04/21/2003-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCH,
APRII., 21, 2003
PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Glenn Ervin,
Councilman Mike James, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez,
Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric
Superintendent Mike Prater, Streets/Parks Supervisor John Henderson, Mark
Moore, Ken Perry, Shelley Ruland, James Wheeler, Jo Wheeler, Kathy Carter,
Audrey Dial, Sheila Gianniny, Crystal Brown, Dina Garcia, Katharine Wordell,
Shirlene Wright, J.L. Wright, Maria Pineda, Jaime Pineda, Nancy Stewart,
Dwayne Trower, Nicole Trower, Jane Provo, Mendy Echols, Glynis Smith,
Khosrow Sadeghian, James Burtfield, Robert Wordlow
1. Mayor called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Evans led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
2. a) Approve Minutes: Apri17, 2003
b) Disbursements
Councilman Higgs moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Evans seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizen's Input.
4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to
MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry
Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd.
Public Hearing opened.
Mark Moore, spoke in favor of the zoning request. He indicated that the Planning and
Zoning commission approved the request 5 to 1, and that eighteen (18) homeowners
back up to the property, and of them, fifteen were spoken to. Three of them had no
problem with the re -zoning, ten did not want two story, two wanted to see a site plan,
one was concerned about drainage, and one did not want low income housing.
Currently the property is zoned duplex, and could be developed with about 34 duplex
lots. With MFI, theoretically they could get 50 units, but with the easements on the
property they could get closer to 45 units. He indicated there were advantages to the
city, including that all improvement would be put in by the developer. They feel it is
a good use for the land. It will be a good buffer between the mobile home park and the
single family homes. They want the property owners to feel comfortable. This will
bring additional housing to the City of Sanger. They would be willing to put in a side
walk to help with the pedestrian traffic on Keaton Road.
Kathy Carter,1609 Fairfield Circle, spoke in opposition of the request,. This is in their
back yard. They did not receive notification. She was concerned with zoning
enforcement. She is concerned that current zoning issues are not being enforced.
Dwayne Trower, 1822 Melinda Myrl, spoke in opposition in the request. He was in
favor of development in this town, but felt the zoning should remain duplex. He did not
think it should be re -zoned. He indicated that he did not feel the Council members
would vote to down zone property near their own homes, and asked that they vote
against this request.
JL Wright, Duck Creek road, indicated he would like to see the streets fixed before
more housing was put in.
Katherine Worde11,1824 Melinda Myrl, expressed concerns regarding the down zoning
that was recommended by P&Z. The question is how much more dense the property
will be. This will mean more cars, more traffic, and more pedestrians. There is an
increase in traffic on Keaton road already. There is no sidewalk on either side of the
road. Two new housing additions use that road and no sidewalks were put in. Children
walk in the street. There is not even a speed limit sign on the street. She indicated that
she had asked about it being a school zone, and was told it was too far away from the
school to be considered a school zone. She is not against growth in Sanger, but
indicated that this is in her back yard. She indicated that even if walls were put on both
the North and the South side of the property, she would still be opposed to it. This will
increase the risk to all pedestrians.
Public Hearing closed.
5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex)
to MF-1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry
Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd.
Jimmy Evans asked how many in the audience had homes that backed up against the
pI operty.
(Six (6) hands were raised).
Discussed difference in number of units in duplex vs. multi -family zoning.
Moratorium discussed.
Councilman Higgs asked Mr. Moore if he bought the property knowing it was zoned
Mr. Moore indicated he did.
Councilman James indicated Keaton Road did have traffic issues. He felt the city could
check into traffic control. He indicated the fence would be put up on both sides.
Khosrow Sadeghian also spoke in opposition to the request.
Councilman Ervin moved to deny the request, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion
carried 5 to 1.
6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2)
to I-1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property
is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr.
Ken Perry indicated the property had previously been zoned LB and he could put in
storage buildings under that zoning. He currently has storage buildings on the
property, and would like to build another 5000 square foot building.
Public Hearing closed.
7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business
2) to I-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66.
Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr.
Councilman Ervin asked when the property was zoned B2.
City Secretary indicated 1985-87.
Councilman Evans moved to approve the request.
Motion carried unanimously.
8. Meeting Adjourned.
Rosalie .Chavez; City Seer
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Councilman James seconded.