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03/05/2007-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL
MARCH 5, 2007
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin,
Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James
PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Police Chief Curtis Amyx,
Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Kristian Lindberg, Streets and Parks
Supervisor John Henderson, Bill Nance, Lindall Mitchell, Rita Jo Lovetro,
Woodrow Barton, Kim Cox
1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order, led Invocation, followed by Councilman
Walker leading Pledge of Allegiance.
2, a) Approve Minutes: February 20, 2007 -Minutes
b) Disbursements
Motion was made by Councilman Walker to approve consent agenda. Seconded by
Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman James abstained.
Mayor advised that City Manager would not be in attendance at the meeting. He
became in.
3. Citizen's Input:
Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues
that are brought up during this section.
Councilman Ervin clarified that citizens can speak under citizens input on any item
that is not on the agenda. This was an issue at a previous City Council meeting when
a citizen was not allowed to speak.
Mayor clarified that he does not have to allow a citizen to speak on any item that is on
the agenda. This has been clarified by City Manager after speaking to the City
Lindall Mitchell, 7083 Falcon Loop, Sanger, Texas, addressed the City Council and
advised he has registered to run for the school board. He is very involved with the
school system and would like to build a better relationship between the school and the
City, especially during the growth that is occurring in Sanger.
Rita Jo Lovetro, 804 S. 3rd, Sanger, Texas, addressed the Council concerning the
electric service on the other part of town. Those residents have Co -Sere and this side
of town does not. She has been under the impression and has been told they have no
choice on what utility company they can use. She needs information on who supplies
the electric power and has questions. She was upset since her bill was so high and feels
it is unfair they can't choose who they want as a utility provider.
Mayor advised that he could not respond to her questions.
City Secretary gave Ms. Lovetro her name as a contact to set up a time to discuss her
bill and provide answers to her questions.
4. Consider and Possible Action on Approving Audit for Fiscal Year As 2005/2006.
a. Budget Amendments
Motion was made by Councilman Patton to approve audit for fiscal year 2005/2006
and to approve budget amendments.
Seconded by Councilman Garza.
Councilman Walker questioned that the audit was a draft and was concerned about
accepting a draft.
Auditor, Bill Spore, indicated that he marks it a draft copy until the city council
approves the budget amendments. Mr. Spore advised they can approve the
amendments tonight and he can bring the revised audit report to the next Council
City Secretary polled the council, votes taken were as follows:
Councilman Andy Garza - voted against
Councilman Glenn Ervin - voted against
Councilman Robert Patton - voted against
Councilman Mike Walker - voted against
Councilman Mike James - voted against
Motion failed.
New Motion was as follows:
Councilman Patton made a motion to approve budget amendments for 2005/2006 as
presented. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Conduct First Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Annexation of the following
Mayor declared public hearing open.
No one spoke for or against.
Mayor declared public hearing closed.
6. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution R#03-06-07 For Adoption of Thorough-
fare Map.
Ms. Carson addressed City Council and advised that the Steering Committee met on
February 15, 2007 to review the thoroughfare map. Planning & Zoning and the 4A
Board also reviewed the map. They received feed back from elected and appointed
officials and there were some amendments made to the map. Dan Boutwell, with
MPRG recommended that roads that are shown on the map are conceptual in nature
and none of the roads are necessarily exactly where the road would be, but would be
in the general area.
Ms. Carson advised that Joe Falls addressed Planning &Zoning at their meeting on
March 1, 2007, and was concerned about the road at connection of the Loop bypass
by Indian Lane down to McReynolds Road. The road is only conceptual in nature on
the map. The Council needs to move forward to adopt; however, if there is a concern
they can omit the road from the map. The Planning and Zoning is asking that the road
from Indian Lane south to McReynolds be deleted.
Ms. Carson also indicated that they will continue discussions with Mr. Boutwell and
if he feels that they need to make the link then it will go back to Planning & Zoning and
the City Council before the Master Plan is finished.
They will come back on March 19, 2007, with subdivision regulation requirements so
that this can be implemented. There will be opportunities between now and December
to make adjustments.
Councilman James moved to approve Resolution R#03-06-07 for adoption of the
Thoroughfare Map. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Possible List of Future Agenda Items.
8. Meeting Adjourned.
Rose Chavez, City
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