'UTC. E'A ��R iJENMR TOTALS RE, . CH!E.CK 99_112Ihol RADIO WQNACK Ii tf CGIC:G ELAGGNLIGNT BATTER GNB99 R GfL ACCGU d T RtrliUi T 3_,� :� LF Bff ATTERIES' L NLI I Rcv.., s ;L i'iCR.G MPEG G GNPot 1 '4�?" R I�"_ii7t`r__�c t4f ,O }( L At'I�{. IM n {... F i{Cs.GLICt r N Di N) iCIIA!G € K frNECK :ECili �,. r,EG, 9*940 21°, E R I T E W E L u IC".14i NORMi'%{"IE�C7•A? =J?;''3'I.iCC� vCtl q i Rfiw�ffie.i�� `UI L PICUUl iC'`l { �iC'I�L1 .1 7_6,11 Ct"Ja�tr il �tG:GO 110 F OXYGEN EN UEN!,%UHN TO HLID R E G !_Cit1 a y;EE. I5 �•' 5 vE Nl , PAYMENT REPORT «ENDOIR ',~-LT: 39— BA('{K VE11 ID OR TI i,1rf4 DESCRIPTION v 7 tg "'RiJ'a' ER As E= It _ L`E YBDOR SEDUE CE DISC D S/L R"CMDUN AJ,10U,N, 001 30-5380 e:15a 75 STREET SIGNS YENDUP; R TOTALS REG, CHECK H01NNL Ml :38175 MUFFLER !N21 ILL R i241i7i'2!,012 �k 8 S E�& j BIN) i t F SLta , i°,STALL `!d 38182 ECrFi SCAT` J/L ACCGUNi AP,i%LF Of1J 1 20 .. 25 3s.'s ! =p' ECil SICAN u RES" ! tpENIDCiR TOTALS REG, CHECK f Ris55 F'AYi1Ef''i iL!TSTA='.TIT1 DALA"`ICE DISCGUN 1`1Pa7C C'i3a 75CR RiCfa?� !?.!ntLf uJz 4ifif .tat nt_� 7arC`R i>�, ivrai 1l a'021 �Vj�� SP'C TELEMETRY i I I V iB 0 KUBUILT BLOWER G!AR,LN GNB914 1®:'rilt�!?�!_V S'J9a�'A JSa01 R HIT AHOUNIT AMOUNT 9g'J. CAI IONIN" "'t mq REBUILT LOWER STArtiH 3JWe100 VENDOR uill!i'; RP.®i.:: !i_ta{r 00CR °... y' l.:i `Ji ;j, 3 t 41a 0 °JJ--1�7;2„�:;9?~r 21ANUER COURIER i V r J ' ECAL 11110 i L5 i`iL!Jr% ii 11 (f "Y i' 001 SK: 00CR k !G/L ACCC.UNT klilo ff Eta 0Ol ivf Hi"'j"30 I r.. E; %0S $ C,01 LEGAL I?IJ! iIL.1 ,�,J;. `.0. iOl E" T;QICH •J!J s1w YEFPS! OR T�I!Ar, AILS ilea �P�.� �. rv'J LFI�.�,lt r:.Y:J•_f� GFi�.a ! PAYMIrf' T FCI'U i' VE'3z}OR SEQUENCE LHK Li 0IJIIj [ f"iir!n!it B ION KE!O> cHEC'J. Uf L AL COLIN i AMOL411 5�. '`i01113 013 e7 MAN `ERVTf�� M, Ste.}.�E'!���Js,�ii ?END0I T L} T HL S R i®. yCFLECK .CO_A552 TCM 1, E'hIU ,jt v..V1 RIf .r'li=fMBE Rr:)H IF' tt�t i�liC�'3:} t"( �!._% i?t Ct4!}t:, G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT C,Lfii vC—:50551 SeG L`r't. Eli EFtuNTP VENDOH TOTALS REM I;F?ECK 1f1V JOL.tV t-ATER LifsiD ill FEE �ie..\t'!1I i7t'�G 17 R { P1'e1 G/L, ACCOUNT q,142O iNITT [J[ u :^�=�J}`"5J`•�� i i �1 i`:? ElI;TLi? r`lr TE I FEE PER1111i VENDOR ij i !L,i EEiR; E ({EK Nil -' ;'!(. GILtPlUOUNT OUf i51:`a_ P FVC CiOUPLxL?C s�liPirjtpE�`� IFCE �3 lit z. t30 5ait,a0a g EeLv a C05;, 16 r' ti'i_T CIUTGTuLtOiLdG 1r, Clti� S 5. Ux'1.ii IJ�. ti1=daE: VENDU Stt'.: 'a� '—i 7r• f'r'Y[ li,a7 L�flfS�: 4�S1`Et'i r VENDOR II N flu VENDOR SEQUENCE ?CSCRiPTiC+,E 0AN CHECK; STwi DUE iT L 1 S)C, DI VE"!iiit Tf.�T(=iE�C: 'r"tE�:ix C� "Ci` (7fii 1, (i3 ANCWL s' I'i: Jlf L f•y'�) 7'J�:"' C; G/L PIC1COU14T 11MOUtNI ,4�jfit, .i """ .t11'. �tl HC- I I r: I fe i-E i }p 6f L `.'r; 91 :4 Pi kit E$A( i_i R i�''� r �; D `.EAD € { 6 .l ,fir; 4 " !' { / L!'�1" I ���. t;+l N. �t:({„t./2J rii �la.l: i4 f.� t_.z IEi I. r�i�.„tt t`....1"1!1 ~ k.:l L.'�J f 1Gt bt/L.1_e a1L ACCCW E iiCEMiY i i 't1, OFF, n7lig .1+8'Jv..J El f?l i I-If'4�C�lI�f?L E i:.l.E ii_l. Li Eft i{ir.v"I f. 1:',a l{kt L! ,0_7149 Nf-_M'STdE y HI1�7UIvry 1,1111DEO C"I$Pt 9 ®`; 2_l_00 I ta'ttl G.1 ACCE�U T � CIul W S • — yr- + s{� ct rE„ 7 tq `zll ,:."C.`JC ejLjx `!I.kl +'IR..I ::.+ 14.. t f�c`iiJ S. 1''i4.i j1I S{.:5� fi l E R : LuIO t}s �tUr �fE'�il r i�r l' r jw{ t'i ia'U' VE��u°ER T:��(,t_:�� REI: �f,�7_n �r 1 k4 '9a8 MEMBERSHIP DUES u/L P;+�CStfi i VL EINIDOR TOTAL � Upi i icSn ?'lllEMBERSHIP DUES REC. C.HECK I5 12127Q12h T"XdAs =ETER y EEVIC ihlV C520N ES s REPA1 C F HASJE METER ijj' B 9 R 1cr" i i ��I i : Ulf„k!���J�..w .�':' i : 'Li f LJ f t1Li'ii � ti ! PHHIS METER E PIHLPISE CL 10, GNB99 G/L P COUNT ,;,iJ�ltiT .ter •a c cPl ASrs u�.;Ci.�iD m' PH!-I;�t CLLt_It?� METER GINIB99 R� NV 0L 'Q `��ui`.o 1 3 i-HASE C,L�vtiCA i'iETER 1 f A JIB DEMAND I `. f i 2! f;/L ACCOUNT AV,0UNII AK DEMAND hETER" Ali lftr{, tiff 0 giti a i i itj e•"� uvJ i'v�x C'tiCR i�ri7. Ctk�CR .1rvti +.L r$ L21 inx 1 if! 4 #%LNUOR bc1= On PsAI4Ki, VDIDUR I E'i Al V!0IV' UEvzGRi4' I VE!` Oli vl IUiAU VENDOR w;Elall NNE DLe4 f4t . i EiNULE PHASE JULiQ'I'l i EIERS I;EI1: CHECK `, Iwo U� iil L1 51t?R`f ME. I =1,1 32166 SPINE Lill ELGRIDEi! MKS E=lF`I"'wf C UI c —Jr10 U?, • Sri NE LPIEELCiYIU I} t`.ASEu• lir-NDUR 110TALIS Rena CHECK ELECTRIC COOPERWIiaF ip.I,V !13Q)2 4SCRAP F.LL:''t`CLING u G s: E J-�u cr J:v_r VENDOR TINALS afw0-�n �,,, CttA11_i. U s Ei� u:,o INVI k�r L 'ris�LLlf�l-i I VENDOR I DTAL'U Uil�, E SCRAP RELCYCLIING EljCHECK s,4t� iiESMI` EELIS REIN: IJHEi.•i{ R I„i .: LVIV 4lwj KJ*2 VOLUL ljr F. [ DIIIAND CHARGE Cl it C� L ; CCOUNI i UL 4 E c; __5 r 41 04M VOI LIE Mi-Ii' E •.loifLfal R G t VENDOR € O € ALS REun CHECK CRUDE. iSCUUN f i I'J i #li n 7, 'fin C,CrCR nrFn i'.mtCR fly, Eitt1l LUX i:;Cf i I� �t�v�4. w'C� } 1 z =E.E°<< uE•l,i? �n 1�2�i LCOb PIN Jc'dEsr(t DE sj B� 3'A,R a 11iVYn 9 1 O B,..i 14 ME"Ro (tj` y IH �t•=� i ,s 0`s'3i t�'rtfr` k 551&' VENDOR TOTALS ALS u& iCC�+1UNT VENDOR MAUD ................. r'F F`;��`�� N1 REP? RMI CiECK Ll{IE DT :.iIHi O = L1tIT r— — SERV MIE C? fltL;r PH I'l.Ni JI IiIi E I��Ij °rE C}IuLU N1 LCt Cie ��ilw JVm �E`��Il I't4L=e (+lCrf Loh=r tn�9 EHi.: ir�'t i• kk}� ``}PPt�., Itt NG Tf"i i"{'ffL{'l is (ID} 55�� it �'� ' mI'I Ef L lam CH CK j so[ It m '�`�f—�t=Gv�(7 ii lm i?V''�,�:;i: i_•i��...�ii1.,�{L { i RED HOTC.'fI ?d t;iii i� FLOWER t �C ij 'm.'i:t("�': UEND,_IIi 101H 1i R U. Lpr �L.I itR FILIF�Fi!'4UIL FILTER/ ".�11099 ii r�r`1. !t's::'�t ` & A {COlUNT <IMOU i 01 4.G.tv.1J:a i.�s 1G AID L lFii(OIL HLI'.��'i7 •..� L`'F5 C itm I ;AM FILTEV /Ol FILTER/ ll� ;i!r1I u�C—mt�r� ' ` iim �, i�If; L ('LH F1�IEFi FILI it" 0li 3G—v a li A !': FILTER 11 1L ILILH . Olow ?,G F Gt� AIR FILIEF4/USL i=1L!F�; II, i j F IL1ER101L F I L rAIR, G �i u", !Im{c ! t.ILIECtIIU 'r- Lt,f ri7afi LvF ; .s —z i1:� - ,I ; aL: I i L.I...i:r _sir � ! I4 C SEC k: Pt `:'' E"/ , I Eli I sR� OIL !Itj 4'J:.a ti?C LTE LI U8 C"t1e i`_i a �1L f-I VEtk poll I EI I;J'i DESCRIPTION I 00J 30'. 5 .iC 4:08 .36 33'23 003 3 3 '4J CA 133 L4 5u""'5, CJ �:ILs"''IEDDR f 01 LG Bye 7'I7(K 'BRUIIAINMT EDUC i T•'t:i ��lklaMl. ALi A N U VENDOR, Fo I AU5 If Pny(9` {3 r Rp.rinii �flLCt"t r e H L+4'.{Iit L/ y ff M HIE LfIL F I L I P i:It`t !iR OIL FiUE Lx JU iiiR k„ iiri_ F1i IfER �, rw AIR OIL, R ,. AI{ OIL rILILR rP�laB �l�j}�' Lit Jf.OU'l`I ii�Ci. ������ yx a®� A f:iA IN t: 417 Jx �t,Ji.,i f• s rf : i ,N r' 1 :#`, HBO, ��= PJI � r� € f,£ti J FUN1 f'{�kr i-L�l`Sru s` it"-i i-il;jD NT Iil�a '�I�i`ti��tii�.. t"8rij #�,i .!°f�•;. ?m.�'r. cei�,t'. Tn v+ iUEE-iL' .'T �t,..ji i�i Divn:t4Tir To WDRIJ : t.G �Ptl R B")UMf S JL1�. i €'s pie='I`ti t= �50 LI_ �d€€!J: •y, fit% 70 wn IjxWAR ,U ,.-r..,,..: December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Annexation Resolution Attached is the Resolution on this item. All properties with Inhabitants have been sent notices of the proposed annexations and public hearing dates and times. The two properties at the bottom belong to Eddie Lane, and he has requested this annexation. CiQp�� RESOLUTION NO. I2-14-02 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANDER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on January 6, 2003, and on January 20, 2003, for the purpose of considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: MEADOWLANDS ADDITION, LOTS 1 THRU 14 (JENNIFER CIRCLE), AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 74, BEING 8.751 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 44, BEING 2.50 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 1241, PART OF TRACT 47, BEING 18.03 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 61, BEING 24.31 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 60, BEING 25.22 ACRES. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 16"' day of December, 2002. Mayor, Tommy Kincaid Attest: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary o®o�� D7 j&b.D7 I I,b,�l 1 .U� [boo' 13 9 4.4 N N m v- Ar Q 1p Nw N _I394.4�F� ® - L C. 51 N4 \ . h �� � •a 48 N 0002 49 �77g 3 ! 50 2 file cio C4 /1 clet � Q •� o,L2Ey , v \✓ v � � t'ri 0�� C'i � ^� o � ` C y, �. o i`� A '-�y ��if , ,� (� 107, 3' �3 (,3Z. 3 3� �y5•��, �z c�a�A�� N ��•� � ' G/ �5.�3AG �G �� •d9 ��. Zz�...) Z�, �Qys A� I z� �oqj ,¢c. ��0.5' �s• a3�-• m (� � p � � � � � �? � � � U � � � � N � � � � � K � � � � ,� �%�. G � �. .� • � �.. ,� �J 3. 5 5_T. ���..5�.- /• �/`�� moo• ��� o®o�� December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Attached is the information on this item. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval on this item. There are also some drawings attached that the builder submitted along with his request. Date: r— Name: j Phone: I am requesting the property located at qD �D (� I I IyA.A change from 1. The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: and legally described as to be considered for a zoning THE METES AND BOUNDS (L,EGAL DESCRII'TIONI OF THE PROPERTY IS ATTACHED. signature / Date received / , /� Fee $ PD. Rec' d by: 17 November 2002 This document hereby allows James Coin, owner of C & C Construction and Jesse Ahmati, agent for Struga Management, to represent the Amyx family to the Planning and Zoning Committee of Sanger, Texas. The aforesaid representation will be for the property located at 907 Plum Street, Sanger, Texas for the consideration of rezoning the said property from industrial to multi -family dwelling. d, Cherry Beard Representative of Amyx Family Coin Construction �y � — ,`-c i� .::�i �. ' ' H _'' _ _:� i _ ,_".1 ! ,� .,` ' �__ �� _ 7{i i�� !! k i - , —_ .y 0®��6/ .y P �O ��� �f b t T V ,• y Y Y Y t i � • Li Y i '> x� �� s I y-==- --- ----�-=---t---- . I � - ,� _� �� �.:�.�-- -- i I I i t I i �� °°��� City of •� . �• `' -`�J tr��� November 26, 2002 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, December 12, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from I-1 (Industrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10te and Plum Streets. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, December 16, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from I-1 (Industrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10te and Plum Streets. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RCar Enclosure ®�G3 tot BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76t66 940-458.7930 P.O. BOX 17t9 940-458.4i8o FAX P&Z 12/12/02 CC 12/16/02 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from I-1kin dustrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10`h and Plum Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: V Comments: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request SIGNATURE % �` /less �l Please Print Your JName DATE P&Z 12/12/02 CC 12/16/02 ZO1�tING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from I-1kin dustrial(Multi-Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 10te and Plum Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one• I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Please Print 'V urlame ®�Q�5 t'' I' (' List of Property Owners -James Coin: Cherry Ann Beard, Etal 3087 Belz Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 KM Residential 119 Ridgecrest Circle Denton, TX 76205-5401 Robert Colwick & Kristina Enlow 801 Plum Sanger, TX 76266 A A Lynch 1008 Pecan St. Sanger, TX 76266 Fred Harvey Estate 705 N. 8�' St. Sanger, TX 76266 John Langford 2807 N. Bell Denton, TX 76201 Thomas Pralle P.O.' Box 366 Lake Dallas, TX 75065-0366 Steven Knight 12169 Lake Shore Ct. Sanger, TX 76266 Looper Ent. Inc 905 Peach St. Sanger, TX 76266 Hughes Family Partners 213 Hillcrest Sanger, TX 76266 Connie Fife 9274 Running Bear Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Terry Volz 902 Plum St. Sanger, TX 76266 Terry Schertz 1112 Elison Park Circle Denton, TX 76205=8900 Opal Ashcraft 202 Hillcrest St. Sanger, TX 76266 William & Tonya Harrison 512 N. 9" Sanger, TX 76266 Tom Jester &Paul Haywood P.O. Box 280 Denton, TX 76202 Onie J. Cornell Trust 522 S. Winnetka Ave Dallas, TX 75028 December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Attached is the information on this item. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval on this item. o°Q3� o- Date: �� �,2. �''�� Name: i ���Q __��� Address: Phone: I am req change from i'�C' 'to � ' / . The purpose for this zoning requ�t is as � and legally described as to be considered for a zoning THE l�SETES AND BOUNDS (LEGAL DESCRIPTIONI OF THE PROPERTY IS ATTACHED. signature Date received Fee $ Rec'd by: �r R �1. NTERSTATE HIGHWAY :.,_..:_.. d 46..E N. t ° 06'.46`�W. 153.0� -: . "1 S` UTJLITy _EASEMENT _'_-F I . 0.' - . � o }. cv l (A OOP �._. . co co 01 n Ciry of Someplace Special November 26, 2002 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Banger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, December 12, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, December 16, 2002, to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RCar Enclosure poi BOLIYAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS �6z66 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX i��9 940-458-418o FAX P&Z 12/12/02 CC 12/16/02 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1 (Industrial - 1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: ,�� SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name List of Property Owners - Tom Pralle Thomas Pralle P.O. Box 366 Lake Dallas, TX 75065 John C. Langford 2807 N. Bell Denton, TX 76201 Eagle Farms P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 Ronald Beard 3087 Belz Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr; Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #9 Terry Jones was appointed to the 4B Board when he was still working in town, He has been unable to attend since he took the position in Denton as his schedule interferes with the meeting times. We are requesting to appoint a new member to the 4B Board. At this point we do not have a recommendation, we have contacted several people and have not found anyone able to serve. If Council has any recommendations, we will ask them if they are willing to serve. oDU�� December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 10 Eddie Branham will be at the meeting to address this item. He is requesting to use funds from the Water Tap Fees to pay for Repairs on Well #3. Palestine Water Well Service, Inc. P.O. Box 2337 Palestine, TX 75802 BILL TO Sanger City of P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Water Department Invoice DATE INVOICE # l2/3/02 11256 P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT Due on receipt Well #3 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 11/12 & 13/02 0.00 O.00T Pulled pump drop string, �i:;:�i:;;J motor (bad), ordered material, assembled 11.25 300.00 3,376.00 pump &motor &made splice 11 / 14/02 0.00 O.00T Reset pump drop string, pumped well until clear, chlorinated well & 6 300.00 1,800.00 connected well head to discharge Lodging-2 nights 326.00 326.00 40hp, 460 volt, 3 phase motor, 1�OS400-23 1 6,416.00 6,416.00T 3" Ductile check valves w/KO 2 248.39 496.78T Wire splices 4 15.00 60.00T Stainless clamps 18 2.25 40.SOT Tie straps 17 0.38 6.46T 3" x 12" galy. nipple 1 20.80 20.80T 2" tape 5 7.00 3�.00T 1/4" Poly airline 1,475 0.16 236.00T HTH 10 2.10 21.00T #4 submersible wire 740 3.64 2,693.60T Notes: Pump Set: 736' Length 97 1/2" Motor Serial # 02J 19 16-OO16 Length 41" - Drop pipr: 3" black & galy. Casing: 7 l/2" ID Checks with KO set: 252', 483' & 735' & in pump Airline set: 735' Sales Tax 6.75% 676.76 �0�}� Tota I $16,203.90 December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 11 This is the Item we had the workshop on last Monday. We are requesting some direction form the Council, and will place the ordinances on the next Agenda after council recommendations. December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 12 The only bid we received was from GNB. It is attached. Staff recommends approval. o��Q�B City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Date of Bid Opening: ( 12/12/02 Time: 12:00 P.M. Re: I BID RECEIVED: 12/12/02 COMPANY: GNB BID AMOUNT: SEE ATTACHED BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: Authorizedgnature L 00049 The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids deemed not to be in the best interest of the City. Proposal Submitted By: GUARANTY NATIONAL BANK P 0 BOX 129 BANGER TX 76266 This bid is submitted as a proposal to serve as the depository for city of Sanger funds and to provide banking services from January 1, 2004, to December 31, 2011 The City of Sanger's funds maybe invested with. any banking facility in Texas in accordance with City Investment Policy in compliance with State Statutes. This bank agrees: 1) We wil /will not) agree to pledge U.S. securities or other mutually agreeable securities to cover all City of Sanger Deposits in excess of $100,000. Monthly statements will be submitted concerning the type and amount of pledged securities. These securities will be payable to the City of Sanger in case of default or closure of the bank by a government agency. 2) To pay interest on funds of the City of Sanger designated as "time deposits" or certificates of deposit of not less than: (a) Interest at per annum - 7 to 89 days (b) Interest at per annum - 90 to 179 days (c) Interest at per annum - 180 to 269 days (d) Interest at per annum - 270 to 359 days (e) Interest at per annum - 360+ days A thru E Base + 25 Basis Points See attached Interest Rate Schedule 3) The term of this contract will be for 24 months for January 1, 200� to December 31, 200� Oi►�SQ BANK BID PROPOSAL PAGE 2 at charges noted below 4) We will will not) provide the following servicesTwitkefft e to the City of Sanger: (a) Deposit Slips and Withdrawal Slips. Customary Charge (b) Monthly Statements of Accounts. No Charge (c) The use of a night depository and the necessary materials for its use. No charge except customary charge for additional locking bags, if (d) Purchase of U.S. Treasury Securities at value except for any charge by a broker or the Federal Reserve Bank. Customary charge of $100 per transaction. No charge for safekeeping or interest payments received. 5) We will / will not) pay all accumulated interest at the date of maturity and continue to pledge securities for these funds until interest matures after the termination of the depository agreement. 6) We will / will not) pay interest on � checking accounts that meet minimum deposit requirements. based on type of account 7) Short term loans extended to the City of Sanger will be charged at an interest rate of Prime minus 2% with a floor of 5/ ai 8) Loan limit for short-term notes$ GNB's legal .lending limit is $2,448,000. BNB will entertain a loan of any amount GNB will be happy to negotiate lgaA of any amo nt tq meet tlY�g ctit 's nfeed using correspondent he i er must enclose tie a s ast avai Able s ate ent o congiti� i. banks if it exceeds lending limit EXCEPTIONS, SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Please attach or note any exceptions or special conditions that the bank would care to propose below. Safe deposit Boxes provided at no charge. Three stop payments per month at no charge. BANK BID PROPOSAL PAGE3 I am properly authorized to submit this bid on behalf of GUARANTY NATIONAL BANK and I certify that by my signature that I have read and understand all parts of this bId form, the attached bid notice and the proposed contract. VICKIE J JENKINS Typed or Printed Name VICE PRESIDENT Title 12-12-2002 Date JEFF BROOKS Typed or Printed Name .VICE PRESIDENT Title Consolidated Statement of Condition Assets Cash Investment securities Loans, Net Bank premises and equiptment Other assets Total assets Third Quarter 2002 September 30, 2002 Liabilities and Stockholders' E 9,563,000 Deposits 33,275,000 1441497,000 Other liabilities 4,392,000 Stockholders' equity 6,848,000 . Total liabilities and 1981575,000 stockholders' equity Guaranty National Bank Gainesville • Gainesville Wal-Mart •Valley View •Sanger •The Colony The Colony Wal-Mart •Muenster 1-800-375-8531 • www.gnbtx.com First Bank &Trust Ennis •Waxahachie 1-866-878-4555 Off cers Riley C Peveto Ray Nichols Mickey Faulconer Michael J Montgomery Johnna McVeigh Chairman of the Board !CEO President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President Secretary / Treasurer / CFO Directors Jimmy Jack Biffle, Jesse S. Cason, John P. Davis, Mickey B. Faulconer Michael J Montgomery, Richard T. Muir, Ray Nichols, Riley C. Peveto W. Garland Thornton, Jr., Charles M. Wilson 163,765,000 16,712,000 18,098,000 198,575,000 Guaranty National Bank and First Bank &Trust are subsidiaries of GNB Bancshares, Inc., an independent multi -bank holding company. GUARANTY NATIONAL BANK GNB TIME RATES EFFECTIVE 12/10/02 RATE SAVINGS .50% (see note 1) INTEREST ACCT-RATE ONE .50% (see note 1) INTEREST ACCT-RATE TWO .60% (see note 1) MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT .65% (see note 1) IIIYIELD*PLUS#1 ($10,000-424,999.99) .69% (see note 1) HIYIELD*PLUS#2 ($25,000-449,999.99) .94% (see note 1) HIYIELD*PLUS#3 ($50,000 & +) 1.19% (see note I) CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT BASE RATE CITY OF SANGER Consumer Rate + .25 basis points < 2 MOS 1.60% L85% >_ 2 MOS BUT < 3 MOS 1.60% 1.85% >_ 3 MOS BUT < 6 MOS L60% 1.85% >_ 6 MOS BUT < 1 YR 1.75% 2.00% >_ 1 YR BUT < 1%2 YRS 2.00% 2.25% >_ 1 %2 YRS BUT < 2 YRS 2.25% 2.50% >_ 2 YRS BUT < 2 %2 YRS 2.25% 2.50% >_ 2 %2 YRS BUT < 3 YRS 2.25% 2.50% >_ 3 YRS 2.25% 2.50% 18 MO VARIABLE IRA 2.00% 2.25% Note 1 —Rate represents consumer rate which changes with the marlcet. GAINESVILLE VALLEY VIEW BANGER THE COLONY MUENSTER THE COLONY @ WAL•MART 100 E. California N. Frontage Rd. I.35 100 Exchange Blvd. 4400 Main Street 1000 E. Division, Suite A 4691 State Hwy.121 P.O. Box 667 P.O. Box 129 P.O. Box 128 The Colony, TX 75056 P.O. Box 117 The Colony, TX 75056 Gainesville, TX 76241 Valley Vew, TX 76272 Sanger, TX 76266 Ph. (972) 625.2002 Muenster, TX 76252 Ph. (972) 624.0321 Ph. (940)668.8531 Ph. (940)726.3232 Ph. (940)458.7404 FAX(972)625.1913 Ph. (940)759.5000 FAX(972)624.0187 FAX (940) 668.2355 FAX (940) 726.3274 FAX (940) 45&3536 FAX (940) 759.4622 !s•1 ■ ►� • • �� ATTACFIMENT TO CITY OF SANGER BANK DEPOSITORY BID DATED: December 12, 2002 2002 CO Bond Construction Deposit 2002 UREV Bond Construction 2002 CO Interest &Sinking Savings 2002 UREV Interest and Sinking Savings Account# 900011164 Account # 900011166 Account # 902155323 Account # 902155331 The above referenced deposits are excluded from this bid. �)(��`�� GAINESVILLE VALLEY VIEW BANGER THE COLONY MUENSTER THE COLONY GAINESVILLE 100 E. California N. Frontage Rd. 1.35 1405 Chapman Dr. 4400 Main Street 1000 E. Division, Suite A @ WAL-MART @ WAL•MART P.O. Box 667 P.O.9ox 129 P.O. Box 129 The Colony, TX 75056 P.O. Box 117 4691 State Hvry. 121 1800 Lawrence Street Gainesville, TX 76241 Valley View, TX 76272 Sanger, TX 76266 Ph. (972) 625-2002 Muenster, TX 76252 The Colony, TX 75056 Gainesville, TX 76240 Ph. (940) 668-8531 Ph. (940)726.3232 Ph. (940) 458.7404 FAX(972)625.1913 Ph. (940)759.5000 Ph. (972i624.0321 Ph. (940)668.8531 FAX (940) 668-2355 FAX (940) 726.3274 FAX (940) 458.3536 FAX (940) 759.4622 FAX (972) 624-0187 FAX (940) 612.4854 gnbtx.com December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Chamber Request for Funds Attached is a request from the Chamber of Commerce for reimbursement of i/2 of the expenses for the Sanger Sellabration in the amount of $7,069.20. They are also requesting that $10,000.00 be made available to them for brochures, videos and web site. In the memo they have indicated that this $10,000.00 has been earmarked for these items; however, Staff does not recall this request. Attached, along with their request is a minute order from the meeting at which the Tourism Board was dissolved. The Chamber requested 50% of the funds from the Hotel/Motel Tax and indicated this would give them a budget to work with. It was our understanding that this would be the funds that were given to the Chamber along with 50% of future income into this fund, and that the remaining funds would be used to support requests made to the Council by other entities. Currently, in this fund we have a total of $19,278.80. After we make this quarter's payment to the Chamber of $1,514.461 we will have a balance of $17,764.34. As you can see, if we grant the Chamber's request this will just about deplete this account. Last year, we made the agreement with the Chamber that they would be the Tourist Information Center. The Tourism Board granted the Chamber $18,943.81 between August and December 2001. This year, we made the agreement with the Chamber to give them 50% of the current funds and 50% of the income into this fund. This, so far, has come to a total of $22,772.79, and with the payment owed for this final quarter, will come to a total of $24,287.25. BBQ Plaques $262.50 KSCS Radio ADV $1,775000 Pilot Point ADV $75.00 Gainesville ADV $137610 Porta Privys $330600 Speedpro ADV $78.75 Speedpro ADV $48.49 Speedpro ADV $182032 Speedpro ADV $32.33 Speedpro ADV $167043 T-Shirt Printing $11196.50 T-Shirt $11074036 Eric Sound & Light $11850.00 City of Sanger $3,100.89 Gladiators ADV $250,00 Courier $925.00 Sanger Brochure $1,844400 Sellabration Brochures $808.74 Total $14,138.41 The Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce requests that a reimbursement of 1 /2 of the total expenses of Sellabration 2002 Advertising be made from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund. The amount requested for this is $7,069.20. The Chamber also requests that the $10,000. earmarked for Tourism Brouchures, Sanger Videos, and Web -Site be made available to allow for these to be produced by January/February 2003. Thank you for your consideration of these requests. Lanny Grissom, President of the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerc( 12/3/2002 MINUTE ORDER At the Regular Scheduled Meeting held March 4, 2002, the City Council of the City of Sanger acted the following. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Amending the Contract with the Chamber and Dissolving the Tourism Board. City Manager indicated at the last meeting the item on the agenda was to do away with the contract, that was not the intention. The City still wants the Chamber to be the Tourist Information Center. According to the auditor, by having the Tourism Board, we basically had a board for a board. The Chamber Board can act as this board. Councilman Evans felt that if the City was creating the taxes, they should also create the board. City Secretary indicated she wanted the Chamber to get a percentage of the Hotel/Motel Tax and the other boards that need things could come to the Council to request funds to help with those projects. When the tax was created, it should have been being sent to the Chamber because they are promoting tourism. Bobby Blagg, representing the Chamber of Commerce, indicated the Chamber does basically 50% of the tourism work in Sanger, They don't want 100% of the funds. They only want the funds that the Chamber can use, and they want the people that will be requesting funds for tourism projects to come to the Council. City Secretary indicated under Section 3(d), the second part of the last sentence should be removed. She felt the Council should have some authority as to where the money gets expensed. Discussion regarding the board and how it affected the audit. City Secretary indicated the Council has to decide how much to give the Chamber and send it over there. Bobby Blagg indicated this would give the Chamber a budget to work with. Councilman Evans moved to abolish the tourism board, and enter into the contract with the Chamber for 50% of the funds and to remove the bottom line as discussed, and to bring the existing funds back to the City. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. I, Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary for the City of Sanger, do hereby certify that the above minutes of the described meeting are a true and correct account of the proceeding held on the 4th day of March, 2002. ; Rosalie Chavez, City December 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Exterior Facade on Residential Dwellings We spoke to the City Attorney regarding the proposed changes to the ordinance. He advised that it would not be a good idea to list subdivisions or "in areas where the surrounding homes conform". He indicated it should either be a described area, similar to the truck route description, or a zoning category set aside for it. We are working on this and will try to have something for the next meeting.