08/19/2002-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2002 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 29, 2002 - Special Called, July 10, 2002 - Workshop, August 2, 2002 - Workshop, August 5, 2002, August 12, 2002 - Workshop b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #08-11-02 -Authorizing the Submission of a 2003-2004 Texas Community Development Program Application to the Office of Rural Community Affairs for the Community Development Fund. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #08-12-02 -Authorizing the Award of Service Provider Contracts for the Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) Contingent upon the Receipt of a TCDP Grant Award. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Closing Streets for the Sanger Sellabration. 7. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Tiffany's Addition. Property is Located at 600 Denton. ' 8. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Chisam Road Estates. Property is Generally Located North of Sanger along I-35 in the Northern Portion of the City's E.T.J. 9. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat foi• Chisam Road Estates. Property is Generally Located North of Sanger along I-35 in the Northern Portion of the City's Es.J. 10. 11. 12. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Fuel Bid. Consider and Possible Action on Using Tap Fees to Pay for Infrastructure/Water Improvements to the Wal-mart Distribution Center and to Oversize Sewer Line From Bridle Path Estates. Conduct First Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of Abstract 1241, Tract 58, Being 4.99 Acres. Consider and Residentially Zoned' �i. f 14. Adjourn. m on Ordinance #08-20-02 -Amending the Building Regulations in All A Rosalie Chavez, City Se retary ` D to & ime Posted This facility is wheelchair accesflit CITY COUNCIL August 19, 2002 MINUTES: City Council Workshop July 10, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James ABSENT: Councilman Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion Regarding the Capital Improvements Plan. Mark Owens indicated he wanted to discuss the street improvement project for the City of Sanger. They have identified the first phase of the project and have looked at the areas that have the most problems with streets and water and sewer. There are a lot of the lines that are undersized and in poor condition. Discussion regarding the location of the first phase. It is basically South of Willow St. Councilman Garza asked if at the time of these upgrades would they work with the gas company to see if they need to make upgrades/repairs in those areas as well. Staff indicated they would as best as they could. Mark Owens indicated they were also looking at ditch and driveway improvements. Discussed which were the worst areas, and the areas they have applied for grants on. The Blue sections on the map are for over -lay, and the purple sections will be complete rebuild. Discussed how the improvements will be done. Discussion regarding tax rates and property evaluations. Discussion regarding the culvert on Marshall and Fifth Street. Mark Owens indicated it was total reconstruction in that area and the intersection will be re -done. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to take a block and call it Phase 1 and do it right the first time. Discussion regarding the drainage issues. all Owens indicated the total figure of phase 1 was 1.3 million dollars. The areas that are designated as total reconstruction will have all new culverts and driveways up to the property lines. Discussion continued. Councilman Garza asked what the time estimate was. Mark indicated bidding about one month for the overlay, but the reconstruction will not be started until next spring. Discussion regarding the intersection at loth and Bolivar Streets. Discussion continued. Discussion regarding the costs on the repairs on each street. Discussion regarding the water and sewer lines, and that some of them will be under the streets. Eddie Branham indicated on all street corners there will be new fire hydrants, and this will help the ISO rating. Discussion regarding who will watch the contractors to make sure they are done right. Mark indicated they will do compaction tests, and cylinder tests, etc. City Secretary indicated they will require two year maintenance bonds, and they will require performance bonds. Mayor indicated he would like to charge the rate per day if they go over the length of time they promised they would complete it in. Discussion regarding the penalty clause. Discussion regarding how it will be bid out. Councilman James asked how Mark felt about the numbers. Marls indicted he sat down with Jagoe, and these are based on their prices. OUC�ry City Secretary indicated they plan to inform the public what they are doing by putting up signs and posting the plan at City Hall. Discussed if TXDOT would consider Mark indicated Council should invite a TXDOT District Engineer to a council meeting. Discussion regarding the intersection at Cowling and Loop 138. Council indicated they liked the plan. Discussed drainage. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council - Special Called July 29, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson 1. Mayor called meeting to order 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.071(LEGAL), to Consult with City Attorney, 3. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. City Manager indicated the wording typed up on the Yarbrough settlement was not what was agreed to in the meeting, and the attorney recommended that they not sign it. He recommended to table the executive session and put it back on for next Monday. 4. Discuss Proposed FY 2002/2003 Budget. City Manager explained on the memo he tried to show the major changes that were previously discussed. Councilman James indicated in the future he would like to see a column showing the differences in each line item. Discussion regarding the report. Discussed franchise fees. City Secretary explained that two of the companies, CoSery and Classic Cable, who normally pay franchise fees, went bankrupt; therefore, we are not getting those revenues. Discussed the Swimming Pool budget. City Manager indicated on the sales tax increase there will be three or four new commercial businesses coming to Sanger that will collect sales tax. Discussed revenue from building permits. City Manager indicated they had a visit form Ryland Homes and they are looking at taking the Cowling Road project. Discussed the court revenues. Discussed Library Revenues. City Manager indicated on the Denton County Fire Interlocal Agreement last year, the budget should have been $10,000 instead of $20,000. Councilman Ervin indicated he felt the City should ask for moa•e per run from the County. City Manager agreed and indicated they could approach the County. Lengthy Discussion regarding the fire department and the funds from the County. Councilman James asked what the Sanger ISD Resource revenue was. City Manager indicated that it is what the school pays the city for the police officer. Discussed Mayor &Council budget. City Secretary encouraged Council to attend TML workshops and legislative updates. Councilman Higgs felt that the City should only pay for registration and the Council member should pay for their own travel and hotel. City Secretary indicated the largest increase in administration was TMI., insurance. Legal services will also be overspent. The phone bill also has an increase. Most all other items stayed the same. Discussed Administration budget. Lengthy discussion regarding insurance. Discussed Engineering Department. City Secretary indicated the Engineer averaged close to 30 hours a week. Discussed Police Department Budget. Councilman Ervin indicated he could not support the two new police cars this year. He felt they would last another year. Discussion regarding the vehicles. Discussion regarding the new police officer. Lengthy discussion regarding police cars. Discussed Animal Control Budget. Councilman Ervin felt that the money for building improvements should not be spent on the current building. He felt that they should leave it in the budget and not use it unless they need it to move the shelter to another location. Discussed Fire Department Budget. Discussed Municipal Court Budget. Discussed new part time positions in the police department and the court. Discussion regarding the Code EnforcementBuilding Inspector's Budget. Discussed high weeds and how it is handled. Discussed the car allowance. Council agreed that instead of a car allowance in this department he should keep his truck. Discussion regarding the Street Department Budget. Discussion regarding possibility of splitting the parks and streets. Discussed wearing apparel. Discussed lease equipment and vehicles. The payments on the dump truck and tractor have been moved to debt service. 5. Meeting Adjourned. 1��CJG MINUTES: City Council Workshop August 2, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Esmeralda Wilkerson, City Mechanic David Erwin, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Fire Chief David Pennington 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Budget Workshop. Discussion regarding Street Department Budget. Councilman Ervin inquired how much was in the budget for water/sewer, and electric departments to repair streets when they have to do a cut on the street. City Secretary indicated over $46,000 had been spent to date. Discussion regarding street maintenance. Staff indicated that with the capital improvement funds that are coming in, this will cover the majority of the repairs that need to be done; therefore, the amount budgeted should be enough. Discussion regarding the possibility of showing in the budget the repairs on cuts from the water, sewer and electric departments. Discussion on why city has to pay for repairs when the telephone company cuts the street. City Secretary stated that there is an ordinance in the making for regulating when other utilities come in and cut the street making them responsible for repairs. Discussion continued regarding street repairs and capital improvement project, Discussed street signs, and that developers are requi Dired to put them in. Discussion regarding the street cuts made by other departments and that the individual departments need to budget for those repairs. Discussion regarding sidewalk repairs in the downtown area. Discussed the budget for the Parks Department. Discussed the various responsibilities of the department. They sand when there is ice, spray for mosquitos, take care of the pool, mow, and take care of any emergency situations in the streets or parks. Discussed safety equipment. City Secretary indicated they could move funds from the building supplies to increase the budget for safety equipment. Council felt safety was a priority. City Secretary indicated the Parks Department is in the process of applying for a parks grant. Discussion regarding the grant. Discussion regarding lawn mowers and equipment. Discussed the budget for the swimming pool. Council asked if the city is breaking even on this. City Secretary indicated they are not and never have. She indicated this is providing as service, which is recreation for the citizens. Discussed current cost to use the pool, and that perhaps they could charge more if there was a slide or more equipment for the kids. City Secretary indicated this is a service like the library, the parks are not a revenue source. Discussed possible charging more money or charging non -citizens a higher rate. Discussion continued regarding the parks budget. Briefly discussed the Sullivan Center and Library budget. City Secretary indicated the Community Center had been remodeled last year; therefore, the budget will go down this year. Discussed there will be and increase in tax service, and Health service is cut and dry. Discussed Solid Waste and Debt Service. Discussed sanitation. Discussed budget for Mayor and Council. Discussed TML workshops, travel and food budget. Councilman Higgs felt Council members should pay for their own travel and hotel expenses. Discussion regarding TML Seminars. Staff indicated the seminars help the Council understand more about the laws that change each year. Lengthy discussion regarding travel for Council and if the City should continue to pay travel expenses. Discussed Administration budget. Discussion regarding travel, legal fees, and salaries. Discussion regarding payroll and selling vacation and sick time. Discussed Health Insurance. Discussed the budget for the Water Department. Discussed the street cuts again, and that the water department should pay for the repair on cuts it makes. Eddie Branham indicated they will start documenting the cuts. Discussion to get ordinance on street cuts and charge other companies if they cut the streets. Discussed Wastewater Treatment. Discussed salaries and lease equipment. Discussed the new overhead pump station. City Secretary explained that Hunter Associates was supposedly working on the permit over a year ago. It did not get submitted and TNRCC fined the city. Hunter Associates indicated that we could send them the bill and they will pay it. City Manager indicated the overall Wastewater budget has decreased. Discussed the Engineering Department. Discussed Electric Department Budget. Mike Prater indicated there has been a lot of new construction. He felt the budget should be increased. Discussed contractor to trim limbs. Discussed capital improvements. City Manager will put in changes and give finalized copies to all department heads and Council. The overall increase over last year was approximately 21% to 25%. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council August 5, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Ralph Cain, Jan Looper, Johnny Looper, Terri Voss, John Voss, Earl Schafer, Virginia Schafer, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer 1. Mayor called meeting to order, CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 15, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Evans moved to approve, Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.071 (LEGAL), to Consult with City Attorney. Mayor convened into Executive Session at 7:30 P.M. 5. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Reconvened into Regular Session at 7:50 P.M. Councilman James moved to authorize the compromised settlement in release of all claims and authorize the mayor to sign on behalf of the city. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Proposal from DTN Speednet to Place an Antenna on one of the City Towers in Exchange for Internet Service. Discussed and Item Tabled. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from 132 (Business) to I4 (Industrial) on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 227, Being 10.1024 Acres. The Property is located on Keaton Rd. & I-35. Public Hearing opened. Earl Schafer, owner of thUPI upul Y 9 indicated he would like to build nice looking mini storage buildings at the back of the property. He indicated he planned to surround it with a nice fence and gate with a combination or card lock. Councilman James asked Mr. Schafer if he owned the land all the way up to the service road. Councilman Higgs asked what Planning and Zoning had recommended. Staff indicated they approved it 4 to 2. Councilman James asked if there were long range plans to develop the front of the property. Mr. Schafer indicated he did not intend to develop it right now. Councilman Higgs asked what type of fence he would put up. Mr. Schafer indicated he understood regulations required a six foot wooden fence or better. He wasn't sure if the residents would prefer to look at a wood fence or the nice buildings. Public Hearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from B2 (Business) to I-1 (Industrial} on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 227, Being 10.1024 Acres. The Property is located on Keaton Rd. & I -35. Councilman James indicated he felt this was spot zoning. He felt mini storage buildings were needed, but if it is changed to Industrial they could do what they wanted with the property. Discussion regarding the property and the zoning. Councilman Higgs indicated he did not want to lower property values by changing the surrounding property to Industrial. Councilman Higgs indicated there were two residents that disapproved of the zoning change. He felt they should take care of the people that are there. Councilman Evans moved to approve it, Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Higgs and James voted no. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-21-02 - Annexing the Front portion of Rising Star Lane (Street), Being 0.646 acres situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Councilman Evans moved to approve Ordinance #8-21-02. Councilman Ervin asked about street lighting, streets, drainage and garbage. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor excused himself from the meeting, Mayor Pro-tem Garza took over. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Requiring Form Board Surveys on New Construction. City Engineer, Mark Owens, indicated this was a wise thing to do. It will keep the city out of trouble. This will show existing easements as well as setbacks. City Manager explained this was for the slab. Mark explained this is taking the liability off of the city. Councilman James indicated he felt this is something builders should be doing anyway. City Manager indicated some of them are. Discussion. Discussed that it will be new construction only. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see something in writing before they voted on it. Councilman James asked if they could consider lowering the cost of the building permit to offset the cost of this survey. Discussion. Councilman Garza asked if the city could require the builder to sign a liability agreement. Discussion. Item tabled. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Exempting Travel Trailers and Recreational Vehicles from Ad -Valorem Taxes. City Secretary indicated that recently, legislation was passed, that allowed entities to tax recreational vehicles. Staff is recommending not to tax them, because it is possible they will go back and change the legislation, and the entities will have to repay the money if they over turn it. Councilman Evans moved to opt out, Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ditch at Rising Star Lane. Councilman Ervin indicated he had requested that this be on the agenda. He indicated with all the mosquito problems that this really needed to be cleaned up. Councilman Ervin asked if it needed to be sent out for bids or what needed to be done. John Henderson indicated he could ask Tipton and Bartel to Bid on it. City Secretary indicated Tipton had bid $80,000 to clean the entire ditch, and he wanted to do more than just the city's portion. Mark Owens, City Engineer, indicated this was a designated FEMA flood plain. He indicated FEMA needed to be involved in whatever is done to the ditch. Any modifications need to be approved. He felt mowing and removing dead limbs would be okay, but not moving dirt or cutting down trees. Councilman Garza asked about getting a tractor and if they get it cleaned out, could they keep it cleaned out. John Henderson indicated he could get it cleaned, but he would not be able to do anything until winter because of the snakes. Discussion regarding the ditch and Duck Creek Road. Councilman James asked if they could have John and Mark work together and contact FEMA to find out what can be done. Councilman Ervin asked if it will be started on this week. City Manager indicated they would. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Holt Road Repairs. Councilman Ervin indicated at the end of the school year, they were told this road would be repaired. School is about to start and' nothing has been done. Councilman Evans indicated he felt that they should go ahead and lay some tar and asphalt down to smooth it out. Discussion regarding repair of the street. Discussion regarding the easements. Councilman Ervin moved to make the necessary repairs on Holt Rd. to get it back to the way it was before the City tore it up and not fix anything else until easements are granted. Councilman Evans seconded. Brief Discussion. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Higgs and Garza voted no. Councilman James indicated he would like John and Mark to get a cost on what Mark had suggested. Discussion continued regarding the road repairs and getting bids to reconstruct the road. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Replacing Two Alternates on the Board of Adjustments. Councilman James moved to appoint Johnny Looper and Mary Ann Pyron to the Board of Adjustments as Alternates. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #08-10-02 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation. (Albert Keith) Councilman Evans moved to approve Resolution Mayor Pro-Tem read the caption as follows: A RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DHtECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-20-02 -Amending the Parking Regulations in the Zoning Ordinance. City Manager indicated the City Attorney indicated the Board of Adjustments could not give variances on enclosing garages. The City Attorney did not understand why we required enclosed parking, he indicated we should definitely require off street parking. Councilman Ervin moved to approve ordinance #08-20-02, Councilman James seconded. City Secretary asked if this will apply to new homes as well. City Manager indicated it would. City Secretary indicated she lived in a subdivision where cars were parked in the street and she felt the garage requirement should be left as is. City Secretary indicated the Board of Adjustments wanted it left as is. Motion failed unanimously. 17. Adjourn. � j. MINUTES: City Council Workshop August 12, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Fire Chief David Pennington, Woodrow Barton, Jeff Morris 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Budget Workshop Woodrow Barton, indicated he had been looking at publication on tax rates in the City. There was a significant increase from last year. The appraisal district raised evaluations. There is a difference of $90,000.00 in the increased revenues. Why can't the city only increase expenditures by the proposed amount less the $90,000. He proposed that the City Council lower the tax rate to .5490 and save the citizens money. The tax rate has gone up every year for the past four years. He felt they should settle on a budget of $532,000.00 in increased expenditures. David Pennington indicated he had given the Council packets regarding the Fire Department. There are three options that he felt would be proposals for starting to get a paid fire department. He indicated one option would be to hire a full time person at $24,000.00 per year. Discussion regarding the proposed fire fighters. David Pennington explained the procedures and training that a volunteer has to go to through to remain a volunteer. They have to be re -certified every year. They have to go to training classes every month. He indicated during the day time most calls are made by City Employees. The City loses them from their position in the City to go on these calls. The second packet is a program that was started in the early nineties to help recover some of the costs. Councilman James asked out of the 24 fire fighters how many really carry the brunt. Discussion regarding the fire fighters and how many are City employees. Discussion regarding the F.I.R.E. proposal to consider billing insurance companies for fire/ems runs. David Pennington felt that this program may help recoup the cost of the paid position. If they had the paid position, they would assign someone to go with the full time person each day, unless it's a structure fire. Discussion regarding the schedule. David indicated he wanted to start small now and continue to grow each year. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see them try to hire two full time fire men. Discussion continued. The recovery program is nationwide, there are over 200 cities using the program at this time. Councilman Evans asked how much would have been recovered had we used this last year. David indicated it would have been approximately $30,000.00. Mayor asked what would be the clause for termination. David indicated we could give 30 days notice to drop them, they have never dropped anyone. Councilman James indicated he felt this was a step we Ali, o take, he thought it made a lot of sense to participate in the program for six months, and if we see its going to work, then bring on the person. David indicated he wanted to see them both implemented at the same time. City Secretary indicated they could budget the anticipated revenue and wait the six months. Then hire the employee within the six months. Discussion regarding the recovery program. Councilman Ervin indicated he did not feel the $24,000.00 was that big of deal. It would save money in the long run to keep the department heads here. City Manager indicated it will be a wash in the budget, the collections will pay for the person. Discussion regarding the secretaries in the streets/parks and code enforcement. City Manager indicated that the 3.576 raise, the cuts in the police department, and cutting the secretary in code enforcement totals $85,896.00. Discussion regarding the impact on other employees if we cut the code enforcement secretary. Discussion to keep her part time. Councilman James indicated he supported the raise at 3.5%,and cutting the temporary police clerk, but he would like to see the vehicle kept, and the part time employee in code enforcement. City Manager showed cutting raise to 3.5%, cutting police officer, cutting code enforcement secretary to part time, cutting part time police clerk comes to about $71,000. Discussed how this would affect the tax rate. Discussion on effective tax rate. Council agreed on the tax rate of .56547 in lieu of .58879. Mike Prater indicated the City at this time is always hurting financially, and now they are cutting the revenues back, which basically impacts the Enterprise Fund. Discussion regarding the revenues and expenditures and line item budgeted figures. Rose explained CoSery and Cable company did not pay Franchise fees. This was about $30,000 in revenue that we lost, which impacts the General Fund. Discussed lighting at the new High School. 3. Meeting Adjourned. Discussion regarding police involvement during the call. David indicated we would bill for a year back from the day we decide to do this. Councilman James indicated that based on the reports, the credibility is pretty solid. If this comes out in a wash, and does not affect the budget at all, he would like to see the city proceed. Discussion continued, Council decided to proceed. Mayor read memo from City Manager regarding the current tax rate vs. the rollback rate. Councilman Garza indicated he felt the rate should not be raised, in fact the school cut the tax rate. Discussion regarding the tax rate. Councilman James indicated he did not feel they should raise the rate, he felt if they lowered the raises to 3.5 percent, and cut a new employee they would be on the way to saving the $90,000 and would not have to increase taxes. Councilman Garza indicated at the National Night Out he explained the difference in last years valuation and this years, He was approached by citizens and asked if that meant the taxes would decrease. When he told them it would not and that they probably would go up, they did not understand it and plainly he did not understand it either. Lengthy discussion regarding the taxes, and the increased valuation. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see the Police Department implement bicycle officers. This would cut some of the cost on the vehicles. Discussion regarding the patrol officers. City Manager indicated he had written down to decrease raises to 3.5 %, to remove the new police officer, the car, the code enforcement secretary, and the part-time secretary in the police department. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to cut these items to help find the money to repair Holt Rd. Discussed that Holt Road would be repaired eventually. Discussion regarding the Code Enforcement Officer Secretary. $-15-P0�c kS:nc4 AM Ar'F FAYNENT REFCRT _ FAGE: i VENDaR SET: 9S— nny'K: UEPriDOR SEGl1ENGE - -_ unit V; ? ITERi NCB DESCi�YlGid BAPr'K GIIEGK STAT DtlE DT GRGSS FAYPdENT O�ITSTANDINS DISC DT SALANGE DISC�NT S9—�S27� AAA—DENTCPd FIRE &SAFETY INV 17467 ANNEAL IPvSFEGT. RECHARGE uN3"39 R $r'$�7!$�$ SEi,e�$ 561.�Q+CR G; L ACCG► 7vT AhfD�1NT 557, td ��1 c1-53d5 7D.$? APJNuAL IPdSFECT. RECHARGE ,2n � - r. r-,nc �� -J entrt inl `ql n r- r i r re i c:�e—JSCJ r _. a r Altt.unL • f3SrEu [ . 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InT {r.i )!=��((T nni 'fs'1)i JY-JLL,.1 LJ•J, .� �L1 ,'I iLi'iivnL i:ry,r.'... dc.vi�� :i "-Tn= i u; y_5 r ii:._: '-rJ GHc� � r � o'�„a :' , � S'Sa jr..Jr, ;'t n c+. •}7 b�cl cr,� u 1Va � : , �. :, :t L i nrr�� 7:a r.c.x n{Ir: r�iir • 11r ^T^. yl � r.z r__y Ate. _ y•� ni 1 ne � r.r- 3 n �1 !yt� !� ry iyJ .if; •� lY: i7nLL-.iiltl u(' �+_nG�l >XIVL7 tZ ��(a_L: __ - i'a Ali itiiz •i.. i"i nli /rnnni ;tiT niJni lS[Y .- ,-- t7J� nu• J+.a'�i nl`IV•..'Ctl i_i_'}s= { ; nn f, nnl i ri i :r �� -j �l-5�-r1 iJa ]v�.v :�nLLutrS l!f%L�}'IuH t+,fi. ]^ire-s r n rnRTpar:-� nr �inntr,� ;fin r n, rn,s� r-�rs3: r• , --- i�tiT __<-��:; r`JuDJ,✓ .;n•� u� ,;unl�•�i :.,r oPr'r•7`i R $J ccr ci�k� 1'i, ��1 :i?a �c,1< G!L �iG�JI;NT '�'��:;if'-- to 46 nrluvly i .x,2 ,c�ac t T nn n r r• n In r r c=�: iD-Jc._ ;.c� FuuD(uR.NKo uG �uRhSNGr' �"�° � •�] L^C�DIDRri';5 GC �iCrtY,SHC�' �' 1G''Jc 1J J, i.,l i u B-i5-c00^G P3:^c4 AM VENDGR 5ET: 99- BhN�: UE�'. ITEM NGtt DESCRIPTIGN Ini'! v7�i5 1� RGK CGNE GfL ACCGL'NT G0i 1�-5�i5 ��a is-5�i5 UENDGR TGTALS 9)-20J97 CLT`( G;' DGNTGN A/A RAl'MENT REPGRT UErdDGR SEQIENCE - BrryU CHECIS S T AT DCr DT GRGSS Pei'(MEtdT GlI T STRNDTiJG DISC DT GNBSs R 8/L�IcCt�S ANG�;NT 1, SQ i2 RCh CGl;E �. �� iG P�U\ CG�E REa, CHECU tgrra �-?� nr.r� *nl nr nn rrr-r rs:nnn 6ry rn, ,nn alit .Sli.t.. B'1l.rt�RitlLu+3I6,nL Is..JE L!'iD7? � Ci/G� rGL` L GfL ACCGGr�T ;!�Gi;T , 1�Z3 5�-53'l ic,_�.�� BAGTERIGLGL-CP'•_ TcST VENDER TGTALS REG. CHEC�� r.r� ,k;.7�+k r,, r J' •' ��.1: JL GJLL ! r'r. r\ � `_E.!! i �+n I �r� U Lr-1? ?q lr 1 iiV r r pp �� '{U3i ri n1,I T?pbIG ntttti,r , npr 4Lnt�DES, 1!'ia. lli\U57 LnB:1 r�S GfVBj7 {� R +fir �n (rnn _Y�I ,:�L�t`L r r, nr•rnnrr urL nLl,w.;ly, nvn,! nilwri! rr r�tti �,a c•'1(A 'iFL`a t. JG'i'i• Inc nn lC-•.!a Y!t` 1 n Ifl n??fir t4Ln1YuE,� i .:YC Hill,!'+ 1 nP;+ UitJJ i_nC.) a tan;,(• TnTr,, r• 4Eigllid5 I u; nL�� nF,� ft_L, Irnlr _�Gtrft BALANCE La `i(r�� Ja / 7 LCJ, i;i! 1 L/5s+:� iu5, ��` i s5, ��r iwv. �z i nC i tiJ, fnr G' r'.r+ ?g,,,'�"'777,a rn�!nR:{';i:Tn it{{^��i'ai i11 fi""L• :l i�ilOi i U Vullr .J'1n:n , ii`JiJti4'�! tyylil 'Jf�#,S: ,rC ^Tn�'nn� +]n'rn ift?1iT i�r Pnti_1_ n'tl^f]] nJ•l v2 !•__an', [�} 7.} a lYY i iiL-G��1 .:: U�f!1:•, t7tIX_v( Cl1iY11IiF'd iut,i4�v 5711'-`-}71 :j ']t ='i.'1 L_L'= _ , Tl ^ f+ !1r'`fafl! I•.'r n�^., :k l's r': =i: an. i n cr,; c m�, - r nr+rrr. rrr? n? r ^rq �,.,.d 1�-',rG$�� 5=`,fi5 5iu�i7u� ❑�_nGJ1,.a�iva�ll �u,:ES ?61ii [+PjlC 1. 1. rnnV nnrrn !?Mr _^r. E nflrl !!h f`tli5:^:Z n �l t-„a �•?7�, +i1 +-: l,ry 3.•�r•��?n :purr rn. Lnl InrG :'un Ln�GL r, L;\c�i. n 4,Cb%%�.t•G Lltr. at. r/� nr+rr,�.IT nun,+3;T +r-r +�: :d! L CtlJlrllttlY , nl'sUt1;Y ; L V f , a: 1x�+ �:a c�,s,- cc �. rnna% r.rnrnf"r:r.r r--� ! n�. t:%+r�` t . Ga`��G1� � !>_ �`drt ttrGci inr_ r;;� Lr:.•L. E!ri�� rt: < +,a r� ne rnnu nnnr. :rnr�- n I n. rryr! rTtn,rr +�v�.i :�:2-;,c;av �..aJ i11rr rr!rG�i �nr= r;1R un__L � nr\ ��a a� i R_c, t :'\ CC '7:a rnnv r.ni: y rTnnr rnn t n r, ,.{n:�r � K��.=v /1 •.Gab JJ. /w1 _vr{ rrtrElrinrc :-��n LnF�L alrl .i: �'�anry a cr, -� i�= r!nV P�lrt L`U� us�'JGi� �:, it:; vr� rnr , i � f� EiE�v1LR TVTf1LJ ��:�, VI :Ltri\ GL J, UC' --:r, r:a i:G s, u� DISCGt;NT 3.73CR �. iSGR G, G� 1G5. DGCR i0�, ��Ctt �: it= 1 �v, Lt Cil i :%C ' ?t' n S �,�- �• : t. F*: _. YCiL� iui , i%uf '+ `+�'�3 i�. GG {�, t�t �, {SiF & 15�2022 09:24 AM VENDOR SET: 99- BANKo VE"�UGI, ITEM NO# A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR bnutNCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT Uut uT DISC DT 99-0�050 CC LEY SAND &GRAVEL INV 2722 TOP SOIL hU{ER STRLLJ Gt�B,9 R $/20iLM 91 n nr9 rr+ fi n G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 5M'360 200400 TGP SOIL ACKER STREET Ik L741 2 YR1,S CONCRETE GN839 R 8, L0(Li tiL AMCI�9YT S/L ACCO1'NT r Gn_cf n,'J� f111 ]'S •a r� r:lLlrn T 008 5 5 420 L t+a V� L YRIM LONCRE 9 VENDOR TOTALS REG, C;HEC 99-2t800 CcSzt'v� EleLsr'ic INV 3740i STREET LIGHTS G/L h uCG+ANT 00: 30-55115 208 52-5515 V Ei'12J J 1 1 U i riL.0 GiIB99 R 8/2�i2�ti12 ntfn 4IT rki cU 191 ,, ST9.t_t Llor{1 Qw 174a2G STREET LIGHTS nor VrHCru!\ll itUa L rr, n1L"i ,'� rnTn t! thtrr nn>ar tsar �.�t•t:fl{, ,=-,Ir! B�.S:���v5 FO�1!� 1,xO. TNV-„� tn-T ?PART " r=T-���T nrriJ rnl�nT r_�$9 � c:_»I}M2 lli`i LL'0131 V ! `E4LLt'i t]Uti(\ taUL�9t li R V/Li'!:^±.`CJL nrnr:i49T Am!7UtiT M41auUlii 711•N 141 r, :r cMA i,a 1. r, r,r.pT rrn�.r,T on:g rn!t. ensf t ? v++ i.•u:; VEUDORp TOTnl r rrn r�+rr+r iiUr�fl ! J i nL•� nrr.a�A1T Gr1 , L risl.v tT t AAf1 1 U"�U�•1 TUT L S GROSS BALANCE w� 200.00 L30arYTlV �? •} rti 430, j0 430= 0 c 07�=13 575= �69 nnr� AAn Ltit a [+40.e L v'Va �+t�lj �'. 12- can rnr� ,Jr3aei Ofaan:i\.�1 ts 1P.4= 43 tjJt!s'4.JUIl at`.s Y •3•a n0.5n+;1t7 .f 1= rn•t..�a;; + 17 :s 7 /'f u. 1 + 99 i? feE h " ' lilaav tsVL' Y 8-I5-2�G2 p5;24 � A!F PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 4 'JE?,uCR GET: 3G- $A ali: t n n VE*,C'•_ ,TEM Nub S'3-838��'' BEMCC UE�vQ,3R JEGIIENCE DEGCRIFTICN SANE, CciEGI� STRT BCE "T BiSC "uT iNJ 1a;r18c5 RUSSER STAMP/EASELS/CLIE3ATE GN899 R BfP�B/c�3 G/L AGtrj�u�a T AMuuN T �i�i 4�-5G7G 55a8� RUSSER GTAUF/`tnnSELG/DI;ESATE 5R vEPauuR Tl"�TALG RE3. CttECf; �:!'.GC f 7�� 1�!Li�•i LI� 4L! O+JLv11ER.7 :71Jtr"`F�Y iiS1 �''+,�;`�t'l7i iX4 36" STAKES GNB9'3 R Br`�01c��R GJt (^ T5 is n rn � 5T (� AUCL,GC� f r-ML,�h l ��� ��—���5 a�, ar ix� a�I' STAKES VEN;;CR TOTALS xtGa :.NE(..i{ :�n._'3�-rt:� nr,.t?:n;I G"u GNLRi�'}•jG "ucFT J? USf :i iJ�Sikur4 rlul �-r-srr� t M�f^.tfs r��r T 7 nary r.Ign, '*t4�'-�5i� :r4v ra3_ �n L.ui �,_wJ iau, nunr:•� uI+L�Z3 R �f�`srt���cr� j+n nrrnt.hlT np:r :c ulT rill nlrL•�lii'/; n:'.�iUfvt :TfA( 'f c?'"+rt lfh-,7� A4 { r5inn? r- r T !l nrn•.,t+' t'?� t �.:7"•,Jrt f ] i {+{'7.54!{i t_.^5 ! .} t i �EJ f :. ia1 : Sil: i'IJ r ttlr i�t.l'y I n11n11T LEES f, Tn^; iM 4`J �ry R 4t.:.1 /•_+'�,'••_� 11'!4 U.'t 1•J t_n JUI t the Vii '�1, J /G{:T i..V4•'t_ Jrt nrnnGh�? ntr�l�,tT t r_ nc,i,u t t nrsGte � �7,�t •�r_r[r, c, ��a1�i :t:� nVnl rr �rrr r rnn r� i��4: +1k� -ru?•.r lY�L,i X�Y• i.n:U'J1 tGJ f. rn;�l!•s i•r.;r,an ?rs ;I � �- r err-y J�,.��.,� t � r r_� R �.}�c�r. ''. J]-L1U �4t JJ.�3.i.:iTv ..,ilws nr ^7-,._:, �n.��f T 5' r,� �5 t n,�n t+r.:``inr - �a r�,,n���: ;.�4Y ti;(Uti_� 1.5i4 !-;�r�iRl„ rY L.UI]47 ili4Lllj �t. 3r Ji'i ;_t�V� /1 i'i �."!I ihiT n11.^.I tht? M"el Oft G'1CC yA �? '•'si Tr4(�S ��. ' 1 ! f��^I= 1!L'I� till—ti4�U+i 'iI, UuJ 1 r14 i wf !: � •� h L:Jil.i i f :,: l ,^.Lui GROSS $ALANCE 55.8� 65,8� G5.8� G5, 9Y t 4/L. vv 1 Vi', �C PAYMENT SISCGUNT 65.3zGR U�JTSTANCING �5i ov�CR �. v�1 �, S 3?�, �2GR ?�� RA iti'i t�Y� .z !T.'4 {i: i4rr iu�,c",GY L4:+J. iJVLi1 a�tr GL't7, i��9 __�ti a i-_. _: i r�7r i�:, :�r t v a Y•: + i== �t�, Cr.; �S'c, w�vei J.a Y�i L'J �,:� r� jir r.�,_. n I�.a uS va •Sty, 6-15-L�u4iS "�9:c# AM YE"tGuft $E t : 9'3- vniJ��: wE�r. � ITEM �C�# RIP RAYME�VT REfiORT PAGE: 5 VENDQfi SEQk;EVCE IiESCfiIPT iJh BANK CHECY, STRT RCE nuT Gfi'nuSS PAYMEiJT i7tlTSTAMUi v"a RISC dT BRLR�JGE LISCUL'MT ';°�-x4S5� BISC,Gtt�vT TfiCPHIES I;ti`v' 3's�;4 MAY 3UPJE JG`�Y r► A4UES GtiB39 fi 8i c`�,'S�'ilL G/L ACCCUhT AMGI;�:T $�1 32-5c2i 8i.2�0 MAY >1t;ME JtJLY FLRG�IES I�J'1 377:C nn5 F�AuCES GhJB'33 8 B;G�I2'��G ui � n!''+G�r!`uir`T AM"uutiT .a. { �n c+� �� n� �yn ,.vCC n! nnf1titan Y.'�1 .JC`,.7G41 Cf�YJiJ TAV YLHIYLn.� 71 Ain7•�ry TrlTA! (•` r' �-'1 '[,"J YEIYitUR I!Jlr1Lv] �:.J+ i!'t�U:t }}r,_�a^7fF. r' ('1^V/ r!rfy1/ rM1r:4f; nail �J j {`•J, {�t' Ci 1'V,i� 1 P'�_1L'�Yt! 1 LV!'t�l'1{i t� rf�try r• 6 I14Y .�JJS(1!®1 STe�`'!r�EJ filil t,u�ViEft �� AcCc# �rJT :3:31 n.Y-�-�+2 I!P InR^ Tf5Yn1 YL Yt,U� ItJ 1rrL VIiLi7l fi 01 L�! L{'�(:4 AiiuuiJT ' +.n nn r� G' rrrtr �?:TL STnr�.cu ufi li�rl nrr f`UE'Y t�Liia 4I i i+ `?2-%-�'!,lu �,Fu�!IcY unJ Lur!rnir! s,r:! +'; r. r. �'? r11Tr.�M:nv M1r131:77' f+T Tr!\! rtr;r�r �� � rn� ��a, n LiiY 1::^T.i LIMIt'.t!1L '!`!P!!'_IV '�!•' � fi 47L<'..{'':. V!L r1Ct+ui+i4! ttr;L�!t: .,,aa fn_e�r„ C[ T,'4 r TrnSfnl ,��_ Bi!�TTn±� tv a U� •��tC+� '.:U. ! c� 1� � _�77vn!. tri_�� i 1 :;.n Y t.�17 J1i ?t�if?4v I4V`• '.+f :C.vil f•,ry'} i•a T,.:7 rnnryTM1 .�. :h:r ..��T. :ti JJ'"1 C'JTi' t":'!:ti:•� vJi74tF4 tC �t:,a ��II; nnnc nnn nrT it1Y ti:{'Lst �i1t•V r11 rt nrr•ni1s:T V1 4 fl.:4UVii l G 4't JiJ"vv. _ 1/r�;n?1i4 TnTrl! � YL' o1u:11 1 u :;-4� r>,Inn:� � n�1nr.::3:st. Hunt :1� r „�.: i? i os,+ti. ,iWcc' r n4rr+ �{�E1!/ 81. �� B2. ��CR 8t. t C7. u� ini. v�'uGn c7.�� +nn 1 {: S7f :an Yl'it +n:': 1Y19! :3:3M1i..11' n .a �:JI.'�it �I• [ �! + nn 2 3 il:3 Bf, k!� C ,.� vu, i 1 S0. '+t� RA J. TL' �[[��:l� t; :: i L r r T,3 tlV, rt rr T=. v-s +ram: Cn +r-. cn Ci:�'.c: 1GG, vY: lr -: cn aL. •�_' a, irV rr -,arr, J1ia ! {14It -- •TtFr� i' t�4i vlt _U�_i ��'4 i n:3 J:+ r: �t �v'+�iG� Vr L7U ,' `"�`'C� J 3-I5-O22^c 03:�� RM 'JEUDOR SET. 33— BRMK; 'JL �`I ITEM �iurur C�.SCRiFTIvII ?3--0575G FISH; N CNIRRS IN"1 arc DC5 S'.�P�'LicS G; L RC�O��.T 2�I c�-,`�25� Uc�DCR TCTRLS R/P PRYMCIVT REPORT 'JrNDOR 5EQL'ENCE BRt�r, CHECK STR' DI;E D7 DISC DT �� Gii$33 R $/c`�1��21c Rl'IJ�1�91 S�a37 DOG SGPPCIES REGA GHECK ���"ltd�Yil ti:iA l �'.IV 'L,ulii�I V 1 LULLi.U(G�. C �� {j Q / Lt�Y lYJG? R(M1'1CIfiL in'+lUf dLl�ilri uLR+1.1. GIVB3+ :'�/��J ?��L f' + �:�rit +AiT N +`�iT olL RL�.us:��l R ICuly, 2O1 L41—S�E� 8G.'c'�a� RRCI^n� PRG;'I� I��G C' ri5S uEkiDtsr� TnTI�€ 5 RBI~ ''}�EG`� Y it vt ivIR1 i-v L �� 3J`itLi_a�iii iin�i(�:if l.V(FEY � Li{BRIT {� �trj T iiii T ['�'F �-:1 k:iT '1 ! J +t "1 (t7 h]nr: {}lia .l7 rK1 3•'1::t:a� t d4iY J7J37 i+tJV:'{: (t L `k .' 1 i LIC"L'i R a1 t''Lif �ZtYlt- mot, 1}:�nri:.,.• �v.Ri IYIT VfL fiuvs!'_I`{; •.i'lLVi31 Cyan .]:a i'^�: ART `T!_: 3 �' ry �y t� i �:1 i:+ir ., G�th 40 4U'.::i; !1 _ - !! 1 ia'i�C. GROSS BRLRMCE 5�a 37 J�F. 31 5». 37 5�a37 . ail. a� apt �a PRGE e 6 PRYMEpST Ot1TSTRNDING DISCOG"iT �4t37CR .;,,3(�R �atiG ,, n,n Kls K� V aa�`�CR a] rti, ] rx,],-�� �. iryryr,7w�� �';U. G4(.S aY. Yii, t�e �'� JY.�va 4{I u44t ��4tri5 cnty r.,a t�K a e c• 0 0. ��7 RTR rh i% Cf?I] fk:; C.]' �r _� i %i ({('}I!'Vri` Till jll (+ Y v(i Lla h:.0 i+V:ta 4`Y.��II �. �••i( .di(�ff ]:] C'a v'� Gt 'tiv �^1': :'�i 1_:i `..:i1V : T}r. ni:Rf��+t• +�! R RR TY,R 11 4 L t i 4 . i—a.�-:5t]�.tift l\ 1 (� 'l�tJ LJa L,t'va • ,tntnRi.+t. �!T 1^. rRR �TR� TfFtfRl! "�ll"1i:i^. 11tr:,�r�,nn.. i�Y J'siik?'T_'t „Li dC i'1it i1:C_ IitJL.ik �,J<TD 77 � '-+t C:/ �K�_ V! L i:4t+tllit? � tS!'ILI.=lk: n:]i •'t. C �"' i?:i i j fi T `.'• r tt--1 t'' Ti1i '.�:J ti eJl LY'�V3r''j ij LtLt :Jv RLf � i Uil `ti - 'i,•_L:1 �u �,r*<R rRTrt ,� r+.Cr+ Wit. rri.( f,:r�J i[ i�.dlr+La il�l.a iGl,+.t - ttn}rn 'G{r t:nur� i t+ 'S.lt �RL Tr R� v 1'� 1 i% iGfT :'-ia f F'1' :j n,'1 R�,'„}}T 1IT ..I,Tr1 Y;iir 1 t�V a: t'�7 >(i.rYttTE n//1 '](L nrr+r�{{•pIT Rl.vi..Vii? 4YJ J� 't.11 to j1�,+TiRf] TI1TA1 Y �iilt �: I id I ftL f 11n i �'�1 L� 11 Lla ,:u Ly Lao. ,:,deli i 1,] c� 1� li'r.'t'J•J i i�] 1;3 CJ^. 4^ 1�LiG�a �t GL ..J '.: rs� !!}} t� !'1,yy /r„�trA �: . Ct1'� qA UI#a�j .•J i1 a! � G'/ t_44L �� J {,a t�YJ nrr_U T 1 �I .dcz:, i i�A:] +]+j r!:n t. iT 1111TTt f U{Yt. i1C RL..^hae� i Ytty tr •, ��� n,] G. Cti'=wK �, ,...� . K'KI �S ��a �r L Cola LC4 R S" •1 C n nnRR A A'F Y/. K Y: n ryll 4. 4 r :] �lfl� cla oc' d-.�-c:��tt �9t�4 AM VENDOR SET: 95- BA�dY\: YES, ITEM NOS _. .. - . . AIR RAYME'ET f�fF�GRT RAGE: 7 !' VENDOR SEDt;ENCE DESCRIRTION BAlkl; CHECi; STAT OUE DT GROSS RnnY+'4ENT OUTSTA{VDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOL`NT i�"�i-'ir iCxr� C�iriTnL :NV 558'b9'�b CORM �iACrfINE RL�TAL GN899 R 81cr�42+2 n n w � nnrnl; tT nuuuufv l hlfl IhIT AI'{uLls { 't¢r _.'L s: c7r.c 4i+-J.rTJ rn�\( 't LUL. �J ^nny wnr+f tseiG :,u^: ,inla:`itt9a. uTfv REiYtt* VENDOR TOTALS RESx CHEC„ w9?+i 7rnb 1 nT i LI' TLj -�+1„�t' Jr_r ,`9�,IT _� ., tl, x INV `33759 LcATF"•ER 3pLGVES GiL A�CO'u'PdT �s�� �c�-��u� 771 G c� c•'�"„ Yr�u U�-vLL.✓j +YLNliUR t�lYt_,n7 rf! Ar?9,S T%\r(1r �51 1 i^ r;\ ?"1-%ftvl'CJ JHOUC-ru Lltr LUx r h r s r nun; T L hi� 4��2j Aur;7rIG1 ,� n nnr�-a tAtY {'2 J�� .lJ�V n�nl niT ni.uul:1 r �.� nr� 1 �nTe }rq rt Yt\trC iGdatc �.�n nGl �L!JYi. /.71 LEATHER uL�'d£:� 1 R�fJx LE1�� \ f::gr�r: t I1L ? �" a =hiT ri`:UUii •. Ji. Ja_. : tJr i'�nt. i nrn -.: Ir Yi/ i<_i�a _.._' n ii Vf i. 'l i_li 'l. LOla 4NhniR i'4.ix f iCR IIC lif+f 2 �.. f l sr A i:] W^x Kifii ��x 9.' JG 'JG <E�i ,.ei. Wit- U's.+ ?L—.� 4tx 4'M.I �•� Cr - �� a L. „ yr ar:v.:] :rnr ny -nnr:rn-�1 vnr,x•T vn;xn-+ `?�i"t'G7Y-•' stnl.nir rtl4r'»ilt :`tr!..ti•..;9r'!t i'., c T'(II !y1 �rif T".:'1!("n�•yrat S C r~� ....r -M1�� i� •\1•",ti !'.31' _- t? �4 'F:ST+A iLV 2VaUat tf?Z2f?i!. 2L/tl l{ ft�_..: �...r! : ,..i �.:"?:1 �. 7i i!'F i:. i'_ -.?s _�. r Ls t•SLt\ r li nM1('(11 !l,fY nL•'r::j.,T "T] S:l tip t. fi's4GtJ±? t tittle Ll'. I \,. (;). 't'N A,Ar 7� S,trc rn''4 �!1 7ry"IT n.�nT rn�t y g;-y_s IMI�j ,}rit;:,'T .. C'1t2 VL U iU tvl t•r t'� 21i11'?..{li.i;r R u^"viri v_'i �fi\�v��lr "rhi:'{I i r.'iTni fr [:�f, f'+ rT'ii '7!A iPi� ^'7!2 .?,.^� ��pf 1]tA Y C,(!L"vR iVinLJ f\l�!3, �I-!E'.,I': +_(ilx vt' .._ .xfG•-.. Y:r i'V Li G'. UV t'. Lv _]f`nC+3 fI l'iihir Tl � r T2 ter,'„+ �:' �U i(i.i�iJ f\�!ll'�C., (� J i!r~Rf LwJ•J T +�llf ')'T'`•CC ^ni;ryT Ti it l/ r Q i7 '+l,a•i \iflnf* •'S LI !",!f •-,lA', '�'k:] ,'f: i�s:] :a},^ry ♦1 Y JI U�i�I LeUV:-ia Jv{_1 L"1 Ct i•J C. t'{'L 111YD?f Il 'Ji i.Yl f+:.UY.'I_ GL'r•a C�' v4iy:a +:;'.:J i'. f+:�. nnrni fhiY n:;r{ih i'1' r.21T Y3 e] ']! G rL•�uUi! c nrt'rVtU 4EL..+t' ,'Atl+ �',f .: t. h,i A (� A "f111nT T!, it P pp ':,]:]•� 4+�': l_u "'•�YGL' \L.IV'21r i1U L, iJU(5'. „_t_Y U lY �J 1�:'t'L !Ir\fFi(-n T{1Ti.; is 4�5 i(,jl^ti [[SrT Ik,} f•'!:l TAr(` !/ :7.2 Y C:7J'a it i U i nl.v RL'J. 'vl t\_'�tl UiliJr {txJ rJ'l'i�r L•X�+_:L t'r T••=` u��. �Y� k. i1C n 1=n�r,r n $-15--$�l�vc w� c-k n 1 VE��,DlOR SET: 95— L}ni�tl : Y_:;, ., ITEMS fur AiP FA`lt�ENT REPORT VEtiDCR SEDLE�vCE DESGRIPTICN 8A"dE, Ch;ECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT ,S—C3r'4'i� LAi� E;�EDRCEMENT SYSTEhSS I�1V 373�1 �`ARS{IN5 Ti�YET ECCKS Gti$'39 R $/$�/:��$ SfS_ AC.PS1hST A?1DC'IeT ��11 c5- Gi'� I�7, �'v ��t�tlh;:i TiCYET $S7G�,5 .. ...PAGE : $ "RC55 PAYh�EidT DUTar T A�DItvG f BAI,A�iCE i57,�� 157a�� VE�D'R TCTh�S RES. C�EC; i57.D� 157.�� �t]-�Y11Jtt! LUWE+� C"�PASvIES, II'f4. �y ?vv ,�t;.k>'', t���u(w�� �vint;lHEnS A� L+tv,_ '3 Ui 6 AGCCl11�T AiitiiYT ��$ �4_53�9 �9$.2� rCWER 'r4ASNERS and 7 AC rnwt+ IIr ti i. 1 ' IbOCi rnla !'�zi�•5 I14Y >,7>�9$ TRn�i��nld� Tyr IyS�lEELS aP4�.r1 R $rl:.Vri.C�4L /IVn11AiT r G,'� ACCUu`iT nl+.uulvl �an.=$ ic-5,:,c� ,-r a� TtSM1C-�(+,:+�; tt • tscEc -, �;r,f , � c,�,;� 17, �;'. TR;;SS;�A�aS ill nS?E=wa CC=1 LJ—J>7L IIY'Y1ni,i1 TnT ni '_ ;5r'r nli ri{ V l�I4Lt+lil lI1I nLiJ iil.�♦ :_IlE'.+It ��$. z� -,n$ IaIA t.r . Vw DISGuIJN T i �?. �4R 157. ��;CR A i+i al. eta ��$. a�cR ,�_. ;SCR � nr. a :an 0.0� ':rj,., �T. •i, uTnl: 'f YlYrr[ u37U� r1�uwESI rrL Tuw r.n _; 'ITn n rT.r{ r,. ] P,:n r-:, �l�h 17a $^' > = 3�*:,i �;�Y-�7-,:1 `•r.sEu T..rL u�dfi�? R urLurGL�CL >: �: i; ,ter-rrt;n=T /+..rs;;f r :', u7 ii_..nn�'r' TnTp>i r. (i>- i� `>!�n ! i?r= ��' i a J'�, � Z {!. C�� ti-1'f>tti�c >. i:1.�J ilL=.;t v t�.L!1 1 -r �+. I, 1r1 r}(ry_ry<(•: �:A i(T �I111 :rr:/n{1\I f: T; f nnn .I1 tJl .t::t! iYi l.�='l{JLJj >}nv(ivL'!4� IJiLL:1tlL•' T11t1 �-c:�r t rrm rCnllf�- a :Y :.%."'Tv�� Li..::nL JL11'r a-.,L P.nnn1141T '1.' L "1 V -.�'J? 14 f i•t J 1'J +l +L.J i2.2 • � - '�C ti�ilw av �-..>J lt;f•±r12� T1 �1f L+VV 1V:n�7 n-ref?! =k i T rl�� V •e11 1 il,V ivti 1 t ti�:.� t 1 .-C�r1L +7' �. iEJn�.. Eliri+.,� i�� �c RED. vi'�Etr.-�\ f r r. ':+: art. r:� ern f r J. C.y i�'�. �� f!. �C1 u t 1 n 1{;���� ii $-15-222^c 29;24 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 9 VEN;DOR SET: 99_ VENDOR SEQUENCE VEN_ -..' ITEM N' DESCRIPTION BrI011 CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS r`nYh'Et T 0" STANDING DISC DT BALANCE DLSCCUNT g9—:'8922 NORTH TEXAS t�EB SERVICE LAV 77370 LTAVITIvT SERVICE Itu\n4636 GN899 R 8/22„2002' G/L ACCOLh;I AMOUNT 221 42111115422 21022 INTERNE? SERVICE ID#4636 VENDOR TOTALS :"i9`-28592 O' ;FILLY Ai:TO PARTS Tt{II T r7�•7 , nT C ACLCOUN I nn{ A2 5325 Lilt i_`i-',!�]Gv VEiVDuI fO1nL� PEG. CiiEC�� G�8g9 R AAtr :ItiT HI'IULi 1 I rt { Vn 13r vC tyyl T G.1, �i I\U YFG "J BLLI 21 ^0 tL clac0 Lla L.W Gi, 21 Gislttri �'La21 11 ""L�Cti?K! U4.•] { LLGr' G ; ft I {^ql. { r Tllr+rAI I nr rIIM Arur n Ann rAfrt n, {nnr<-r 7r.n n 1f -rlg,j IlialrLL nl, rul't - rIc,R/ fnnJ anu99 R 22'2'3; Le:z•_ �282, r 11 nr•rni qlr r..q., i IMT nr.p ffn t]. L Mv.vUUI`ff t';uww 1Y1s UC' n:7 CA --.r .a gL.�} i{7 •\'.�TAI A '•I iItAr 'rtf , /t r"RI" $ �ii'`�}•.Fuif JT]t li' 114JhILL.:w nU f Ui'!r rl i# �1 (:?RU yFl2 STrjr�,, rrrr:ATA i:nL�' r:r{7 I TFT nTTn7nAtaf 1_5C:g /•fin r^r a+'• r�l+� 2� L. i'Vota Ulair: { l{I LV/ G�i't'G G'a V1 r•rn MIMI I:r�T OTjA G/L A3r� '"UNT rtf•lUu'VI .r�L•, L.- C'r C1. •'11 , Art 4�T::'t t.^1 II•^rr:ER I TCT ta+'A-T"'6I Imu :1L"v'iCJ :nJz'.lr.• Lr -i1\ u�r f L1, . J-Iri ivl+i `: S.IwUrJfi r... P?LJ it=J. ti•t :'.;;it -+ . j dL Ja "ur T' it: { T 7 { I LrA! t:rr T,tr i If 1J U1 L ilnL 'YUILUG r n Anr+nnA1? ct � ruuuur• , 3nA =r7 :_ "? CieL LJ-Ji_�•L" I:r:.Ann TrITAc rt Y r_tliluf\ .= IriLi1 4i'i:77] -1 Ut i:4f Li•4L Lr Lr/: VV..OI lL NLiI iNt. 1vk+,•.'� LLJiS.. A -3 I rrA{ A{nTTrr 1 J , �jr_f 1. HL !iU i i" i.{".L ' ?t:La vizL u 15 Arr �I Cv • rIELf, tco, rettL:• 71T rt2 V!t _. TpT .7 . 1. fn1T Sr5 21,22CR L1. c2Cft 2ia21CR 11 f.n r1^n •T_a ����'t ViFr ir'1 v.. .3•:ir`gt �Kt1 2t 2 ff '5 T l'' fLArf r'j{a Cv.'1 Lrt vl' r•1 v]2 (f 1 B-1S-c00" 090 AM VENDOR SET: 99- PA"dl : VE ITEM NO# A/P PAYMENT REPORT RAGE: 10 VENDOR SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE D, GROSS PAYMENT GllISTANDING DISC DT BA'"ANCE DISCOUNT 4J SG3FJG 54iARKEY'S SCREEN PRA II`dG r E i T� nnn n l r Ty !nn 1, aNJ a3:iG SH1 R i � niaD Crtr,� uP,89� R 4f G'li/_'°�1C+? 48�, 99 T3 r I ACCOUNT IF, T MOUNT rt 001 245`25%5i �] 40J, 72A7 �121'i(!s7 i'!i`!D CPir:7 r] IVENDGR TOTAL REua L•i e�vi Y; l.?a J+ T3,?ra 74 l 99-�d'�`43' S1R�-lic tr'i�tiGER �hi�! � AB 1NV 28O.4611111 PA YT 441E D i INSERPRI tT NITS GNB99 ; W204111i & 9{2 43> 90CR li ACCOUNT nVAnl ik!T G/ L ACCOU 4T rl wu1V i 3+}Ai -A rnre j.q rj; _!Ahr S rHTT n rtµrr f!�tdiT 1/rTn itY.i1 CW-uGu•� u, �� , rit+ci: i,f +�v f VILER r+ 11V1 1 A ??ss r. �•e �VENDOR T?T i nnn n1 i nll +o, �L 48, Q+�`�.,R 2a 012 GI<l�R iwl LS t1Gt7e 4+P.E4e: 1.3, 90.1 rb ],? felt t't' 99`2c�ly 3!nIG l�Ll:. 1:"Sf.:_LGIt T\1i! "1.In Tii1 nn U l,T ri'rh min. t� ^'+•f '1'a :'1'7 y^T 4r -sr•1 ally JlTl.7 !ai'IE PAYMENT FEES :71V1179 R iieCL'; i"t aG1 9 3JL. r 1 Aj'ntli!N;r nl MAiT i %i'9 n: S L Of Ja WuiS i ni'!uu+41 aL rp:3 • ,7s r,i, ?: , ; -:� ,17 T idC ri!zt/uCr;iT rl > n r1K11 t't=�Tu,.,G ice.. J: T:!IL i•rf!iti_iti E'�:_.] i�jE3iT4''. TOTALC rJC^ T'HrGn 1 . ra f t _ . ?:tu'C L Z thtl '1•Ji YJ. ,.J T11':1 +:t 1ri`fr�::4 r1- ��n..!tn nrnrTT�s:.- nC:.TTn r,r-„]1^:�1:]•-, [� ,� nrt rr.:3 ,ti.3n� +•\Y 1''Ji.Z• .....�.. uiYi_ :(L_Gi l..i:'_,= 'J:.v! lu UIr�B�i3 � './r '-4/:: vtiL CS 7(i', Z�J �� 11C!. _i't�t. n /I n;^nfji ik:? llal� �i ;�'t • � rT,'1 ,+ L3(L niit+�Ulx! ni`iu�'!li Li �/t', VV.' ],]n C!j rt•'th n7] AA t r^?('n�Ft!' -M1r-T� '•nT'-.k! C':'LS vi,-Gm:_v _i �f t'..S!=L:v.!t_!V:.r lC,•=L2... —� .l'.`.vilCiil .±.:'. t•:�'^' r r:� n1;�t a ,.. ...� i{S v, Ju, Li-✓':l: wIa'_'J ukt. L? ., - i.liu.+A '?: iCTT-4t' 13 ••, i(.,il tiii nnnnia ;T nur:i;Wr t nL'vL"..'k V: rtil!,kr w,i! 1.,s tvK a W61r2,: n_ iC-' RCnT!nv-..}/ nnctr,•1T- TTn•'C •. '.u!tvG: i 51 i'..v.: TMI; i A i a,tt 1Ti Y1; n7t REGSvT.CCK {T; 7 n^iaL njpmiT CTT RnMrj r•?r L3ryrirTr'!.i i11LI,t]i,t5, V]Vn;:j nnr)i Ikl? :tt6i �; ik:T -,� C•; U! L rl '. ULil? f!!'ili(JIY 6. ti'tia t, ]]nT� C,:j, r:1 ;A �,]A �- r1 '•Tnn�i 1.TT A T I n$jn(%,^T [�Tt n, IS 'Vv vU' UT:L:' Git nnl: ni .rnut ]' 1it1 l' T k1:1 i 4 i ',i1 (rA morn r! nnl In nAiT1 :} r•_,yy /�1]A�3 4,@ Ctk f.!; i 1tY 1TAT1+.) 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YlYif ii?Lr dri Lfli `i"v�L J.JUULi+! 1 �i. �t>1 •1 �:i 1 •�Vi :. i't ... i :'3? tJ r: it:, •. t irfav'—. t •3'f < t. r• i .-art ... ?�1� r._ti.. n.�::: ,.. _tin; _.. _._ i:,- "` �? � `� J r•.'n nrgV%ir%iT [rrir(-T4 ,llGry , r{�uG. .•f Lo - r Pt T ) I, i u ✓ v, u ., r7iAI^. 1ina rl Aim %Fr•1r .^Jdr:t iSfT (ul'iJ wUTt I '11i ':r 1%,: .r: r- - - Ai ?T 1.7 t ,5 August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Attached are copies of both of these Resolutions. There will be representative from Grantworks present to address these items. This is for the Park Grant. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A 2003-2004 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION TO THE OFFICE OF RURAL COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACT AS THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City desires to develop a viable community for all ifs citizens; WHEREAS, certain conditions exist in the community which represent a potential threat to the public health and safety, and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the City to apply for assistance through the Texas Community Development Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That a Texas Community Development Program application is hereby authorized to be filed with the Office of Rural Community Affairs for funding consideration under the Community Development Fund; Section 2. That the application be for up to $250,000 of grant funds to carry out project construction, administration, and engineering activities for this water and sewer system improvements project; Section 3. That the Mayor is designated as the Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative to act in all matters in connection with this application and participation in the Texas Community Development Program; Section 4_ That cash and in -kind matching funds in the minimum amount of $82,350 will be provided for this project. PASSED AND APPROVED, August 19, 2002. ATTEST: Mayor Y� � City Secretary RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF SERVICE PROVIDER CONTRACTS FOR THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (TCDP) CONTINGENT UPON THE RECEIPT OF A TCDP GRANT AWARD. WHEREAS, the TCDP has determined that the request -for -proposals (RFP) process used to select service providers may cause a significant delay in the implementation of TCDP grant contracts; WHEREAS, the TCDP shall award five (5) points to TCDP applicants that complete the RFP process for applications submitted under the Community Development Fund prior to the September 26, 2002, deadline for the Program Years 2003/2004 biennial funding competition; WHEREAS, these five (5) points may be vital selected for funding; and in determining whether or not an application is WHEREAS, to maintain a balance between efficient management practices and open and free competition, the TCDP allows this RFP process to satisfy procurement requirements for projects funded during the 2003, 2004, 2005, or 2006 Program Years; NOW, THEREFaRE, gfw 1T I�1=SOLVED: Section 1A. That be awarded a contract to provide TCDP related administrative administrative services for TCDP Program Years 2003-2006 grant(s); Section 1 s. That be awarded a contract to provide TCDP project - related professional engineering services for TCDP Program Years 2003-2006 grant(s), should such services be required; Section 1 C. That be awarded a contract to provide TCDP project - related housing activity management services for TCDP Program Years 2003- 2006 grant(s), should such services be required; Section 2. That any and all contracts or commitments made with the above -named services providers are fully dependent on the actual award and receipt of a TCDP Program Years 2003-2006 TCDP grant(s); and Section 3. That we reserve the right to renegotiate, terminate, or otherwise reconsider any and all contracts or commitments made between us and these service providers at any time. PASSED AND APPROVED, August 19, 2002. ATTEST: Mayor Gity Secretary August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #6 Lanny Grissom, President of the Chamber of Commerce, will be present to address this item. They are requesting to close the streets downtown for the Sanger Sellabration. u August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #7 Attached is the Engineer's letter and a copy of the plat for Tiffany's Addition. C`sE NERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Tiffany's Addition —Preliminary Plat 5 Residential Lots Final Review Dear Mr. Smith: August 85 2002 Per your request I have finished a final review of the Preliminary as prepared and submitted Alliance Area Surveying, Inc. for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3, 1987, and Ordinance No. 05-06-01. My review comments are follows. General 1. The property is currently zoned SF-8 which is the zoning classification that was adopted for all existing properties in the older part of town. Preliminary Plat 1. The minimum lot width for the current zoning classification associated with this subdivision is 60 feet. Lots 1 & 2 do not comply with minimum lot width requirements. 2. To facilitate traffic movement and provide emergency vehicle access without obstructions, a P- type turn around should be placed at the end of Oak Street within Lot 5. The turn around should be designed with a sufficient pavement radius to accommodate all type of emergency vehicles. Since the turn around would be an extension of Oak Street, which is currently an asphalt type of street, the extension of Oak and the turn around should be constructed of similar materials. I would recommend that the preliminary plat not be approved until it complies with all requirements of our City ordinances and a P-type turn around is provided wn Lot 5 at the end of Oak Street. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call meat (940) 3914845. S' cerely; 4e Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Alliance Area Surveying, Inc. —Kenny Zollinger, R.P.L.S. ��i:.iiats�<r tJi<It� rc.t a V k,yw h � t4 v arp:4.44 4N to o► Cq y �� Sb 4i tv r4 CC � o i y V p u O < O ° NO un o a o 3 a < o 3 n n o y 'O o s n o 3 • o x �° 0 0 c ti 0 0 V O p a,o I I N i � G n y 0 30' y � y � O 7 D A D D D D > O Ol O n O G G o m O o m O z o z o O O : p ix o u 3 e 3 o � Y Y August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item #8 & #9 Attached is the Engineer's letter on the Preliminary and Final Plat for Chisam Road Estates. L1�,'�,� MARK T. CaWENS, P.E. GENERAL. CIVIL. CONSULTING ENGINEER August 8, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Chisum Road Estates —Preliminary Plat, Final Plat &Construction Details 18 Residential Lots Sanger ETJ Final Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have finished a final review of the Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Construction Details as prepared and submitted Sempco Surveying, Inc. and CES Engineering, Inc. for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3, 1987, and Ordinance No. 05-06-01. My review comments are as follows: General 1. The property is generally located north of Sanger along I-35 in the northern portion of the City's ETJ, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Construction Details 1. In general the Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Construction Details comply with City ordinances and with standard engineering practices and principles. I would recommend approval of the proposed subdivision. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Carol Gentzel, P.E. —CES Engineers, Inc. t7uitttt't'c; i+tlkic.ne! August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 10 Attached is the bid sheet on this item and the copies of the bids. The Sportsman's bid is cost plus .03 cents. Lynch Food Mart's bid is cost plus .035 cents, The two companies show different costs on the current fuel; therefore, The Sportsman has a higher price on Diesel, and Lynch Food Mart has a higher price on Unleaded Fuel. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Bid Sheet Date of Bid Opening: 1 08/15/02 Time: 2:00 P.M. FUEL BID BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: • gGYr� �a�ayJ cos � lus 073s5 it r, Authorized Signature r/�b'l^i cl� BID FORM MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL All Bids Must Be Returned to the Office of the City Secretary in a Sealed Envelope marked "Fuel Bid" prior to the scheduled opening time of 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 15, 2002. Please note any exceptions: LZMinimum Four (4) Bay Facility, Accessible to Large Trucks and Heavy Equipment Delivery point within Sanger City Limits --- `Delivery available seven days a week, 24 hours per day Billing to City on a Monthly basis Delivery price, less state/federal taxes, figures at actual cost plus. represent your add -on price to actual cost.) 01, (This rigure should * FUEL LIST CONSIST BOTH OF DIESEL AND GASOLINE PRICES. Company '' // RepT.e ntative (Pripted or Typed Name) Address Telephone Date BID FORM MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL All Bids Must Be Returned to the Office of the City Secretary in a Sealed Envelope marked "Fuel Bid" prior to the scheduled opening time of 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 15, 2002. Please note any exceptions: ► �S Minimum Four (4) Bay Facility, Accessible to Large Trucks and Heavy Equipment Delivery point within Sanger City Limits y�� Delivery available seven days a week, 24 hours per day %S Billing to City on a Monthly basis -L 3.5d. Delivery price, less state/federal taxes, figures at actual cost plus. (This figure should represent your add -on price to actual cost.) ��icE G�SS * FUEL LIST CONSIST BOTH OF DIESEL AND GASOLINE PRICES. 7'R Sl /� S v ' /0 o'Z�, Company a CLl vC-(L�/ C�AizY �. l,/'�a1� Representative (Printed or Typed Name) �g,1 e1 , Signature UP D. 66XSRn1GLZje, Address Telephone Date August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 11 The infrastructure to Wal-Mart has been completed, if Council remembers Texas Capital Fund gave the City 1.5 million dollars for the project, and the 4B Board committed $350,000,00, which they have paid. We are still short approximately $66,000.00. The 4B cannot possibly commit to any more since they are already committed to do the Park project. Their funds have been depleted due to this expense. I am asking the Council to give consideration to utilize the Water Tap Capital Improvement Fund to pay the difference. The balance on this account is $109,872.00, The second issue on this agenda item is the over sizing of the sewer line from Bridle Path, Council agreed to do this project over a year ago. Since this is an Infrastructure improvement, staff is requesting that this expense be paid out of our Sewer Capital Improvement Fund. The balance on this account is $132,389,00. August 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item # 12 This is the first Public Hearing on this annexation. This is the property North of Ruth Marshall's and South of Meadowlands Addition. A copy of the location is attached. �ys'z z%7 /BfiL/ 0 � z6i9si � q m N U N � Q o V1 N m ;� -, i!�,Jr� MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY JULY 2002 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS The Summer Reading Club continued. Internet use increased. The library director had a two week vacation. Because of these factors, routine tasks absorbed all staff time. COLLECTION: Began the annual inventory. PROGRAMS: "Read Across Texas" is the theme of this year's Texas Summer Reading Club. Sherry Carpenter continued to present the programs, sometimes with the help of special guests. The first program of the month was "Hooray for the Fourth of July". Children painted fireworks pictures. The next program on "South Texas" focused on the Hispanic heritage of the state, and each child decorated a papier mache pinata to take home. The following program on "East Texas" was enlivened by a talk by Kevin Wiggins, a professional bullrider. For the program on "Texas Wildlife", the older children visited Jeff Duncan's Taxidermy shop next door to the library. Pauline Garrett supervised both that program and the "Texas Wildlife" program for the younger kids. Pauline had to quickly change the Storytime plan for the younger children when the special guest from Lake Ray Roberts State Park didn't show up. During the final program on "Texas Indians" kids enjoyed putting on "warpaint". JULY 2002 STATISTICS July 2001 July 2002 BORROWER CARDS Last month 2890 2859 New cards 37 39 Cards reactivated 8 10 TOTAL 2935 2908 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 324 275 Nonfiction Videos 74 36 Adult Fiction 177 269 Interlibrary Loan 8 4 Renewals & Misc. 242 272 Junior Biography 1 0 Junior Fiction 140 169 Children's Nonfiction 247 246 Children's Fiction 577 475 Paperback Fiction 161 264 Crystal 1 0 Videos 385 401 Audio Tapes 84 35 Leased books 0 119 2421 2565 INTERNET USERS 327 426 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 8 10 Children Attending 94 72 Adults Attending 34 34 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 1 3 Number of Juniors 9 3 Number of Hours 134 66 COLLECTION Books 15683 15418 Paperback Fiction 2532 2616 Video Materials 650 656 Audio Materials 303 348 Leased books 0 194 TOTAL COLLECTION 19168 19232 REVENUE Fines $120.45 $115.55 Copies $46.85 $42.62 ILL Postage $10.51 $5.86 Lost Materials $25.95 $6.95 New Cards $1.75 $2.00 Xerox rebate $5.00 $5.00 TOTAL $210651 $177,98 my xWON Via- 1 Ilia �- IV IsIT IRVIN et { a r �riIt , TV Im ' F r } spt` r t¢ .2 y {VV rme 'Itm, t� }}� VVI _Im •' C '4 h� yip { III"II" 4Y Tell- 2 r 3,3r { a.N. 1{ 3 le .�kf t IV me K p me TV iAm ( mLN IV 4. 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IV 't,elt yIV IV - IT IV x Fh lL It IV TV IV I 2 me,rt j.. uS` .t3,] ` } IY me Them 4 &xIm > 3 at 1 1xml,,mme } efli,tl hu 1 l il Im IV TV V Me "} r 't S t TV t -I Ill , rcY - it Ne, I I -%I I IV T— II ItIle .1. im: mm it I IV gilm tt' 1Ai. r ssem i r kk -3 JIV IT Nee m% IN,� t �s yIrlp i ('§ j s V i, TV I I It meIt {IV t '' E y{ P i g � r r ., 'IT-11 me a`r ''. tr a tIV fit >s ,ry x r ��I 'jet jr -,� .{ ... ,. { 1 i 2 ' xet c WITlAT m. I'm me IV To VOt>'mmf I'llt] }: IN -�44 Tm Q' 12 Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im Im OttI To - ' ml � >: €�� } z 1111 O O August l5, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Citizen's Input Attached is a letter from Jason Driskell. Mr. Driskell indicated he would like to be on the agenda to address the Council regarding the issue of enclosing his garage. Mr. Driskell has been to the Board of Adjustments to request a variance on the parking regulations; however, previous to the meeting the City Attorney advised that the Board of Adjustments could not issue this variance, and the only way this could be done was for the ordinance to be amended. The Board was advised of the attorneys opinion and they denied the request. Mr. Driskell will address the Council under citizen's input. The Attorney advised this could not be an action item, unless the Council was amending the ordinance. C, ler� 1�ee _- C/Liz- Ao 1-ne 12 alizeAr l2o 2Cr G GL q ,S } 7 K oT—Ca—. i �?r Al l August 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City SecretarylAssistant City Manager Re: Item # 13 I added this item to the agenda after the packets had been sent. Attached is a copy of the proposed ordinance. We have e-mailed a copy to the City Attorney for review, and should have his comments prior to the meeting. Staff has been in discussion for some time regarding some type of requirement on the facade of residential units. At this time, we do not have a requirement. Staff recommends that some type of requirement for masonry materials on the facade be required. THAT CHAPTER 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 3.19; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council %J the City of Sanger Texas, that Article 3.19 of the Code of Ordinances, of the City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby added as follows: ARTICLE 3.1900 EXTERIOR CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY HOMES A. This article establishes the brick requirement for Newly Constructed Single Family Residences, Duplexes, and Multi Family Units in the City of Sanger. B. All exterior facades for the first story of a main building or structure in any "SF" zoning district, "217" zoning district, and the "PD" zoning district shall be constructed of a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) masonry construction, including brick, stone, granite, marble, concrete block or stucco. C. All exterior facades for the first and second floors of a main building or structure in any "MF" zoning district shall be constructed of a minimum of eighty percent (80%) masonry construction, including brick, stone, granite, marble, concrete block or stucco. All other floors shall be constructed of a minimum of 50% masonry. D. The City Council may issue a waiver of these requirements on any grant funded properties or reconstruction of a substandard dwelling. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. SECTION V This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 19th day of September A.D., 2002, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary