10/15/2007-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Workshop October 15, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy qua, z lenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Bill Fuller, Shannon Graves, John Chambers, Dan Boutwell 1. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Presentation of a Picture of the Old Railroad Station to the City of Sanger. Mr. John Chambers, and Ilene presented the Council with an old picture of the Railroad Station to the City of Sanger. Mayor acknowledged and accepted the picture on behalf of the council. 3. Presentation of the Downtown Improvement Plan. Cecile Carson addressed Council and presented an architect sketch of the Sanger Streetscape Project. The purpose of using the 415 funds for this project is to create primary jobs, and encourage economic development in the downtown area. There are manufacturing anretail positi md ons that are in the downtown area that will be impacted by the infrastructure. This includes the sidewalks, the street lighting, access to water, and parking design for safety issues. Ms. Carson indicated that the proposal is still in the schematic stages. She discussed that they will maintain the parking in the downtown area and at the same time add design elements with the sidewalks, planters, and street lights. The project will include all the sidewalks from 5t' Street to 2" Street along Bolivar and concrete sidewalks on side streets to include 3' and 4" North and South. Ms. Carson continued with discussion concerning the street lights which will be consistent as to what is in the downtown park and the landscape with self watering containers. The water will be brought in from the side streets. They are working with the phone company to remove the wiring that goes over Bolivar Street. The electric will be brought from the back to the front which will benefit the City during downtown festivals and events. Discussion concerning if approval is given by Council, then advertisement for bids can be published October 25`" and November 13`. The bid opening would be held on November 13`h. Once the bids are opened, it will give the City Council an idea on the cost for this project. The 4B Board will have a meeting on November 26`b to review the bid amounts. The 4B board will then determine if they will fund the project with a specific dollar amount. The project construction will begin in early January with project completion in July 2008. Discussion concerning the planting of trees, sidewalks and parking. Discussed use of planters versus trees in front of the buildings. The planters will provide color and possibly the use of certain bushes. Ms. Carson advised that there might be more risk involved and maintenance issues if trees were planted. ADA accessibility discussed briefly. Ms. Carson discussed that in the regular agenda there will be two readings of the resolution, which is a requirement, and it will not have to be read on two different meeting dates. 4. Presentation of the Comprehensive Master Plan Dan Boutwell, Municipal Planning Resource Group, addressed City Council with a presentation giving an update on the thoroughfare map and a written document on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Thoroughfare Plan for the City. Mr. Boutwell discussed the thoroughfare plan, land use plan, park land and the heritage plan. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the following issues: legislative authority authorizing adoption of a thoroughfare plan, demographics, citizens' survey that was conducted to determine the public's position relative to critical growth issues, land use principals, future land use, and park land. Ms. Carson indicated that the Planning and Zoning Commission will have a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan and the amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan on Thursday night. They will forward their recommendation to the City for their consideration on November 5" and as they get public comment they will work with Mr. Boutwell to address those items. Discussion on the members who were involved in the process to include them in the imal documents and correct any typos. Mr. Boutwell indicated that the Comprehensive Plan should be a living document; however, it will not cover everything. The Comprehensive Plan can be updated at any time. The document needs to set goals and objectives so they can base zoning and subdivision ordinances on those principals. S. Discuss Atmos Energy Rate Increase. Mike Brice, City Manager, advised Council that the City received a rate increase about a month ago from Atmos Energy. It was about three weeks ago that he received a can from the City Attorney in Denton, who advised that they have fought the Atmos rate increases and have been successful in getting those rates reduced. There is a group of cWes in Texas that have formed to give them some leverage to talk to the Railroad Commission concerning the rate increases. He further advised that Atmos usually pays for the reasonable cost of the city's fight on the rate increase. City Manager indicated he was doubtful and called the firm in Austin that has handled these cases since 1975, and he concurred that this is the correct process. He also noted that the city is not 100% off the hook; if the ruling comes in that Atmos gets their rate increase as is, Atmos will not be on the hook for any attorney fees. He advised that a city has never paid anything since 1975, but he cannot guarantee it. If the city joins with this group and there is a fee then it is divided among all the cities. The City needs to act by October 25"'. He has placed a resolution to deny the request of a 4% increase and basically to enter with this group of cities to fight the increase. If the Council decides not to pursue it, he will have another resolution to approve on the November 51h agenda. This is Atmos' 5" rate increase in three years. 6. Discussion on Employees Health Insurance. City Manager presented a letter from Curt Trimble, insurance agent, on his recommendation for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. City Manager proceeded to review the spread sheet he presented concerning the cost for Plan 1 and Plan 2, and the current cost the City is paying for insurance. He discussed that the City will offer the employees two different options to make it more affordable to allow them to insure their families. The deductibles and the co -pays are much higher for Plan 2. His intent is to split the savings between the city and the employees to get their premiums down. Employees will have the choice after a thorough explanation of the plans and their cost to them. City Manager indicated he would like to purpose propose a cafeteria plan next year, where the City gives the employee a set amount for insurance. This would be more consistent and the employees can tailor a plan to meet their needs. City Manager advised that the City received quotes from TML and nine other health carriers. He advised Council that the material was available for their review. Blue Cross and Blue Shield was the best proposal. There was one plan that was lower; however, once the health questionnaire was completed, it could make those rates go higher. Discussion on the hospitals that will take Blue Cross and Blue Shield. 7. General Discussion. Thomas Muir asked if ETJ was the key issue concerning annexations or was it tax base. City Manager indicated that all this property is undeveloped land and there is minimal impact. If this land develops in the future then the City has more control. Discussion continued concerning the annexations. Mayor indicated there was a property owner who had contacted him concerning the reasoning for the City annexing his property. Mayor discussed the impact concerning extending the CCN of the City. Councilman it discussed the impact that annexations have regarding the county roads. He asked if the City would be accepting the roads in the condition that they are Be The City Manager indicated that if the road is across the right -of --way, then the City is accepting that part of the road. They are talking to the County concerning an inter local agreement for road repairs; however, if they wait until the road is repaired to annex, it could be at least a year or two. Councilman Ervin expressed a concern and gave McReynolds Road as an example of a road that was taken in by annexation and is falling apart. The responsibility to the City when property is annexed needs to be looked at to see if it is really worth it. City Manager indicated that the properties that are considered do not take in a large part of a road. Discussion continued on the properties to be annexed and the roads that are adjacent. Councilman Garza inquired on the status of sidewalks between Colonial Heights entrance all the way to the car wash. City Manager advised he has talked to the City Engineer and he has advised that due to the ditch it will involve some expense to get a sidewalk in that area. The best option is to take it through the neighborhood and bring it back down. Councilman Garza asked if it could be addressed soon. Discussion followed. City Manager advised that the City currently got turned down on funding for a Safe Route Grant and one of the things that the City lost points on, was that there is not a Comprehensive Sidewalk and Trail Plan. They will be working on getting a comprehensive plan that will identify those needs. Discussion and concerns were expressed regarding not having any sidewalks to both schools and the businesses located on 455. S. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned Wdrks /Opo IJL F F Mayor Rose Chavez, City Sec're: , "4 � W�'�`"