07/02/2001-CC-Minutes-RegularMINIUTES: CITY COUNCIL JULY 29 2001 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councihman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Roger and Elizabeth Hebard, Steve Frank, Nelva Higgs, Sue Trego, Alice Madden, Helen Kirby, Laverne Schertz, Nel Armstrong, Elizabeth Higgs 1. Mayor called meeting; to order, followed by Councilman Waggoner leading the invocation and Councilman Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: June18, 2001 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin anoved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Waggoner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. A) Steve Frank, 210 Southside, would like a speed bump put on their street. Mayor indicated the Police Chief would look into it, and see what could be done. B) Alice Madden, 112 Kathryn, representing the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board, had board members stand, and indicated they had worked very hard. Ms. Madden indicated they received the Council of Governments Achievement Award, for $70,000.00; they presented the check to the Council. She indicated on August 2, 2001 at 10*00 they will have a meeting with TXDOT, and they would like any input from the Council; they will meet at the Sanger Public Library and would like the Council to be there. Ms. Madden indicated they were also one of eight cities that won the Kroger award, which is $500.009 and fihe check has been mailed. Beautification Board gave the Council each a T-Cho rt. Nel Armstrong indicated the award started about ten years a go, last year they won second, this year they 'won first. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-09-01 -Amending Speed Limit in Snider Estates and Se�:ond Street. Mayor indicated to mark Second Street off on this item, and asked if the Police Chief had any input regarding the proposed changes. Chief Amyx indicated this was discussed at a previous meeting and they felt that lowering the speed limit was the best option. Now they need an ordinance to put it in place. Brief Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to approve seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor read caption as follows: Ordinance #07-09-01, Councilman Higgs AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING A NEW SPEED LIMIT FOR VEHICLES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ADDITION , ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION IN SNIDER ESTATES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE . PROVIDING THAT VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL CONSTITUTE A MISDEMEANOR, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY UPON CONVICTION OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT ALLOWABLE UNDERSTATE LAW FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Elevated Storage Tank. City Manager indicated a leg pedestal is a tank in the air with four legs coming down, and a pedestal sits closer to the ground. Discussion. City Secretary indicated they were going with the 500,000 gallon tank. City Manager indicated he would recommend going with the leg style, and if Wal-mart would prefer the other one he would ask them to pay the difference. City Secretary indicate there is more than clan ,Ann .fin (almost $300,000.00) left for this project, and the City would pay the difference. Councilman Ervin asked if they should wait until they discuss this with Wal-mart. City Secretary recomiX�enced they award the bid and stipulate that if Wal-mart wanted the other tank and would pay the difference they could do that. Discussion regarding the difference in price between the pedestal and the leg stye. Bids received were as follows: Phoenix Fabricators (leg style) $385,282 (300M gal) $503,742(SOOM gal) Caldwell Tanks (pedestal style) $553,000 $753,000 Councilman Higgs moved to go with the 500,000 gallon tank with the leg style from Phoenix Fabricators inn the amount of $503,742.00, and if Wal-mart wants the pedestal tank and will pay the difference they will go with that. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Electrical Materials. City Secretary indicated these are the hardest bids to award, the Electric Department gets their products from both Wesco and Techline. Discussed delivery time. Techline was 2 to 5 days, and Wesco was 3 to 80 days. Councilman Ervin indicated in the future possibly bid on quantity. Councilman Evans moved to award A to Techline and leave it open like they did last year to where they can buy from Wesco. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Second Public Hearing to Consider the Proposed Annexation of the Following Property. ITUATED ON THE NORTH1 OF FM 4550 Public Hearing Open. City Manager indicated Porter will voluntarily annex all of their land in that area. Public Hearing closed. 8. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture) to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi -Family 2), I4 (Industrial 1) and SF-7H (Single Family 7H) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails. Public Hearing opened. City Manager indicated the Planning and Zoning recommended approval; however, there were concerns regarding the road for the Industrial area. He indicated the Council can control the roads by ordinance. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and PPossible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture) to B •3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi -Family 2), I-1 (Industrial 1) and SF- 7H (Single Family 7H) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails. Roger Hebard indicated it would Great for the City if they have housing for the people at Wal-mart. The service fees would benefit the City also. Mr. Hebard indicated when .the Preliminary Plat was done, they did increase the roads, the lot size, and the side yard as per request of the Council. He indicated they also will not develop this subdivision all at one time. The first phase is approximately 50 lots. When they come back for additional phases they would work with the City to see if the infrastructure is available, and to do whatever it takes to meet the demands. When fifty more homes go in, there will be fifty more voices heard by the County to get more county dollars in Sanger. City Manager indicated this was first sent as SF3, before the designations were changed, this is now a SF7-F, this would be a 7000 sq. ft. lot with a minimum 1350 square foot lot. Discussion regarding the road. Councilman Erwin moved to approve Ord 07-lll-Ol, Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as followsa 10. A,ny Other Such Matters. a) Councilman Biggs asked how far the City limits go out North of Lois. City Manager indicated we have Wal-Mart's property, but none of Wolski's North of Lois. b) Discussion regarding the fireworks stands North of town. c) Councilman Evans asked how much farther can the City go out after they get Porter's land. Discussion regarding annexations. d) Discussion regarding zoning. City Secretary indicated the City attorney does not recommend down zoning or allowing the items in lower zoning to be put into the higher zoning. Lengthy discussion regarding zoning. Discussion regarding running the request back thru that was for a zoning change for a Multi Family unit on Plum and Seventh Street. Mayor indicated they should run it back through under a specific use. e) Discussed the RV Sales lot that was new in town. City Manager indicate they had requested a specific use permit. Lengthy Discussion regarding the sales lot, and the pavement, Councilman Evans asked about the road from the High School site to Willow Rd Mayor indicate he and the City Manager had met with the County Commissioner a they are hoping that it will be 60 - 40, with the City o and ty paying 60 /o, Discussion regarding the road, g) Councilman Garza indicated he heard that we lost another police car, Staff indicated they did, Discussion regarding the circumstances and policies that need to be in place when situations like this occur, 1 L Meeting Adjourned° ATTE�',T: Rosalie Chavez,