06/18/2001-CC-Minutes-RegularMEN IUTES: CITY COUNCIL JUNE 185 2001 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Andy Garza ABSENT: Councilman Glenn it OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Shelley Ruland, Jay Parr, Nick Farhood, Bob Johnson 1. Mayor called meeting to order, Councilman Waggoner led the invocation followed by the Pledge of allegiance CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minuttes: June 4, 2001 b) Disbursements Councilman Higgs moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Nicholas Farhood, Johnson and Payne Real Estate, indicated they were interested in the Sewer pipe that would be going under the highway North of town. City Manager indicated this is on the Capital Improvement plan and they will have a workshop in the next iwo weeks to discuss the plans. Discussion. Shelley Ruland, 206 Tejas, indicated she had a formal request with a petition from the property owners in Indian Springs to have something done with the park that was donated to the City in that area. She presented it to the Council, and indicated that possibly a walking trail and park benches could be put in that area. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider the Proposed Annexation of the Following Property: ABSTRACT 1241, H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, TRACT 57, BEING 59.738 ACRES SITUATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FM 455. Public Hearing opened. 1�10 Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 5. Appointments to All Iloards. City manager indicated there are three places available for the Library Board, the Library Director is out on vacation, and he would lake to discuss it with her before the appointments are made. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the appointments and replacements to all boards as listed in the Council packet, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. PLANNING AND Z®htl[1�G Reappoint: Polly Dwyer, Place 1 Mark Bulger, Place 3 Ralph Cain, Place 7 Replace: Charles lFenoglio, Place 5 (se�•ved 3 terms) Reappoint: Beverly Branch, Place 1 Patti Sliger, Place 5 Replace: Curt Roberts, Place 2 Jayne A0.hcraft9 Place 3 (served 3 terms) Tony Tipton, Place 7 (served 3 terms) BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Reappoint: Nal Armstrong, ,Place 1 Jerzy Jenkins, Place 3 Sherry Lewis, Place 5 Bobby Frizzell, Place 7 Replace: Jim Mann, Place 6 Ken Perry, Place 4 (if appointed to P&Z) BEAUTIFICATION BOARD Reappoint: Nei Armstrong, Place 1 Alice Madden, Place 3 Kim Shaw, Place 5 Joanne Bell, Place 7 Laverne Schertz, Place 9 VOLI7NTEERS Ken Perry Jay Parr James Emery John Jacobs Ginger Burt Mike James SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD Reappoint: Chester 'Wright, President Margye Illenery, Secy & Treasurer Ida Bell Hammonds, Board Member Alyene Wells, Board Member Wendall Thomas, board Member :'• i9 1 Reappoint: Glenn Shaw, Place 5 Re Ip ace: Delores Coker, Place 1 (served 3 terms) Helen Kirby, Place 3 (served 3 terms) Sandra Lloyd, Place 7 (served 3 terms) Replace: Jerry Jenkins Beverly Howard 6. Consider and Possible Action on Re -Appointment of Representatives to the North Texas Regional Library System. Councilman Waggoner moved to approve the recommendations of Vickie Elieson for the appointments. Appointments as follocvs: Norma Matney, Representative Nancy Smith, Alternate Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sanger I.S.D. and the Electric Rebate Payment, City Manager indicated the rebate that is given to the school is for all the schools on City Electric. When this was set up it was because the City Charged a higher rate than CoServ, at this time this is not the case. Mayor asked if this was not done away with a couple of months ago. City Secretary indicated there was an ordinance that was passed several years ago giving this rebate to the school. The city had passed an ordinance to raise the rates and to do away with the existing ordinances in effect. The school is asking that the City honor it this year. Discussion regarding the amount Councilman Higgs indicated he did not think they should change it in the middle of the year. Mayor indicated lie did not feel that should be a consideration. Councilman Garza indicated he agreed, although he would consider not doing it in midstream. Councilman Waggoner indicated he was leaning more toward Councilman Higgs, and felt they should hold up there end of the bargain this year, and do away with it next year. Discussion. Councilman Waggoner indicated he felt they should pay them up until the point that the ordinance was passed. He felt that would be fair. Discussion regardingagreement. Discussion rega�•ding Chisholm Trail 1Jlementary and the service of electricity. Councilman Waggoner moved to rebate the Sanger ISD as in the past up to the point the ordinance changecl. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for Tax Collection, Councilman Garza ��ioved to accept the Interlocal agreement with Denton County for Tax collection. Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mayor indicated the tree limbs were not on the agenda. Discussion. City Manager indicated they were running a chipping crew everyday trying to get it c00 In up. The electric department is also trimming limbs and chipping them as they go. b) Councilman Higgs snc}icated he has been seeing vehicles that have not been moved in a while and that are not tagged. c) Mayor indicated he had a letter a•egarding Mike Plater, a gentleman wrote a letter commending him on }eis work on the electric outage earlier this month. d) Councilman Higgs addressed the area on Plum St. that is zoned light commercial. He had two citizens approach him wanting to build residences in that area. He wanted to look at the zoning ordinance and put it on the agenda. City Manager indicated he would talk to Kirk Franklin to see what can be done during the recodification of the ordinances. Discussion regarding zoning. d) Councilman Waggoner indicated Bobby Swan had an idea for taking care of brush. They could add a 2 or 3 dollar charge to the utility bill. The citizens would be responsible to cut their brush and bring it to a designated place, the City would chip it, and the citizens would be allowed to get the chips for free. City Manager indicated Amarillo has ten chipper trucks that chip on site, and they have a place you can bring the limbs also that is open 24 hours a day. They build in a cost with the garbage pick up. Discussion. Mayor indicated IESI is not picking up small bundles of brush like they are supposed to. e) City Manager indicated Council had a memo and some invoices regarding repairs made to the pump at the well on McReynolds Rd, and the Transmitter/Receiver antenna at the City yard. This has been turned over to the insurance company, howecer the insurance companies pay late, and staff would like to use the water fund savings account to pay these and reimburse the account when the insurance check is received. Council indicated this would not be a problem. f) Councilman Evans asked for someone to get a hold of Guy Bennet and find out if the old gas station is sewer or septic. g) Councilman Garza asked where they were at on the well. City Secretary indicated they are waiting for him, but he should be done by the end of this month, h)Discussed status of Ralph Amyx drainage issues. 10. Meeting Adjourned. Wairllb 1IM