12/20/1999-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES. CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 20,1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill ABSEN7C: Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Police Chief Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Streets Supervisor John Henderson, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Terry Jones, Ken Cornell, Carlos Brown, Don Hall, Kim Hall, Doug Diller, Woodrow Barton, Shelley Ruland, Michael Moore, Ken Perry 1. N[ayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 6,1999 - Workshop December 6,1999 November 30,1999 - Joint Meeting with SISD. b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Terry Jones, 700 N. 2"d, addressed the Council and indicated recent actions by the Council had it Vught some concerns to mind. He felt the manner in which Council addressed actions in the Electric Department would indicate the Council was functioning outside the new Home Rule Charter, and suggested the Council have a workshop to review the Charter. He referred to Article 4, section 4.O1b of the Home Rule Charter, and indicated the role of the Council had changed since the adoption of the Charter, the Department heads answer to the City Manager, and the City Manager answers to the Council. He commended Jeff Morris and any other Department Head who tried to better his Department in an effort to provide for current needs, and plan for the future. He suggested the City Manager put together a workshop for the Department Heads to discuss the proper protocol for spending funds in their respective departments. He indicated a more pro active role is what the City needs, and suggested the Council bring pro active suggestions to the meetings. He would be less concerned if he knew the City Council would resolve to work together, to compromise, and have enough imagination to come up with solutions to problems that cross the Council table. 4. Consider and Possible Action for Sanger Electric Department to Donate $100.00 to Project Graduation, City Manager indicated the churches and concerned parents and citizens had formed Project Graduation, the City can not donate funds, but the Electric Department can. Councilman Jenkins indicated this was a budgeted item. Councilman McNeill indicated it should be from all utilities, not just the Electric Department. Councilman Ervin moved to donate the $100.00 from the City Utilities. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Notion Carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to consider a Specific Use Permit to Erect on Off -Premise Sign on Property Legally Described as Block 1, Lot 4, Elm Street Addition. Also Known as 403 N. Stemmons Frwy, Public Hearing open. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit to Erect on Off -Premise Sign on Property Legally Described as Block 19 Lot 4, Elm Street Addition, Also Known as 403 N. Stemmons Frwy. City Manager indicated this is a 10 foot by 40 foot sign, and the Ordinance says it has to be 1,,000 feet from the closest billboard, Smith's Billboard is only 300 feet away. Doug Diller addressed the Council and indicated the state requires 1500 feet, but on the same side of the street, not a radius. Councilman Jenkins indicated the state's is not a radius, but that the City's is. Mayor indicated that in order for this to be legal, the Ordinance would have to be changed. Councilman Jenkins indicated it was already difficult to drive thru the parking lot, and this would add to the congestion. He does not feel this is an appropriate sign for this type of b1usiness. Discussion regarding size of sign. Councilman McNeill indicated this would be in violation of the Ordinance and he would not vote for it. Councilman McNeill moved to deny it. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Property Legally Described as Lot 49 Block 3., Hampton Addition. Property is located at the intersection of'7"' Street and Church Street. Fublic Hearing open. Carlos Brown, 403 S. 7t'', indicated he was not in opposition of the replat, but was in opposition of the setbacks. He indicated all houses there now are set back 25 feet. Discussion regarding setbacks. Don Hall, 213 Osage, indicated he would answer any questions they might have. Councilman McNeill asked if he could take 5 feet from Lot 1, and add it to lot 2, and give it a 25 foot setback. Mr. Hall indicated if he did then he could not build the house he planned on Lot 1. Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat on Property Legally Described as Lot 4, Block 3, Hampton Addition. Property is located at the intersection of 7"' Street and Church Street. pass. Councilman Jenkins asked for staffs recommendation. City Manager indicated he did comply with the guidelines for SF3, and he recommends to Councilman McNeill moved to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to approve the Replat. Councilman Ervin seconded. Vl otion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat (Short Form) For Bucklew Freese Addition, Section Six, Lot 4R, Block A. Property is Located on Freese Dr., and is For the Sanger Church of Christ. Discussion regarding lot size. Councilman Jenkins asked what current zoning is. Staff indicated SF3. Councilman Jenkins asked for staffs recommendation. City manager recommended to approve. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Final Plat (Short Form) For Bucklew Freese Addition, Section Six, Lot 4R, Block A. Property is Located on Freese Dr., and is For the Sanger Church of Christ. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Purchase of Police Vehicles. Mayor indicated this was budgeted. Benny Erwin, Police Chief, indicated he advertised for bids in October and received no bids. He indicated he reserved two vehicles at HGAC, one at $18,897.35 and the other at $.19,125.95. This does not include equipment. Councilman Ervin asked what was budgeted. City Manager indicated $7,000.00 per year. Discussion regarding budget for police cars and payoff. Councilman Ervin moved to approve purchase of two (2) police vehicles, one (1) at $:18,897.35 and one (1) at $19,125.95. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 11. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Manager indicated the City's Christmas Lunch will be Thursday, and the Council is invited. b) Councilman Jenkins suggested they meet only the third Monday in January due to the out. 12. Holiday scheduling. S�.hedule workshop at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, January 10, 2000 to discuss Home Rule Charter and City Manager evaluation, and change the third Monday to Tuesday. c) Councilman Ervin indicated Flags are shredded at the main entrance, and the lights are d) Councilman Ervin indicated he OF with the City Manager regarding putting out a newsletter every week. City Manager asked if they could wait until after the first of the year when they hire the additional office person. Meeting Adjourned. Tom y' �ncaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie l.havez, City retary