01/07/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Meeting - Workshop January 7, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Rebecca Brewer, Bob Helmberger, Eddie Lane, Bill Fuller, Rod Zielke, Merrie Lou Abney, Ross Martin, Will Tate, Gary Bilyeu, Richard Muir, Russell & Barbara Martin, Lynn Stucky, Jeff Springer 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Tomlin Land Advisors Presentation. Rod Zielke, with Tomlin Land Advisors , 4265 Kellway Circle, Addison, Texas began by giving thanks of appreciation to the committee and all the members for their time and effort regarding the Sanger Ranch project. The project has been ongoing for three years and they have made numerous presentations to council and civic groups, discussing their vision of their project. Mr. Zielke indicated Lone Star Ranch was a 4,000 acre development completed by Tomlin in Frisco and encouraged Council to visit the site. Mr. Zielke proceeded with a slide presentation concerning their proposed development. The proposed Sanger Ranch development will consist of 19000 acres, 3200 Single Family units, 500 Multi4amily units. The master planned community will be of high quality standards. It will have an amenity center, hike and bike trails and open space. The development will also meet the goals of the City's Master Plan. The City will benefit from the project by getting a quality master planned community that will take approximately twenty years to build out. They will see the project throughout the completion and can't afford to build something halfway. Mr. Zielke continued with his presentation and their commitment to the development were as follows; donating ROW and building two adjacent lanes of McReynolds, widening McReynolds to four lanes from Railroad to Indian Lane, building an additional two lanes from Indian Lane East to the thoroughfare/collector, adding turn lane improvements at McReynolds and Indian Lane, constructing a temporary traffic signal at McReynolds and FM 455, donating 5 acres for a City site, donating two school sites with approximate 24 acres plus, contributing $100,000 to a regional park facility, dedicating over 150 acres of public park land to be maintained by the project, not the City, constructing hike/bike trails for public access and public use, contributing $1.5 million to the City for the construction of a treatment plant, acquiring the CCN for the City, provide 3700 feeltax paying residential units. The City will not give up any taxes, the entire project will be in the City limits and they agree to abide by all City ordinances plus additional restrictions they place on themselves. The agreement itself places additional restrictions on this project. The City will have more control on this development than any other development in the City limits with the development agreement. He emphasized the retail and commercial development that will be triggered from the residential development. Mr. Zielke addressed the liability issues and expressed that this has been a concern and reassured the Council the City would not be responsible for any District Commitment. The District is highly regulated by State Laws. They can't sell their first bond until 25% of their tax base is in place, roads are constructed, utilities are in, homes are built and occupied and paying taxes. They have to pledge the land and all the assets against the bonds. The bonds can only be sold for a portion of that asset. If there was anything to go wrong, the property would more than pay for any debt that was owed by liquidating the assets. Mr. Zielke proceeded to discuss the fee credits. In the agreement the City agrees to give fee credits to the developer for prorated infrastructure costs. All costs for off -site infrastructure are fee credits back to the developer. Mr. Zielke explained that the fee credits can be used at the time of the platting to offset the cost of impact fees. The fee credits are addressed in the development agreement. Mr. Zielke discussed the water CCN acquisition from Bolivar. He hopes through the course of the project that a negotiated amount can be reached with Bolivar. Mr, Zielke continued with discussion concerning legislation issues with rural water supply corporations. The development's financial and legislative involvement regarding CCN acquisition in the next legislative session. Councilman Walker inquired about the average lot size. Mr Zielke indicated that on the concept plan they have used the zoning categories of the City. Councilman Walker asked if allocation on the lot sizes was considered for the more influential homes. Mr. Zielke indicated that lot size can not be used to equate product quality and value. He asked Council to visit their Lone Star Ranch Development. He continued discussing the advantages of smaller lots. Councilman Garza also expressed a concern on building the more expensive home on a lot that is 55ft wide and after the setbacks are considered it allows 39ft width for the home. Mr. Zielke indicated that if the side yard requirements are 10' feet sides they can build a 35ft house. He emphasized the control is in the agreement and the ordinances the City has in place. Councilman Garza indicated he does not want the Council to be asked to consider variances for smaller set backs. 3, Questions From the Council. None 4. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the meeting. Mayor 4,SSS4f1:ISl;(r!!!Ji �1 r i'• Attest: Ros ie Chavez City Secretary/Assistant City Manager