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07/23/2001-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMIN UTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP
July 23, 2001
PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs,
Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Andy Garza
ABSENT: Councilman Craig Waggoner
PRUSENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose
Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Mike Prater, Electric
Superintendent, John Henderson, Streets/Parks Superintendent, Carroll
McNeill, Alice Madden, Woodrow Barton
1. Mayor called meeting to order.
2. Discuss Capital Improvement Plan.
Alice Madden,112 Ka9:hryn, representing the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board, indicated
they had received a $620.00 grant and spent part of it replacing the stone at the park.
Now they would like to replace the light poles on each of the corners where they are
missing. They want to put a one globe light on either corner. She showed the two lamps
they were considering. If they use the smaller one the Board can purchase seven and
they would ask the City to purchase one. If they purchase the larger one the Board
would be able to purchase four and would ask the City to purchase four.
Discussion regarding the lights.
Ms. Madden indicated they were asking for approval to put lights on those corners,
and for the City to help out.
Mayor tentatively gave approval; however indicated it would have to be on the next
agenda for action.
Discussed Capital Improvements.
City Manager indicated there are two things they need to establish. The list came from
department heads and Himself. They need to go over the list and make sure they all
agree. The next thing to do is to prioritize what order things will need to be done.
City Manager indicated they need to add the Scada System for the new overhead, it will
be about $57,000.00.
Discussed the new road for the school. City Manager indicated a lot of money could
be saved by putting in an asphalt street.
Councilman Garza and Councilman Ervin expressed they did not feel that would be
a good idea. They felt the road needed to be concrete.
Discussion regarding possible locations for the new City Hall. Discussed Franklin
Smith's lot, discussed HIollingsworth's property, and discussed the lumber yard site.
Councilman Higgs indicated they should look at the lot on the North side of the square
with the two old houses.
Discussion regarding the pink house and that it is a historical marker.
City lO�Ianager indicated when the school is complete the Middle School will be empty
and the administrative offices will probably move there. The administration building
and the Co-op building will then be available.
Discussion regarding a evenues, and hov< they will finance the improvements.
Discussed Wastewatea• Treatment Plant expansion. City lO�Ianager indicated this was
a necessity.
Duck Creek Lift Sation Relief Sewer line is also a necessity. This was discussed.
Discussed the Cowliaa�; sewer line.
Discussed the Ba•idle Path sewer lines.
manholes on each side.
This is the bore under the highway and the
Discussed the sever Brae I`torth of town from Utility Rd. to Lois Rd. and the sewer line
from Belz to (Ttility lad., these deal with replacing or running parallel to the line going
to Wal-mart. This will eventually be to Sanger Trails.
City Manager indicated this was a necessity and they also put in $100,000.00 a year for
miscellaneous inraproveanents.
Discussed the Water line from Acker Tank to Keaton Rd. Serendipity, the new
subdivision, will( come off of this line.
Cowling Rd. ground storage tank, City IVianager indicated they could hold off on this
because they dicl not iaacrease the water from Upper trinity.
The Pressure reducing valve at Utility Rd. is needed.
Discussed additfional water source from Upper Trinity for future years.
Lengthy discussion regarding the water source from Upper Trinity and the storage of
the water when it is needed.
Discussed up sizing the Wal-Mart elevated tank. This will be necessary.
Need to increase from $200,00.00 to $257,000.00 for Scada System.
Discussed water line along FM 455, Lois Rd., and miscellaneous water improvements.
The $1301000.00 on ttae Lois Rd. water line needs to be moved from 2003-2004 to
2002=2003, it will need to be done sooner.
Discussed Street improvennents. Mayor indicated the $1,000,000.00 per year will need
to be started next year not wait until 2003.
Discussed Duck Creek Rd. bridge and the drainage problems in the area.
City Manager indicated he would continue to check on possible sites for the City Hall.
Discussion continued regarding proposed improvements.
3. Meeting Adjourned.
Rosalie Chavez.,,;
MrXom'my Vincald�