02/17/2004-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP February 17, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Water Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, R. Wierschem, Jerry Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Paul Vineyard, Greg Russell, Polly Dwyer, Jesse Lynch, Peggy Sanford, Merrie Lou Abney, Michael Davis, Danny Cockrell, Mike Dobrovolsky, Arlene Thomas, Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Auditor's Presentation Regarding Fiscal Year 2002/2003Audit. Bill Spore addressed the Council regarding the Construction in process and the assets, which was cost thru September 30, for water and sewer improvements, this can be completed once the project is finished. Discussed statement of revenue and expenditures. Discussed property taxes and non -property taxes. Discussed Grants and InterIocal agreement incomes. The General fund showed a deficit of $186,000.00 The prior year there was a surplus of $199991000. This was due to receiving the bond proceeds. This was the reason the General Fund showed a deficit this year. Discussed revenues and expenditures in the General Fund compared to the budget. Several items were overspent due to expenditures from the bond funds. Discussed special revenue funds. Discussed revenues and expenditures for the Utility Fund. The revenues increased this year from last year due to bond proceeds. The operating income was up as well. Net Income for the year was $800,000.00. Discussed cash accounts. There were no uncollaterized cash accounts. At the end of the ,year there was over $5,000,000.00. Discussed revenues and expenses in the General Fund for the Administration Department, Discussed Police Department budget. They were $30,000.00 over budget due to improvements on the new building. The Fire Department was under budget by $619000.00. The Sanitation department was also under budget. The Street Department was over budget. This is due to expenses from the bond money. Discussed Parks Department was under budget. The Swimming Pool was $84.00 over budget. The Senior Center and Community Center were $10,000.00 over budget. The expenses that were over budget were primarily due to capital improvements. Discussed 4A and 4B Board budgets. Discussed changes in fixed assets owned by the General Fund. Discussed similar schedule for the Utility Fund. Discussed long term debt in the General Fund. Several bank notes were paid off. All required payments were made. Accrued vacation and sick pay did increase. Discussed long term debt in the Utility Fund. Discussed schedule of restricted cash accounts. Discussed water and sewer improvement accounts. Discussed taxes receivable. Discussed schedule required for the HOME grant. The city did meet all of the matching requirements. Discussed management Ietter. He addressed that alI invoices should be approved by the department heads. Discussed fund balances for end of year. Discussion continued. Discussed proposed budget amendments. (see attached amendments) 3. Meeting Adjourned. ATTE T , .1 4. �' 0 ';� Kincaid