04/20/2001-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL -SPECIAL CALLED April 20, 200I PRE,�EIVT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Crai Wa McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin ouneilman Carroll ABSENT: Councilman Aitdy Garza OTHERS PRE;�ENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Frank Ballard, Vickie Jenkins, Jerry Jenkins, Woodrow Barton, Mr. Carneal 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed 4A Corporation Project. City Manager indicated the Council is obligated to approve or disapprove any project that the 4A Board is proposing to do. He referenced a memo he had given the council regarding the attorneys opinion on this project. Everything is legal, but there maybe some liability. At this point they are not asking for money, they are just trying to get this in place before going to the state. The City will not be liable, but the 4A could be. Frank Ballard indicated they wanted to bring in businesses that would help economic development in town. One of the advantages of Wal-mart coming was approximately 600 new residents coming to town. They will need a place to live. There is a shortage of apartments and affordable living in Sanger. The board would like to go into agreement with Mr. Cai•neal's company. If this is done, there will be 76 units, the city will receive tap fees and ad valorem tax. They have seen pictures of similar developments and they look good, and also have checked into the company and everything seems to be good. The only question the 4A Board had was the liability. Mr. Carneal has agreed to give the 4A Board a letter stating they will not be liable for any loans. Mayor asked where the proposed site is. Mr. Ballard indicated on the Sable Property next to the high school. C"harles Carneal indicated he had spoken to Jack Biggerstaff, school superintendent, regarding this project. Mr. Biggerstaff indicated he felt it was a good idea. At this time they are going to apply to the state for funds. The participation of local non profits will help them get points on their application. The city will not be out any money or significant effort. They are asking for federal money to help build the apartments. The state is trying to get investment in some places they have not had in the past. They will have plenty.of insurance. Anything the city is asked to sign will specifically say that the city will not have any liability, and if the city does not like what it says they do not have to sign it. There are significant benefits for the city, and not many down sides. Frank Ballard indicated this is not low income housing, this qualifies for affordable housing. At this point they are just asking for them to approve the project, not the site or zoning or anything else. Basically asking Cou�rcil to approve this so they can go 3. forward; however, the council can kill this at any time. The 4A Board approved this 4 to 1. Jerry Jenkins, 2507 Chippewa Trail, spoke in favor of this project. He indicated there are people who live in the surrounding cities that would like to live in Sanger. He indicated this is a chance for Sanger to get an apartment complex that is a respectable looking. This will be in a good location, will be nice housing, and there are no conflicts in zoning. This will be a benefit to Sanger. The action tonight will either make or break this deal. The Council still will have a chance later to turn this down. He urged the council to support it. Woodrow Barton, 807 N. Itung expressed concerns regarding the location. Councilman McNeill indicated he was opposed to the location right next to the school. He indicated the more he thought about it, the more he thought about money for the city and housing for the city. He would want to see a letter from the school stating they did not mind them putting it on that road. Councilman Higgs asked if this was the only site they had. Mr. Carneal indicated this is the only site they can do this year. The deadline for the application is Monday. They also were trying to avoid putting in a lift station. Discussion regarding the road to the property. Mayor indicated he was working with the commissioner concerning the road. Mr. Carneal indicated they were not building low income, they were building affordable housing. The state looks at affordable as 30% of your income. Discussed the rent amounts. Councilman Higgs expressed concerns about liability. Jerry Jenkins indicated he was at first not in favor of this, but since it has been explained to him he feels it is what Sanger needs. Councilman Ervin moved to approve the proposed 4A Corporation project with AHM. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Any Other Such Matters. None. 4. Meetiri'g•' AT OD Rosalie I �E�f'sl�l's{�lllllfd,,. jou ned° ��' ayor o my Kincaid