02/25/2002-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 25, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, j Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Auditor Bill Spore 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Auditor's Presentation Regarding Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Audit. Auditor Bili Spor a indicated he wanted tG go through the r eport, and if they have any questions later on they can call him or he can answer them tonight. Discussed the Combined Balance Sheet. Discussed the Balance Sheet. Discussed statement of Revenues compared to the prior year. Increase in Sales and Franchise taxes. Discussed Budget Comparison for the General Fund. Auditor indicated the General Fund was $20,000.00 to the good. The total on both funds was $75,000 to the good at end of budget year. Discussed Budget Comparison for the Enterprise Fund. There was a large Increase in power purchase from Brazos. Walmart project is still in progress, and is not depreciating yet. There was an increase in the operating income. Discussed that the net income $156,000 prior year was $34,000. Cash was adequately collateralized. Grants in the General Fund is considered Revenue. City received $1,102,393.00. Discussed the Administration Department and that it had Excess Budget of $1,145,000, Actual was $1,124,000, which was very close to budget. Plat fees exceeded budget, but other expenses were all very close to budget. Police Dept very close to budget, revenues were $3,000 over budget. Fire Dept budgeted to have a $148,000 deficit, and the actual deficit was $103,0009, they were $44,000 under budget. Sanitation was under budget by $22,000. Street Department was very close to budget, expenses and revenues were both $20,000 under budget. Library was $6,000 to the good. They received a TIF grant to buy computers, which was over $28,000. Parks Department was $45,000 under budget, some of the items from the 4B Fund were purchased related to Parks Improvements. Swimming Pool was $11,000 to the good. Community &Senior Centers were $6,000 to the good. 4A Board collected $156,000, and had budgeted $140,000. 4B Board expenses are $1100.00 under budget. Discussed schedule of changes in General Fund Fixed Assets. Discussed similar schedule for the Enterprise Fund. Discussed schedule in changes in General Fund Long Term Debt. Discussed Debt Service Requirements. Discussed schedule of changes in long term debt for the Enterprise Fund. Discussed schedule of Restricted Funds. Discussed restriction on the equity accounts. Discussed Schedule of Taxes Receivable. Discussed Management Letter, Auditor indicated the Electric Department Inventory is now running, they did a good job. Auditor Recommends monitoring it monthly and doing random checks. Auditor indicated the Budget was amended, and second time it was amended the changes were not updated in the computer. This should have been updated. Auditor indicated the tap fees were not all transferred each month like they should have been, believe they are transferred now. Auditor indicated the Tourism Board was given $70,000.00 they had several groups come to them and they funded the expenditures. He suggested in the future they accept the proposal, but don't fund it until project is completed. If the board continues they need to get a paid bill before funding. He indicated the Capital Fund Grant requires a Single Audit - there is one comment related to the grant, which is that the Grant Administrators funded approximately $2500 that was never spent. He believed it was a lack of communication from the Grant Administrators. The City will have to answer for the questioned cost. State may want amended reports or possibly want there money back. Discussed Proposed Budget Amendments, Auditor indicated this would not change the bottom line. Discussed Budget Amendments to the 4A and 4B Budgets. 3. Meeting Adjourned. ATT Rosalie �hav+�'z, City. Secreta� a Mayor I ommy Kincaid