05/07/2000-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MAY 79 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Pro -tern Andy Garza, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Esmeralda Wilkerson, Jimmy Evans, Woodrow Barton, Delores Coker, Prentice Preston, Ralph Cain, Connie Evans, Shelley Ruland, Jimmy Evans, Fred Simmons, Jody Roberts, and Grace Garza 1. Mayyor Pro -ten Andy Garza called Meeting to Order, Councilman Waggoner led the Invocation, in Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Counc CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 9, 2001 - workshop April 16, 2001 April 20, 2001 - Special Called April 23, 2001 - workshop b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Pre -Oath (Statement Of Elected Officer), and Issue Certificates of Election. Cit,, Secretary gave the Oath (Statement of Elected Officer) to Councilman Garza, Councilman Evans, and Councilman Higgs. Certificates of Election were issued. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Todd Tieszen with Vista Development Concerning a Subdivision on Cowling Road. This item tabled. 6. Coniduct Second Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Annexation of the Following Property: ABSTRACT 29, REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, BEING 291.9467 ACRES, TO BE KNOWN AS SANGER TRAILS Public Hearing opened. No :Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sewer Situation at 107 Holt. Jody Roberts addressed the Council concerning this item. He indicated at a prior City Council meeting of February 5, 2001, that he was advised that the City would extend sewer services to his property, and that he would be responsible only for the cost of the pipe. He has been told now that there is a problem and that he will be responsible for supplying the pipe and the utility contractor since the City is not licensed to tie into the manhole. Mayor Pro-tem Garza iind:icated that even though this is only one lot, Mr. Roberts is still responsible to bring the line to his property as would be the responsibility of any developer. Eddie Branham, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, indicated his only concern was violating the City Ordinance if he extended the line. Discussion. Ma;�or Pro-tem Garza read the Letter form Hunter Associates dated January U.,2001 where the City Engineer, Mark Hill, had addressed this issue concerning the sanitary sewer line and installation of service to the property. Mark Hill had asked in his letter if the City had agreed to extend the line. The letter also asked that verification be provided showing that the existing saniitary sewer line will be sufficient to serve the property. In his letter dated January 24, 2001, Marrk Hill referred to only one item, which was the discrepancy of the referenced line, and that all other comments had been addressed. Ma�rlc Hill indicated that lie did not receive written comments from staff; however, his recommendations are for the City staff to verify the items in his comments. Discussion. CitJ� Manager indicated drat what Eddie Branham is saying is that City Council needs to decide if t>h1ej want the City to run the line or not run the line to Mr. Roberts' property. 1Wayor Pro-tem Garza asked if the City would be setting a precedence. Cite Manager implied that by running the line to the property it would; however, it could very well be clue to a misunderstanding between the City and Mr. Roberts. Discussion. Item tabled for next Council meeting to allow staff to listen to the tape and report back to the City Council as to what was actually said. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #05-02-01 - Regarding 2001 HOME Grant Apl►lication for Owner -Occupied Rehabilitation/Reconstruction Program. Mike Walthall, GSA, addressed this item. He explained that the Resolution had certain 9. 10. 11. requirements that are necessary for the grant application. He explained the guidelines for the scoring criteria and the matching requirements for the grant. Discussion. Item tabled for next City Council meeting to allow staff to work out the details. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance 0305-01 - Amending the Library Board Ordlinance. Item tabled for next City Council meeting. Consider and "Coxe Action on Awarding Bid for Street Improvements. Mall Hill addressed this item. He indicated the bids were for 2" of hot mix asphalt overlay and repair of the existing pot holes. The project included Jones Street from Kirkland to the end, Thirteenth Street from Hughes to Elm, and Locust from First to Seventh. Five bids were received: Mairpave Inc. TMD & associates Peachtree All Tex Paving Inc. APAC 572,850.00 �839500.00 $83,825.00 �11114'75.00 $122,525.00 Mark Hill indicated this project is basically minimal repairs; there will be no repairs or maintenance to the base material. He explained that once these repairs are done, eventually the pot holes and cracks will reappear and maintenance will need to continue. He indicated the best way to do this project is to rework the base and then come in with the asphalt. Mairk expressed the need for the City to have a street program. Discussion regarding the water department and that they will be replacing old clay lines before the improvements to the street are completed. Discussion continued. Councilman Higgs moved to accept the low bid. Brief discussion. Counncilman Higgs withdrew his motion. Item was tabled to allow staff to check with the County to see if they will help. Conisider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for Water Storage Tank. Mark Hill indicat4ed that the pump station and storage tank are for the Wal-mart Distribution Center. Bids received were as follows: 12. 13. Project A: High service pump station Gra con Base Bid $350,000.00 Alternate Bid $3209000.00 Red. River Base Bid $3565900.00 Alternate Bid $27%900.00 Project B: Ground storage tank Pittsburg Tank & Towet$91,595.00 Tank Builders $1159000.00 Councilman McNeill moved to accept Hunter Associates recommendation to accept the low bid frorn Pittsburg Tank Company for $919595.00 for 180 days on Project Be Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Waggoner moved to accept pump station bid from Red River for the alternate bid of $279,900.00. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendment to Line Item 58-5345. CitJSecretary addressed this item and expressed that in last years budget she had transferred $34.,524.63 to a savings account to set it aside for the payment on the note payable due December 2000. In this years budget only the balance was allocated and when the note was paid the account line item shows an overspent balance. This amendment to the budget of $34,524.63 will adjust the line item expense. This will concur with auditor's recommendations. Moi�ion vas made by Councilman Higgs to approve the amendment to line item 58-5345 as indicated in the amount of $34,524.63. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Any Other Such Matters. A) City Manager addressed the parking at Railroad Park. He indicated that John had already put in a parking lot and has that gate open; however, the citizens are still parking on the other side. B) Another item addressed was the tree limbs. When a request comes in for tree limbs, staff cre<<tes a work order, and turns it over to the street department. There are times a citizen will call and say that they have called in three or four times, if we do not have a copy of the work order, most likely they did not call,. City Manger indicated that the City Council should not assume that the citizens are always telling the truth when they say they have called the City two or three times and the city has not taken care of their complaint. C) City Manager indicated a citizen who lives on Brooke Dr. has requested speed bumps on her street due to the density of the street and children playing on the street. D) Councilman Ervin indicated that he would like the TML Conference on the next agenda for City Council members to attend. E) Councilman Ervin indicated he had read an article in the paper that a new drug store was coming. He expressed concerns regarding the side walks. City Manager indicated that there was money in the budget that he thought could be used for side walks. Councilman Ervin indicated the City needed to proceed to do something before the drug store opened. F) 7'he lights at the end of Bolivar street, by the Flags, are not working and need to be replaced. G) (councilman Ervin addressed a letter in the packet written by Ric Gonzales, concerning a court case in the Sanger Municipal Court. He asked if the appointment of our new alternate judge will eventually work into a full time judge. Cit,Manager indicated it probably would. Discussion regarding the antount fines collected. CitJSecretary indicated approximately $30,000.00 to $40,000.00. H) PVlayor Pro -ten Garza and Council expressed his appreciation to Councilman McNeill for the years he had served on the City Council. t4. Meeting Adjourned, 1:1 Rosalie