08/07/2006-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James ABSENT: Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manger Rose Chavez, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Candace Murphree. C.G. McNeill, J.C. Hughes, Joe Henderson, Norman Williams, Jonathan Wang, Brad Sims, Krisha Brooks, Jim Saboms, Scott Nuris 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order, led invocation followed by Mike James leading Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 29, 2006 Workshop Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve minutes of June 29, 2006. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion carried unanimously. July 3, 2006 Minutes corrections to remove from Item 2 last sentence " motion carried unanimously." Item 6, last paragraph to insert who made the Second -Minutes will reflect Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried. Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve minutes of July 3, 2006 with corrections as noted. Seconded by Councilman Garza. "Motion carried with Councilman James abstaining." July 17, 2006 Minutes corrections on Item 8, last paragraph to indicate "motion carried 4-1. Councilman Ervin voted no." b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman James to approve disbursements. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Appointing Mayor Pro Tem. Motion made by Councilman Patton to appoint Councilman Ervin as Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-11-06 Authorizing Issuance of Combination Tax Revenue Certificates of Obligation for 2006. Joe Henderson addressed Board and advised that this bond issue was $6.5 million and sold at a premium of $6.3 million. The interest rate is at 4.18%. He continued with advising Council that they retained the following in their role as financial advisor. Bond Counsel -Andrews Kurth, Houston Texas Underwriter - SAMPCO Capital Markets, New York Underwriter's Counsel - McCall Parkhurst, Dallas, Texas Pay Agent/Registrar - Bank of New York, New York Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to adopt Ordinance #OS-11-06. Seconded by Councilman Garza. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2006; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND FORM THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AND INTEREST THEREON; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF, AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THE CERTIFICATES; AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF BOND INSURANCE; MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS REGARDING SUCH CERTIFICATES, INCLUDING USE OF THE PROCEEDS THEREOF, AND MATTERS INCIDENT THERETO; Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Increasing the Amount of Return Check Fees. City Manager advised that the City is receiving more and more checks each month. Staff is recommending to go up between $30.00 and $35.00 to cover staff time and field work on these checks. Discussion was that this fee did not need to be done by an ordinance. Its is in the ice schedule which the new rate will be incorporated in this fee schedule. Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve increase to $35.00 for return check fees. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #R08-14-06 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to approve Resolution #R 08-14-06. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Discuss Planned Development -Centurion American. J. C. Hughes addressed Board an introduced Jim Sawbones with First Southwest Company and Krisha Brooks the Carter & Burgess Project Manager on this project. Mr. Hughes advised that Scott Norris, land advisor on this project made a presentation to the City Council on June 29, 2006 on this project and they will try not to be redundant. Mr. J. C. Hughes proceeded with their proposed project of "Villages of Sanger". The project is approximately 342 acres and is located partly in the City limits and partly within ETJ and 14.2 acres of commercial tract owned by Tree Financial, Rick Ezell and Wayne Whitaker. The price range of these homes range from $90,000 to $300,000. They have ten ongoing projects, with Live in Denton County being processed. The amenities included proposing a Master Planned Community including residential and commercial development. Their request was consideration on a Development Agreement to City Council for possible feedback. Mr. Hughes indicated the challenge they have is working with Bolivar Water on water service. There is a possibility in securing CCN to the city to serve this location. They have approached the Sanger ISD Superintendent for a possible school site, for an elementary or middle school. Other issues Mr. Hughes addressed that would benefit the City were as follows: a) City does not have water or sewer to the proposed site extending and over sizing water and sewer lines would benefit Sanger. b) Development agreement c) Have all district annexed inside city limits or de -annex d) City will receive all sales tax revenue on commercial if all the district was in the city limits e) Portion of the tax will be given back to the City for police and fire and all services the city will provide f) They recommended City annex all property into City limits Krisha Brooks then addressed City Council in the type of development, Iot sizes and size of homes. • Maximum 450 - 50' X 120' Lots • Maxmum 250 - 60' X 120' Lots • Minimum 100 -100' X 150' Lots • Maximum Total Lots = 900 • The park land dedication requirements of 1 acre for every 50 units will be followed • 10 acre school site proposed • Amenity center site proposed • Commercial and multi -family tracts proposed Discussed project location then went into detail on development standards. City of Sanger Criteria Front Yard: 25' Side Yard: 8' Rear Yard: 25' Lot Minimum: 12,000 SF Min. Width 90' Min. Depth: 120' Min. Dwelling Size: Varies Ci - of Sanger Criteria Developer Proposes 100' X 150' Lot Front Yard: Side Yard: Lot Minimum: Lot Minimum: Min. Width: Min. Depth: Min. Dwelling Size: Developer Proposes SF4 Zonins 65' X 120' Lot Front Yard: 25' Front Yard: Side Yard: 8' Side Yard: Rear Yard: 25' Rear Yard, At Minimum: 79000 SF Lot Minimum: Min. Width: 65' Min. Width: Min. Depth: 100' Min. Depth: City Requirement City Requirement City Requirement City Requirement City Requirement City Requirement Min. 2000 SF City Requirement City Requirement $00 SF 7, City Requirement ' 120 Min. Dwelling Size: Varies Min. Dwelling Size: Min, 1500 SF with 20% allowance for min. 1500 SF Citv of Saner Criteria Developer Proposes SF-8 Zoning 50 X 120 Lot Front Yard: 25' Front Yard: City Requirement Side Yard: 8' Side Yard: 5' Rear Yard: 25' Rear Yard: City Requirement Lot Minimum: 6,000 SF Lot Minimum: City Requirement Min, Width: 60' Min. Width: 50' Min. Depth: 100' Min. Depth: 120' Min4 Dwelling Size: 1000 SF Min. Dwelling Size: Min. 1400 SF with 20% allowance for min. 1200 SF Discussed their development proposals concerning building code requirements. They are meeting most of the requirements and will need variances on some. Ms. Brooks indicated they would like to workwith the City Council on the development agreement. The summary of the meeting was the time frame and proposed steps on this project. J. C. Hughes discussed that certain cities have allowed districts to come into their cities due to funding issues on water, sewer and roads. This cost is covered by the district instead of citizens. His discussion continued with summarizing the benefits of the development agreement. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Appointing Members to Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. Motion was made by Councilman Garza to appoint Kem Green and Alice Madden to "Keep Sanger Beautiful". Seconded by Councilman James. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Utilizing Funds from Sewer Capital Reserves for Expenses on Phase II of Sewer Plant Expansion. City Manager indicated that $14,210.fill is the part of Phase II of the sewer plant project. Application has been submitted and will probably get approved the end of this month or next month. Discussion on the phases of the engineering services on this project. Motion made by Councilman James to authorize staff to utilize funds for the expenses on Phase II in the amount of $14,200.00. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #0840-06 to Issue Order of Election and Appoint Election Judge and Alternate Judge for the November 7, 2006 Special Called Election for Amendments to the Home Rule Charter. City Secretary advised that she had to get pre -clearance from the Department of Justice and approving the ordinance at this meeting will just speed the process. The latest time frame is August 21, 2006. Motion made by Councilman Ervin to adopt Ordinance #08-10-06. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SANGER, A HOME RULE CITY LOCATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS CREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE AND OPERATING PURSUANT TO THE ENABLING LEGISLATION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-08-Ob Annexing the Following Properties: A. N.L. HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 1 Be ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 331, BEING 26.971 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY Motion made by Councilman James to adopt Ordinance #08-08-06. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREIN AFTERDESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THEIR CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-09-06 Annexing the Following Properties: A. N.L. HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 2 B. N.L. HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 3 R Motion made by Councilman Patton to adopt Ordinance #08-09-06. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion carried unanimously. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Finding Fire House to House Ambulance and Fire Trucks. Discussion continued on possible sites for a building to house ambulances and fire trucks. City Manager indicated they are in the process of getting architectural plans for a new building across the railroad track. Councilman Patton indicated the construction planning process will probably take time and the fire department needs to have a building to house ambulances and fire trucks. Discussion regarding architectural plans and possible locations. Fire Chief David Pennington indicated the availability to house personnel is their main concern in order to be ready by December V. Councilman James indicated six weeks is probably sufficient time for an architect to design the building. Discussion to move forward. Staff instructed to proceed with architectural plans and report back to city council in six weeks. 15. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. Councilman James indicated he would like to have a resolution adopted setting protocol for placing items on the agenda for council meetings. Staff to contact other cities our size to see what they have in place. Councilman James indicated this is a "silly thing" to have as an agenda item. Councilman James emphasized that Council can get caught in a "trap" because they get into discussions on matters not on an agenda. City Manager indicated that the Fire Sprinkler and Fire Station will be agenda items at the next council meeting. 16. Meeting adjourned. 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