11/03/2003-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL
NOVEMBER 3, 2003
PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Joe Higgs,
Councilman Glenn Ervin
ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez,
Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Electric Superintendent Mike
Prater, Parks Foreman Nathan Sprabary, Candace Murphree, Sheri Knowles,
Doris Garner, Alice Madden. Elizabeth Hieas, Laverne Schertz, Pe�2v Sanford,
Chris Bengston, Liz Springer, John Springer, Carolyn Frazier, Tine Jernigan,
Greg Russell, Jeanice Newton, Mike Dobrovolsky, Grace Garza
1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Higgs led the Invocation, Councilman
Garza led the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. a) Approve Minutes: October 13, 2003 - Special Called
October 20, 2003
b) Disbursements
Councilman James moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman Ervin
seconded, Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizen's Input.
4. Consider and Possible Action on Keep Sanger Beautiful Presentation Regarding
"Welcome to Sanger" Entrances.
Elizabeth Higgs, 218 Hillcrest, addressed the Council concerning the "Welcome to
Sanger" entrances. She gave the Council a Fall Update showing the projects the Keep
Sanger Beautiful Board is doing this Fall. She wanted to share the concerns of the Keep
Sanger Beautiful Board. She indicated they appreciated the support of the City
employees, but expressed concerns regarding the maintenance of the entrances into
Sanger. Sanger citizens and visitors are proud of the entrances. The City cannot
make a good first impression with poor maintenance of the area. It has been difficult
to get proper care to these areas, there is an underground system for watering. The
mowing and weed eating on the entrances has not been up kept either. The Chisam
entrance is grown up with bermuda grass. The grass needs to be chemically taken care
of or pulled up at the roots. The Keep Sanger Beautiful Board is in the process of
adding an American Flag to each entrance, and the lighting, that had been agreed upon
previously, will need to be installed. The board has met with TXDOT engineers and
the location of the flags has been approved. They are now needing Council approval
for placement of the flags at the entrances. She asked that the Council check into the
maintenance at the entrances, the progress of the lighting and to give the board
approval for the addition of the flags.
Mike Prater, Electric Superintendent, gave a summary of what was needed for the
lighting. Now that they have started the new budget year, they will be able to start
work on it again.
Discussed lighting.
Danny Cockrell indicated he had been discussing the maintenance with John, they have
purchased a small tiller in order to be able to get into the area.
Nathan Sprabary indicated they did not have resources to carry water and hook it up
in these areas. They have to borrow the booster truck from the fire department. They
have to make three different trips to water, and it takes about half a day each time.
During the summer, they tried to water it three times a day. They water each chance
they get. He showed pictures and indicated there were three dead shrubs. Everything
else is green. There were complaints about bushes on the South side. They are just
losing their leaves. They are still alive. It's difficult to keep these areas watered with
the current lack of resources. They are doing their best to keep it watered.
Councilman James suggested they use low maintenance plants in these areas.
Councilman James moved to allow the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board to proceed with
installation of flags in the entry ways. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried
5. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for Library
City Manager indicated the Library Director had looked at the agreement and
approved it.
Councilman Higgs moved to accept the Interlocal Agreement, Councilman James
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #11-13-03 -Casting Votes for Candidate
to the DCAD Board of Directors
City Secretary indicated there is a list of people who were nominated. The Council, at
this time, needs to cast the votes for one of the people on the list.
Councilman James moved to cast all 10 votes for Wayne Gillum. Councilman Ervin
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Consider and Possible Action on Pro -Rats Agreement with Sanger ISD.
City Manager indicated the contract was drawn up by the City Attorney, it includes
numbers that were computed by the City Engineer. There are only two properties that
may possibly use that line. They have a contract with Sable that he can use the line
without paying. The only other person that may tie on in the future is Jim Conley. He
will only have to 4.7% if he ties into it.
Councilman Higgs moved to accept the Pro -Bata Agreement for Sanger ISD.
Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Consider and Possible Action on "No Smoking" Policies in City Vehicles and City
City Manager indicated Councilman Ervin had requested this item be placed on the
agenda. This is not for the public, it is for the employees.
Councilman Ervin indicated he felt it was a good idea. The City of Denton put it into
effect in the vehicles because one employee may drive the vehicle and smoke in it and
it would cause the next driver to become ill.
City Secretary asked that they reconsider Section "H" if they consider the policy. The
city does not have a program to help with drugs or alcohol because of the cost, and a
program to help with nicotine addiction would be costly as well.
Councilman Ervin bsked if -all of the City buildings were smoke -free.
City Secretary indicated they do smoke in the break room at the barn.
Danny Cockrell indicated he felt they were infringing on their rights and
discriminating against them because they smoke. He is the only one in his vehicle and
he did not feel he was harming anyone else. He asked the City Secretary if she had
received any complaints regarding this.
City Secretary indicated she had not received any complaints from employees or
Discussion regarding the city vehicles.
Sheri Knowles indicated she is a smoker and there is not a break room for her to smoke
in. She already goes outside, and now they want them to go even further away from
the door. She expressed concerns regarding what they would do when it rained or was
cold. She felt they were being punished because they smoke.
Nathan Sprabary indicated he rides in a truck with two guys, and they don't complain
about him smoking. If they did complain, he would not smoke in the vehicle. This is
Sanger, and they have not had a complaint about smoking. He did not feel that Sanger
should do it just because someone else did it. He thought it was a bad idea.
Chris Bengston indicated she understood not smoking where the public entrances are,
but did not feel it should matter at the rear entrances.
Discussion continued.
Councilman James indicated he did not feel it was necessary to change the current
policies if they have not had any complaints. He did feel there would be a point in the
future that this will happen.
Mike Prater, Electric Superintendent, indicated he does not allow his department to
smoke inside the vehicles or in their break room. He asked if it was going to be a
problem for him to set separate rules for his department.
Councilman James and Councilman Garza both indicated they felt he could set rules
for his department.
Councilman Garza indicated he would like to leave the policies as they are.
Councilman Higgs moved to leave the policies as they are. Councilman James
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned.