03/01/2004-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP March 1, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, Woodrow Barton, C.G. McNeill, Danny Cockrell, Jerry Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Belle Lawson, Jesse Lynch, Mike Lawler, Barbara Sormezler, Matt Sormezler, Patti Warren, Polly Dwyer, Chris Bengston, Ralph Cain 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Workshop Regarding SidewalkRepair,Handicap Ramps and Designation of Handicap Parking Spaces. City Manager indicated the City had budgeted $50,000.00 for sidewalk repair. They have been approached by several citizens regarding sidewalk repairs and handicap ramps. He asked for direction from the Council as to what they wanted to do. He felt the top priority was to get handicap access to the drug store. Discussed a plan John Henderson had given. Councilman Higgs indicated it was 6 to 8 inches from the sidewalk to the door in front of the drugstore. Mayor indicated there has been some thoughts to tearing up the sidewalks and re- building them, but he felt there should be a way to tie into the existing sidewalks. Discussion. Councilman Evans suggested sending it out for bids. Mark Owens indicated they need to go out and do a real design on it. Councilman Evans indicated a study was done in 1995, he indicated it cost the city $6,000.00. Discussion continued regarding ideas for the sidewalk. Discussed Parking on Bolivar Street. Mayor indicated there may be a way to re -stripe the parking spaces to add one additional space. Mayor discussed imposing a one hour time limit on parking. Councilman Garza indicated he would be concerned about the police officers having to come around each hour to check. Discussion. Councilman Garza indicated he has seen a lot of towns where the merchants have bought an empty lot near their store for parking. The merchants could charge for parking and validate the parking for their own customers. Mayor indicated the parking on the east side of the Wilfong building could be re -drawn to add one more space. John Henderson indicated there is supposed to be a 25 foot space between the stop signs and the first parking space. He indicated parking cannot be allowed next to the stop signs because it will block them from view. He suggested opening up the empty lot by the western store for the merchants to park in, this would open up the street for more customers. He indicated the amount of cars on Bolivar Street should be reduced since Dr. Perry is moving to a new location. Discussion. Mayor indicated they could make the stripes eleven foot and not put them at such an extreme angle. John Henderson expressed concerns that handicap has to have eight feet of dead space on the side, and felt that even if they gain a space it will go to handicap. Discussion regarding parking along the Park. John Springer indicated they could have a where the sidewalk is. 60 To street if they take part of the park Mayor indicated he felt the main discussion should be focused on 3rd street. Councilman Higgs indicated they should get the engineer to look at it and come it with a solution. Mark Owens indicated the old plan is a good solution, but is expensive. He explained the plan. Mayor indicated they do not need anything that elaborate. John Springer indciated he and Jeff Springer have both been by the City requesting information from the City to do the study and they have been told they did not have time to get them the information. Discussion regarding the plan. John Springer indicated he had been given a lot of credit for the drawing, but he never saw the drawing. It came through the Chamber of Commerce and he eventually saw it. He'd like to see the Council consider coming up with the scope of a whole plan and figure out how to do it in sections. Like to see some plan come before Council and the Council make whatever changes they want. Original plan showed two way streets. It was mentioned that several parking places could be added if it could be changed to one way. People have volunteered a lot of time, and the engineering could be done without any cost. He indicated there is a possibility to get some of the materials donated. There are a few property owners that would donate lights if lighting could be arranged. If this could all be put on paper as a plan and then the Council look it over that would be a good start. Mayor indicated he did not see how making the street one way would create another parking place, if Jeff Springer can meet with him in the morning, he will be here and will see that Jeff gets everything he needs. Discussion continued. Mayor indicated the city had $50,000 budgeted. He indicated the #1 priority is to get wheel chair access to the drugstore. Discussion continued regarding grants and possible funding. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to table this until a plan is submitted. Discussion. Woodrow Barton indicated he felt the sidewalk in front of the Sullivan Center should be repaired. The city crew put in handicap ramps and did some sidewalk repair. He felt they could do the same in this area. Discussion continued. Patty Walker, indicated her grandfather gave the center across the street, and has been interested in seeing the city continue what it has started as far as restoration. She thought it was a good idea of looking at a full scale plan. They could start with a smaller scale plan and work toward a complete one. Discussion followed. 3. Meeting Adjourned 0 ommy Kincaid