08/13/2001-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINIUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AUGUST 13, 2001 PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Andy Garza, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Jimmy Evans ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Vehicle Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Fire Chief David Pennington, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx 1. Councilman Craig Waggoner called meeting to order. 2. Budget Workshop City Manger indicated the City Secretary had re -figured the debt with the Tax Assessor/Collector, Mary Horn. The new roll back rate is up to .58879. The city can go up to this rate without worrying about a rollback election. This would be an additional $96,057.00/year. He indicated he felt the valuation would continue to climb. They could consider getting a one million dollar loan with a fifteen year payback, and indicated now may be the time to go to the voters with a higher tax increase for street repairs. He also discussed the Capital Improvement Plan. He indicated they removed the City Hall building, but something will need to be done with the police and court. Porter will sell his building on Bolivar and 3rd for $102,000.00. We can get the parking lot across the street for $9,000.00. Councilman Ervin asked what kind of money it would take to renovate the building. City Manager indicated he was not sure; however there is offices and a counter and a drive-thru window. Discussion regarding the empty lot on Bolivar and Fourth streets. Continued discussion on the Capital Improvements. Councilman Higgs indicated he would be in favor of purchasing the Porter building if they purchase the Smith Rot along with it. Councilman Evans expressed concerns regarding the possible citizen complaints about not taking care of the streets, and infrastructure before building a new City Hall. He felt the other improvements should be done first. Discussion regarding a:he funds for the projects. Discussed the tax rate, and now taxes would increase if a bond issue was passed. Discussion regarding street repairs. City Secretary indicated she felt we should go with the rate discussed and then In for a bond election in May. If the bond does not get passed, then they could refinance every year and get another million dollars for streets. Discussed water and se`aer repairs, water from Upper Trinity, and repairs to the sewer plant. City Secretary indicated something has to be done about the expansion of the sewer plant. The City could go to the Texas Water Development Board and get a lower rate on a loan from them. The expansion on the sewer plant needs to be started, it takes at least a year to get an expansion done. It needs to be decided which improvements need to be done first. Councilman Riggs asked Eddie what streets he thought needed to be done first. Eddie Branham indicated Marshall Street should be done first because it is in very bad shape. The sewer line also needs to be replaced. City Manager indicated he felt there should be a street committee that decides which streets need to be fixed first, then approach the Engineer to get a cost on it. City Secretary inclicated that is how it was done in the past. Discussion continued on street improvements. Discussion regarding sewer plant expansion. Discussion regarding bonds, bond ratings, and borrowing from banks. City Secretary explained roll back rate and that it is increased when the debt rate is increased. Tap fees were discussed in length. Councilman Evans asked to put the tap fees on the agenda to consider raising them. City Manager asked if they wanted to consider a rate increase on water and sewer. Discussion regarding water rates and sewer rates. Councilman Ervin asked to get rates from other cities. City Manger indicated he would check around, and bring an ordinance back with a rate increase for water and sewer and an increase in tap fees. City Manager indicated they should go ahead and increase the tax rate to the rollback rate. With the debt the city will have next year, the roll back rate may be even higher. Councilman Waggoner asked what lcincl of growth was anticipated. City Manager indicated he did not know. Councilman Waggoner indicated according to a chart in the paper, Sanger had the lowest growth rate. Councilman Higgs indicated he felt that they should hold off on raising the tap fees. Discussed connect fees. Continued discussion on tap fees. Councilman Ervin indicated he felt it would be okay to raise rates on commercial, but felt that residential should not be raised. Discussion regarding the developments that are already planned and if they should be charged the higher tap fee or if they should be grand -fathered in under the old tap fees. Discussed water and sewer revenues versus expenditures. Discussed the basic electric rate. Discussion on rates continued, City Secretary indicated they will get rates from other cities and bring them back before the Council. Councilman Evans indicated he was in favor of the proposed budget. He felt the staff had done a g000� job. 3. Meeting Adjourned. ATT S P �� � •.' li�/h �C a or omm Kincaid y y