08/12/2002-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Workshop August 12, 2002 i PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Fire Chief David Pennington, Woodrow Barton, Jeff Morris 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Budget Workshop Woodrow Barton, indicated he had been looking at publication on tax rates in the City. There was a significant increase from last year. The appraisal district raised evaluations. There is a difference of $90,000.00 in the increased revenues. Why can't the city only increase expenditures by the proposed amount less the $90,000. He proposed that the City Council lower the tax rate to .5490 and save the citizens money. The tax rate has gone up every year for the past four years. He felt they should settle on a budget of $532,000.00 in increased expenditures. David Pennington indicated he had given the Council packets regarding the Fire Department. There are three options that he felt would be proposals for starting to get a paid fire department. He indicated one option would be to hire a full time person at $24,000.00 per year. Discussion regarding the proposed fire fighters. David Pennington explained the procedures and training that a volunteer has to go to through to remain a volunteer. They have to be re -certified every year. They have to go to training classes every month. He indicated during the day time most calls are made by City Employees. The City loses them from their position in the City to go on these calls. The second packet is a program that was started in the early nineties to help recover some of the costs. Councilman James asked out of the 24 fire fighters how many really carry the brunt. Discussion regarding the fire fighters and how many are City employees. Discussion regarding the F.I.R.E. proposal to consider billing insurance companies for fIre/ems runs. David Pennington felt that this program may help recoup the cost of the paid position. If they had the paid position, they would assign someone to go with the full time person each day, unless it's a structure fire. Discussion regarding the schedule. David indicated he wanted to start small now and continue to grow each year. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see them try to hire two full time fire men. Discussion continued. The recovery program is nationwide, there are over 200 cities using the program at this time. Councilman Evans asked how much would have been recovered had we used this last year. David indicated it would have been approximately $30,000.00. Mayor asked what would be the clause for termination. David indicated we could give 30 days notice to drop them, they have never dropped anyone. Councilman James indicated he felt this was a step we need to take, he thought it made a lot of sense to participate in the program for six months, and if we see its going to work, then bring on the person. David indicated he wanted to see them both implemented at the same time. City Secretary indicated they could budget the anticipated revenue and wait the six months. Then hire the employee within the six months. Discussion regarding the recovery program. Councilman Ervin indicated he did not feel the $24,000.00 was that big of deal. It would save money in the long run to keep the department heads here. City Manager indicated it will be a wash in the budget, the collections will pay for the person. Discussion regarding police involvement during the call. David indicated we would bill for a year back from the day we decide to do this. Councilman James indicated that based on the reports, the credibility is pretty solid. If this comes out in a wash, and does not affect the budget at all, he would like to see the city proceed. Discussion continued, Council decided to proceed. Mayor read memo from City Manager regarding the current tax rate vs. the rollback rate. Councilman Garza indicated he felt the rate should not be raised, in fact the school cut the tax rate. Discussion regarding the tax rate. Councilman James indicated he did not feel they should raise the rate, he felt if they lowered the raises to 3.5 percent, and cut a new employee they would be on the way to saving the $90,000 and would not have to increase taxes. Councilman Garza indicated at the National Night Out he explained the difference in last years valuation and this years, He was approached by citizens and asked if that meant the taxes would decrease. When he told them it would not and that they probably would go up, they did not understand it and plainly he did not understand it either. Lengthy discussion regarding the taxes, and the increased valuation. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see the Police Department implement bicycle officers. This would cut some of the cost on the vehicles. Discussion regarding the patrol officers. City Manager indicated he had written down to decrease raises to 3.S %, to remove the new police officer, the car, the code enforcement secretary, and the part-time secretary in the police department. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to cut these items to help find the money to repair Holt Rd. Discussed that Holt Road would be repaired eventually. Discussion regarding the Code Enforcement Officer Secretary. Discussion regarding the secretaries in the streets/parks and code enforcement. City Manager indicated that the 3.59/o raise, the cuts in the police department, and cutting the secretary in code enforcement totals $85,896,00, Discussion regarding the impact on other employees if we cut the code enforcement secretary. Discussion to keep her part time. Councilman James indicated he supported the raise at 3.5%,and cutting the temporary police clerk, but he would like to see the vehicle kept, and the part time employee in code enforcement. City Manager showed cutting raise to 3.S%, cutting police officer, cutting code enforcement secretary to part time, cutting part time police clerk comes to about $71,000. Discussed how this would affect the tax rate. Discussion on effective tax rate. Council agreed on the tax rate of .56547 in lieu of .58879. Mike Prater indicated the City at this time is always hurting financially, and now they are cutting the revenues back, which basically impacts the Enterprise Fund. Discussion regarding the revenues and expenditures and line item budgeted figures. Rose explained CoSery and Cable company did not pay Franchise fees. This was about $30,000 in revenue that we lost, which impacts the General Fund. Discussed lighting at the new High School. 3. Meeting Adjourned. AT'T�ST: Mayor To &Y Kincaid Rosalie