07/03/2000-CC-Minutes-Regulart MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JULY 39 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman, Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Craig Waggoner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Fred and Sunny Yeatts, J. B. an Shirley Haisler, Mike Walthal with GSA, Curtis and Janet Sims, Abe and Zelma Millar, Beverly Branch, Jayne Ashcraft, Mike and Brenda James, Ken Cornell 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 19, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Request Presented by Curtis Sims with Millennium Homes, and Mike Walthall with Governmental Service Agency. Curtis Sims, Millennium Homes, addressed the Council and indicated they helped small cities obtain nice rental property. He explained that for economic growth citizens were needed. He indicated the need for affordable housing has become very acute, with the Wal-Mart Distribution center coming to Sanger. He explained the program and indicated they would build duplexes, instead of Single Family homes. He explained that the city has no responsibility, and in fact, there is no taxing entity standing behind them. Mr. Sims indicated Southwest Securities would do the underwriting for the bonds. The only responsibility of the City would be to establish a board to work with them. He indicated at some point the HFC would probably want to sell the property to a private investor. He explained there were numerous advantages to this type of housing, and indicated it was a unique opportunity for the City. He indicated there was the rare combination of financial ability and the growing need in the community. Discussion regarding the project. Curtis Sims explained that typically upper management would be in Dallas, and they would have someone live on site. Discussion regarding the cost of rent. Curtis Sims indicated they were proposing approximately 50 units. Discussed Boards responsibilities, and getting people to serve on the board. City Manager asked if City Council or City employees could serve on the board. Mr. Sims indicated any citizen could serve. ut Sims explained his role in the project, he indicated that everything is contracted out to sub contractors. Councilman Ervin asked what the value of the home will be. Mr. Sims indicated the cost of the home would be the average $40.00 to $45.00 per square foot. Discussion regarding the taxes and the income. City Manager indicated he had spoken with the Superintendent of the School District, and Mr. Biggerstaff had indicated he needs his students to increase by five percent. Councilman McNeill asked if Staff had a recommendation. City Manager indicated he did not feel Sanger had enough housing for people making $20,000.00 per year. He expressed concerns regarding the possibility of manufactured homes being moved in to the outskirts of town. He recommended approval. Discussion. Councilman Higgs indicated he sees this as a liability for the City, being that there will be no taxes; however, the City will provide police and fire protection, and street maintenance. Mr. Sims indicated the streets will be the responsibility of the development. Lengthy Discussion regarding the project. Mayor indicated he felt the Council should have a workshop on this request to discuss this further. Item tabled for future workshop. Mayor moved up item #16. Consider and Possible Action on City Funding to Build a Bandstand at City Park. Mike James, 1002 Bolivar, addressed City Council on a proposal to the Council to build a bandstand in the park, using funds from the Hotel/Motel tax. Council discussed the proposal. Mr. James indicated the bandstand would be approximately 20 X 40, and would be placed in the Northeast corner of the park. He indicated he had spoken with many citizens who were in favor of it. Mayor indicated some of the funds have been obligated to the Historical Society. Discussion regarding the request and the funds. Mr. James indicated he would like to see this completed for the Sellabration in September. Mayor indicated he had received some calls from citizens who were in opposition of this request. Discussion regarding the possibility of getting input from citizens. Council agreed they would like to hear from the citizens regarding this. Discussion regarding the gazebo in the park. Councilman McNeill suggested to advertise for input from the citizens. Mayor suggested Mr. James get with staff and decide how to get input from the citizens, put something in the paper, and stress that they would like the citizens to reply. This item rescheduled for first meeting in August. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of All Board Members. Discussion regarding the list of appointments and reappointments. List of appointments as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Reappoint• Joe Falls Place 2 Shelley Ruland Place 4 Jack Richardson Place 6 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Reappoint: Russell Madden Place 2 Ken Perry Place 4 Rodney Dillon Replace: Mike James Reappoint: Jim Kastel Penny Juarez Replace• Rowdy Patterson - Place 6 Place 3 Place 6 Place 4 Place 2 (Staff recommends Ginger Burt) BEAUTIFICATION BOARD: Reappoint• Helen Kirby Place 2 Elizabeth Higgs Place 4 Barbara Buchanan Place 6 Nelva Higgs Place 8 LIBRARY BOARD: Reappoint: all Dwyer Place 2 Russell Madden Place 4 John Springer Place 6 Councilman McNeill moved to appoint Jerry Jenkins to the Board of Adjustments, and Ginger Burt to the Parks Board, and appoint the balance of the people on the list. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding the Sullivan Center Board, the City Judge, and the City Physiician. City Secretary indicated she would find out when they were up for appointment, and asked why the City has to have an appointment for a CPhT Charter does not require this appointment. ity ysician. he Home Rule Mayor directed staff to look into it. .Mayor moved to Item #9. 7.(9) Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Annexations on Properties Legally Described as Follows: BEING ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND WHICH SITUATED IN ABSTRACT 719 BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 27A, BEING 15 ACRES, PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 1801 S. STEMMONS. ABSTRACT 1241, HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, TRACT 45, BEING 2.50 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 4799 BELZ ROAD, ABSTRACT 71A, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 7, BEING 22.11 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON COWLING ROAD (OLD US HWY 77). ABSTRACT 71A, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 26, BEING 29.331 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 666A, JOHNSON SURVEY, TRACT 3 & 8, BEING 35.036 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 666, IN THE R.A. JOHNSON SURVEY, TRACT 4, BEING 43.694 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON STEMMONS RD (Eagle Farms), AND ONE MILE WEST ON BELZ ROAD, RIGHT OF WAY, AND ABSTRACT 071A, BURLESON, TRACT 6, BEING 4.0129 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 940A MCKINNEY & WII,LIAMS, TRACT 7 (HS), BEING 2.000 ACRES (IIAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 940A, MCKINNEY & WILLIAMS, TRACT 7, BEING 42.91 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 93A BURLESON, TRACT 4 & 5 BEING 16.000 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 664A, F. JAIME, TRACT Al BEING 9.61 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 666A, JOHNSON, TRACT 2, BEING 177.87 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 29, R. BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 109, BEING 4.1277 ACRES, (KT'S) AND, ABSTRACT 29, R. BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 116, BEING 3.00 ACRES (BEARD'S), AND ABSTRACT 1241, HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, BEING PART OF A CALLED 66 ACRE TRACT II, BEING A TOTAL OF 26.1544 ACRES. TO BE KNOWN AS HERITAGE WEST ADDITION, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 6, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 2, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 1. Mayor Declared Public Hearing open. J.B. Haisler,1200 Cowling Rd., spoke in opposition of the request, he indicated he did not want to be incorporated into the City Limits, they are connected to City water; however, they will drill a well, and not use the city water in lieu of being annexed. He presented a letter to City Council in opposition to the annexation. Discussion regarding the proposed annexation. City Secretary indicated the City Council had requested metes and bounds on the house and two acres about two years ago, however, she had never received them. Discussion regarding the water service, and length of time he had been serviced. Councilman McNeill as him to consider the amount of taxes he would pay in comparison to the cost of the well. Mr. Haider indicated he had considered it, and he would like the Council to consider not annexing his property. Mayor indicated this was strictly a public hearing, and no decision could be made tonight. Discussion. Zelma Millar indicated she had brought in metes and bounds to the City Secretary about two years ago. City Secretary indicated she had those metes and bounds; however, the county has it all connected in the legal description of the property. She indicated she will send the metes and bounds to the City Engineer, to make sure those metes and bound do legally describe that property that includes the house. Discussion regarding her property. Ms. Millar asked if there was anything she could do to not be annexed. Mayor again stated this was only a public hearing. Public Hearing closed. Conduct Public Hearing to consider a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture. The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase II as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public hearing closed. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture. The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase II as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care. Councilman Higgs moved to uphold the P & Z's recommendation to deny the request. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10.(8) Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #06-06-00 - Authorizing Award of an Administrative Services Contract for the City's 2001-2003 TCDP Projects, Contingent upon Grant Award. City Secretary indicated the Grant consultants requested this item be postponed. Item postponed. 11.(10)Consider and Possible Action on Employing Two (2) Additional Employees in the Electric Department. City Manager indicated the Electric Department needed these two additional employees before the new budget. He indicated there was a lot of electrical work to be done, and they need help. Discussion. Discussed line to Wal-Mart. Temporary line is in. Councilman Garza moved to approve the request. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12.(11)Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Council Member Attending the AMCC 351h Annual Institute in Corpus Christi on July 27th-30th, 2000. Councilman McNeill asked if there were funds to cover the cost. Staff indicated there was. Discussion regarding the conference. Councilman McNeill moved to allow Councilman Ervin to go to the AMCC 35`h Annual Institute in Corpus Christi on July 27th-30th, 2000. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 13.(12)Consider and Possible Action on Material Bid for Electric Department. City Manager indicated this is by the City individual items to the two companies. Discussion regarding the items. Attorneys recommendation, to award the Councilman McNeill moved to award to Wesco the attached list for Wesco, and to Techline the attached list for Techline as indicated. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14. (13)Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for Utility Rate Study. City Manager indicated that bonds are going to require rate studies on water and sewer. It was required last t0me, we have only had one done. Discussion regarding the rate study. Councilman Higgs moved to bypass it. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to do a workshop regarding the study. Council agreed, and item was tabled for future workshop. 15.(14)Consider and Possible Action on Authorizing the 4A Board to Spend One Million Dollars on the Purchase of Land for the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. Councilman Ervin moved to approve the request. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unani Mmously. 16. (15)Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #07-07-00 -Authorizing Loan from GNB. City Secretary explained this was for the backhoe, and it was budgeted. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution #07-07-00. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 17. Any Other Such Matters. Councilman Ervin indicated when Rose was on vacation, that was the first Council meeting she had ever missed, and commented on now well Sam had backed her up. 18. Meeting Adjourned. ATTIEST: Chavez,