12/02/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 292002 7:00 P.M. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge %I Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA November 18, 2002 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial to B-1 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy, 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from I-1(Industrial to B-1(Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. 6. 7. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Sanger Trails II, Being 18.3797 Acres. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #12-36-02 -Annexing the following Properties: ABSTRACT 1241, PART OF TRACT 46, BEING 6.158 ACRES (PART OF A 10 ACRE TRACT) JIM MCNATT CIIEVROLET, AND ABSTRACT 29, TRACT 62, BEING 25.23 ACRES Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement for Library Services with Denton County. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #12-37-02 -Amending the Exterior Facade Requirements for Residential Structures. 10. Adjourn. ' Rosalie Chavez, City Secreta Inle ` Date & ime Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUT_ .ES CITE' C(iUNCIL NOVEMBER 1$5 2002 PRESENT: Mayor 'To ally Kincaid, Councilman Mena Ervin, Councihnall Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, CouncilmanJimmy Evans tITHERS PRESENT; City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, -Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, James A. Elliott, Rhonda Winchester, Paul Purvis, Paula Dwyer, Jack Walters, Tod Tieszen, Jack Dawson, Stephen Howard, Johanna Sorrells, Crystal Brown, Mardy Brown, Lisa Brown i, Mayor caked meeting to order, Councilman Higgs led the invocation, foIlowed by Glenn Ervin leading the pledge of Allegiance. C+LINSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: November 4, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved #o approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion Carried Unanimously. J, Citizen;s Input, Jack i3�alters, �0�8 Lois Rd, East, addressed the Council regarding Lois Rd, from I-�� to the Railroad tracks. He indicated he had talked to Cynthia white, and Jack Smith, regarding the road. He expressed concerns regarding the condition of road, and the danger to the residents in that area. He addressed the need for immediate repairs. City Manager indicated he had a document s_ig_ned by t_h_e County and City, The document discusses that the County will take care of the road. The document states that condemnation procedures will start within 15 days after the document was signed, so that they can begin repairs. Mayor indicated the road repairs are the County responsibilities. r, Walters Indicated that he was advised by Cynthia White that construction would start in the Spring of 2flt?3. Councilman Higgs indicated he is familiarwiththe road and there are some big pot holes on the road, Councilman Evans asked if the City could at least fix the area where the water lines were put n, City Manager indicated the City can fix whatever they wish on the road, Dot that the County had committed to making repairs. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation from the Sanger Downtown area Committee. Polly Dwyer, I13 Diane Dr, addressed the Council regarding the downtown area. She indicated that Sanger has a _long rich heritage, and is currently growing, The buying power, however, still remains in Denton. The Downtown area is struggling. She indicated that she had been elected chair of the downtown area committee, The Committee has discussed some -proposed amendments to the City ordinances. The amendments are two field. First, she asked the Council to allow the committee to serveas the HistoricCommission, o that any development or restoration in Historic areas come before them for approval. Once the board has come up with ordinances , they would like a permanent board appointed, Secondly, #hey would like moratorium for no construction from Sig#h Street to the Railroad tracks, and from Cherry Street to Elm Street. They would like the moratorium to be for 30 days, Ms. Dwyer ended by thanking the Council for there service to the City. Councilman Higgs moved to accept both proposals of the Committee, Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously, 5, Consider and Possible Aetion on a Preliminary Plat for wail llun, Being 357 Residential Lots out o#' $2,433 Acres, _Located o_ff o_f Cowling Road, Mandy Brown, with Dowdey Anderson, indicated. he was coming back with a revised. plat at the request of the City. They have been in receipt of several comment setters from the City Engineer. Some of the items such as drainage will be addressed, and they will meet city requirements prior to final platting. There are some trees along the South property line, and questions arose as to what would happen with fencing. They will try to preserve the trees by moving the fence if possible. Mark Owens, City Engineer, indicated he had two maor concerns, when #his plat came before Council previously, there was some discussion on the intersection at Cowling and Fifth, he felt they should require a traffic impact analysis. There may be a potential problem there. In the analysis, he would request they look at that intersection alone. He stated in his letter that the study could be required as a condition of either the preliminary plat or the phase one final plat. The second issue is the park space. The space will also serve as a detention pond. He felt the City was working progressively with the developer to allow the detention area to be park space, Traditionally, they would have to give the park space and go s9mewhe17e else for detention. He does not want it to be deeper than two feet. He is concerned that it will be deeper than the two foot. If so, the net usable area will be substantially less than the 7.5 acres required. When you approve a preliminary platyou are locked in totivhatyou approved. If they do the drainage study, and get the calculations, it will mare them all know up front what they are dealing with. Councilman James, asked if there was any other way to deal with drainage other than. a detention pond. fie does not like the detention pond on Keaton Road. Mark f3wens indicated that is -why they spread it out in such a large area. They are trying not to add to the historical now. Discussion regarding the de#entn basin. 1Vlardy gowns #his is not reten#ions it is deters#ion. Tshis is so #ha# when it rains, it detains water., and then the water trickles out slowly. The two options are for a small pond that is -very deep, or a large area that is shallow. They do this type of thing often. They have provided the information on the flows. Mark indicated they have not pro -tided the figures for the plans. They have not provided a volume of detention. Discussion continued regarding drainage, Councilman Evans indicated,. there were traffic problem when he owned the property on the corner of Cowling and Fifth fit. He felt a traffic study should be done, Mandy Brown indicated that tra#fir should have been addressed a#the zoning stage, before the rights were granted to the property owner to build the subdivision. Discussion regarding the traffic. Mr. Brown indicated that Cities gv through growing pains, normally the roads don't get built before the people come. The people come, tam base increases, and then the people come. Councilman. Evans asked if he was saying he was not gong to do what our engineer recommended. Mr. Brown indicated he was not sure they could do the City's work on the analysis. Mayor asked when could they could have a volume on the drainage. Brown indicated he could get it to the City Engineer the followi Mr. ng day, Councilman James indicated that the subdivision ordinance requires sidewalks, and asked if sidewalks would be included in this project. Mr. Brown indicated that should be required with the building permit. Mayor indicated all items discussed can be enforced on the final plat. Mark Owens, City Engineer, indicated that when you approve a preliminary plat, you have approved it. He indicated that he does not agree with the configuration on the detention area, and he recommended they not approve it until they have the calculations. Mardy Brown indicated that if they cannot meet the requirements of the two foot maximum, they will remove some of the houses. Discussion regarding the detention area. Tod Tieszen, FM 26 in Ponder Texas, indicated he had come before Council on the original preliminary plat. The City Engineer and Mr. Dowdey liked the idea of putting the park all in one space. It was his understanding that the engineer would be more interested in this design, and he like the design better as well. He felt the park area was better than the approved preliminary plat on hand. Councilman Carta indicated he felt that 11 the dVW area was not going to work that it should be dealt with at this point and not wait until the Final Plat. He felt that motion should be made for approval based on the City Engineer's approvat. Discussion regarding the park area. Mike Prater, Electric Superintendent, asked if they were going to put lights in the parr He indicated they would not be able to put them in two feet of water Mark Owens indicated that he is nflt against what they are rifling, he has heard they have already lone the calculations, but he has na#seen the calculations, #hays the only thing he is asking for. He requested this information on November 6, and the information was not provided. Councilman Higgs moved to accept the preliminary plat on contingency that the City Engineer is satisfied with the ralcula#ians, and if he is nut satisfied, the plat should nt�t be accepted. This includes the water flow numbers, and the net park area provided. Cfluncilman Garza seconded.. Motion carried 4 to i, Councilman Ervin voted no. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments. IE� City Manager indicateThey setup both tTeuerai nno Enterprise Find to have this department. The Engineer department on the Enterprise fund side did not print. On page 40, there is an Engineering department, that is a $36,5104 expense. It was not showing up in the previous budget, mendmen#s Sum2narized0 Badge# Transfer t9 the General Fund was decreased f un; $4i5,99d,d9 to $4�,49t,dtl0 Budge# Transfer From the Enterprise Fund was decreased from $475,000.00 to $45014%*00, Department IS was added to the Enterprise Fund with a total budget of $36,500.00. Discussifln regarding the changes. Gfluncilman James 3mflved to apprflve the amendments, Gfluncilman Evans second, motion Carried unanimously. '�, Consider and Possible Action on AppointinglReplacingnne {i� Parks Board lYlember, City Manager explained James Emery changed jflbs and cannot a#tend the Parks Board meeting. Kathy Grissom indicated she would like to serve on this beard. councilman Evans moved to appoint Kathy Grissom to the Parks Board, Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion Carried unanimously. �, 11�eeting Adjflurned. °°cap VENDOR ITEM slOrz ES" =5 ! l 9941:a960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING `'r�•.i(u5 = .JlUb APPLIUri 11ONS i /L ACCOUNT 009 19-5210 VENDOR TOIALS _ n a�"t " N ' vRli�„+10 ri},1MAL HOSPITAL Gill Am•CC1UNT VENDOR IuIHLb 9`s--'99�1'1� C•NAIriPI#�P9 GARS-'EI v:LEi-!glt�i�, F'sf t'H Ul l `.'�f i it i kL 4DOR °EEQUEi clr C+At CHEi :K ST8T DUE: C'T DISC C.T k ON I 9G,'s5 JOB APPLICATIONS RE a: CHECK �3�k�'J7 li __13�/C�R1G A IOUiNT 55.1 R p l B REI . ? HECK. Itdi� C;91t��5 CARPET CLEAC`�I1dG ,C�E;99 R fElCi?1C:'�G;r i_ Ai`COUN I AFOUN 0'��i ^O_531C i.G921;9 CARPET CI EANINb (lvgrt 1-n_J,i0 00 15-331LZI b .c' cq CARPET CARFUEl iaLEANI1!G CLEANING EhOt1R Tu I AL 5 REG. CHECK. 99-1@15)90 C•HEN PRO SERVICES INV 115+16 Ct_Z REPAIRS 1.015 RD, WELL G109'19 R l2/02!;r'VN I G/L ACCOUNT 009 50-5v AMOUNT 4,im0i 2110 C•LZ REPAIRS 'L015 RD, WELL VENDOR l U l HLS FER, CHECK 99-041E=21 I COMET ULEANEFS 1MV 57GS6 ELECTRIC DEPT, CLEANTING till. ACCOUNT AMOUNT GNBB 100. 08 ELE TR. R rYG F � •. CEP I s CLEANING VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK L'Illyll v,I OUT"aI,EfLI',G CAL(?1lCE .IS.Ni D gE, 45 9E, �rC.R C7, Cti!� 9k= Of Of cr �tu, 1e 5t. d2 5G0. �f's AGG, i9G 5494�. =�yJG�t �',t C,UC 1G0=99 1GG.9�Cit i4i�"i.9% 1CtIi.99CR i��=OEM VENDOR SE I s 99-- Rf" NK a VENDOR ITEM N�J� DESCRIPTION 9-00K@ CONTINENTAL. RESEARCH CORP 157899 ODOR GRAIN +NU G/L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS 9.9-130 l910 DENTON CG BUILDERS SUP. LY INV ;l,HHHH LIQUID 14A15 G/L ACCOUNTINV 1t�in008L; , 10 07 CAULK GUN G/L ACCOUNT 008 58—SLJ� INV 45886 1/2 NYLON ROPE GIL ACCOUNT 001 24-51260, iNY 8;a 5 REALTY Mo.h G& ACCOUNT 0018 5t—:,?Svi VEhdDOR TOTALS IYFNDOH SEQUENCL LANK CHECK STAT DUE Di DISC DT GN899 R E i t�h?! St?t�c'. Af OiUNT 1, 854, 00 ODOR GRAIN REG. CHECK 111���H R 1Lf 'v)rr; �1�t�4e E EtOUNT 4, 77 LIQUID NAILS GND'99 R 12/C�G:/�:t?il!7;�' Ar1OUi'I I E,99 1G 07 CAULK GUN GN899 R 12/02/e0K A iOUN l 46.4�9 lll= NYLON ROPE i;f L`99 R 1E/4tcf200C: H ,LUN 15.45 READY NIX REG, CHECK; 9M.0170 FUTURE EQUIPMENT INV 634769 TEETH/PINS/HOSEiFOR BACKHOE GN899 R 12/0c/20012 %/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 7G8 58 5'c5 84.88 TEETHIPINNS/HOSE/FOR LsACKHOE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK. GROS°, BALANCE. 1.854.00 1, 854: l�i7t 46.4G 69: 61 69.61 84.88 Eft. 88 �3—G997G G/ T TRUCKING It!V lvcjc TOF"SSIILISELEUI FILL t3HLL FIE GN899 R 1Ci khh f �V.0 'JUV4 UV G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 3010,:50 5�„BCTOPSOILISEECT FILL ALL FiEt.001 32 57? VENDOR, TOTALS REG. CHECK 500.00 PAYS Er,T t� 15CI�UN I 1 r u�=4. t7ir1C R tt. hU 2.99CR 15.451_•F 69,61GR 84.88CR CIJTSTHHU1VI 0 NIP PAYNIIEN 1-tEPORI VENDOR SET: 99-- BANK VENDOR ITE1119 N04 DESCRIPTION 99-01I70 HOLLINGSWORTH MFG CO.INC. INV 4283 1/4PLATE 48XI20 G/L ACCOUNT T VENDOR TOTALS 99-08750 HORSEMANS INV I'8I WORK JACKET GI! ACCOUNT cI :_ c - VENDOR TOTALS 99-0I30CA jAGOE--PUBLIC Cl „„�� '7 J F INV �.Ji J66 , ` ollA: f' y 'I`vU U i L.I.. iSIL ACCOUNT 0 I ,J`'1-5370 INV 38088 PICK UP FEE G/L NGCOUNT Call 0--5370 INV 3'8089 HMAC PICK UP FEE G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-53,70, VENCiOR TOTALS 99 I0580 KELLE;` SANCS ar EACAVATIUN iNV 3t9 7 C0NCRETE G/L ACCOUNT INV ,0,90 CONCRETE G/L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS VEC 90 SEs`_?utNGE UK CHECK TAT D !E D 1 GROSS PAYMENT OUTS T ANOI NG DISC S I BALANUE MCOUN T G�dB99 R lcliiE'/800F: I50.00 I50.00CR AITIOLIN I 150. 00 150.00 I/4PLATE 48Ic0 REG, CHECK I50,Lie, I50.0MACR 0,00 1,50 !+l0 & C,Cl �C���� R Ici�i�rc0i1c �t.56 =i�sv9uI,R AriiJU14T 4MG ijORK JACKET 44. `?6 REG. CHECK ff' M6 4MGCR 0> 00 44. S,H of 00 u,0`9 Hr1AC PICK UP FEE iT;N899 R I /0Er %E rEz 8E'6, 8CI, 386. 50CR 01 N T 826. �Tl BM c0 PICK UP FEE GNB99 R 12/021h:Cllu2 216v 54 216. 54CR OUNT 216.54 216,54 HMAC PICK I_IP FEE REG. CHECK 15 066v 0:3 1, Ebb 0JCR 1 26,6a08 ;'=61A GNI�99 R I� 1C'8i;= 02 : v 00i1R lUJ4%1I 2',3.u0 Elol 00 CONCRETE R IMR/ 00 I74v00 I74.ff:R Ai1OUNT 17f+. 00 174v 00 CONCRETE REG< CHECK, 377, 00 377. OPOC:R 03 00 U71.010 0.01%r VENDOR SET; BANK! VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION VENDOR SEQUENCE BArdK CHECK S T AT DUE DI DISC DT 99-01440 KUSTOM SIGNAL INN 84818 SO MICROPHONES GWB99 R 12/02/02,OOE G!L ACCM,41T MMOU SST 0101 02'M6I.1 MCA, MICROPHONES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 35� �1 wu0 Li1VELACE LAHD� CAPE -r.,f. M11 3M164 CRAPE �iRTk SlrwI IESliSil'$ GNB99 R 102l08/H 0 G/L ACCOUNT AIiOLIilT M1 —52 1 38.48 CRAPE [IRTLS/PANSIES/Mlh VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK s9-01570 LOBE`S COMPANIESp INC. INV i8331677 KWIK MOUNT STAPLES Gil. ACCOUNT 008 58--G0'0 VENDOR TOTALS AKOLI; T 8,5tj KWIK MOUNT STAPLES REG. CHECK GR055 BALANCE 38.48 38.48 ?8.4K Etii l IOU I b I Hi•1D I I4b; I}ISCOIUNT 9c, O1e:R 38.48CR 38.48CR 0. A 8.:acCR 99p1 OKAGTOtdE ItdV MV119 OKASTOVE . GNB 9 R 1210c/`0Q,2 i, �;/L ACCOUNT AIloulff 154.'95 00 jL4-5510 119z 00 EMPLOYMENT LAW BOOK VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1�4.9J 1�4:'�JCR 124: 1;3 QI, I(Vt4 'J-09090 PERKINS L~IIERPRISE INV 560 CUMPRESSOR IMAINTOENANCE GNB99 R 2•t0421M2 35MM 351 MCR G/L AiwCOIUNT AMullN 001 R4- 5`1, KOM COMPRESSOR MAINTAENANCE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 350.00 350,00CR 350, OC, 0.00 °0.00 00005 A(1 PAYMENT REpORT PACEr 5 VENDOR SET: 99— PAANK VENDOR IIFM N04 DESCRIPTION 99-,033580 POPULAR SCIENCE INV 58044 SUBSRIPTION EGfL ACCOUNT 00 lili VENDOR TOTALS VENDOR SEDUENCE BAdK CHECK SIAT DUE DT DISC DT GdB99 R 1�`f}n�fcO!9R' AiOUNT 22, 95 SUBSR1PTILIN RE�9: CHEChi 9941 140 RADIO SHACK TNVr . ?'"89 ` U & AAA BATTERIES GNB9q R 12..10211'M G/L ACCOUNT A M 0 U N T 008 58-5250 8,99 9V BATTERIES AOA 58-55c5 169718 9V }AAA BATTERIES INV 380GI KEYSc COURT GIAB99 R 12/021120012' GIL ACCOUNa AMOUNT �?,ut} IA6-5aa<,5 4, 50 KEYS: COURT ((}}��qqG COMPUTER Cr .,�(} G 5 t' jj�'r.;CC i ,.[ �q�(' G� 11,11V v04Z ��OMPUTER 11140 &. M SU1i4-1t GNW9 R 1L.f C�L1 ��. GIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT l%"i M 16:99 COMPUTER MOTEM SURGER VENDOR TOTALS REGO CNECI, 99-12i`90 RITFWEL D INV 98591 10 CF MEDICAL OXYGEN GNB99 R 002f2002 GIL ACCOUNT AMIOU014 NEEN ri?t1 C',-5 15 :A I'llCF MEDICAL UR`i6 V0jDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK ? ?- V"SO!9 FiOADRU'dNEA TRAFFIC SUPPL`f INV R4995A STREET SIGNS UfL ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS As'iOUfIT 5 1,17 STREET SIGNS GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT ca95 ca95tR J i.Ue .rJ 16, 99 47,C6 REG, CHECK 5F:1a 1Y 4a v1G3CR i 6, 9�t1R R4.OGCR 5G1.17CR 5�1,17CR OL yTSTANDING Vi2 a 9 P'd VENDOR9'- BANK VENDOR ITEM NO` DESi:RIPTION AiP PA`,NEE T REPORT VENDOR %K.PUENCE D INK CHECK STRl DUE DT DISC DT 99-O'2E260 "AS TELEMETRY IN'V 1825 REPAIR UTILITY RD, PUMP STAT GNB99 R 12/102/E002 G/L AULu, HT AMOUNT 008 50,-5360 4611.711 REPAIR UTILITYRD. �-�U„p ST�sllu IklU I827 REPAIR COVLING P'UIN1':. STATIOi•I GNB9` R ?c 05 c 0 GiL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 50-536'0 240v00 REPAIR COWLINGP'.Jf�P STAT10N VEffu0R TOTALS REG� €1 a�LrF 9cs-1 SANGER HIGH SCHOOL INV 3B100 SANDER HIGH SCHOOL a BlIB99 R i2/0� 2005 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5450 3.0M IR10 SANGER HIGH SCHOOL VENDOR TOTALS REG: CHECK 99 sncJS� SCHLU�TER ENG. ul COiiM, INN i648B RADIO G!i_ ACCOUaNT 008 58-5390 VENDOR TOTALS 99 79`0 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL iNU 4C'i3 CLZ G/L ACCOUNT 008 . �1-5223 VENDOR TOTALS 0 GND99 AMOUiF�i i80.0 RADIO REG, CHECK GN89� Ait UIT 937, 50 CLZ REG, CHECK R iS!0SI6:00R R i�:r'C�RicUrO�.Z GRuSS DAUANCE 40.00 0 3Cj, CQT ENT DISCOUNT 465.00C.R 705. �OCR 30.0�0CR i60,00CR 937,50CR 937.5s�4 937.5�I+CR OUTSTANDING 0.0�. ;Xn y t i vi A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE= , VENDOR SET; 99 BANK VENHC I6% I1 E1q r4u LUuNIPTIUN 96,315SC0 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED INV 3WI442 SU SRIPTIOEI 001 ��;/L ACCOUr"T 5ccv VENDOR TOTALS 'y9-1 � , �}: R, S IniDUSTRIES IN,V&f,�1cb €.�tpR,� JNDU�SiRIE�� , €,/L ACCOUNT 00 VENDuR T 0 T A L S 99—��tJS7�� TALBUT IE•�SF'ECTIlCU'S INV B148 HEALTH INSPECTIONS G/L ACCOUNT 001 ba- 54E'0 VENDOR TOTALS VENDOR MQUENCL 8A1'4, CHECK, STAT DUL DT DISC DT utdR"'S R 1F'/C+c/cGDc At U fta 1 79,96 SUBSRIPiION REG, CHECK � nn AlriiCUNT L' O:iMM FLOATS REG, CHL€nE GI1899 R LLf I�L/tv��l� At4GU1tfi R,C,75,0@ HEALTH INSPECTIONS REG, CHECK CiRUSU PAYiiLH I UMj 1 HHUi NG DALANCUE DISCOUNT 79,96 79,96CR 79,96 79,96 79.96CR b9 t52 VIWI€ 9,s_AL:694� TECHLIUtL INV 11 �41 �cy,.{1W PHASE 4=:Q4� PADMOUNT t}tT GP31 R:c(cG4 008 538 15365 11170M 00 50TMA ? PHASE 480V PADMOUNT T INN 1415827 ASSORTED PVC 878e 8 � G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 9g878,8k1 0 0 B 5 9 - 6020 9t 11784 kti ASSORTED PVC. INV i 4158?6 SOLID SOFT PRAWN COPPER GNB99 R 1c/042/C:00r cQ5:541 G/L ACCOUNT Ai 0UNT E 5, 50 !RIB 5B—b020 2`05, 50 SOLID SOFT DMWR4I COPPER INV 1 ;158?8 PUieL SET GNB99 R 1P/14c1L��C2 61A,�? � €G/U ACCOUNT AM11111IT '3 008 5M020 GILLUM PULL SET INN M51856 COLD GALVIN LED PAINT GNB99 14, 4�5 /L ACCOOIT At401IN T 14, 4G sC,B 58-G02,0 14,40 COLD GAL'VINIZED PAINT u, � t J, AltCR i; g 11�755,GGCR 9, 878, BC�CR SCiS, SGCR ia1 �� �iw1rR 14a 4t�jCi=; 9 Pill ii— 5— lV, 02e2I A?P° PAYMENT herleFT VENDOR SET: 99— BANY,9 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR 11EM NO 4 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK S Ak DUE D[ DISC DT INN 1�,1;JmL:t SWEEPING EL CMG! : Gpqg" R 1CIt!,!c... , GS AC!,€lli1I AMOUNT y Vi V G�� 6 LtL°c x JL kiNG ELBOWS I!` V 31007.i5M DIELESS RATCHET CRIMFER GNB99 R 1G/GRtECG� LG/L ACCOUNT AMOk!NI t508 58-5F5� 1004GO DIELESS RATCHET CRIMPER VENDOR IOIALS REG. CHECK 99—w:�7:W�G `iERRILL !HEELER PRINTI�d�9 INU ?c31G7 EMS FORK G/L ACCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS GNB99 A! OU !T 189,013 EITIS FORMS REG= ,CHECK '9`9—Cq�'73� TEXAS �1ETER °DEVICE INV 3v300/13 320 AMP/JINGLE PHASE/1PIEIER B GNB99 R i�:/Gc/LW_' G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GGB 5 9a00 3,2E AMP'1v,1NGLE PHASE/111EIEP, k3A-, t%j if 5I#— uc ?1=9 _ A1TlP/STNG P''r{A':;E/�iLTER BA VE 1DE R TOTALS REG= CHECK `�,$_F�;=SP,� f "i E!4A5 STEEL CiILtiER I INV 37870. SNUGGER BANDS/ G,'`L ACCOUNT Gk€1 .3 €"5370 VENDOR TOTALS A!�it�i IC�IT 111701,30 SMUGGER BANDS/ GROSS DALA[ICE 00 cey 7 79= 36'+ 179m 30 1G9.AG 189, irti€ 10 i7G.3k� REGa G'r1�CNi 1g ! tkfia �G 99-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFETY S;`S'I INV QA2 MEwSAGE FEES GNB9G R 1L/012/20Lli n 1161 G/L ACCOUNT AM0UNI 18=8� CGs 58-5420 18. 81 NES ; AGE FEES iE1117 D"15COUNIT L44i a'UACR 1G!�v FJOCk; 189. C,t�%R 189a E;ACk� Eta L'r�; 499=`93CR 1,17��a 3C€CR C€. CMG 18, 81Ctt OUTSTANDIRL' UOC�13 r�l= ilt7 Gs'i,'t"fit y : u ` 0 Lei` A/P PAYMENT REPOR Y PAGE: VENDOR SET: 99— BANK o VENDOR ' LUUENC.E VENDOR ITEM MOC DESCRIPTION BANK CHE1]K STAT DUE DT GR0SOS DAYMIEN OUTE;TANDING DISC DT ILIALAN'CE D1'02COUMT VENDOR TOTALS REG: CI1EC'E 186 81 18. SICR + , 0n 010 ':�'7—l�:'9�.�E UF'C'ER TR1iiITY isG 1 VOLUME � DEt�7FiidD CHARGE l�(�lDy,� G/L AUCOk NT A;'�OLit?T 11, 275o C0 008 5V5385 31773, E0 YOLUME CHARGE 008 3054aG 7, 500s 00, DEI1 AND CHARGE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECKi 1 E:75o C0 114 C75. 20CR 0, 0k+ 1 ,a!Du cJ ire Ol O'f RiCC+,PO 1ESC0 IiY C7� 1, is� 4E ) FIXTURES GOB '10c?B0i!�� i�0De ai .8� ,C C; �0r 2,501W HPS COBRA AC `-IXTURE ic_: GIL ACCOUNT APHOUNT 50C, R5 0INS 58—:020 501(5,25 2504-11 17PER C08RAHEAD FIXTURES VENDOR TOTALS REGa CHEEK 50C: E:5 506� 25C% 0. 00 `f+ S, C5 0. 00 VENDON =,ET, 99— ttif Fs t-'RIEN ITPORT PAGEV R E P D R T T G T A t_ 9 FUND Gi3iR:1R(JTi0 FUND NUH (UND NAME ACiGE11 T 0211 GENERAL FUND 7,35 ,SGCR OZ8 ENTERPRISE FLING Ut IHis NCR' H TGTAL5 � 49,113,36CR TYPE OF CHECK TGTAL9 GRL�E;9 "F��'tt`i�?T sjLlTSlRt�iiI�1G NU,ITIDER 9ALwNUE DISCOUNT F�ItdD CrtECI;G 101 v 0 VA - I ULi (•_i, Oki t7P"AFT9 G3,13 cl REG—CHECKS 1 i3, 5R, 49 1131, 5GCR . 00 tf2, GG r'tLL �.E-IEG�;S �i�q a 7.i, JG 49q Y 13, SE,CR �: �liii 4% 1134 5G 0s el TC.�T�1L CNECF;a TiJ E='RENT; 3C CRRGR:�; G o��1J Nevember ��, 2(�Q2 T'v: �ongrahle Af1a��r and �it�r �cuncl Fr: RQsc �havcz, �it� �ecretarylAssistant �i3r Manager Aitached is the infc�rination cn this iterriThe Punning and �onmg CEiinrriiSSiOn unanimc�iisl recommended approval of this change. ERING GROUP, INC. ISBELL ENGINE CONSULTANTS IN ENGINEERING PLANNING & ARCHITECTURE "Integrity In Engineering" 1405 W. Chapman Dr. #200 Sanger, Texas 76266 Phone: 940458-7503 Fax: 9404584417 e-mail:isbell@isbefleng*meermg.com November 4, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Sanger 201 Boliver Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Planning and Zoning Commission: Isbell Engineering Group, Inc.(IEG) on behalf of Guaranty National Bank respectfully submits a zoning application to rezone the property on the Interstate-35 service road from Industrial Light (I-1) to Business District (134). GNB proposes a five thousand (5,000) square -foot new bank on the site. IEG requests a zoning change because the proposed bank is a commercial rather than an industrial use, and the existing setback requirements render the site difficult to develop as a commercial use. The industrial zoning designation requires more of a buffer yard near residential uses than the commercial zoning designation. The current I-1 zoning designation requires a 50400t rear yard setback near a residential district in conjunction with a 20-foot front yard setback. The proposed commercial zoning, B-1, requires a smaller commercial rear yard setback of 20 feet and a 25400t front yard setback, allowing for a larger building footprint area. There is a 20400t side yard requirement for both districts. Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. requests favorable consideration of the zoning change. We appreciate your time and consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Vicki Oppenheim Senior Planner THE CITY OF BANGER r U NOV � �,. Inn?_ 0001 1' SANGER, TEXAS Additional Application Information Owner Address: Guaranty National Bank Sanger Banking Center P.O. Box 129 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-7800 Vickie Jenkins Vice President Metes and Bounds Description of 1.289 Acres FIELD NOTES to all that certain tract of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract Number 29, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and being all of a tract of land described in the Deed from Aaron H. Yeatts, et ux to Everett Clyde Yeatts et al recorded in Volume 1309 Page 736 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; the subject tract being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING for the Northwest corner of the tract being described Herein at a %2" capped iron rod set for the Northwest corner of said Yeatts tract in the East right -of --way line of Interstate Highway 35; THENCE South 87 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East with the North liner said Yeatts tract a distance of 135.85 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set for the Northeast corner of said Yeatts tract; THENCE South 03 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East with the East line thereof a distance of 305.05 feet to a %Z" iron rod found in a tree for the Northeast corner of the called 1.836 acre tract described in the deed from Don Farris, Trustee to Nathan B. Hight et ux, recorded in Volume 1642 Page 769 of said Real Property Records; THENCE South 76 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds West with the North line thereof a distance of 200.08 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the Northwest corner of said 1.836 acre tract in the apparent East line of 101h Street; THENCE North 02 degrees 12 minutes 31 seconds East a distance of 160.05 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod set in said East right -of --way line of Interstate Highway 35 at the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 5904.70 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 14 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds East, 82.84 feet; 0 THENCE along said curve an arc length of 82.84 feet to a v2 capped iron rod set for an angle point in said highway; THENCE North OS degrees 53 minutes 36 seconds East continuing along said highway a distance of 117.52 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 1.289 acres of land. I'i Letter of Authorization This letter hereby authorizes Vicki Oppenheim or Lee Allison of Isbell Engineering Group, Inc. to file a City of Sanger zoning application on behalf of Guaranty National Bank for the proposed bank on the I-35 frontage road in the City of Sanger. 1. One Zoning Application GUARANTY NATIONAL BANK Print Name BY: Date Vickie Jenkina, VP °v��o 3 E 4 i November 11, 2002 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From I-1 (Industrial to B-1 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, December 2, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From I-1(Industrial to B-1(Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. The purpose of the zoning change is to build a new bank building. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RCar Enclosure Zoi BOLIVAR STREET � BANGER, TEXAS 76Z66 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 17�9 940-458.4i8o FAX P&Z 11/21/02 CC 12/02/02 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From I-1 (Industrial to B-1 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request" Comments: SIGNATURE 1 l - � � -�� DATE ��� �� � fJQckr�e, i`�qM��� Please Print Your °v�� P&Z 11/21/02 CC 12/02/02 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From I-1 (Industrial to B-1 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. �j Please check one: y I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE dU� PFAFFLY, ALLAN W. & CAROLYN 3407 WOODTHRUSH IN. DENTON, TX. 762094876 HENDERSON, LINDA L. 907 N. 8"; ST. SANGER, TX. 76266 TAYLOR10 ROY E. 909 N. 8"i ST. SANGER, TX, 76266 PLATT, JACK P.O. BOX 2729 DENTON, TX. 76202=2729 MONTGOMERY, GENE 13229 BLAKELY IN, SANGER, TX, 76266 CONWAY, CHRISTOPHER G. & REBECCA B. TEEL 2409 BOWLING GREEN ST, DENTON, TX. 76207-0736 TUCKER, ERNESTINE 917 N. 8"i ST. SANGER, TX, 76266 HOLLEY, BILLIE M. 919 N. 8"j ST. SANGER, TX. 76266-3210 BAILEY, SANTOS (SANDI) 325 BERNARD DENTON, TX. 76201 SMITH, DAVID 923 N. 8TH ST. SANGER, TX. 76266 HAMPTON, JACKIE J. 3618 ROLAND RD. WHITESBORO, TX. 762734558 SPRINTER, JOHN D. & ELIZABETH P. 0. BOX 248 SANGER, TX. 76266 GAMEZ, RODOLFO R. P. 0. BOX 947 SANGER, TX, 76266 SEDERHOLM. JEREMY & AMY 908 N. 8TH ST. SANGER, TX. 7626&3209 FITZPATRICK, JAMES H. SR. P. O. BOX 546 SANGER, TX. 76266-0546 BELCHER, CAROLYN 912 N. 8TH ST. SANGER, TX. 76266 ESCOBEDO, ERNESTO P. 0. BOX 83 SANGER, TX, 76266 BROWN, JUANITA E. P. O. BOX 538 SANGER, TX. 76266 BLANTON, JAIv1ES A. 109 MASSEY ST. DENTON, TX, 76205-7692 SPRINGER, JOHN P.O. BOX 36 SANGER, TX 76266 HI GHT, NATHAN P.O. BOX 879 SANGER, TX 76266 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From I4 (Industrial to B4 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, December 2, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From I-1(Industrial to B4 (Business) on Property Legally described as Abstract 29, Tract 134. Property is Located on Stemmons Frwy. November 2�, 2002 To: �onora�ie Ma�c�r a�ii pity �oui�cil Fr: Rose Chavez, Cii3r �ecrefai3�/t�ssistai�t ��t3� MariagEr Re: Item #b Attached iS the information On this item. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this Plat. There are some items on the construction details that still heed to be addressed per the Engineer. He is on vacation; however, the developer is going to Emmail the File to himn to review and he will forward his comments prior to the meeting. MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER November 18, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sanger Trails II —Final Plat 208 Apartment Units Sanger, Texas Final Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed a final review of a Final Plat as prepared and submitted by The Dimension Group for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3, 1987, and Ordinance No. 05-06-01. My review comments are as follows: General 1. In accordance with the City's current Park Ordinance a total of 4.16 acres should be dedicated to the City for park space. The plat shows Lot 2 with a total of approximately 4.18 acres, I believe it is the developer's intention to utilize Lot 2 as park space. However, the area associated with the 3046ot road ROW dedication cannot be utilized for space and should be subtracted from the 4.18 acres. The plat needs show this area being dedicated to the City. The total area as required by ordinance should be 4.16 acres. If the developer is not able to dedicate the total area as required they may choose to pay the City in accordance with the ordinance or find another piece of property in another location and dedicate it to the City. 2. Scale of Vicinity Map should bel" = 2000'. The vicinity map should show an area of at least 1 mile in each direction from the project. 3. The drainage easement provided on Lot 2 should be modified to show a straight line from the intersection of the easement line and Lot 1 north property line to the beginning of the 200.44' curved easement line with a radius of 490'. 4. The 15' building setback line along the proposed 30' ROW dedication line should remain parallel to the ROW including the 40' wide dedication. P.U. Box 59e3 PONDER, TX 7Fi259 PHOhIE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 nidintxeii.igl de.net MARK T. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER 5. Iron rods should be set at all property lines intersected by the 40 Marion Road west dedication line. An iron rod should also be set at the northeast comer of Sanger Trials Phase 1 Block 1 Lot 6. We also need to have the developers engineer provide 20 FOLDED 18 x 24" plats prior to the P&Z meeting. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-48455 Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Allen Whitwell, AIA -The Dimension Group ` F.J. BUX 596 PONocR. TX 7G259 PHUME: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940' 479.0593 nidinLe;i9.:iglide. net November Z5; �flfl� �o: i��i�arabl€ I�Ia�u� end �ii� �c�ur��i1 Fr: I�bse Chavez, airy �ecretarylAssistarit �it3� i�Ianager Re: Item #% t�ttached is the t�rdinance flit this item �� have had the required public hearings; and this is the final process of the annexation. We have not obtained the metes and bounds as of this date, but should have there prior to the meeting. City of Sanger, Texas tJRDINAIVCE Mj3 I2-31U�VZ AN +(3RDINANCE AN1VEiNG THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITQRY TQ THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SG AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND QRDiNANCES t3F SAID CITY, WHEREAS, the city is authorized to annex #erri#ory in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Cade, Section 43.021 and its home -rule charter and by statute; Wi=IEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed is within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is contiguous to the city, WHEREAS, the city has prepared a service plan far said territory which is attached as Exhibit "A" to this ordinance, WHEREAS, the City has published notice of hearings on said annexation and held hearings as required by state laws and WHEREAS, after hearing arguments for and against the same, the governing body has voted to annex said territory into the City under the authority of Section 43.033 of the Local Government Cade. NQW, THEREF(iRE, BE IT QRDAINED BY THE G©VERNING BODY f1F THE CITY E1F BANGER, TEXAS SECTIaN 1: That territory hereinafter described is hereby annexed into the city, and that the boundary limits of #hs Ci#y ors hereby ex#ended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to ail rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. ABSTRACT 1241, PART OF TRACT 45, BEING 6,158 ACRES (PART QF � lfl ACRE TRACT} JIM MCNATT CHEVRQLET, AND ABSTRACT 23, TRACT 62, BEING 25,23 ACRES Section 2; That the municipal service plan for the herein annexed ter_ritom. provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3t The City Secretary is hereby U recteti to file with the County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by estate and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. 1'ASED by an affir;natve vote 4f the City Council, (uve_rning Sbdy of the City of Sanger, this 2nd day of December; 2002. f i 6 Totntny i£incaid, Mayan �TTESTt Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary t7UC,3� E11.111D11 fL ,C. 9T �i�y of Sanver, Texas NNEXATION SERVICE PLAN AREA Ta BE ANNE�EII ABSTRACT 141, FART 4F T-TACT fib, SEINE h,I58 AEs iPAT 4F.1-4CE T1CT) ,TIM MCNATT CHEVROLET, AND ABSTRACT �9s TRACT 6�, BEING �5��� ACRES I�TTR�?I3�CTIHI�i This service plan has been prepared in accordance with V.T.C.A., Lflcal Government Cflde, Section 43.033 and 43.056. Municipal facilities and services to the annexed area described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the city at the following levels and in accordance with fallowing schedules. f'QLI�E Pl�(�TE�TIt3N Patrfflling, responses tff calls, and Other police services will be provided within ten (14) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city, FIRE PRE)TECTIDIV AND FIRE PREVENTIE3 Fire- protection acid fire prevention services will bQ provided within ten {la}days a_€.ter the effective date Jul the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. EMERGENCY MEIIICAL SERVICE Emergency medical services will be provided within ten (it)}days after the effective date of an annexation fln the same basis and at the same Level as provided throughout the city. SGLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPGSAL Solid waste collection anti disposal services will be provided ��thn �b0}days after the effectivE date of the annexation on the same basis and at the swine level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES THAT ARE NOT WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA QF AIV�THER WATER QR WASTEWATER UTILITY Maintenance of water and wastewater facilities that are not within the service area of another water or wastewater utility will be continued to be maintained immediately after the a€€eetive date of the annexation on the same basis and the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE GF RtiAD� AND STREETS AND DRAINAGE Main#enance of roads and scree#s and drainage will be provided Zvi#hin (dti) days after #hE If ective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting will be made available within sia�ty (5Q) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. MAINTENANCE QF CITY FAItI£ AND RECREATIQN FACILITIES If any city park and recreation foci#hies are located within the annexed area,. they will be maintained within sixty (bq) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as similar facilities are maintained throughout the city. Wither services that maybe provided by the city such as plannings code enforcement, animal control, library, park and recreation, court, and general administration will be made available within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city, CAPITAL IMI��VEMENTS Construction of water, sewer, streets and drainage facilities wilt begin within two ��) years after submissions of written request by landowners and payment of any development fees and construction costs required by the city in accordance with subdivision regulations and water and sewer extension policies. Construction will be completed within four and one half (44/2) years after request unless the construction process is interrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the city. No impact tees will be charged to any developer or landowner within the annexed area except in conformity with V.T.C.A.s Local Government Code, ch. 395. Construction of other capital improvements shalt be considered by the city in the future as the needs dictate on the same basis as such capital- improvements are considered throughout the city. UNIFORM LEVEL OF SERVICES- MAY NOT BE REQUIRED Nothing in this plan shall require the city to provide a uniform Level of full municipal services to each area of the citys included the annexed areas if different characteristics of topographys land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different level of service. JL035 ThKIVt This service plan shall be valid far a term of ten (l0) years unless the majority of landowners or registered voters of the area vote by petition submitted to the city for disannexation, then this service plan shall no longer be binding upon the city. The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings are held in accordance with V:T:h::, local Government Code, Section 43.052. November Z5, Zfl02 To: I�onorable IVlayor and pity council Fr: Rase Chavez, pity �eeretary/Assi�tarit iii3� 1L�anager Re: Item #� Attached is the proposed agreement. �� has been �pprove� by the Library I3irectors the in�lic�te�l it is the same as previous years, with the exception of the change in population. Carmen Rivera -Worley, Robert Schell David L. Finney Hugh Coleman John Feldt Brody Shanklin City of Sanger Attn: Victoria Elieson P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Chief BRUCE ISAACKS CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY CIVIL DIVISION November 12, 2002 Re: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Dear Ms. Elieson: 1450 East McKinney, Suite 3100 P. 0. Box 2850 Denton, Texas 76202 (940) 3492750 Fax (940) 349-2751 Enclosed please find two original Agreements for Library Services with Denton County. Please obtain the necessary approval of the Agreements, execute them and then mail back to me at the above listed address. Upon receipt of the executed Agreements, I will have them placed on the agenda for Commissioners Court. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 940-349-2750. Sincerely, Je ifek H. Jones Ad inistrative Manager Enclosures STATE OF TEXAS, ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between Denton County, a political subdivision of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and the City of Sanger, a municipality of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY." WHEREAS, COUNTY is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of COUNTY government and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger is a duly organized MUNICIPALITY of Denton County, Texas engaged in the provision of library servA ce and related services for the benefit of the citizens of MUNICIPALITY; and WHEREAS, COUNTY has requested and MUNICIPALITY has agreed to provide library services for all residents of Denton County; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act; and V.T.C.A., Local Government Code Chapter 323, COUNTY Libraries. NOW, THEREFORE, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, follows: agree and understand as INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 CITY OF BANGER The term of this agreement shall be for the period from October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contemplated, MUNICIPALITY shall provide library services for the residents of COUNTY without regard to race, religion, color, age, disability and/or national origin. Upon. proper proof by individual(s) of residence in Denton County, Texas,, such I ndividual(s) shall be entitled to be issued, at no cost, a library card to be used in connection with said library services. MUNICIPALITY shall develop and maintain through the Library one or more of the following programs of service: Educational and reading incentive programs and materials for youth. Functional literacy materials and/or tutoring programs for adults. Job training/career development programs and/or materials for all ages. Outreach services to eliminate barriers to library services. Educational programs designed to enhance quality of life for adults. III. COUNTY designates the County Judge to act on `•behalf of COUNTY and serve as liaison officer for COUNTY with and between COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. The County Judge or his designated substitute shall insure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY herein stated and shall devote sufficient INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT 2 LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 CITY OF BANGER � �,� ,§ time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of COUNTY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and shall provide immediate and direct supervision of COUNTY's employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborersI if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this agreement for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. IV. MUNICIPALITY shall designate i• • act on behalf of MUNICIPALITY and to serve as liaison officer of MUNICIPALITY with and between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of MUNICIPALITY as herein stated and shall devote sufficient .time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of MUNICIPALITY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and, shall provide management of MUNICIPALITY's employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this agreement for the mutual benefit of MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY. MUNICIPALITY shall provide to COUNTY a copy of the annual report submitted to the Texas State Library and shall respond to COUNTY's annual questionnaire as documentation of expenditures and provision of service. V. The MUNICIPALITY shall be solely responsible for all techniques, sequences, procedures, and means and for the coordination of all work performed under the terms and conditions IBRARY INTERLOCA� COOPERATION AGREEMENT 3 CSERVICES 2002-2003 ITY OF SANGER00041 of this agreement, shall insure, dedicate and devote the full time and attention of those employees necessary for the proper execution and completion of the duties and obligations of the MUNICIPALITY stated in this agreement and give all attention necessary for such proper supervision and direction. VI. The MUNICIPALITY agrees that its library department shall assume the functions of a COUNTY library and agrees to provide a librarian who holds or secures a COUNTY librarian's certificate from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Local Government Code, section 323.011(b) VII. COUNTY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence and/or omissions of all COUNTY's employees, agents, sub -contractors, and/or contract laborers and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the COUNTY. VIII. The MUNICIPALITY. agrees and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all the MUNICIPALITY'S employees, agents, sub -contracts, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said MUNICIPALITY. IX. This agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither MUNICIPALITY INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 CITY OF BANGER 4 .; nor COUNTY waives any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims by third parties. X. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that the MUNICIPALITY, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of COUNTY. XI COUNTY understands and agrees that COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representatives of MUNICIPALITY. XII. The address of County is: County Judge, Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone: 940-349-2820 The address of Municipality is: City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Attention: Victoria Elieson Telephone: 940-458-3257 For the full performance of the services above stated, COUNTY agrees to pay MUNICIPALITY fees as described herein. COUNTY shall pay MUNICIPALITY fees in the amount of $1.25 per capita, for a total of SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTEEN DOLLARS AND N0/100 ($7,416.00), based upon North Central Texas Council of Governments population figures provided to Denton INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 CITY OF BANGER 5 County by the Library Advisory Board, payable in equal quarterly installments to MUNICIPALITY commencing October 1, 2002. In addition, the COUNTY agrees to pay MUNICIPALITY an amount not to exceed TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/100TH5($10,000.00) in matching funds upon the following conditions. MUNICIPALITY shall attempt to secure funding from sources other than Denton County. Upon receipt of additional funding, MUNICIPALITY shall provide proof of the receipt of such funds to the Denton County Auditor on a quarterly basis. Denton County shall match MUNICIPALITY's additional funding in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. Payment by COUNTY to MUNICIPALITY shall be made in accordance with the normal and customary processes and business procedures of COUNTY, and payment shall be satisfied from current revenues of the COUNTY. XIV. This agreement may be terminated at any time, by either party giving sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination by either party, MUNICIPALITY shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to termination date, together with reimbursable expenses then due and as authorized by this agreement. In the event of such termination, should MUNICIPALITY be overc:ompensated on a pro rata basis for all services performed to termination date or be overcompensated for reimbursable expenses as authorized by this agreement, then COUNTY shall be reimbursed pro rata for all such overcompensation. Acceptance of such INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 CITY OF BANGER reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this agreement. XV. This agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY. XVI. The validity of this agreement and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in Denton County, Texas. XVII. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XVIII. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the. necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary orders or resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FF�� 7 LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 � U CITY OF BANGER Executed in duplicate originals in Denton County, Texas by the authorized representatives. COUNTY I� Mary Horn County Judge Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas ATTEST: Denton County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney MUNICIPALITY By Name: Title. Resolution # Dated ��! ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Director, Library Services 0 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT LIBRARY SERVICES 2002-2003 CITY OF BANGER l>lovember 2�; 2flOZ Tom: honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secrctaiy/t�ssistant City Manager Re: Item �#9 Attached is the proposed ordinance. Steve Koch regiiested that Jack put. this item on the agenda_ He is requesting that Hardy Board be added to the list of approved materials to meet the masonry requirement on the exterior facade of residential structures. This material was not originally included at the recommendation of our building official. ORDINANCE 12-37-02 THAT CHAPTER 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO RE NUMBERED ARTICLE 3.2000 REQUIRING BRICK EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES _IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A SEVERABILIT_Y CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BEIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SeetiQn 1. That Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances,. City of Sanger,. Texas,. is hereby amended by adding an article, to be numbered Article 3.2000, which said article shall read as follows; "ARTICLE 3.ZD00 EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS A. This article establishes the brick requirement for Newly Constructed Single Family Residences, Duplexes, and Multi Family Units in the City of Sanger. S. All exterior facades for the first story of a main building or structure in any "SF" zoning district, "217" zoning district, and the "PD" zoning district shall be constructed of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) masonry construction, including brick, stone, granite, marble, concrete block, hardy board or stucco. C. Ali exterior facades for the fist arid- second floors of a rriairi building. or structure in any lVIF" zoning district shall be Constructed of a minimum of eighty percent (80%} masonry construction, including. brick, stone, granite, marble, concrete block, hardy board or stucco. All other floors shall be - constructed of a minimum of 501/o masonry. D. The City Council may issue a waiver of these requirements on any grant funded properties or reconstruction of a substandard dwelling:" Sectia� 2All. ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses; phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any words phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the 49906 s} i; r� A � incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrases clause; sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section. This ordinance will tape effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. IIIJLY ��SSEI3, .�.FPR:gVEII, .�NII AII41'T-EIIs this the end day of December. k.D.; 200 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County; Texas. Toni[ty �irieaid,lt�layo� r�TTEST: Rasa[ie �navez; pity Secretary APPRQ�EII TO FORM: 49906 v IN UIN -AkjhlN IJA