04/17/2006-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 17, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Kristian Lundberg, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, David Smith, Laura Smith, Kathy Floyd, Scott Johnson, Chase Johnson, Carolyn Frazier, Elizabeth Hies, Jan Looper, Johnny Looper, Paul Edelman, Bobby Swan, Bret Chance, Tyler Rothlisberger, Darla Rothlisberger, Roger Otwell, Ken Perry, Rod Zrielta, Vickie Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Karen Dill, Glenn Larsen, Michael Dill, Andy Garza 1. Call Meeting to Order Mayor Joe Higgs called Meeting to Order and led Invocation. Councilman Mike Lawler led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 3, 2006 April 3, 2006 - Workshop b) Disbursements Councilman Mike Walker tabled to allow correct set of minutes to be included. Motion Seconded by Councilman Robert Patton. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Councilman Glenn Ervin to approve disbursements, Seconded by Councilman Robert Patton. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Bobby Swan, 207 Osage, addressed the City Council concerning the possibility of the City to pursue the option of providing uniform trash cans. He advised that he had contacted the trash company about the cost for this option which was a five cent difference. He asked if this could be researched by a City employee to get more information. Mr. Swan expressed that this would improve our City since the City still has an animal control problem. He asked the City Council to consider once a week pickup and a 96 gallon trash can. This would have a 50% less impact on our streets and citizens should have an option. Mayor advised City would look into this. 4. Presentation and Recognition of "Make A Difference Award" by Keep Sanger Beautiful for efforts at Community Center Park. Carolyn Frazier of Keep Sanger Beautiful addressed the City Council and recognized two other board members in attendance: Elizabeth Higgs and Peggy Sanford, Carolvn Frazier introduced Chase Johnson with his father Scott Johnson and Tyler Rothlisberger, who are freshman at Sanger High School and are both sponsored by the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints. Ms. Frazier indicated that they had started a project at Sanger Community Park, adding a new basketball goal, adding a tennis court net and a sand volleyball court. Carolyn presented them with a "Make A Difference Award" for deep appreciation for service to the community by Keep Sanger Beautiful. City Council applauded in appreciation for their efforts. S. Consider and Possible Action on Annexation Ordinance # 04-OS-06 Annexing Property Legally Described as Follows: A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 23, ACRES 651.478 OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 2 Mayor informed public of location of property. Motion made by Councilman Lawler to Approve Ordinance #04-05-06 Annexing Property Legally described as follows: A0029 R. ID -VD EE, TRACT 23, ACRES 651.478, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR Z Caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion Carried Unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Drainage Issues on Rising Star and Duck Creek - John Looper. City Manager addressed this item and referenced the letter the City received from Carter and Burgess. City Manager advised the County will match up to $75,000 to put culverts in on Duck Creek bridge. City Manager advised to Carter and Burgess this is not a workable solution. Issues discussed. City can remove vegetation, however, cannot alter the flood plain without conducting an engineering study. Discussed that Councilman Lawler had talked to Cynthia White and again she advised it would cost about $140,000 to put culverts in and the County would match. Mrs. John Looper addressed the City Council and Administration that the problem has been caused by all the new development. Mrs. Looper explained that the City is responsible by allowing new development to cause the problem. Mr. Looper discussed the flood plain map and the fact they have not been in a flood plain until 1986. Discussed liability. Discussed options for addressing the issue, possibly contacting FEMA to see what can be done. City Manger indicated he had called to see if there was any kind of program to help. He will get any information he can. This will be the individual delaing with the State, not the city. Councilman James asked if permits were received from the County. Ms. Looper indicated they were. Discussion continued on the issue. Discussion regarding culverts and drainage in Heritage West. John Springer addressed Council and asked if bridge and culverts could be built to a satisfactory standard and put on the thoroughfare plan using county funds. Mayor indicated the plan was being addressed and it would be looked at. Bobby Swan indicated there is a problem at 207 Osage as well. The drainage is a city wide problem and he felt it was due to poor planning. He indicated the state, city and county should work together to address these issues. Discussion continued. Councilman James indicated they are trying to address the issue; however, he'd like them to understand that it might not correct their problem. Their home is still in the flood plain. Discussed need for comprehensive plan. Council indicated staff should contact the County Commissioner, FEMA and Carter Burgess to find out what information they can and put this back on the next agenda. Mayor indicated he would not be present at the next meeting, advised to move to May 15"' meeting. Patton moved to put this item on the May 15, 2006 agenda. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Park Board Recommendations for Improvements for Quail Run Park. John Henderson indicated the Sanger Parks Board had been working on development of Quail Run Park. They have received input from residents and have come up with a plan for the park. They were seeking Council input on the plan. Mr. Henderson showed Council the proposed park plan. Paul Eddleman indicated the retention pond area encompasses a little over 7 acres, they propose to put a children's playground portion on the side close to the homes, then to have a buffer zone with a pavilion and picnic areas, add a basketball area, and a skating area. On the North side of the retention area they propose to include parking. They are showing a walkway around the entire park area. They decided not to light the park to possibly encourage people to go home at dusk. They wanted to put something in that all people in the area could use. Also, the water retention should not affect any of the things they have proposed for the park. They have been working on this plan for about a year and have tried to think of all of the different possibilities, and feel they have come up with something that is best for everyone in the area. Councilman Ervin asked now the citizen's were notified. Mr. Eddleman indicated there has been some citizen input, but they did not notify all of the homeowners. He felt they should come up with an approved plan before notifying the home owners and holding public hearings. Discussion regarding the park and notification to citizens. Citizens indicated this park is needed, and it will help get the kids off the streets. Mr. Eddleman indicated they have also checked into liability, and the City will have no liability as long as the necessary signs are posted. Glen Jensen, 129 Maned, indicated he felt this would be a drop off spot for kids and would eventually become a nuisance. He expressed concerns regarding traffic and safety. Discussion continued, citizens expressed concerns about the possibility of a skate park, but were supportive of the rest of the plan. Paul Eddleman indicated the Parks Board was looking for approval from the Council to proceed with this plan or any portion of it so that they can get started. Discussed park area and homeowner responsibility. Councilman Walker asked what the skate board ramps were made of and could they be removed. John Henderson indicated they were made of a durable plastic material, they were anchored down and could be removed. Discussion regarding parks and need to develop in other areas of the city. City Manager asked if they were requesting the Council to approve 4B funding for this project. John Henderson indicated they were. City Secretary indicated a more detailed proposal needs to be presented to 4B, and public hearings will need to be held. Councilman Walker moved to approve this allocation out of 4B as is. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Designate Two Weekdays to be Open for 12 Hours during Early Voting, Beginning May 1 and Ending May 9, 2006 (New Law: HB 2309, 79`n Legislative Session). City Manager indicated the voting will be in the Council Chambers, and the recommended dates are May 4`h and May 91". Councilman Ervin suggested doing the days consecutively, the first two days of early voting. Councilman James indicated he felt the last two days would be better. Councilman .Tames moved to make May and May 9`h the two days to be open 12 hours for early voting. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Meeting Adjourned. ATT T: n Rosalie Chavez, City Secreti JI MUh1r1 0 �� ��,4 Mayor Joe H' gs