02/07/2000-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP FEBRUARY 7, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Auditor Bill Spore, Woodrow Barton, Ken Cornell 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order 2. Discuss Fiscal Year End Audit for 1998-1999. Bill Spore, Auditor, addressed the Council regarding this item. He indicated the first few pages of the booklet he gave them were all required format. Councilman Higgs indicated on Fage 2, City Administrator should be changed to City Manager. Mr. Spore went over the combined balance sheet of all fund types and account groups. He indicated assets went up $600,000.00. Revenue and Expenses were discussed, Mr. Spore indicated revenues were up almost $4009000.00. Discussed Sales tax, and Franchise taxes. Discussed Capital Outlay. Mr. Spore indicated under Total Other Financing Sources and Uses the proceeds of caIVital leases and notes payable for the current year is $1811OOO.OQ, these are new leases and a new bank loan taken out during the year to finance capital additions. Mr. Spore indicated the bottom line of the General Fund was in excess of $12,OOQ.00. Discussed Special Revenue Funds including 4A and 4B. Discussed Revenue and Expenditures of the Utility Fund, the Utility Fund had a profit of $155,000.00. Discussed the Statement of Cash Flows. Discussed the long term debt, Mr. Spore indicated the refund of the bond issue saved the City approximately $1309000.00. Mr. Spore went over the statement of revenues and expenses within the departments and budget. He indicated that overall the revenues were $229,000.00 over budget, and the expenditures were $257,000.00 over. Discussed additions to General fixed assets changes in property, plant and equipment, and the long term debt. Discussed the accrued compensated absences, Mr. Spare indicated they had increased by $32,000.00 over last year. Discussed Debt Service, and restricted cash accounts. Discussed reserve and fund equities, schedule of insurance and the required schedule of water and sewer customers and rates. Mr. Spore went over the analysis of tax receivables. Mr. Spore indicated there was only one comment on the management letter, but it was a repeat comment from the prior year, the comment was that the City still did not have an inventory system in the Electric Department. He indicated they were working on it. Mr. Spore indicated he had in the prior year also commented about developing a procedure for reconciling the general ledger accounts every month, and that it had all been accomplished. He indicated the audit this year was much cleaner than it had been in the past, and that the City Manager and City Secretary had done very well. He indicated he was very impressed with how well Rose had implemented the changes they had talked about last year. Councilman Garza asked if there was going to be a fund for the connection fees. Discussion regarding fund for the tap fees. Council instructed Staff to put water and sewer in separate accounts. Bill Spore suggested to retitle the existing accounts at the bank for these funds. Council agreed to retitle the accounts and combine funds from water and sewer reserve accounts with the tap fees. Discussion regarding Hotel/Motel tax+ to budget. t 3. Workshop Adjou,i x A S r ` Rosalie ��avez; FC�ty fi �c rr 1 II II 1Mayor