05/17/1999-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTTES* CITY COUNCIL MAY 179 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Street Supervisor John Henderson, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Shelly Ruland, Mike James, Brenda James, Steve Poster, Condell Gardens, Eunice Gray, Francille Sullivan, Curtis Simms, Dan Almon, Pete Tard, 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: May 3, 1999 May 4, 1999 - Special Called b) Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Steve Poster, 1710 Westminster, addressed the Council regarding a seminar on June 4, 19999 at the Radisson Hotel. He gave the Council Members a brochure and invited them to attend. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman McNeill nominated Jerry Jenkins by acclamation for Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Mayor moved Item #13 up to #5. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request From the Chamber of Commerce to Utilize the Texas Historical Presbyterian Church on September 11, 1999. Mike James, 1002 Bolivar, indicated he was representing the Chamber of Commerce. He indicated the Chamber used the Old Presbyterian Church last year for the Antique Display and would like to use the Church again this year. Mayor indicated he was concerned about the deterioration of the building and was not sure how safe it is. Mike James indicated he had secured the floors last year, and he will make sure it is secure now. City Administrator indicated Item #9 was associated with the Church also. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should not make a decision until they hear Item #9. Mayor temporary tabled Item #13. 9. Consider and Possible Action Concerning Francille Sullivan and the. Crisis Center. Francille Sullivan, 205 Hillcrest, indicated she would like to have the old church just like it is. She began to investigate possibilities for the church, her first thought was the Wednesday Study Club, but they were not as enthusiastic as she had hoped. Ms. Gray had the idea to fix the church and use it for the crisis center. She indicated the crisis center uses all of it's money to help people in Sanger. She indicated what they wanted was a long term lease. Ms. Sullivan indicated they would do almost anything to keep the little church. Mayor indicated the Church is a landmark. He indicated he did not know how long the city can maintain it, and indicated they were going to try to find a grant to fix it P. He indicated until they can find some of these things out he would be reluctant to do anything with it. Councilman Jenkins asked Ms. Sullivan if there was any kind of time frame. s. Sullivan indicate d ed there was not. Mike James indicated he was part of an Arts Council that was formed a few years ago. The goal was to turn the church into a community theater, they started looking at the cost, and it was pretty astronomical. The Arts Council tried to raise funds, and only raised thirty to forty dollars. Mr. James indicated he would like to save the church, and indicated Denton County Historical Society is creating an area in Denton where they are restoring their first house. He indicated they might should consider donating the building to them. Councilman McNeill asked how much the cost estimate was to restore the building. Mike James indicated approximately $40,000, Councilman Jenkins indicated the estimate he remembered was around $150,000. Councilman McNeill asked Francille Sullivan now they would come up with the funds. Francille Sullivan indicated they had an estimate of $609000, and when Mike James was talking to people they weren't taking it serious and now they are. Councilman McNeill indicated he would like to accommodate both people. City Administrator indicated the Fire Marshall had looked at the building and indicated no one should be in the church. Mayor indicated there was $1,000 on the books donated for the church. City Secretary indicated the money was used to pay Danny Lynch to fix the steeple. Discussion. Councilman McNeill suggested they pacify both people, let the Chamber use it, then give Francille Sullivan a long term lease on the building. This will give Ms. Sullivan time to raise funds for the project. Discussion. Mayor tabled action on Item #9, and indicated they should put it back on the agenda for the next meting. Councilman Jenkins asked if the Crisis Center was the appropriate use for the building. Discussion. Discussion continued regarding Item #13. Discussion regarding Insurance. Councilman Jenkins moved to allow request form the Chamber of Commerce to use the Historical Presbyterian Church on September 11. Councilman Jenkins withdrew the motion. Councilman Jenkins moved to allow the Chamber of Commerce to use the church if it is not under renovation. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Mayor advised Mr. James to also find a secondary place. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request From Terry Jones to Close Bolivar St. From 3rd St. to 4' St. on May 21, 1999 for a Fund Raiser. Terry Jones, 700 N. 2nd, indicated the Gymnastics Team will be conducting a Fund Raiser in front of his drug store. They will serve food and drinks from 7:00 to 9*30 P.M. on Friday May 21, 1999. He indicated the Gymnastics Team is going to the nationals Competition, and this will assist them in their expenses. rd Councilman McNeill moved to grant Terry Jones' request to close Bolivar St. from 3 St. to 4' St. on May 21, 1999 from 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Contract with Southwest Securities in Reference to Bond Issues. Dan Almon, Southwest Securities, addressed the Council regarding Financial Advisory, he indicated the fee schedule, terms and conditions are the same as prior years. Dan Almon gave a brief summary on refunding of the Revenue Bond Issue. Discussed annual payments. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Almon should give a brief summary of what they are doing. Dan Almon indicated he had come in front of the Council approximately two months ago, and discussed the possibility of reissuing the bonds to save money and get payments lower. As they have worked on it the rates have continued to hold. At that time they did not have a contract, but the regulators they have to comply with require that they have a current contract. Dan Almon indicated if the City Council authorized them to be the city's advisors the next item would be there presentation. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept contract with Southwest Securities regarding bond issues as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance #05-12-99 -Authorizing the Issuance of Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1999. Dan Almon gave a handout to the Council and indicated it was a summary of the `99 Bond'Issue. Discussed Source and Use, Mr Almon indicated these are the bonds you can take away from holders without consent. Mr. Almon indicated the handout also explained how money is used for different purposes, insurance, etc. Discussed setting up escrow to pay bonds. Mr. Almon discussed schedule of services, and use of funds. Discussed savings. Discussed interest rates. Discussed Debt Service and Call Reports. Discussed Cost of Issuance and Use of Funds. Mayor read caption of Ordinance #05-12-99 as follows: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 19999 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE CONTRACT, APPROVING AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND THE EXECUTION OF AN ESCROW AGREEMENT, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Ordinance #05-12-99. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action on Purchase Contract with vain Rauscher, Inc. (Underwriter) on the 199 Bond Series. Pete Tard indicated this was all inclusive in the Ordinance. The ordinance authorizes issuance of refunding the `91 bonds, and authorizes the purchase contract with Dan Rauscher. No Action necessary on this Item. Took five minute recess to sign paperwork for Mr. Tard. Recess at 8:15. Reconvene at 8:28. 10. Discuss and Possible Action Regarding a Utility Financial Help Committee -Francine Sullivan. Francine Sullivan, 205 Hillcrest, indicated she works with the Crisis Center and Community Services of Denton. MS, Sullivan indicated some families in Sanger have problems with their utility bills. She indicated Denton has a program that Interfaith has taken over, in which citizens have the option of donating a dollar on their utility bills. She introduced Condell Gardens. Condell Gardens, 3024 Oakshire in Denton, indicated she is the Director of Interfaith in Denton, she indicated utility assistance is the single largest expenditure they have. They administer money through several different sources, at present, they bring in approximately $24,000.00 per year. Ms. Gardens indicated there are common misconceptions that people who need assistance are minorities and dead beats, she indicated that was not true. They are mostly elderly or disabled. Ms. Gardens indicated there are things that need to be considered if they implement this program. They will need someone to do screening of the applicants, she indicated they might consider using an agency. Councilman Jenkins asked about the criteria and cost for a screening service. Ms. Gardens indicated a screening agency would make sure the people meet the qualifications that the city sets up, and there would be administrative costs. Councilman Jenkins asked how long someone could use the service. Ms. Gardens indicated most people use the service only once. Discussion concerning using an agency. Discussion regarding how many customers the City of Denton has, and the cost for the program. Francine Sullivan indicated she would be willing to find a committee to do the screening. Discussed the City will keep all funds, Francine and her committee will do screening and tell City what to pay, and the City will pay the bill. Councilman Jenkins pledged his $30.00 to the program, Councilman McNeill and Councilman Higgs did also. Discussion concerning how it will work. Mayor tabled this item till the next meeting to allow Ms. Sullivan time to gather a committee. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Comprehensive Plan -Public Management, Inc. City Administrator indicated Jay Rice attended the planning meeting the City had in January, but couldn't be at this meeting. He indicated the proposal was on doing a plan for land use in the City of Sanger and our ETJ. Councilman McNeill indicated the Fee schedule looked reasonable. City Administrator indicated this will isolate the most important areas immediately. Discussed when council decides to use Public Management, Inc. they will do a land stLA dy, "JULd hold public hearings. Discussed using funds in contingency. City Administrator recommended to go with it. Councilman Jenkins moved to authorize Public Management, Inc. to complete a comprehensive Plan as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Presentation From a Representative of Millennium - Curtis Sims. Curtis Sims, Austin, TX ,representative of Millennium Real Estate Development, indicated they help small communities with housing. Discussed problem of houses not being available. Mr. Sims indicated there was a new Act that local government entities must allow the formation of a housing finance corporation. Mr. Sims gave a few high points of this project. Mayor indicated they would like to have some time to look over it and discuss it. No action taken. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to Planning and Zoning Commission, and Board of Adjustments Councilman Higgs indicated he will contact Teresa Calvert about being on the Planning and Zoning commission. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Shelley Ruland to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor wanted to make sure Shelley did not feel this would be a conflict. Shelley indicated there would not. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to Beautification Board. Councilman McNeill moved the position be filled by Barbara Buchanan. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 16. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Jack Smith as Representative to Upper Trinity Regional Water District. Councilman Jenkins moved to appoint Jack Smith as representative to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 17. Consider "Ald Possible Action on Ordinance #05-11-99 -Annexing Property Legally Described as 93.822 Acres Situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located on Stemmons Freeway, North of Belz Road. (Bridle Path Estates) Mayor read caption of Ordinance #05-11-99 as follows: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. Councilman Jenkins moved to adopt Ordinance OS-11-99 Annexing Property Legally Described as 93.822 Acres Situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located on Stemmons Freeway, North of Belz Road. (Bridle Path Estates) as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 18. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to the Customer Advisory Council For Upper Trinity Regional Water District. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Eddie Branham to the Customer Advisory Council. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 19. Any Other Such Matters. a)City Administrator indicated they need a workshop to discuss water and sewer. b)Councilman Ervin asked to put on the next agenda to discuss putting signs on lots when there is a public hearing. c)Councilman Ervin indicated there was high weeds at Eddie's old house, and it was brought to his attention that City Equipment was being used for personal business. 20. Meeting Adjourned. Kincaid, Mayor ATTIEST: Chavez, City