03/18/2002-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL March 18, 2002 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig Waggoner ABSENT: Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Code Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Mary Belle Sims, Richard Sims, Steve Noah, Nel Armstrong, Shelley Ruland, Katy Waggoner, Rheba Marshall, Joe Falls, John R. Porter, Greg Edwards 1. Mayor called meeting to order, led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 4, 2002 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin asked about the expense for Sanger Industrial Park. Staff advised it was reimbursed by John Porter. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Plaque for the Sullivan Senior Center. Councilman Ervin asked what the total cost was. Nel Armstrong indicated $500.00. Councilman Ervin moved to approve $500.00 for a plaque for the Sullivan Senior Center to be expended out of the HoteUMotel Tax funds. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. S. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2111, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street, Public Hearing opened. No discussion. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of the Sims Addition, Lot 1R and 2R, Block 1, Being 1.00 Acre in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Fifth Street. Councilman Ervin asked what the reason for the Replat was. Mayor indicated that Richard Sims has been approved for a HUD home; however the property needed to be legally his. Councilman Evans moved to approve the request. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park. Council discussed the plat. Councilman Garza asked if this had been platted before. Staff indicated it had been preliminary platted. Councilman Ervin asked what had changed since the original plat. Greg Edwards, Engineer on the project, indicated the preliminary plat that was previously approved had the street in a different location and an open area for a detention pond and recreational facility. After meeting with the City Staff, they felt the tax benefit to the City for Industrial Use would be more of a benefit to the City than the Parks plan. They made some changes and are bringing it back before the Council. Brief Discussion, Councilman Evans moved to approve the Preliminary Plat. Councilman Garza seconded. Shelley Ruland, Planing and Zoning member, indicated the Planning and Zoning Members had concerns about the drainage and felt the R.O.W. should be 60 feet from centerline on F.M. 455. Discussion. Councilman Evans amended his motion to include the stipulation of the 60 foot R.O.W. Discussion regarding the existing sewer line Greg Edwards indicated the existing 8" line will be removed and potentially done away with all together. Eddie Branham indicated they need to make sure they are getting rid of the clay the line. Lengthy Discussion regarding the sewer line among the Council, Mark Owens, and Eddie Branham. City Manager indicated the Planning and Zoning wanted Greg Edwards and Mark Owens to look at the drainage. Mark Owens indicated he was concerned that when the water came down to F.M. 455 that it might hit lot 19 and cause problems. Councilman Evans pulled his motion. Mayor indicated the motion needs to reflect the changes in the sewer line and RO.W. Discussion regarding drainage, Mark Owens indicated the ditch is designed to carry the 100 year storm, there was some storage but he was not sure now much. It was his understanding that they were going to carry the 100 year storm across this property, but that F.M. 455 would be improved to handle the water without it backing up. He also recommends that before any Final Plats are approved that there be a detailed CLOMR study done. Shelley Ruland indicated this would dump all the water from the North and from this property onto the property South of this, she felt there may need to be some retention. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Rd., indicated he was on the Planing and Zoning Board, but as a property owner down stream from this property he has development plans and has a 100 year flood plain map. He expressed concerns that this would change the flood plain on his property. If this is not a detention it will change the downstream flood plain. He indicated some of the downstream property is platted and this will affect it. Greg Edwards, Surveyors and Engineers of North Texas, indicated the City of Sanger's subdivision ordinance does not have a detention requirement in it, he indicated flood plains are very dynamic and something to be concerned about. He indicated along with FEMA, they will provide a flood plane elevation study and allow the future downstream people to do the same type of development that these people have done. When you do a detention system depending on the geometry of the basin there are cases where a detention pond will actually add more flow to a stream than it would without a detention basin. A study was recently done in Greenville with approximately the same type situation, the flow was sped up and the initial flow was down stream before the peak of the upstream flow hit that location. He explained in detail how the drainage will flow and indicated he felt this was the best pIan for this area, and indicated that when they do the Final Plat they can show a detail drainage study. Mr. Edwards also indicated that the City could decide to change the ordinance and make it a zero increase ordinance. Mayor indicated that what Mr. Edwards was saying is that if we build a detention pond and the run off fills it up, by that time downstream has filled up the remainder already. Then suddenly you will get an influx from the pond. Essentially the initial flow should be moved through faster and when the upstream water catches up it should already be moved out of there. Discussion. Mark Owens indicated he agreed with Greg in that using concrete the water will move more quickly and be gone. H you take one basin out it drops that curve down,. We have a flood plain that has not been studied, we do not have a flood way or a studied flood plain, and that is why we need a study done. We need a base to work with and we don't have a base right now. Mayor asked if this can be done on the Final Plat. Mark indicated that per his recommendation before any Final is approved they need to do a detailed drainage study. Greg Edwards indicated Mr. Porter would have a problem if they said no lot can be final platted without the drainage study, but if they said any lot impacted by the flood plain cannot be platted without a study they wouldn't have a problem. Mayor indicated they had previously allowed him to plat the lots individually, but now they will most likely require them to Final Plat the whole thing. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the Preliminary Plat with the stipulation that the R.O.W. width on FM 455 be 60 feet from the centerline, and the sewer line construction being correct, and that the drainage study be completed before any final plats are approved. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Conduct First Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations: ABSTRACT 1241A, TRACT T79 BEING 9.87 ACRES (AMYX) ABSTRACT 12419 TRACT 299, BEING 3.283 ACRES OF WHICH 1.36 ACRES ARE CURRENTLY IN THE CITY. (CITY) ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 59, BEING 95.00 ACRES (RUTH MARSHALL) Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Approving the Expenditure of Funds to Complete the Kammie Patten Park Project. Councilman Evans moved to expend the $2,000.00 to complete the basketball court at Kammie Patten Park. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #03-06-02 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. (Misc. City Properties) City Secretary indicated these are all the City owned properties that are for some reason outside of the City limits. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution #03-06-02. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Election Judge and Alternate. Councilman Evans moved to appoint Teresa Gannon as the Election Judge and Jennifer Noah as the Alternate Judge. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Procedure for Getting Information to All Council Members. Councilman Ervin asked how this would be done. Councilman Evans asked if he wanted to know how far along a certain project was, how would he find out if he didn't have the time to come to City Hall and find out. Mayor indicated he could call City Hall. City Manager indicated if you want an item on the agenda, call in and we will put it on the agenda. If it does not have to be on the agenda, staff can get the information to them under Non -Agenda items. Discussion regarding that they cannot elaborate on non agenda items in the Council meetings. Councilman Ervin indicated he had mentioned three years ago that he wanted a City Manager's Report giving the members updates on what is going on. City Secretary indicated a report could be done periodically, but if Council had items that needed answers, they could submit that to City Hall and staff would write a memo and send them the answers in the next packet. Mayor asked if instead of waiting for the next meeting, could they send the information as soon as possible to all Council members. Discussion. City Secretary indicated we could put "City Manager's Report on Projects" on the agenda and list the ongoing projects to be addressed. City Secretary indicated it will not be a discussion item it will be an informational Report from the City Manager, Councilman Garza indicated he sometimes felt out of the loop and felt there should be some type of an update so they know what's going on. Staff indicated they will take care of it. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #03-04-02 - Amending Parking Requirements in All Zoning Districts to Require Paved Parking Spaces. City Manager indicated the current Ordinance explains that certain businesses must have certain parking regulations, they will need to decide if they will allow asphalt or concrete or just concrete. Mayor felt it should be concrete. Shelley Ruland indicated the City does not have to maintain the parking lot. Asphalt can be done at a reasonable cost and it is personal property. Councilman Evans indicated he would go with concrete if he was the business owner. Councilman Waggoner indicated that asphalt is an improvement over gravel, and he it it would be fine. Councilman Garza asked if we required residences to put in concrete driveways. Staff indicated we did. City engineer indicated if they go with Asphalt he felt they should add a curb to it. City Secretary explained that her only concern regarding asphalt was that the garbage trucks drive into the parking lots to empty the dumpsters. She was concerned about them damaging the parking lot and the property owners possibly having complaints. Discussed requirement for or best way to handle the trash truck situation. Councilman Evans moved to adopt Ordinance #03-04-02 and to amend the Ordinance to require curbs where appropriate. Councilman Garza asked if they could require businesses to sign a waiver that the City is not responsible for the damage by the truck. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of a New Parks Board Member. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Ron Watson to the Parks Board, Councilman Waggoner seconded. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Changing Time Designation on One -Way Signs in Front of Tenderfoot Elementary School on Hughes Street. Police Chief Curtis Amyx indicated they had a request form the school to change the one way sign so that it would be one way from 7:45 to 8:30 in the morning, and they requested that it be one way from 3:00 to 3:45 in the afternoon. Councilman Ervin asked why they don't change it to one way all the time. Police Chief indicated he did not feel that was feasible due to the traffic on that street. Discussion regarding the traffic and the signs. Mayor did not see any reason for not changing it if the school felt it would be better. Councilman Ervin moved to change the school zone one way signs on Hughes Street to 7:45 to 8:30 A.M. and 3:00 to 3:45 P.M. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 16. 17. Consider and Possible Action on Placing "No Parking" Signs on Keaton Road. Curtis Amyx indicated he thought there may be a problem with the new houses on Keaton in that there may be cars parked on the street, but he found out they have deed restrictions that will not allow them to park in the street. There is sometimes a problem with cars parked in the street in the morning South of Holt Rd. Do we want "No Parking" signs on Keaton Rd. Councilman Evans felt it should be "No Parking" all the way on Keaton. Discussion regarding the "No Parking" signs and where they should be placed. City Secretary expressed concerns regarding parking at the school during special events. Discussion continued. Councilman Evans moved to make it "No Parking" on both sides of Keaton Road from the Flashing Light to Duck Creek Road. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion Carried 5 to 1, Councilman Ervin voted no. Meeting Adjourned. ATTE�': Rosalie Chavez, City Mayor T my Kincaid