02/02/2004-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP February 2, 2004 i PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Water Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, John Springer, Liz Springer, W.L. Barton 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Metal Building Ordinance. Councilman James indicated he would like to see the Council raise the bar on the quality of buildings in Sanger. He continued to explain that he welcomed new businesses and increased revenues, but felt they should raise the standards of the buildings. Discussion regarding the current ordinance. Councilman James indicated he would like to see the requirement for masonry facade on metal buildings be raised to 100%. Discussion continued. John Springer indicated he felt it could be done on a case by case basis. Individuals could request a variance from masonry requirements. Discussion regarding metal buildings in Industrial zoning versus Business zoning. Councilman James indicated he felt the ordinance was too vague. He felt 1000/" of the metal should be covered up, and that they should allow wood and glass. Discussion. Councilman Garza indicated he did not have a problem with the back of the building being metal if it is not visible. Councilman James indicated if the back of the building is not visible he would like them to come get a variance. City Manager indicated businesses come because it is profitable, and they will follow any rules we set. The council needs to set its rules, and let it stand. Councilman Evans indicated he agreed with the 100%. Council agreed on 100% facade other than metal. 3. Meeting Adjourned. //.M✓._ iliKincaid Qs a Chavez, City p�