01/10/2000-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL -WORKSHOP JANUARY 10, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1. N[ayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Home Rule Charter. a) Discussion regarding the position of City Council and what duties include. b;► Councilman Higgs had questions regarding annexation and de -annexation of property and if full taxes should apply to properties only serviced with water. Discussion regarding taxes. c) Councilman McNeill asked about Article II, Section 2.01(j) - In the exercise of its powers, the City may Borrow money on the faith and credit of the City by the issuance of bonds, certificates of obligation, warrants or notes of the City. Discussion regarding the definition of "notes of the City", and how funds are obligated. d) Discussion regarding how many members constitute a quorum. e) Discussion regarding Article III, Section 3.01(d) - If the mayor objects to an ordinance or resolution before the fourth day after it is adopted by the City Council, it must be reconsidered b,y the governing body, with entire Council present. A simple majority shall decide the issue. f) City Manager indicated Article III, Section 3.08, regarding meetings of the City Council, may have been violated by the Council not meeting the first Monday in January. Discussion regarding regular scheduled meetings and cancellation of meetings. Discussed possibility of amending the Charter. g) Discussion regarding who will fill in for the City Manager if he was out for a period of time. City Secretary explained Council would appoint a replacement until he returned, if he is only oi.�t for the day he can be reached by cellular phone and/or pager. h) Discussion regarding Article IV, Section 4.01,13 (3) - The City manager shall be responsible for and have the authority to appoint, suspend, and/or remove any of the directors of the departments of the City, after notification to the Council. Discussion regarding procedure used in recent situation with the Electric Superintendent. i) Discussion Regarding Article IX, Section 9.09 -Purchasing. Discussion regarding the building for the Electric Department. Discussion regarding the budget process, and line item expenditures. City Secretary indicated Department Heads are given Financial Reports monthly. Councilman Jenkins indicated he did not feel Purchase Orders were being used correctly. City Manager indicated the City is in the process of implementing a requisition form. This will control the money that is spent. City Secretary explained the requisition form, and that it will be submitted to the office prior to a purchase order being issued to the department. One of the responsibilities of the new bookkeeper will be to check those line items and make sure the funds are there. Councilman Jenkins indicated he felt more assured that finances would be monitored in the future. 3. Any Other Such Matters. 4. Adjourn. Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: