04/03/2000-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 3, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glen Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Manger Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Sreets/Parks Supervisor John Henderson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vince Villanueva, Mike Prater, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Morris, Beverly Branch, Bryan Grimes, Mike James, B.J. Hampton, Dawn Goldstein, Jacqueline Rutherford, Randy & Patty Sliger, Shelley Ruland, Steve Hollingsworth, Jim Kastel, Rodney Patterson, Jayne Ashcraft, Julia Beavers, Curtis Gilley 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 20, 2000 - Workshop March 20, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Designation of Locust Street as a Truck Route. City Manager explained there was a workshop on this item, but no action was taken. Councilman Garza indicated they should go ahead and extend the truck route to include Locust Street. Councilman McNeill indicated if they change it, it will open it up, and everyone will want them to change it for them also. Discussion regarding current truck route. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Hampton only goes a % block off of the truck route, he indicated his biggest concern was how he gets to his property, not necessarily where he parks. Discussion regarding how Mr. Hampton gets to his property. Further discussion regarding truck route. Jacquelyn Rutherford, 611 N. Locust, indicated she had not complained about Mr. Hampton; however, she did hear the noise from his truck, and it could be an issue. She indicated Billy Jack is a good neighbor and she respects his line of work, but she would rather Locust Street not be changed to a truck route. Discussion continued regarding the truck route. Councilman Jenkins suggested making a temporary change in the route strictly to handle this unique situation. Discussion regarding the change to the ordinance. Councilman. Jenkins moved to extend the truck route from 5"` Street, West on Locust Street, to the Locust Street Driveway of 103 S. 6' Street for Bob tails only for the duration of JPT, Billy Jack Hampton's Company, and when the company ceases to be iIt business, it reverts back to the original truck route. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Contract Services with Grant Works for Submission of Application Regarding Texas Community Development Grant Programs 2000. Councilman Jenkins moved to grant the future grant requests to be applied through Grant Works for submission of applications regarding Texas Community Development Grant Programs and any and all other grants deemed necessary. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Engineering Study for Railroad Park. City Manager showed the Council the study for Railroad Park, and explained it to them. Discussion regarding the study. Rodney Patterson, Sanger Summer League, indicated they had a field workday on March 4, 2040, and had 80 to 104 volunteers. He indicated they have received donations for the concession stand, and that they have money in reserves. They don't have a lot of money, but have lots of manpower. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Engineering Study as presented. il Councman McNeill seconded. i�1 7. Consider and Possible Action to Solicit Bids for Fill Dirt at Railroad Park. Councilman Ervin moved to solicit bids for fill dirt at Railroad Park. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-OS-00 -Amending Connect Fees for Motels. Mayor read caption: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 (UTLII..ITIES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. City Manager indicated the ordinance was left as it was, with the exception of motels, which were changed to $300.00 per habitable unit. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve Ordinance #03-05-00 as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid on Dump Truck for Streets/Pat Department. Steve Hollingsworth,108 Colonial Heights, indicated on International's bid everything was good except for the motor. Mayor asked what the differences were. Mr. Hollingsworth explained the International was a 250 horse, and his was a 340 horse, which is more powerful, and has bigger tires. He indicated it was a lot more truck for the money, it is a $70,000.00 truck with a caterpillar engine and full air brakes. Discussion regarding the trucks. The City Mechanic indicated the Sterling truck is too much truck, and a lot bigger than what they need. Discussion regarding what the truck will be used for. City Manager recommended to go with low bid. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept the low bid of $43,184.00 for the International dump truck as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Salary Increases for an Employee in the Electric Department, an Employee in the Street Department, and Employees in the Water Department, Councilman Jenkins asked why this was brought before Council. City Manager indicated the money in the budget was not budgeted for these people, but from not hiring the other people the Council had approved the funds for. Discussion. Jeff Morris indicated the only increase in his department that is out of budget is Mike Prater, he indicated there was a question about him as a department head getting overtime, and Mike had stepped forward and taken responsibilities from him. He felt Mike should be rewarded with a little more pay for taking those extra duties. He is only asking for seventy four cents over the budgeted amount for Mike. Councilman McNeill asked if his people were licenced. Mr. Morris indicated he had given Council some salary comparisons, and explained through the Department of Labor Program, his people could get a journeyman's card after going through a four year program. The classes are through Texas A & M. Councilman Higgs moved to approve the increase for Mike Prater. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. John Henderson, Supervisor of Streets and Parks, indicated he was asking for $1.00 for Jason Boldin, his foreman. He indicated Jason is a hard worker. He indicated it was hard for him to keep people in his department, and he hasn't been able to hire anyone for the amount money in his budget. City Manager indicated Staff recommended to give the increase. Councilman Jenkins moved to grant request to move Jason Boldin to $10.45 per hour. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Eddie Branham, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, indicated when Vince resigned animal control, it brought his pay way down. He indicated he wanted to bring him back up to what he was making. He indicated Vince was his foreman. Councilman Higgs moved to accept it. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Branham indicated Mike Cockrell had been with the City for five years, and has to come in when he's on vacation. There are certain things that only he can do. Councilman Higgs moved to accept this recommendation. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Ervin advised the Department Heads to bring these requests during budget preparation this next budget year, and be sure to plan for these type increases. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): a. Evaluation of City Manager Convened into Executive Session at 8:24 P.M. 12. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Reconvened into regular session at 9:30 P.M. No Action Taken. 13. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Manager indicated the way item #4 was done, there will be people in violation of the ordinance, and asked the Council if they want the ordinance enforced. Councilman Garza indicated if there were a lot of complaints take action, if not to leave it alone. b) City Manager indicated the inventory program is up and running. c) Councilman Higgs asked if they were going to let Fleetwood Homes continue to operate out of a mobile home. Discussed if it was out of conformance. Councilman McNeill indicated when it was passed, he advised Council he would be operating out of a Mobile Home, and if they were not going to allow him to operate out of it, they should have told him at that time. d) City Manager indicated there had been some concern about the cellular phones, and the electric department had two. He indicated Jeff had turned his in. Discussion. e) City Manager indicated there was a problem at the Library with the roof leaking, because it rained before the roof was completed. They had to rip out part of the sheet rock, and will have to replace part of the ceiling. The insurance company has been notified and they are taking care of it. f) Councilman Ervin indicated John's crew worked very hard at the Trash Off on Saturday, and it was appreciated. 14. Adjourn. i iiUniaid, Mayor ATTEST: 9;4V/