07/18/2000-CC-Minutes-JointMinutes: City Council and SISD Joint Meeting Workshop July 18, 2000 Members Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Carroll McNeill, Andy Garza, Joe Higgs, Glenn Ervin, Present. Members Absent: Craig Waggoner SISD Members: Lynn Stucky, Sam Burrus, Jerry Schertz, Mike Lawler, President of School Board David Miller Others Present : City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, County Commissioner Jeff Krueger, Rick Clement, Elaine Bella, Kathy Clements L Mayor called meeting to Order and SISD Board President called meeting to order. Councilman Higgs led invocation. 2. Discuss New High School. Jack Biggerstaff addressed the road project to the new high school. He indicated what is driving the cost up is when the road is divided, it doubles the cost of the concrete. The cost would be less than a million on a 60 ft. curb and gutter street and may go as wide as 76 ft. for same cost. Issues that were addressed were the four lane divided boulevard. Mr. Sable's property on the west side and Mr. Lane's property and the easements that each one is willing to grant. Mr. Lane is willing to grant a 76 ft. easement and would consider 90 ft. depending on the size of the road. County Commissioner Krueger suggested that once they break pass the three lane they should consider going urban. Mr. Krueger indicated savings would be considerable. Jack Biggerstaff expressed the four, three, two lane concepts works for them and they would like to see this take place. Discussion continued concerning the deceleration and turn lanes. Jeff Krueger indicated the County might come up with a half a million dollars to help with the road. Jeff Krueger continued to explain where all the sources of funding would be allocated from. He expressed that he felt he would have support from the Commissioner's Court since they are his funds to use in his precinct. Mayor Kincaid indicated that about 6 months ago he and Jeff Krueger visited and Jeff had advised him he had some funds earmarked for Sanger. Jeff had asked him where would Sanger like those funds spent and the Mayor had advised to earmark them for the school improvements on the road. Discussion proceeded with the cost of laying the water and sewer lines. Jack Biggerstaff asked council if they would consider bearing cost to lay water and sewer lines to the new school. Mayor Kincaid advised that this would have to be an agenda item for the next regular scheduled meeting. Discussion proceeded that if the school paid for the water and sewer improvements how could they recoup their cost from future development. Board members also discussed how the sewer line needed to be put in before the road is built. 3. Any Other Such Matters. None. 4. Adjournment Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTIEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary