04/14/2004-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP APRIL 14, 2004 i PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Woodrow Barton, Rob Dillard, Susan Dillard, Dale Tucker 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2, Discussion Regarding a Proposed Planned Development Presentation by Centurion Development. Discussed with Item #3. 3. Discussion Regarding a Proposed Planned Development Presentation by K.D. Development (Johnson/Payne), Kirk Wilson indicated on each one of the memorandums there were six items that they wish to discuss tonight, and may possibly integrate into their proposal. One of them is park land dedication. They would like to dedicate land if the Council feels it will be a benefit. The second item is that they will donate up to three acres of civic land. They will give one 3 acre tract out of one of the two developments. They will agree to use Sanger Electric. They agree to make a one time donation of $25,000.00 for each development to the Sanger Park Fund. They will agree to donate 12 acres for a school site. They will agree to minimum residential lot square footage to be 5500 square feet. Councilman James asked if they had discussed the school land donation with the Sanger ISD. Mr. Wilson indicated they have not. They will discuss with them whether they would prefer to have two school sites or one large site. Councilman Evans asked if this was on the last agenda to schedule a public hearing for annexation. Staff indicated it was. Discussion. Councilman Evans indicated he felt the best thing for the citizens was to annex it in, and for the residents to pay the full amount of the taxes. Mr. Wilson indicated the project will not be done as it is being contemplated if they are brought within the city limits. Discussion regarding park land dedication. Mayor asked if the Council requested they bring it all into the City limits initially, what would happen. Mr. Wilson indicated they will .have to look at different options. The project works under the general framework they have proposed, and they have no plans to the alternative right now. Discussion regarding annexations. Discussion regarding marketing of the commercial frontage property. Councilman Evans asked if they got half way through it and it doesn't take off, what will happen. Mr. Wilson indicated they would be on the line for the portion of the land that they own. Each property owner would be responsible for a percentage of the bill. Discussed issues relating to the bonds. Discussed some of the amenities in the developments. Discussed disclosure form for the tax that the district will assess. Mayor indicated he did not see why anyone would pay 34 cents more to live in this community than they would pay living in the city limits. Councilman James asked what the lots would probably sell for. They indicated about $21,000.00. Councilman Garza asked about the CCN transfer from Bolivar. Discussion continued. Councilman James asked what type of corporation was Centurion Development. Mr. Wilson indicated he did not know, but that he could find out. Mayor convened into executive session at 69.35. Mayor reconvened into regular session at 7:03. Mayor indicated thcy have decided to listen to anything else the developers have to say, and they will make a final decision at the next regular meeting on Monday. Dale Tucker, School Boar(1 Representative, indicated the school board had discussed this at their last meeting, and they feel it will be a benefit for the School District. 4. Meeting adjourned. Kincaid Rosalie