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08/20/2001-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINIUTES: City Council m Workshop
August 20, 2001
PREI3ENTe Mayor 'ronimy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig
Waggoner, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman
Joe Higgs
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez,
Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John
Henderson, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Water/Wastewater
Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx
1. Mayor called meeting to order.
2. Budget Workshop.
Councilman Garza indicated they went through the budget except for revenues at the
last meeting.
Discussed the Capital Improvement Plan.
Discussed Sanitary Sewer and Water Improvements.
Discussed Street Improvements.
Total Improvements for 2001-2002 come to $3,611,000.00. Mayor asked how this
would be funded.
City Manager indicated they need to be kept separate for each Fund. the Enterprise
Fund is $1,98190009 and the General Fund is $19 00,000.
Discussed the drainage situation at Clear Creek.
Discussed Treatment Plant Expansion.
Continued discussio't ou the Capital Improvements Plan.
City Manages' indicated the Cowling Rd. Pump Station can be moved to 2002-2003.
On Municipal Buildings they removed $50,000 for the lot on the corner of Fourth and
Mayor indicated he did not feel that the citizens would mind the tax increase, because
they do want to see impravements.
City Secretary inclicgt A the increased tax rate will pay for the General Fund side of the
iinprovements, then the revenue side will need to be looped at to see where those funds
will come from.
3. 1Vleeting Adjourneda
Iliosdlie Chaves, City