03/20/2006-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MARCH 20, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler, Councilman Mike Walker ABSENT: Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vehicle Maintenance Kristian Lindberg, Liz Springer, John Springer, Joe Falls, Andy Garza, Kathy Floyd, C.G. McNeill, Paul Edelman. Johnnv Rav Looner. Rod Zielke. Bill Snore • ✓ ✓ L • • L 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman Lawler led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 6, 2006 b) Disbursements Councilman Patton moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Johnny Cooper, 663 Rising Star Lane, addressed the Council regarding the drainage issue on his property. He asked if any action had been taken that he was not aware of. City Manger indicated they were still in the process of working with Carter and Burgess and Denton County to determine how best to handle the situation. Mayor Higgs asked the City Manager to ask for a time frame, and the possibility of widening the channel at the back of Mr. Cooper's house down to the bridge. Discussed the proposed bridge and the drainage issue. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. Presented by Bill Spore, City Auditor. Bill Spore addressed the Council, he indicated the proposed amendments are to off set the items that were over budget, the net effect is zero. They are increasing the revenues and expenses in the budget by the same amount. Councilman Patton moved to accept the amendments as presented. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Approval of Fiscal Year Audit 2004-LOOS. Councilman Ervin moved to approve the audit as presented. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of City Auditor for Fiscal Year 2005- 2006 City Manager indicated there is a certain amount of base data needed for any audit, Mr. Spore has all of that information, staff recommends re -appointing Mr. Bill Spore. Councilman Lawler asked how long Mr. Spore had been the city's auditor. Mr. Spore indicated he had been the auditor since 1989. Councilman Lawler felt this should be changed or reconsidered every couple of years. Mayor Higgs asked if another auditing firm came in, could they pick right up where he left off. Mr. Spore indicated the standard requires the previous auditor to participate in the audit, some businesses alternate auditors. The only draw back is the possibility of getting a tax accountant that is not familiar with governmental auditing. Discussion. Mr. Spore indicated the contract with the City is good until October 1st . Item Tabled. 7. Consider and Possible Action for Appointment of Mark Price to Parks Board. City Manager indicated Parks Board chairman made this recommendation. Discussion regarding appointment. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Mark Price to the Parks Board. Councilman Lawler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments of Members and Alternates for Board of Adjustments. City Manger indicated at the previous Board of Adjustments meeting alternates were needed to have a quorum. Staff did not have any recommendations. Mayor Joe Higgs indicated they were going to have a meeting to come up with a way to appoint these members. Discussed necessity for these appointments. Councilman it asked if they could place something on the utility bills or run another ad in the paper to solicit volunteers to serve on City boards. Item tabled. 9. Conduct Public Hearing on Resolution #03-OS-06 —Lease Purchase Agreement for the Purpose of Procuring a "Chipper Truck". City Manager indicated this was a typo, it should be an action item. Public Hearing opened. Brief Discussion. Public Hearing closed. Item tabled. 10. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation of Property Legally Described as Follows: A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 23 ACRES 651.478, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 2 Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Early Voting Ballot Board, Election Judge and Alternate Judge for the May 13, 2006 General Election. City Manager indicated the memo lists the recommendations. Discussed recommendations, City Secretary indicated Judy Yost worked the last election, and Sandra Tostado was chosen because she is bilingual. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Judy Yost and Sandra Tostado as election judge and alternate judge. Councilman Lawler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. 13. Consider and Possible Action on amending Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinance to add Article 8.700 "Smoking Regulations". City Manger indicated that a councilman had requested this item. This would prohibit smoking in convenience stores and restaurants, or any other food service establishment. Discussed the impact on the restaurants. Councilman Patton moved to approve the ordinance adding article 8.700 to the Code of Ordinances. Seconded by Councilman Lawler. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting Adjourned. ATT ST: o�`,OJIMq%%t1i 11ijurr10',i Ava Rosalie Chavez, City 9CretZoo ftor SOP %MW ; boo 000 �. //rrr.0 st�Asi��``��