09/14/2000-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL -SPECIAL CALLED SEPTEMBER 14, 2000 4 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSI�NT: Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Craig Waggoner PRE'�ENT: City manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Woodrow Barton, Grace Garza 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing on Tax Increase; Schedule and Announce Meeting to Adopt Tax Rate. Public Hearing Open. Woodrow Barton, 807 N. 7`h St., indicated there was a 20% increase in the General Fund budget over last year. Discussion regarding the increase. Mr. Barton indicated there was a 19% increase in the tax rate. City Secretary indicated the tax rate is actually not changing, but the evaluation of property has increased. Discussion regarding the tax rate. City Secretary explained how the tax rate is calculated. Mr. Barton indicated if the budget had not been increased the tax rate would not need to be increased. Discussion regarding expenditures in the General Fund. Discussion regarding the transfers. Mr. Barton indicated if the tax rate is going to be raised, the City of Sanger should lower the electric rates because the people who pay for Sanger Electric are paying more to maintain the City than those who have CoServ. Public Hearing closed. 3. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2000/2001. Public Hearing open. Discussion on transfers from the Enterprise fund. City Secretary indicated she will have the auditor explain the transfers to the Council when he presents his audit. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for the City of Sanger Lois Road Water Well. City Manager indicated this was left off the last agenda. He indicated this well would be South of the old landfill. He has spoken to the bank regarding payment, the City has a note with GNB, that has three more payments left on it. The bank has indicated they would extend the note for this project. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to award the bid to J. J. Biffle Water Well of Muenster in the amount of $183,996, Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Meeting Adjourned. ���`ommy ncaid, Mayor ATTEST: �.ti®F SA,•�,�'As Rosalie Chaitc,