08/02/1999-CC-Minutes-RegularPage I MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 291999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Streets Supervisor John Henderson, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Shelly Ruland, Frank Ballard, Ken Cornell 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, followed by the Mayor leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 1991999 b) Disbursements Councilman Jenkins referenced page 2 of the minutes, and indicated in the paragraph toward the middle "cast" should be changed to "cost". Brief Discussion concerning using businesses in Sanger, and servicing of the fire extinguishers. Councilman Higgs asked about the 6" footballs in the disbursements. Jeff Morris indicated it was for advertising. Brief Discussion regarding disbursements. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. Page 2 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Chamber of Commerce for Funds from Hotel/motel Tax to be Used for the Sanger Sellabration, Frank Ballard, 7384 Rector Rd., addressed City Council regarding this item. He indicated the Chamber of Commerce will hold the annual Sanger Sellabration on September 11, 1999. This will be the 21s` annual sellabration. Mi . Ballard indicated last year the city gave the Chamber $1500.00 from the Hotel/Motel Tax for advertising for the sellabration. This year they are asking for the same $1500.00 from the Hotel/motel Tax. Mr. Ballard addressed the City Council with some other requests. The Chamber has five (5) banners they hang every year for the sellabration. The Chamber would like to see if Jack or Jeff could help hang the banners. Mr. Ballard also addressed the streets will need to be closed and indicated he would work with Jack on the closing of the streets. Discussion concerning if the $1500.00 was given to Chamber last year. Staff indicated there were funds given, but would have to check on the exact amount. Frank Ballard indicated that last year the City Council authorized the Chamber to spend $10,000.00 on a booklet/brochure, since that time things have not moved like the Chamber thought it should. He indicated it might be better to look at spending some of that money for a production printer and software to print their own brochures, this would allow them to print smaller quantities, and when changes are made would keep them from being stuck with useless brochures. Mayor asked if he had inquired on costs of printers. Mr. Ballard indicated he had not. Mayor indicated he should look into cost, and present it back to the council. Mr. Ballard indicated if they use the Hotel motel tax to purchase the printer, it could not be used to promote economic development, only tourism. He indicated he had approached the 4A board about coming up with a proposal for the same thing. He indicated perhaps the 4A board could pay for a percentage of the printer and software, and the Hotel/Motel tax could pay for a percentage so it could be used for both tourism and economic development. Councilman Jenkins expressed concerns regarding the quality of the brochures. Mr. Ballard indicated if they could not do it with the same quality as what they showed the council originally they would not do it. Discussion regarding content of brochures. Councilman Jenkins moved to authorize up to $1500.00 to be used by the Chamber of Commerce from funds from the Hotel/Motel occupancy tax to be used for the advertising for the Sellabration as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #0843.99 - Increasing Water and Sewer Tap Fees, Councilman Higgs indicated he had come up with the $2000.00 at the last meeting, he did not take into consideration the extra amount that would be taken in. He indicated Councilman McNeill had come up with a lower number and he thought it was better. Councilman McNeill had given council a printout explaining how he had come up with the cost to charge for each water and sewer tap. He explained the printout. The cost he came up with was $1389.00. Councilman McNeill indicated he felt $1500.00 was fair. Lengthy discussion regarding actual cost of water and sewer taps. Discussion concerning existing subdivisions and old lots, and whether or not they should be charged the same as new subdivisions. Council asked for input from citizens. Ken Cornell indicated he had gone over Councilman McNeill's figures, and thought they were good figures. He indicated he thought he would see a lot of builders at the meeting, because they were talking about impact fees and sewage fees, and since no builders were there, obviously they were not too concerned. He indicated Bolivar Water charges $2,600.00 for a water tap, and septic would be a minimum of $3,000.00, He indicated any builder can sneak in that fee, he did not think existing subdivisions should have to pay the higher fees. Shelley Ruland, 206 Tejas, indicated she had spoken with Councilman Jenkins, they did not necessarily talk about cost, but did talk about who would pay the cost. She indicated if the developer had to pay the cost, the City would only get tract home builders, small builders could not afford it and it would put them out of business. Discussion regarding content of brochures. Councilman Jenkins moved to authorize up to $1 Commerce from funds from the Hotel/Motel advertising for the Sellabration as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Page 3 00 to be used by the Chamber of inancv tax to be used for the 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding rdinance #08-13-99 -Increasing Water and Sewer Tap Fees. Councilman Higgs indicated he ha/ith up with the $2000.00 at the last meeting, he did not take into consideration the mount that would be taken in. He indicated Councilman McNeill had come uplower number and he thought it was better. Councilman McNeill had given c uncil a printout explaining how he had come up with the cost to charge for each wate and sewp. He explained the printout. The cost he came up with was $1389.00 Councilman McNeill indical'ed he felt $11�Q0:00 was fair. Lengthy discussion regarfing actual cost�of�ater and sewer taps. Discussion concerning existing subdi 'sio s and old lots, and whether or not they should be charged th same a�w�s ib 'v sions. Council asked for Ken Cornell indicated he ha one ver Councilman McNeill's figures, and thought they were good figures. He indi d he thought he would see a lot of builders at the meeting, because they were talking about impact fees and sewage fees, and since no builders werefAthere, obviously they were not too concerned. He indicated Bolivar Water charges $2,600.00 for a water tap, and septic would be a minimum of $3,000.00, He indicated any builder can sneak in that fee, he did not think existimg subdivisions should have to pay the higher fees. Shelley l2uland, 206 Tejas, indicated she had spoken with Councilman Jenkins, they did not •necessarily talk about cost, but did talk about who would pay. the cost. She indicated if the developer had to pay the cost, the City would only get tract home builders, small builders could not afford it and it would put them out of business. Mayor indicated the discussion has not been on the developer but on the builder. Ms. Ruland indicated she did not have a problem with the higher fees, she indicated any home built in her subdivision will impact the system, anything built on First Street will impact the system. She felt all charges should be the same across the board, because they will all impact the system. Mayor expressed he was not ready to decide. Councilman McNeill indicated he would like to wait two more weeks on this item, and get more input. Mayor tabled this item for two weeks. 6. Discussion Regarding Speed Limit on Second St. to 20 mph. Police Chief Benny Erwin indicated he had spoken with Mr. Hollingsworth concerning the speed limit, he does not want to lower it, but would like it posted where it will be noticeable. Mr. Hollingsworth indicated he wanted the truck routes posted prior to the route. Chief Erwin indicated he had spoken with the City Administrator and they would get it posted. No action taken on this item. 7. Consider and Possible Action on F.I.R.E., Inc. in Regards to Recovery of Costs to Fire Department for Services Rendered. Jeff Morris, Fire Chief, indicated he had given them the information in their packets, and would answer any questions they had. Councilman Jenkins indicated he did not see a need for it, and he saw things in it he did not like. He did not feel it was a necessity at this time. Councilman Garza asked if this would apply to any fire inside or outside of town. Mr. Morris indicated the City could set its own parameters, they could choose to bill only County residents. City Administrator indicated this would never be billed to an individual, they would only bill the insurance company, and would never bill a citizen in Sanger. This is a way to help with some of the charges in the County. This company will bill the insurance companies. Councilman Garza asked how far the Sanger Fire Department goes. Mr. Morris indicated they go out past Slidell. Discussion concerning agreement with Denton County. Discussion concerning proposal from F.I.R.E., Inc. City Administrator indicated again that a City resident would never be billed. Mr. Morris indicated he started this because of all the complaints received from citizens concerning city employees fighting fires in the County. He decided to find ways to get revenues for the Fire Department, Councilman McNeill asked Mr. Morris how many of the references he had spoken with concerning F.I.R.E., Inc. Mr. Morris indicated he had spoken with two fire departments, and they are not even involved. The company does all the work, and the fire department gets a check. Discussed Interlocal agreement with the City of Denton. Councilman Jenkins asked how much money could be collected. Mr. Morris indicated Mike Barton with F.I.R.E., Inc. said they had collected $12,500.00 the first year. Discussion concerning procedures of F.I.R.E., Inc. Mayor asked for a motion. Died for lack of motion. 8. Any Other Such Matters. a)Mayor indicated there was a meeting at 2:00 P.M. at the First Baptist Church on Tuesday, the man who is wanting to develop the land on Cowling Rd. wants to talk to the citizens about the Mobile Home Park he wants to bring in. 9. Meeting Adjourned. Mayor