02/12/2004-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL CALLED FEBRUARY 12, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs ABSENT: Jimmy Evans, Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Tim Glenndenning, Jerry Jenkins 1. Mavor called meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Systemwide Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvement Plan for the Designated Water/Wastewater Service Areas Under Which and Impact Fee May be Imposed. Public Hearing opened. Tim Glenndenning, indicated this is the Public Hearing for the Council to consider the capital improvements and land use assumptions. He indicated thirty days after the public hearing the council will need to take action to adopt the plan or send it back to the advisory committee. The process the City goes through is to look at anticipated land use in the city. There are two areas that they examined in the land use study. The two areas are the water service area and the sewer service area. They looked at both areas and anticipated the future land use over the next ten years and the overall build out. In developing the land use assumption the most important part is what is going to be needed to meet population demand over the next ten years. He went through the land use plan as follows: • Existing land use in two service areas • The water service area (over 5600 acres in the area; Identified present land allocations) • The sewer service area (26,000 acres) • Examined past population changes based on census data • Anticipated future population in each service area (projected population is subject to drastic change) • Population growth will mainly occur along I11-35 • Future land use assumptions for ultimate build out in both service areas • Ten year build out (assignments for water and sewer service areas - pg 11) • Expectations for land absorption • Translating population numbers into actual housing development (2.85 persons per home) • Vacancy rates (ideally 5%) That concludes land use assumptions. Mark Owens addressed the Capital Improvements Plan: He indicated that he took the land use and put some infrastructure to it, to meet future needs. Trying to fine tune areas that are going to grow and plan how to get water and sewer lines to those areas. He is trying to justify the project itself. This is a twenty year plan. He broke the city up into the areas where he sees its going to grow. There are a lot more projects that deal with sewer than with water. Future water is a lot less than future sewer. He then showed a ten year picture, and indicated every project shown is on the books. It's been preliminary platted or is in discussion. He showed a map and indicted this is where the growth will be in the next ten years, potentially there could be other growth. He is trying to justify the population number in the land use plan, and to get a cost per home to provide the infrastructure for this. Discussed future water needs. Discussed water from Upper Trinity. Discussed details of capital improvements over twenty years. Discussed details of capital improvements over next ten years. Discussed sewer capital program -three drainage areas to provide service for on the east, and one area near the highway. Discussed 20 year plan for sewer. Discussed location of main trunk line. Discussed location of sewer plant. Discussed ten year sewer capital improvements plan. Total build out of sewer facilities is $76,000,000.00. Discussed impact fee. The fee would be in effect for 20 years, but reviewed every five years. Discussed future operating and maintenance costs. Discussed possible rate increases. Changes made on page 20 as follows: water is $1685, sewer is $1916 for impact fee. i The tap fee will be set by council. Discussed tap fees. Discussed impact fees would have to be paid up front. Discussed land use map and future Zoning. Discussed accounting of the impact fees. Discussed how ordinance would be worded. Councilman James asked what the up -side and down -side was of impact fees. Mayor indicated accounting is a nightmare. This work will prove that our fees are validated. Discussion continued regarding the impact fee study. Tim Glenndenning indicated if a developer comes in and pays his impact fees, then within ten years the city has to use that money on a capital improvements projector it has to be refunded with interest. Discussed how fees would be charged. Discussed developments and how they would be charged. Discussed annexations. Required to update every five years minimum. (should do annually) Tim Glenndenning indicated since they have had the public hearing, that within thirty days they need to adopt the land use assumption and capital improvement plan. If they want to adopt the impact fees, they would then set a public hearing on the ordinance, and adopt an ordinance imposing an impact fee. City Manager indicated the plan is on the agenda for Tuesday. Tim Glenndenning indicated if they adopt the land use and capital improvements they would not want to wait two years to adopt the impact fee. Public Hearing closed. 3. Meeting adjourned. AT EST: / ' __ o �omm Kincaid �,..,�1�.. ( Dir.. �l y Y Chavez, City rel r 3 r '✓ � ;'� as � ii1 aii, i