09/20/1999-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council - Workshop September 20,1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Code enforcement Officer Bob Hagemann 1. Mayor called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Proposed Increases in Building Permit and Inspection Fees. Councilman Jenkins explained to Mayor at the last meeting there was discussion concerning these fees, and that they currently did not compare with other cities. Councilman Jenkins indicated he would like to have a committee sit down with staff and go over fees. Councilman McNeill indicated he felt they should not make the fees to high, perhaps just double them. Mr. Hagemann went over a permit and explained how the cost is figured. He addressed individual permits including plumbing, electrical and mechanical. Councilman Garza suggested instead of figuring the plumbing permit by the number of bedrooms, it should be figured by the number of bathrooms. Council agreed. Discussion regarding issuance of permits. Discussion concerning Mechanical Permits. Councilman Higgs asked what is involved in issuing a permit. City Secretary explained the process. Mr. Hagemann indicated he took the proposed figures from the current code, and the ones they were using were over twenty years old. Councilman Jenkins indicated he would like Mr. Hagemann or the City Administrator to come up with a new proposal, and change bedrooms to bathrooms 3. on the plumbing permit. Mr. Hagemann asked for direction on electrical permits. Councilman McNeill indicated their was less of a proposed increase on electrical than on any other permit. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should remove the charge for issuing a permit on residential dwellings. Discussion regarding permit for a sprinkler system. Discussion regarding number of houses being built in town. Meeting Adjourned. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: