10/15/2001-CC-Minutes-RegularMINIUTES: CITY UVIUNCIu OCTOBIER 155 2001 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Jimmy Evans OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Code Enforcement Officer Ken Wilson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Don Holson, Tim Evans, Hector Forestier 1. Mayor called me Ep to order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, Councilman Evans led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: October 1, 2001 b) Disbursements Councilman Evans nr®ved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Discussion Regarding Issues Concerning Plat for Don Holson. Don Holson, '70i F.10�. 455 West, indicated he had put in a Plat for a subdivision in May, and was wondering why nothing has happened. He indicated he spoke with Jerry Jenkins in August and Jerry followed tip with the City Secretary, who said she would follow up on it. The sCity Secretary called the surveyor who indicated they did not receive a copy of die Engineer's letter and she faxed it to them. City Secretary inclicatted she had faxed the letter and that Samantha had followed up on it as well, the surwVyors indicated they were not sure if Mr. Holson was going to proceed with the pki t. Don Holson indicated he did not receive a copy of the Engineer's letter, and he requested a refund on lris plat fees. Mayor asked Mr. Hohon to allow the staff to try to straighten out the situation prior to giving him a refund, and if it couldn't be worked out that a refund would be given. City Manager indacdited staff cannot straighten it out without the needed information requested on the Eng neer's letter. Mr. Holson's surveyor will need to provide the Preliminary Plat 44nnd the Drainage calculations. Discussion regardinL; She Plat. Mr. Holson indicated) ]lne would get with his engineer and see what could be done. Mayor moved up Item,8. 8. Consider and Pos �iY le Action Iaegarding Johnson Control Consultants and Discussion of an Energy Savings Survey and Approval of the Project Time -line, Tim Evans, Jol��nso;u� +Contfi•ols in Irving, gave the Council a packet with a general outline of his discussion. He indicated there were three things that needed to be discussed which werp., financial solutions, financial tools, and who the Company is. The Company financiallly helps cities and counties reduce their costs and raise there revenues, as well #as maintaining there assets. They would try to find ways to decrease losses in water revenues and other areas. They are requesting to come look at the City to see if there are things they can workwith. Basically they try to find ways to improve infrastructure but decrease the costs to the City. Discussed scenarios of aveb^age City expenses and revenues. Mr. Evans indicate�� tlT:ey would help the City comply with Senate Bi115, and use money that is already h1c ng spent , they would help the City spend it more wisely. Hector Forestier, inclia�ated the project must be self funding or budget neutral. The Company's creed is to exceed the expectations of the customers. He indicated that School districts take. f €lvantage of this program all of the time, and that they have a 97% success rate. 1.4c indicated the project is guaranteed, and if they guarantee a savings that is not reached, they will pay the city $20,000.00 a year until the problem is fixed. Mr. Forestier ihdicated it is a veay easy process with foist phases. The first phase is the planning phase, �vi�ich is meeting with the stafff regarding the project. The second phase is the data collection phase, then there will be a project development agreement, then walk-throughs and one on one's with the staff to capture all possible savings. The Final phase is the Impillementation phase, which would take 4 to 6 months. Mayor asked how nnnach this would cost, Mr. Forestiea• indic,aMed that there is no cost to the City to get started. They will gather information, and co�trnl�ile it and bring tlYe expected savings to the City along with the cost for implementat[on and ask for Council's approval at that time. Johnson Controls will get a percentage of the savings. Discussion. City Manager indicated he felt iit was a good idea, and felt the City should proceed. Discussion continuedi0 Tim Evans indicated that: when the study is done, if they find ways to save money, a second study will be done, and they will advise the City how much they can save them, and guarantee It. He iindicated they were only asking for a signature on the time -lane so that, they could get started on the preliminary phase. They are not asking for any money at this time. They will come back to the Council prior to any cost being incurred. Councilman Ervin na.oved to approve the project time -line, Councilman Garza seconded, Motion cq:rriied unanimously. 5. Consider and P��ssilale Action Regarding a Preliminary and Final Plat for McKnight Addition, being 6.00 Acres in the B. Lynch Survey, Abstract 725 in the E.T.J. of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Brief Discussion regarding the location of the lot. Councilman Evans ���ioved to approve the plat, Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on ®rdanance #10-20-01 - Adopting a New Personnel Policy for the Ciity oi' danger. Councilman Ervin :�sl�:ed about vacation time and if it carries over• from year to year. Staff indicated it does not carry over. Councilman Evaaas moved to adopt the new personnel policy, Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible action on Resolution #10-06-01 - Setting a date time and place for Public Heai•iings oai Proposed Annexations. City Secretary Yndicallled this would close in the gaps in our City limits. Councilman Garza asked if the City was going to send out letters to the property owners. regarding th(V ,public hearings on these annexations. City Secretary iridicat:ed it is not required and staff was not planning to do so. Councilman Garza indicated he would like to see letters sent out. City Secretary i:nclicated tine letters would be sent. Discussion. Councilman Higgs indicated he would 11k to annex one mile out on F.M. 455 East and West and one mile North on the highway. Lengthy discussia>n re 3aia•di;litg annexatian of the e•oads. Councilman Evans u:ia�ved tto adopt 1=2esolution #10-06-01 as amended to include one (1) mile North on I-35 or to the County line and F.M. 455 East and West. Councilman Higgs seconded, I<doilion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and I°ossi�hle Action on Ordinance #10-27-01 -Amending the Fees for Electrical Permiits, Plumbing Permits, and Mechanical Permits. Councilman Evans innoved to approve �ilydinance #10-27-01. Councilman Garza asked about the exhaust fans and the AC unit being the same charge. Ken Wilson inclit; ata�nl they would be the same, and that this was done to reduce confusion on the costs of permits. Discussion. Councilman ���aiggoE�er seconded, Motion carried unanimously. Control Ordinance. Eddie Branham 11ni3ln•Q�ateci this is basically changing the wording of the current ordinance to incic�Vice 64�ttsnek on a person". This way the animal control can take care of a situation where t:hore is an attack on a person or an animal and not just an animal. This is a state requirement and the attorney prepared the ordinance. Councilman Waggoner ;moved to adopt Ordinance #10-28-01, Councilman Evans seconded, Motion cairried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Purchase of Porter Building, City Manager 1111dicdrited that he had budgeted $102,000.00 plus $9,000.00 for a total of $111,000.00 for the purchase of the Porter Building and the Parking lot across the street. Although it was approved in the budget, he wanted to get the approval of the Council prior to the purchase. City Secretary ffdf. ed $ t50,000.00 was actually budgeted for this. City Manager iatdicd the other $39,000.00 was for improvements to the building. Councilman Ervin indicated this would be a good time to do the sidewalks in front of the building, Discussion regavclin�; �;ide`��alks. Councilman Garza moved to purchase the Porter Building and the Parking Lot, Councilman Erlin seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 12. Any Other Such i�a.tters. a) City Manager in�l.icated there will be a walls -through at the New High School on October 23, 2001 an(rI a joint meeting with the City Council and the School afterwards. He indicated he would try to have Cynthia White at the meeting for discussion of the road. b) Discussed fill situation on Rising Star. c) Ken Wilson iridicat��d he received a call from a gentleman wanting to build a 25,000 to 30,000 square fool comnnercial building. He asked the Council if the building had to be bricked. Lengthy discussion regarding the metal building ordinance, and that it needs to be clarified. 13. Meeting Adjourned, U) ATTEffo Rosalie Mayor ommy Kincaid 0