11/18/2002-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL
NOVEMBER 18, 2002
PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs,
Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, City
Engineer Mark Owens, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Streets/Parks
Superintendent John Henderson, James A. Elliott, Rhonda Winchester, Paul
Purvis, Paula Dwyer, Jack Walters, Tod Tieszen, Jack Dawson, Stephen
Howard, Johanna Sorrells, Crystal Brown, Mardy Brown, Lisa Brown
1. Mayor called meeting to order, Councilman Higgs led the invocation, followed by Glenn
Ervin leading the pledge of Allegiance.
2. a) Approve Minutes: November 4, 2002
b) Disbursements
Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Garza
seconded, Motion Carried Unanimously.
3. Citizen's Input.
Jack Walters, 5058 Lois Rd. East, addressed the Council regarding Lois Rd, from I-35
to the Railroad tracks. He indicated he had talked to Cynthia White, and Jack Smith,
regarding the road. He expressed concerns regarding the condition of the road, and the
danger to the residents in that area. He addressed the need for immediate repairs.
City Manager indicated he had a document signed by the County and City. The
document discusses that the County will take care of the road. The document states
that condemnation procedures will start within 15 days after the document was signed,
so that they can begin repairs.
Mayor indicated the road repairs are the County responsibilities.
Mr. Walters indicated that he was advised by Cynthia White that construction would
start in the Spring of 2003.
Councilman Higgs indicated he is familiar with the road and there are some big pot
holes on the road.
Councilman Evans asked if the City could at least fix the area where the water lines
were put in.
City Manager indicated the City can fix whatever they wish on the road, but that the
County had committed to making repairs.
4. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation from the Sanger Downtown Area
Polly Dwyer,113 Diane Dr., addressed the Council regarding the downtown area. She
indicated that Sanger has a long rich heritage, and is currently growing. The buying
power, however, still remains in Denton. The Downtown area is struggling. She
indicated that she had been elected chair of the downtown area committee. The
Committee has discussed some proposed amendments to the City ordinances. The
amendments are two fold.
First, she asked the Council to allow the committee to serve as the Historic Commission,
so that any development or restoration in Historic areas come before them for approval.
Once the board has come up with ordinances , they would like a permanent board
Secondly, they would like moratorium for no construction from Sixth Street to the
Railroad tracks, and from Cherry Street to Elm Street. They would like the
moratorium to be for 30 days.
Ms. Dwyer ended by thanking the Council for there service to the City.
Councilman Higgs moved to accept both proposals of the Committee, Councilman
Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously.
5. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Quail Run, Being 367
Residential Lots out of 82.439 Acres, Located off of Cowling Road.
Mardy Brown, with Dowdey Anderson, indicated he was coming back with a revised
plat at the request of the City. They have been in receipt of several comment letters
from the City Engineer. Some of the items such as drainage will be addressed, and they
will meet city requirements prior to final platting. There are some trees along the
South property line, and questions arose as to what would happen with fencing. They
will try to preserve the trees by moving the fence if possible.
Mark Owens, City Engineer, indicated he had two major concerns. When this plat
came .before Council previously, there was some discussion on the intersection at
Cowling and Fifth, he felt they should require a traffic impact analysis. There may be
a potential problem there. In the analysis, he would request they look at that
intersection alone. He stated in his letter that the study could be required as a condition
of either the preliminary plat or the phase one final plat. The second issue is the park
space. The space will also serve as a detention pond. He felt the City was working
progressively with the developer to allow the detention area to be park space.
Traditionally, they would have to give the park space and go somewhere else for
detention. He does not want it to be deeper than two feet. He is concerned that it will
be deeper than the two foot. If so, the net usable area will be substantially less than the
7.5 acres required. When you approve a preliminary plat you are locked in to what you
approved. If they do the drainage study, and get the calculations, it will make them all
know up front what they are dealing with.
Councilman James, asked if there was any other way to deal with drainage other than
a detention pond. He does not like the detention pond on Keaton Road,
Mark Owens indicated that is why they spread it out in such a large area. They are
trying not to add to the historical flow.
Discussion regarding the detention basin.
Mardy Brown, this is not retention, it is detention. This is so that when it rains, it
detains water, and then the water trickles out slowly. The two options are for a small
pond that is very deep, or a large area that is shallow. They do this type of thing often.
They have provided the information on the flows.
Mark indicated they have not provided the figures for the plans. They have not
provided a volume of detention.
Discussion continued regarding drainage.
Councilman Evans indicated, there were traffic problem when he owned the property
on the corner of Cowling and Fifth St. He felt a traffic study should be done.
Mardy Brown indicated that traffic should have been addressed at the zoning stage,
before the rights were granted to the property owner to build the subdivision.
Discussion regarding the traffic.
Mr. Brown indicated that Cities go through growing pains, normally the roads don't
get built before the people come. The people come, tax base increases, and then the
people come.
Councilman Evans asked if he was saying he was not going to do what our engineer•
Mr. Brown indicated he was not sure they could do the City's work on the analysis.
Mayor asked when could they could have a volume on the drainage.
Mr. Brown indicated he could get it to the City Engineer the following day.
Councilman James indicated that the subdivision ordinance requires sidewalks, and
asked if sidewalks would be included in this project.
It Brown indicated that should be required with the building permit.
Mayor indicated all items discussed can be enforced on the final plat.
Mark Owens, City Engineer, indicated that when you approve a preliminary plat, you
have approved it. He indicated that he does not agree with the configuration on the
detention area, and he recommended they not approve it until they have the
Mardy Brown indicated that if they cannot meet the requirements of the two foot
maximum, they will remove some of the houses.
Discussion regarding the detention area.
Tod Tieszen, FM 26 in Ponder Texas, indicated he had come before Council on the
original preliminary plat. The City Engineer and Mr. Dowdey liked the idea of putting
the park all in one space. It was his understanding that the engineer would be more
interested in this design, and he like the design better as well. He felt the park area was
better than the approved preliminary plat on hand.
Councilman Garza indicated he felt that if the detention area was not going to work
that it should be dealt with at this point and not wait until the Final Plat. He felt that
motion should be made for approval based on the City Engineer's approval.
Discussion regarding the park area.
Mike Prater, Electric Superintendent, asked if they were going to put lights in the park.
He indicated they would not be able to put them in two feet of water.
Mark Owens indicated that he is not against what they are doing, he has heard they
have already done the calculations, but he has not seen the calculations, that's the only
thing he is asking for. He requested this information on November 6, and the
information was not provided.
Councilman Higgs moved to accept the preliminary plat on contingency that the City
Engineer is satisfied with the calculations, and if he is not satisfied, the plat should not
be accepted. This includes the water flow numbers, and the net park area provided.
Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1, Councilman Ervin voted no.
6. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments.
City Manager indicated there is an engineer department. They set up both General and
Enterprise Fund to have this department. The Engineer department on the Enterprise
fund side did not print. On page 40, there is an engineering department, that is a
$36,500 expense. It was not showing up in the previous budget.
Amendments Summarized:
Budget Transfer to the General Fund was decreased from $4759000.00 to $4509496.00.
Budget Transfer From the Enterprise Fund was decreased from $475,000.00 to
Department 18 was added to the Enterprise Fund with a total budget of $36,500.00.
Discussion regarding the changes.
Councilman James moved to approve the amendments, Councilman Evans second,
Motion Carried unanimously.
7. Consider and Possible Action on Appointing/Replacing one (1) Parks Board Member.
City Manager explained James Emery changed jobs and cannot attend the Parks Board
meeting. Kathy Grissom indicated she would like to serve on this board.
Councilman Evans moved to appoint Kathy Grissom to the Parks Board, Councilman
Higgs seconded, Motion Carried unanimously.
8. Meeting Adjourned.
MITdn;my Kincaid