05/24/2000-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP MAY 249 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Craig Waggoner, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Theo Simmons, Raul Trevino, Jack Biggerstaff, Ray Stephens, Ken Coignet, Public Management 1. Mayor Pro Tem Andy Garza Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Land Use Study. Ken, with Public Management, indicated he would like to get an opinion from the Council on the Future Land Use study. Goals and Objectives for housing and land use were discussed. Ken indicated the Land Use Study does not constitute zoning, it's only a guide for the city. Discussed Corrections noted from last meeting, including extending of the City limits, and the E.T.J. area. The lake has also been resized. Discussed the Denton County Future thoroughfare map. Discussion regarding the R.O.W. on 455 and other thoroughfares. Ken went over the housing plan, and the objectives. Current Population was discussed, and figured at about 5024 people, future population was also discussed. Ken asked for feedback from the Council concerning the land use plan. There was no response from the Council. Ken went over the land use plan and objectives. Discussion regarding future potential thoroughfares. Jack Biggerstaff indicated he had spoken with TXDOT regarding 455. He indicated they are going to help with widening the road. The project is called "precious cargo". They will do the work, and supply equipment, but someone else will supply the materials. He indicated Springfield would be a good example of the project. There will be a deceleration lane, best guess would be a minimum of 100 yards. There should also be turn lanes put in. 3. Ken indicated he had reviewed the Subdivision and Zoning ordinances, he indicated they are very good, but could use some "tweaking". Mr. Stephens asked about the County's thoroughfare plan, and about the toll way coming into Sanger. Discussion regarding the toll way. Mr. Trevino, with Western, indicated he wanted to bring the Council up to date on his project. He indicated they were presently ready to submit their plans after Memorial Day. They would submit the Final Plat within two weeks. They are planning a 300 acre development with a golf course. They have a commitment from a retirement management company to build a 70 bed retirement home. He indicated he had 48 lots committed to developers, and 70 multi -family units will be built simultaneously with the single family. He indicated they should be moving dirt within 60 to 90 days. The property is located on Marion Rd. & 455. Discussion regarding widening the commercial area along 455. Council agreed they would add 50 feet along each side. Discussion regarding 455, and the right of ways. Ken indicated the Council could deal with the legislators, and they can put heat on TXDOT, and move Sanger up on the list. Discussion regarding a thoroughfare plan. City Manager indicated on the next agenda they will discuss the lift station on the West side of the highway, they need to increase the size and pick up everything on the West side. Ken indicated the next step is to approve the land use maps. City Manager indicated it would be on the next agenda. Meeting Adjourned. Tommy Kincaid, ATTEST: