05/20/2005-CC-Minutes-SpecialMINUTES: SPECIAL CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday May 20, 2005 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike Lawler OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Mayor called Meeting. 2. Consider and Possible Action to Issue Election Order for Second Election for City Council Place 5 and to Issue Notice of Election. City Secretary discussed the dates for the 2°`' election June 1st-7th 2005 early voting and date of election is scheduled for June 11, 2005. Motion was made by Councilman James to issue election order and issue notice of election for June 11, 2005 and early voting to begin June 1st-7tn. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Election Judge and Alternate Judge To Serve as the Early Voting Ballot Board. Motion was made by Councilman James to appoint the following Teresa Gannon -Presiding Judge -has worked in the capacity of Presiding Judge in the past in our elections. Sherry Lewis - Alternate Judge - currently serves on the Board of Adjustments. Rose Anne Preston -Clerk - will work only part of the day. She will also work 2 days as a clerk in the Early Voting. Judy Yoast - Clerk Britanny Coffey - Clerk - will work part of the day. The following individuals have agreed to work as clerks during Early Voting: Evelyn Shaw Alice Madden -agreed to work Wed., Thurs., &Fri. Rose Anne Preston - agreed to work Mon., & Tues. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Meeting Adjourn. ATTE Rosalie Chavez, City Secre ary