06/03/1999-CC-Minutes-Work SessionPage 1 MINUTES: City Council - Workshop June 3, 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham Randy Smith, Scott Ezzell, Rick Ezzell, Roger Herbard Jr., Raul Trevino, Mark Aill, Richard Payne, Bob Johnson 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Discussion regarding Future Plans for Water and Sewer in the North Part of Town. City Administrator indicated they had four different developers wanting to talk about projects that will require water and sewer North of town. He indicated Joe Skiles had a prospect of a truck stop North of Lois Rd., and a few other prospects but could not be at the meeting. Rick Ezzell, TRI ARC Investments, indicated they bought 383 acres adjacent to Joe Skiles property, and 37 acres on the North side of that. He indicated the property has been platted through the County into eighteen lots. He indicated the intention was to develop a boat/RV storage. They do have Bolivar water and would like to have sewer. He indicated they would like to build a truck stop on the Northeast corner. He indicated they have already sold some of the lots, and will be closing on them in the near future. Mr. Ezzell indicated they would prefer to have Sanger water, and of course will need sewer. City Administrator indicated he had talked to Mr. Ezzell and he was aware they might need some type of lift station on that property to get sewer to L. Randy Smith, representing Ed Wolski in Denton, indicated they have 250 acres West of the marina and would like to have Sanger water. Discussion regarding the first phase of the project. Randy Smith indicated they would build approximately 2500 square foot homes. He indicated they would be $250,000 homes and more. At this point they are just seeking water, if the City could get sewer out there they would like it. Discussed Denton County requirements regarding acreage and septic systems. Discussed size of lots. Eddie Branham asked if the property is in Bolivar's CCN would they have a problem with the City covering it. Councilman Jenkins asked if Mr. Ezzen s property was under Boliver's CCN. City Administrator indicated that Bolivar has given consent to the City to service that area. Roger Hebard, Dallas, TX, indicated they had contracted a piece of property from Hank Cooper, approximately 300 acres on Mariam Rd. They would like to build an eighteen hole golf course and surround it with approximately 600 lots, with light industrial on the other side of the railroad tracts. He indicated there is water and sewer to that property but it is not adequate to service what they are planning. Discussion regarding size of lots. Bob Johnson, representing the Johnson family indicated they had approximately 291 acres that will need water and sewer service. He indicated they would anticipate developing the high land, and saving the frontage property for commercial development. The property is aJong I-35 South of Lois Rd. He indicated they would try to do a comprehensive plan on the entire property to try to maintain some conformity to enhance frontage property. Discussion regarding pricing the homes attractively for developers. Councilman McNeill asked where they thought the people would come from. Discussion regarding distance to Alliance and lakes. Mark Hill, City Engineer, indicated he was familiar with each of these projects, but did not know all the specifics. He indicated these developments would require fairly extensive infrastructure improvements from the City both in water and sewer. Discussion regarding growth in the North part of town. Mark Hill indicated as they go North it is easier to take water to these developments. He indicated they are looking at several lift stations, and increased maintenance. Discussed population growing faster than anticipated. Discussion concerning construction of a new sewer plant. Discussed using creeks and other natural flows. Page 3 Mayor asked about the Railroad Right of Way. Mark Hill indicated they have a west to east flow in that area, and it really doesn't make a difference. Mark Hill indicted there would have to be some type of pressure enhancements in the plants to service the developments. Discussed best location for sewer plan and the capacity of existing sewer plant. Mark Hill indicated these developers were ail major developers not small developers. Council discussed and addressed future development; the possibility of a new sewer plant and discussed different locations; and the possibility of a lift station off Duck Creek Rd. Councilman Higgs asked Mark Hill what it would take to service Mr. Ezzel's proposed development. Mark Hill indicated their would need to be some type of pressure enhancement to get the water to the area, because of the extreme distance. Other issues discussed were Bridle Path Estates and the Johnson Property; sewer in the North area; Randy Smith's property by the lakes Bolivar and Sanger's CCN; the amount of water each person uses per day; water and sewer on the West side of town, and the major trunk lines and who will be served by what. Councilman McNeill addressed an important issue as to how they would get revenues and how would the developers feel out impact fees. Some of the developers, coming from Dallas, were familiar with impact fees Impact fees were discussed, and in summary the City will need help with the cost. Some of the developers present indicated that new development will broaden the tax base. City Council discussed what properties could be annexed. City Administrator indicated the Cooper Property and Johnson Property could be annexed. More discussion regarding impact fees, Mark Hill indicated to implement these fees would take five years before the City could even begin to collect. Councilman Higgs asked Mark Hill where they would put the sewer plant for the property =. / out by the lake. Mark Hill indicated they could put it on the property itself. Discussion. Councilman Higgs asked what the developers felt the City should do. Randy Smith indicated they are just now on Phase one of the development and their major concern is water, they would like sewer, but it is not a must. He indicated they would be flexible to share the cost. Rick Ezzell indicated the truck stop would need sewer, but the homes could have septic, they just do not want to do that. He indicated they would have a fueling station and a nice restaurant. Bob Johnson indicated they were close to town, close to sewer, and didn't really see a problem. Councilman McNeill indicated all subdivisions in Sanger from here out haci to have concrete streets. He indicated he wanted to make sure developers were aware of that. Discussion. Mr. Cooper indicated they are planning 600 lots, and asked what kind of capacity was available for that now. Eddie Branham indicated it shouldn't be a problem. Mayor instructed City Administrator and Eddie Branham to get with the City Engineer and get cost estimates and new plant and lines to service each development. Mark Hill indicated in that process they could come up with an overall plan. City Administrator indicated there were four more developments to think about. John Springer has 300 acres, Shelley Ruland has property West of Chisam Trail Elementary, Dr. Batey has 500 acres East of Joe Falls, and Joe Falls has things on the drawing board. Discussion. Discussed Land Use Plan. Mark Hill indicated all developers needed to come by the City and get a copy of the 3. 4. Page 5 Subdivision Ordinance. He indicated the City Does follow it. Mark Hill indicated he was not concerned with specific developments, but was concerned about how the City can serve developments to the North, West, and East side of town. Discussion. Mr. Trevino and Mr. Ezzell indicated it was a pleasure to work with the City Council. Any Other Such matters. None. Meeting Adjourned. Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City