08/10/1999-CC-Minutes-Work SessionPage 1 MINIUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AUGUST 10,1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glen Ervin, Councilman Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Admini instrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Streets Supervisor John Henderson 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Proposed Budget for all Departments. City Administrator indicated he had given Council a memo of the items that have changed. He explained the changes in revenues and expenditure summary. Discussed some changes in Vehicle Maintenance, Councilman McNeill suggested they start at the beginning of the book and go through each department. City Administrator suggested they skip over to Police since Rose was not at the meeting yet. Discussion concerning difference in salaries. Councilman McNeill asked how many new vehicles were budgeted. Police Chief, Benny Erwin, indicated only one (1). Councilman McNeill asked how many pagers were budgeted for the police department. Chief Erwin indicated there were three (3) budgeted at $500.00 per year. Councilman McNeill asked why there were cameras listed under several different line items. Chief Erwin indicated some of it is for film, and the cameras under safety equipment 0s for the cars. Page AL Councilman Garza asked about the $9,800.00 for drug prevention. Chief Erwin explained it was for the officer training with the dog, and veterinarian expenses for the dog. Councilman Garza indicated he felt we should spend more on drug prevention. Chief Erwin indicated this expense was just for the dog. Discussion. Councilman Ervin expressed concerns regarding drug prevention, he felt more should be spent on it. He indicated he did not think the vehicle or extra officer should be cut. Chief Erwin indicated all officers work well together on drug prevention. Councilman Ervin felt this should be looked at more and find some ways to help Benny with the drug prevention. Mayor asked what another vehicle would cost. City Administrator indicated approximately $8,000.00 annually. Discussed hiring a school officer. Chief Erwin indicated he had spoken with Mr. Biggerstaff, the Superintendent at the school, and advised him a school officer would cost the school approximately $14,000.00. Chief Erwin indicated Mr. Biggerstaff thought it was a good idea, and would pay the $14,000.000 Mayor indicated Council needed to give staff direction on this item. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see two officers and the new squad car in the budget. Councilman McNeill agreed with Councilman Ervin and indicated he would like to see them add the car and officer for the school. Consensus of Council to add school officer and one more squad car, this will increase budget by $289000.00 plus $8,000.00 for the vehicle. The school will pay $14,000.00. Discussed Proposed Budget for Code Enforcement and Bob Hageman's responsibilities. Page 3 Councilman Garza inquired as to the need for both a cellular phone and a pager. Bob Hageman indicated the pager was used mostly for his fire responsibilities. Discussion continued regarding various line items. Discussed proposed budget for Vehicle Maintenance. Hiring a full time person for this department was discussed. Councilman Jenkins asked if there was a need for a full time person. City Mechanic, Tommy Belcher, indicated he would like to have at least a part time person, because there are some things he cannot do alone. Discussion followed on various line items. Discussed proposed budget for Street Department. City Administrator indicated there had to be some salary in streets, it is required for workers' compensation. The majority of employees are in the parks department for insurance purposes. Utilities, Street Maintenance, and Safety Equipment were discussed. Discussed Lease Equipment and various line items. John Henderson, Street Suervisor, addressed a drainage problem on 4�'' St. and Willow St. Discussion concerning drainage, water standing on the streets, and how to correct it. A new Street Sweeper was discussed. Discussed proposed budget for Parks, Pool, and Community Center. City Secretary, Rose Chavez, addressed Tax Service, Health Service, and Ambulance Services. The proposed budget for Administration was discussed. City Secretary briefly addressed increases me insurance, contractual services, and advertising. = . I Engineering Fees were also discussed. Discussion regarding new desks, and lease payments on computer system. Proposed budget for Data Processing was discussed. One main increase was R & M Machines, which includes maintenance on handhelds, computer software, and postage machine. Another proposed increase was on Computer Equipment, City Secretary indicated this would include a new computer and printer for the new bookkeeper. Discussed proposed budget for the Sullivan Center, the only increases were the $5,000.00 for Span, and $1,500.00 for a new couch and chair. Jeff Morris, Fire Chief, addressed proposed budget for Fire Department. Mr. Morris indicated the increase in R & M Building included miscellaneous repairs, asphalt between City Hall and the Fire Department. Discussed ISO ratings. Jeff Morris also addressed the proposed budget for the Electric Department. Increase in Salaries was discussed. Councilman Garza inquired as to what the dues and registrations were for. Mr. Morris indicated it was for safety meetings and resource materials, and they were also members of the Texas and American Public Power Associations. Discussion concerning increase in R & M Building. Discussed revenues and franchise fees. Economic Development and Growth were also discussed. 3. Meeting Adjourned. Kincaid, Mayor ATTJEST: