06/20/2005-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL June 20, 2005 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Mike Lawler, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Engineering Services Coordinator Samantha Renz, Administrative Secretary, Tina Walker, Electrical Superintendent Michael Prater, Woodrow Barton, Nathan Hight, Laura Wilson, Terri Patton, Ken Wilson, Paul Edelman, Ken Perry, Shelley Ruland, Joseph Schmitz, Kathy Floyd, Don McClure, Mike Wnllros f hivAr f_alhrnrath llamnrc Tnhnenn(Atmncl ♦ V "Ax�a a, � a"� Ai , .. 1. Mayor called Meeting to Order, Councilman Mike Lawler led the Invocation which was followed by Councilman Glenn Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2 a) Approve Minutes: June 6, 2005 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin indicated that his name was spelled wrong on page 2 number 7. Councilman James moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried. Patton abstained. 3. Citizen's Input. Chuck Galbreath, 111 Holt Road. He indicated that wastewater billing could be handled another way. He doesn't feel it is fair that if you water yardis 9 etc. that the sewer goes up as well. In Denton and most towns they do an average bill in Winter for Summer months. Use 98% of usage, multiply by factor. Mayor Kincaid thanked him. Nathan Hight, Forrestburg, TX is a property owner in Sanger. He understands that No action can be taken tonight. Mr. Hight stated that he is not a developer and is trying to develop a couple of pieces of property to supplement income. 4. Mayor canvassed votes as follows: Andy Garza 279 Robert Patton 282 TOTAL 561Votes Councilman James made motion, Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Councilman Lawler nominated Councilman Ervin. Councilman Higgs nominated Mike James. Vote Erwin 3 James 2 (Higgs, James) Councilman Ervin Mayor Pro Tem with 3 to vote. 6. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Change Request From Old Single Family (Old SF-3) to Business 2 (B-2) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 71 R.M. Burleson Survey, Tracts, 10,11 and 12. The Property is Located at 1600 S. Stemmons Mayor declared Public Hearing Open. No Comments. Mayor declared Public Hearing Closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change Request From Old Single Family (Old SF-3) to Business 2 (B-2) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 71 R.M. Burleson Survey, Tracts, 10, 11 and 12. The Property is Located at 1600 S. Stemmons. Councilman James moved to grant zoning from Old Single Family (Old SF-3) to Business 2 (B-2) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 71 R.M. Burleson Survey, Tracts, 10, 11 and 12. The Property is Located at 1600 S. Stemmons. Councilman Ervin Seconded. Motion Carried 4 to 1, Councilman Higgs voted no. 8. Consider and Possible Action of Appointment of Board Members. Planning &Zoning Councilman Higgs recommended each member write down two names. Councilman James indicated removing someone, Mayor asked for a motion. Councilman James asked to reappoint Ken Perry and not Gail Goodner. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Council members were asked to write down three names. Mayor read Ken Wilson, Jimmy Frazier and Thomas Muir. Councilman Higgs made motion. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Keep Sanger Beautiful Carolyn Frazier Peggy Sanford Yvonne Cain Liz Higgs Councilman James made motion, seconded Councilman Lawler. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Higgs abstained. Board of Adjustments Staff indicated that Tracy Murphree had been contacted by phone and he is willing to serve a term on the Board of Adjustments. Councilman James asked which alternate had served the longest. Staff indicated Byron Moore, but he had not been contacted. Council voted Moore as BOA Member. Councilman James made motion, seconded by Councilman Lawler. Motion carried unanimously. Parks Board Table Library Table 9. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution No. 06-OS-OS -Approving the Fiscal Year 2006 Financial Plan of the Denco Area 944 District. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution No. 06-OS-OS. Councilman James Seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action of Ordinance(Approving or Denying) Atmos Energy Corp. Request to Authorize the Compliance Tariffs for the Annual Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program Rate Adjustment, James Johnson, Community Relations, previously TXU, gave history of GRIP Progmegisupajm. Met with Jacic Smith in March 2005.. He asked that the City would take no action. Once filed, larger cities will get with Atmos, then Rail Road Commission will make a ruling. The intent is for everyone to go on same rate. If they do all cities will benefit. Johnson indicated that this is not retroactive and that know one will be billed until all is settled. Councilman Higgs moved to adopt Ordinance No. 06-09-05 Denying. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1, Councilman Lawler abstained. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Possible Interlocal Agreements with Denton County on Paving Projects. Work shop planned for 6:00 pm on July 5t''. Councilman James moved to schedule a workshop, Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 12. Meeting Adjourned. ATTF�ST: �t�>>ti��icir!u:sir,,r, Rosalie L Mayor P(O - 7t r✓�